Tree Bros- Prison AU

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Would you believe me if I said I did research for this? Because I did.



Evan flinched as the judge's hammer hit the wood.

He looked to the ground silently and tuned out all the noise of the court room.

He got up and followed the lawyer out of the room avoiding looking into the cameras and flashing lights, ignoring the questions of the press.

He had been charged with a Class B Felony of Manslaughter in the first degree and had been sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Noise and chaos buzzed around him, but he paid it no mind, his thoughts drowned it out.

"Why'd you do it?" the reporter's shout entered his brain.

'That's a great question, why did I do it? Why did I take the fall? Why was I the one that received the sentence? I didn't do it! I swear! Why did I cover for him?!' 

Thoughts swarmed his brain, but were never voiced.

He was loaded on the bus along with all the other criminals.

He didn't dare speak, much less look at any of them.

He took his seat and looked out the window.

The bus arrived at the prison and Evan fell into line with the others.

He donned his jumpsuit, went through all the inspections and security protocols then made his way to where his cell would be.

He was accompanied by a guard who showed him to his cell, all the while his eyes darted around the prison anxiously.  

They arrived at the cell and he jumped when the buzz sounded and the metal bars clanged open.

"Get in." The guard pushed him forward as he said it, causing Evan to stumble.

Evan flinched as the cell bars slammed shut once more.

He sighed and went towards one side of the cell with a free bed, setting what little things he had been allowed to have down onto the bed.


Evan squeaked and jumped, hitting his head on the top bunk and spun around quickly.

He saw a man with long brown hair sitting on the bed on the opposite from his. The man wore the same jumpsuit as he did, and Evan noticed that he had blue eyes with a spot of brown in one of them. He was actually pretty good looking Evan noted silently.

"Y-yeah?" Evan asked nervously.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past like minute." The man said a small smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"O-oh! I-I'm so sorry! I-I was just c-caught up in my th-thoughts. Sorry!" Evan rushed out quickly.

The man looked him up and down, "You don't belong here."

"I-I'm sorry?" Evan asked. Oh god, was he going to get beat up?

"I mean, you didn't deserve the sentence. You obviously didn't do it." The man said.

Evan crossed his arms, attempting to look tough, "H-how do you know that? Maybe I-I did."

The man chuckled, "Nah. Your entire demeanor betrays you. Besides a guy who committed manslaughter wouldn't jump at the bars clanging, or the voice of his cellmate."

Evan blinked, "H-how'd you know? 

Evan sat down on his bed, still facing his cellmate, "Well I couldn't just let him get caught. I-I took the bl-blame. I-I-" Evan sighed, "Never mind, you p-probably don't care anyway. Sorry."

"You know you didn't have to take the blame."

"Y-yes I did!" Evan piped up, "Be-because if I hadn't I-I would have been labeled as a-an accomplice! I-it would have been worse for both of us! B-besides, I-I just couldn't let him get caught." Evan finished looking down at his lap.

His cellmate suddenly stood up and walked toward him, "I'm Connor."

Evan looked up and took Connor's hand in his, "Evan. Evan Hansen."

Connor smiled at him, "Well then Evan, allow me to show you the way things work around here."

~Time skip~

Over the past twelve and a half years inmates in the prison learned to fear harming or even talking bad, even jokingly, about either Evan or Connor. Because if you bad mouthed one, the other would make sure there was hell to pay.

Given this manly applied to talking/ hurting Evan, but Evan had learned a few things over the years and would jump in to defend Connor as best he could.

Connor preferred to handle things with fists, whereas Evan would try and use his words.

Over the years Evan had gotten to know Connor a bit better and had developed a crush on his cellmate. Granted he hadn't told Connor because he didn't know if Connor felt the same way and didn't want to make anything awkward.

A few more years past and Evan's sentience was more than half way over. Connor, however was getting released within a year or so.

Evan looked at him from his place on the bed.

Connor was sketching in a book he had gotten from one of the guards. he was given charcoal to draw with, since they didn't want the inmates having anything with a sharp pint.

"I-I can't believe y-you're going to be l-leaving soon." Evan said after a little while of silence.

Connor paused what he was working on and looked up, "I've still got like a year here, don't worry, I'm not going anywhere too soon."

"I know. B-but still. Once you get out of h-here you'll pr-probably forget all about me and move on with your life get like a husband or something and I-I'll just be left a-alone.....again." Evan said looking down at his hands.

Connor stood up and made his way over to Evan's bed, sat down, and put a charcoal covered hand atop Evan's clasped ones, "Hey, look at me." He said gently.

Evan looked up at him and stared into his eyes, mesmerized.

"I won't forget about you."



Connor squeezed Evan's hand and then let go.

Evan giggled, "You got charcoal on my hands."

"Oh did I?" Connor asked sarcastically, "However did that happen?"

The next year went by quickly and the next thing Evan knew, he was watching Connor pack up his few belongings.

"Hey," Evan said causing Connor to turn towards him, "I-uh-I was w-wondering i-if you'd wait for me? Like to get out as well."

A small smirk appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth, "Evan Hansen, are you asking me out?"

"I-I mean k-kinda? I-I guess?" Evan said nervously.

Connor smiled, "Of course. I'll be right outside those gates when you're released. And then I'll take you to some fancy restaurant and buy you dinner."

Evan smiled, "Then i-it's a date. Promise?"


~11 and a half years later~

Today was the day.

He was finally getting out.

Evan smiled as he packed his things.

He was going to see Connor again!

'But what if he's not there. He's probably already forgotten you.' Said a voice in the back of Evan's mind.

Evan shook his head, 'He'll be there. He promised.'

Evan held his bundle of stuff in his arms as he exited the prison.

The light was so bright that he had to squint his eyes.

Once his eyes adjusted he looked around for some sign of Connor anywhere.

When he didn't see anything his heart sank, 'He really did forget about me' Evan thought sadly.


Evan spun around so fast that it was a miracle that he didn't get whiplash.

There standing next to a nice-ish looking car was Connor, in a tux.

Evan's eyes began to water, and he ran towards Connor, dropping his stuff and hugging him like his life depended on it.

He pulled away after a little while longer and picked his stuff up from the ground.

Connor opened the door to reveal a blue tux laid out in the seat.

"Ready for that date?" Connor asked.

Evan beamed and nodded his head.


And done! Sorry that took so long. My teachers have decided to kick the homework, test, and quizzes into high gear. But, I've got two more of the pre-planed chapters, and then part 2 of the Instagram Photographer AU. So look forward to that. Anyway, that's all for now. What'd you think? Feel free to leave a suggestion for a future chapter. Till next time, bye!

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