Tree Bros- Cuz im tap tap taping on the desk

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This idea literally came to me in the middle of Spanish class today. I did freaking research for this


.... ../ .. .----. --/ - --- ---/ .- -. -..- .. --- ..- .../ - ---/ .- -.-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.--/ ... .- -.--/ - .... .. .../ -... ..- -/ -.-. --- -. -. --- .-./ -- ..- .-. .--. .... -.--/ ../ .... .- ...- ./ .-/ -.-. .-. ..- ... ..../ --- -./ -.-- --- ..-

Connor looked towards where the continuous tapping was coming from and saw a certain Evan Hansen tapping his pencil against his desk.

It was the same rhythm over and over again.

And frankly, it was driving Connor insane.

He understood that the boy was anxious and fidgety, but this was something entirely different.

Evan had been tapping the same pattern for about a month now.

Connor had considered asking him about it, but never did because he was afraid he would accidentally lash out and hurt and or scare Evan.

Evan continued to tap his pencil unaware of Connor's gaze that rested on him.

Connor continued to try and figure out why Evan kept tapping the same pattern it was like he was trying to send a message-

Connor suddenly had an idea and as soon as the bell rang he ran out the doors and sprinted almost all the way back to his house.

Once he arrived he made his way up to his room, threw his bag onto his bed and opened up his laptop.

~Time skip to the next day in class~

This time when Connor arrived in class he was prepared to decipher Evan's message.

He had figured out that Evan was trying to use morse code to attempt to communicate with someone.

So when Evan began tapping his pencil Connor began to write out what he was tapping.

.... ../ .. .----. --/ - --- ---/  .- -. -..- .. --- ..- .../ - ---/ .- -.-. - ..- .- .-.. .-.. -.--/ ... .- -.--/ - .... .. .../ -... ..- -/ -.-. --- -. -. --- .-./ -- ..- .-. .--. .... -.--/ ../ .... .- ...- ./ .-/ -.-. .-. ..- ... ..../ --- -./ -.--  --- ..-

Connor looked at the dots and dashes on his paper and began to translate.

Hi, I'm too anxious to actually say this but, Connor Murphy, I have a crush on you.

Connor blushed lightly and began to tap a response back.

.... .. / . ...- .- -. / .... .- -. ... . -. / .. - ... / -.-. --- -. -. --- .-. / .. / -.. . -.-. .. .--. .... . .-. . -.. / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -- . ... ... .- --. . / -- . . - / -- . / --- ..- - / -... -.-- / - .... . / - .-. . . / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. .-. --- -. - / -.-- .- .-. -.. / .- ..-. - . .-. / ... -.-. .... --- --- .-..

Hi Evan Hansen, it's Connor. I deciphered your message. Meet me out by the tree in the front yard after school.

Connor continued to tap his message as he saw Evan look towards him and then begin writing.

He saw Evan look over at him with a very light blush on his cheeks and gave a slight nod.

Connor smiled and stopped tapping, half listening to the rest of whatever the teacher was talking about.

~Time skip to after school~

Connor heard the bell ring and made his way to his locker to grab whatever he needed for homework before he headed out to meet Evan.

As he walked over he saw the anxious boy already there before him.

"Hey." Connor said.

"O-oh! C-Connor! Hi." Evan stuttered out looking to Connor his cheeks tinted pink again.

"So, it took me a fucking month to figure out what you were saying with your tapping." Connor started but was interrupted by Evan.

"Imsosorrythatwasprobablysoannoyingandyouprobablydon'tevenfeelthesa-" Evan began to ramble but was cut off by Connor pressing his lips against Evan's.

Evan's eyes widened before they slid shut and he melted into the kiss and kissed Connor back.

Connor pulled away and looked at Evan, "I was going to say that I felt the same and was wondering if you'd want to go see a movie or something."

Evan blush deepened, "Oh. Well, I'd love to."

Connor smiled and Evan returned it.

"I'll see you Friday at 8 then." Connor said.

Evan's smile widened, "It's a date!"

They exchanged numbers before both headed home excited and anxiously awaiting Friday.


Yay! Another finished! I don't know how good it was considering I thought of it in the middle of Spanish, but oh well. Anyway, that's all for now. What did you think? Feel free to leave some suggestions for the next chapter! Till next time, bye!

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