11. Trip Preparation

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It was morning. Vienna had taken the morning off by choice for once. Vienna was laying on her side in bed wide awake as Tristan was embracing and holding her from behind. Her back was hitting his rock hard chest and his breathing did not give away if he was awake or not. Last night they had a very wild late night as their kids were not home.

Vienna was still buzzing and her cheeks were heating up from the memory of last night. Tristan was a real romantic and she had been surrounded with beautiful flowers, scented candles and much more throughout their private intimate time last night when they had arrived home shortly after midnight. After Tristan had made that phone call to Vincezno agreeing to his terms to go to Rome to negotiate, they had come home and had not gone to bed until maybe 4am or even later. Vienna had a great time with Tristan.

After Vienna felt ready to leave the bed she moved or rather tried to move. Tristan held her tighter not letting go.

Vienna said "Tristan let go..."

Tristan said "You have no work this morning. It's your morning off."

Vienna said "I am not tired any more. I want to go pack up the suitcases for the trip to Rome and make a list of anything that we need to buy before we go... I need to do this before you pick up the kids and bring them back from the Rossi sleep over... They will be here at lunch time and I want us to have lunch together as a family for a change since the kids have been away awhile... Then we need to break the news to them that we are going to Rome and deal with Nicandro's reaction to the news of his joint communion with Leandro..."

Tristan said "Are you quite finished with your to do list or there is more?"

Vienna sighed "Men dont care about these things I guess... Why should you care for any family trip arrangements?..."

Tristan said "Oh I do care for this trip's arrangements... There is security and the business talk that will take place between your brother and I..."

Vienna said "Exactly. Those are the main items on your agenda... When we get there and you realise we have anything missing, you will say... Hm..." She pretended to think and said in a voice trying to imitate Tristan's bossy tone "We can get anything from Rome... Its no big deal..." 

Tristan chuckled "Vienna.... Vienna... Did you just imitate me... You amuse me... So I let it go..."

Vienna sighed "Of course... No one else dares to imitate because you are the big boss..."

Tristan said "I know..."

Vienna said "I am so glad I work at a Rosario hospital and you are not my boss..."

Vienna then found herself pinned down on the bed looking up at Tristan who was staring at her with a playful look "Take that back...."

Vienna sighed "Take what back? I would not want you as my boss for sure... I see some of your employees fearing your shadow approaching.... If it wasn't for the good pay and rewards no one will work for you... How did your company get the best employer of the month award in New York the other day?"

Tristan said "I am a good employer but strict.... Strictness and discipline is key in business..."

Vienna said "You are one big boss from hell."

Tristan gave her a playful smile "You are asking for it Vienna... You keep insulting me... I let it pass..." He then kissed her lips "Work for me and see what a great boss I can be to you..."

Vienna said "No thank you... Now please get up so I can go packing..."

Tristan said "Say you belong to me"

Vienna said "Really? Fine... I belong to you Tristan... Now please get up... We don't have time for games...."

Tristan said "We do have time for games... I want you to myself for a bit longer... We can let the kids stay at the house of Rossi for longer... They begged me yesterday over the phone to let them stay at lunch time too and pick them up later on today...."

Vienna said "Our kids and the Rossi kids will see each other in Rome again.... Rupert must be invited to the communion. Our kids would be very happy to hear that their Papa made it happen for them to also go over... That brings me to this... Let go... So I can go packing and make a shopping list for the trip... I am sure I will need to buy some necessary items for the trip... The weather will be different in Rome compared to what we are used to in New York... Besides I like to buy some presents too..."

Tristan said "We have everything at home... You have already bought boxes and boxes of presents for the Rosario kids already. So you dont really need to make any shopping list or go on any shopping trip...."

Vienna said "Please Tristan... I want to get up now... We have a trip coming up.."

Tristan seemed like he was about to get up but then he went back to pinning her down on the bed as Vienna was about to move. Tristan started kissing her neck.

Vienna chuckled "Haven't you had enough last night Tristan... We made out in every corner of this room... Is there a place you haven't showered me with kisses in this room..."

Tristan smiled as played with the straps of her night dress and said "You are right... Maybe we should go to the kitchen to make out..."

Vienna shook her head "No... I prefer our bedroom for making out..."

Tristan leaned down and kissed her lips. Vienna kissed back and ran her hands up and down his rock hard chest and put one leg over her his leg touching his silky trousers that felt good. She then came to her senses and pulled away "Please Tristan... Stop... I have things to do and I bet you have work to do too..."

Tristan sighed "Of course I should let you go... But I can get my work done either way... I can make Round two happen around my busy schedule with ease..." He then slightly pulled away but then demanded "I need to hear who you belong to and I may be satisfied..."

Vienna said "Tristan... Seriously? Why are you so hard to satisfy? You have heard it many times... I belong to you Tristan... Only you and no one else... "

Tristan pulled away and got up from the bed. "It wasn't so hard to keep your husband satisfied. Was it? I want round two... I cant get enough of my beautiful wife... I am going to be very frustrated for the rest of the day..."

Vienna looked at Tristan  "We can go for round two... I dont want you to be frustrated for the rest of the day...." She then smiled "You know how much I love you and care about you... If it's round two that you really want.... I will give in.... You give me that look and my knees go weak.... Why do you always get what you want without even trying too hard?"

Tristan said "How do you make me so happy without even trying at all?"

Vienna turned "Stop...."

Tristan said "What? Its the truth... I feel happy by just being this close to you and waking up to you by my side every morning... Breathing the same air as you makes me so happy and my heart wants to burst in joy every time I kiss you...."

Vienna smiled and she walked up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck "Round two is happening right now with no delay... How can it not? You are one grumpy big boss but you are my handsome irresistible husband...." She then kissed his lips. Tristan kissed back passionately and  lifted her and carried her to the large desk. He sat her down on the table. Tristan whispered "You light up my world with your existence..."

Vienna smiled "I love you so much..." She then looked at him pressing a few button on a remote control that was on the desk that she was seated on. 

Vienna gasped as she saw the curtains being drawn so the place was darker now and then she saw in astonishment lights moving around on the walls in shape of stars. Tristan had activated something new. She breathed "A light projector shining stars on the walls? This is so sweet... This is one of the sweetest things you have done..."

Tristan said "No... Your lips are the sweetest..." He attached his lips to hers and Vienna let her husband lead their kissing session as she enjoyed the show of lights shining around the room on the walls in form of stars from some projectors she didnt know they had in the room.


After breakfast, Vienna had managed to do some packing and Tristan had been right. They had everything at home. Even souvenirs and presents were all available.

Vienna was now sitting in a car with Tristan going to pick up the children. The plans had changed. Emanuelle O'Neil had taken the kids away from the Rossi mansion to his house and had invited Vienna and Tristan to go there for lunch.  Vienna did not mind. Family time was important. But she had a feeling Emnauelle had done this on purpose. Emnauelle had just seen the kids and now had picked them up again and had taken them to his house. Why? He knew a trip was coming and he had plenty more time to see the kids in Rome at the communion.

Soon after, Vienna and Tristan arrived  at the O'Neil mansion and saw many people there for some reason. She gasped at noticing that there was a full party happening and spotted many familiar faces. Almost all the guests were Irish. The Rossi family were among the guests too. The Rossi family had both Italian and Irish roots. So they were close to both Rosarios and O'Neils.

Rupert Rossi and Tatiana spotted them and smiled at them and walked to them. 

Tristan asked Rupert "What is this party?"

Rupert Rossi told Tristan "Your father wanted to spend time with his grandkids and wanted them to be exposed to their Irish relatives and friends. So he has arranged this last minute party. The party is in honour of Nicandro's communion coming up and all these people are also invited to come to Rome by your father... He has already booked a hotel close to the venue. I am not sure how you are going to fit all these people in that church without taking the place of the Rosario guests who are there for Leandro's communion also..."

Tristan followed Rupert to a corner to talk some more as Tatiana was pulled away by her daughter Maria Angela for some reason.

Vienna started walking around as the shock was wearing off. What was Emanuelle O'Neil thinking? He knew he could get away with doing anything. Vienna was used to this. Of course Emmanuel's normally pulled stunts like these always and he dragged her father into his stunts too much to the displeasure of her father. But her father luckily wasn't there or wasn't he? She froze in shock as she saw her mother walking to her. This was strong indication he was there. There was no way her father would let her mother come to this place surrounded and out numbered by so many Irish families. 

Vienna walked to her mother and hugged her tightly. She had seen her recently but not since the tensions had started between the Rosarios and O'Neils.

Adele said "I am so happy to see you. I thought Tristan may not bring you... He likes locking you up in a tower..."

Vienna sighed as she pulled away "Mum. He never locks me up. I didn't want to leave the house because it would have been a big security operation to escort me around town at a time when tensions are so high..."

Adele sighed "Your husband created those tensions. I hope your  father puts your husband in his place for threatening the Rosarios."

Vienna asked  "Is dad here?" She was sure he was but asked anyways.

Adele said "He is inside with his grandkids..."

Vienna hoped no clashes happened there. Tristan and her father being in the same place washy a great situation. She had no idea what her father was going to make of the tensions that her son in law had a hand in creating.

Nicandro, Nathan and Natalia were talking with their grandpa Rosario as he was seated on a sofa. Francesco was watching the kids play the piano one by one in the piano room that belonged to their aunt Clarisa.  It was a quiet room and Francesco had come there to have some peace. But the kids had tracked him down after playing for hours with their grandpa O'Neil outside.

It was announced by someone outside the door that all the kids could go get ice cream. Natalie and Nathan followed the other kids but Nicandro remained behind.

Francesco said "Nicandro go get ice cream? Don't you like ice cream..."

Nicandro said "I  do like ice cream but... I like playing basketball with you more...  I want you to teach me... Can we go outside to play? Please..."

Francesco said "Is there a reason you dont go and play basketball with other kids..."

Nicandro said  "My dad said you are the best at shooting hoops..."

Francesco said "I bet he did... You do everything your father says..."

Nicandro nodded "Yes I do... My dad wants you to teach me basketball..."

Francesco asked " Is that all your father wants me to teach you? I can teach you alot more things too but I bet your father wants to teach you those things himself or let your Papa O'Neil teach you those things."

Grandpa O'Neil came inside the room and picked up Nicandro "Where is my favourite trouble maker?" He threw him up in the air a few times and then caught him making Nicandro laugh. He said "Tsk tsk... How many times did I tell you not to disturb your Papa Rosario in this room..."

He put Nicandro down "Now, go get ice cream outside. Your father wants to see you there also... Your Papa Rosario won't go anywhere until he teaches you to shoot hoops. I know you don't see your papa Rosario often. But your papa Rosario is here for a couple of hours more... He said he will stay for dinner too. He promised..."

Nicandro smiled brightly and ran outside. 

As O'Neil turned he watched as Francesco got up from the sofa while his hardened eyes were on O'Neil.  "So your son is here finally..."

O'Neil said "I invited him. Yes... And he is here to take his kids away... I told him to stay for dinner too... You are staying too... to teach Nicandro to shoot hoops... Isn't it?"

Francesco said "I don't need to stay until dinner. Nicandro can come anytime to my house, to  learn to shoot hoops..."

O'Neil said "I know. But obviously I am using the kids as an excuse to keep you here... I wont let you leave before dinner.... You stay Francesco.... Does it kill you to let our families bond..."

Francesco said "No. of course not. But it may get your son killed if I stay longer. The young man has over stepped the mark... You know full well what he has done..."

O'Neil said "There are two sides in any crisis. We both know that Vincenzo has caused part of the tensions..."

Francesco took a step forward "Do you trust me not to kill your son here? I don't know how you trust me..."

O'Neil shrugged "You have had many chances... You would have taken them by now if you wanted him dead..." He then winked "Do you want to go outside to get some ice cream? I have hired an ice cream van for the party... Its unlimited ice cream all day..."

Francesco said "No... I dont want unlimited ice cream..."

O'Neil said "I have hired a cotton candy van too but thats for after lunch... Do you want unlimited cotton candy perhaps after lunch?" O'Neil tried to suppress his laugh and not give away his feelings. The look on Francesco's face was priceless. Francesco was at the house of O'Neil and he ruled the place here. But he knew Francesco was going to make him pay for this stunt. 

When Francesco just stared back at him silently looking at him with hardened eyes, O'Neil asked "So do you wish to have unlimited ice cream or unlimited cotton candy?"

Francesco said firmly "I wish for neither.... I wish for unlimited patience... Have you hired a van to grant me some of that? Perhaps not..." He then walked past O'Neil and left the room.

 Francesco did not like surprise parties. A quiet dinner had been turned into this big party by O'Neil. Francesco did not understand why O'Neil had gone over the top. He had done it on purpose. Bringing entertainment, music, a big party package. Francesco walked outside and found his daughter. Francesco kissed his daughter's forehead.

Vienna looked up at his father "Dad... I am sorry you have been dragged into this party... I will talk to Tristan to talk to his father... I go find him..." She was hoping her father didn't lose control. Her father had a limit. Too many Irish guests and he was the only Italian.

Francesco said "There is no need.... You dont need to talk to Tristan..." He thought to himself "But I do .... for many many reasons...."

Adele stood next to Francesco and automatically Francesco wrapped an arm on her shoulder "Sweetheart... Are you okay? We go before dinner if you need to sweetheart...."

Adele nodded "I am fine...We can stay until dinner." She smiled reassuringly.

Francesco smiled back at her.

Vienna could see how much her mother affected her father. Her effect was instant. A calmness came over her father that was not describable when her mother was nearby. Even if the world fell apart around her father, her mother's smile lifted his spirits up. Her mother was her father's rock. Vienna always wanted to be that rock to Tristan. A rock he could lean on. 

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