Tree Bros- Soulmates AU

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When a child is born they receive a charm.

No one knows how or why it happens, but this charm determines your soulmate.

It can be in the form of a bracelet, necklace, or other variation of a charm.

Evan's charm is the white half of a yin and yang sign in the form of a necklace.

He wore it every day, but kept it tucked under his shirt. Sometimes when he was bored he would take it out from under his shirt and play with it.

Connor never wore his. He always kept it in his pocket though, just so that if he ever did meet the person who his charm matched he would know.

Evan sat in class as the teacher drowned on about some boring topic that he already knew about.

He reached for his necklace and began to absentmindedly play with the charm.

Connor, who also happened to be in that class, was also bored. He discreetly took out his sketch book and looked around the room for someone to draw.

His eyes landed on Evan and he began to sketch.

It was only a little further into his sketch that he realized that Evan was playing with a necklace that had what was most likely his charm on it.

Connor squinted a bit to try and get a better look.

It looked kind of like half of a yin and yang sign.

But it couldn't be, could it?

Connor shook his head and put his sketch book away as the bell rang.

Connor saw Evan in the hallway, at his locker, as the other student rushed out behind him.

"Hey, you're Evan, right? Evan Hansen?" Connor asked as he walked up to him.
Evan jumped as he turned around.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Um, no one's signed your cast yet." Connor said noticing the blank cast on Evan's arm.

"Oh, uh, yeah." Evan mumbled looking down.

"I'll sign it." Connor offered.

"Nonono y-you don't have to." Evan said quickly.

"Do you have a pen?" Connor asked.

Evan nodded and pulled a pen out of his pocket handing it to Connor.

Connor took Evan's cast and wrote 'Connor' across the front in big bolder letters.

"Oh...uh, thanks." Evan said turning to leave.

"Hey, uh, would you like to, maybe, come over and hang out?" Connor asked.

"Oh, sure!" Evan said smiling.

A small smile made its way onto Connors face. "Then let's go. My cars out here."

Connor and Evan made their way to the car and drove off towards Connors house.

~time skip~

Connor and Evan had been hanging out with each other a lot over the past month and Connor had slowly fallen in love with the adorable, tree loving boy.

Though in the back of his mind he still remembered seeing Evan playing with his charm.

The two never really talked about soulmates, because it never really came up, but Connor  had recently been worrying about who Evan's soulmate was. He had to know if he was pinning after someone destined for another.

Connor was walking out of class and to Evan's locker after class.

"Hey Ev." Connor said as he approached the boy.

"Oh, hey Connor!" Evan said as he shut his locker and slung his bag over his shoulder.

"You wanna go somewhere with me?" Connor asked.

"Where is it?" Evan asked as they walked out the doors and to Connor's car.

"It's a surprise." Connor said as he opened the door and slid into the drivers seat.

Evan giggled and hopped into the passengers seat.

"Ready Ev?" Connor asked with a smirk.

"Let's go!" Evan responded with a smile.

Connor started the car and began to drive down the road.

After a while they reached the destination.

"Alright. We're here." Connor said climbing out of the car.

"An old orchard?" Evan asked.

"Yeah. My family used to come here when I was little. I figured that since you like trees and all I'd show you this." Connor said.

They reached a fence and Connor found an opening for Evan to crawl through due to his cast. Once Evan was through, Connor climbed the fence and jumped to the other side.

They walked around for a bit before finally sitting down under one of the taller trees in the orchard and just talked. About anything really.

"Hey, I know we don't really talk about soulmates, since it hasn't really come up, but have you found yours yet?" Connor asked.

"No. But when I do I hope they are nice, and fun, and even though we may have our disagreements, differences, and problems, we'll be able to work through them." Evan said as he stared at the clouds as the passed by over head and through the leaves.

"What's your charm? If you want to show me." Connor asked.

"Oh, it's on my necklace." Evan said pulling out its necklace.

And on the necklace Connor saw the white half of a yin and yang symbol.

"So, uh, w-what's yours?" Evan asked as he fidgeted with the charm.

"Close your eyes and hold out you hand." Connor said reaching towards the pocket where he kept his necklace/charm.

"Why?" Evan asked.

"Just do it." Connor said.

Evan mumbled an okay before closing his eyes and holding his hand out towards Connor.

Connor took the necklace out of his pocket and placed it in Evan's palm before using Evan's hand to make a fist around it.

"Okay you can open your eyes. And your hand." Connor said.

Evan opened his eyes and then opened his fist.

Evan gasped and his eyes widened.

In his hand he held a necklace and a charm that was the black half of a yin and yang symbol.

Evan looked over to Connor who had a smile on his face.

"Surprise, soulmate." Connor said as he reached over gently and removed Evan's necklace and connected the charms together.

Evan grinned wide and tackled Connor in a hug causing him to fall over and sending the two into gleeful laughter.

After they had settled down they sat back up, backs against the tree. Their hands were intertwined and Evan had his head resting on Connor's shoulder.

"I'm so glad it was you." Evan said looking up at Connor.

"Me too." Connor said.

And they sat content as they watched the sun sink behind the hills.

Here it is! Get ready for a string of updates as well. For once I'm being productive! Anyway, that's all for now. What'd you think? Feel free to leave a suggestion for another chapter. Till next time, bye!

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