Dance With Me

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A/N: Cliva date requested by K0121B and based on an idea by mariesme on Tumblr :)


Clay didn't know a whole lot about relationships of the romantic kind, but one thing that he had come to learn over time is that relationships worked if the partners shared interests. And anyone who knew him and Viva knew that both of them loved to dance. Even those who didn't quite know them soon came to learn this fact when the beat dropped and the groove began to get it on at Branch and Poppy's wedding reception. Both he and Viva boogied down to the beat, ensuring without a doubt that the rhythm of the night stayed well and alive. Each pop and lock, each shimmy and shake, each sway and grind was, in a word Clay may use, totally brodacious, and in word Viva may use, fantast-amazing! Either way, both terms meant the same exact thing (which, for the purposes of those who are unfamiliar with it, means completely incredible!)

Still, Clay couldn't exactly wrap his head around how, as he sat there panting like a puppy and ready to flop from exhaustion, Viva was as perked as ever, simply buzzing with anticipation in hopes of getting right back out on the dance floor once again. Where the pink Troll had the ability to have a boundless amount of energy had been an enigma to Clay since the first day he'd met her. Just watching her sometimes made Clay feel like he'd ran a mile. That was, when he wasn't feeling like a sauna was heating up his face, and that a dozen butterflies were flapping about restlessly within his stomach. He recognized that very feeling starting to take hold of him right then, and quickly he tore his ogling gaze away. Just because she'd agreed to come with him as his date didn't mean that he felt it right to gawk at her all night long! As he'd reiterated to himself, this whole "relationship" thing was something that was still very very new to Clay.

And her, his head reminded him, making note that Viva had not had another man in her life aside from Clay. He was her first, and that was something that was both amazing, yet nerve-wracking all the same. How was he supposed to know what right moves to make and which were the wrong ones?

That was the thing he loved about dancing, he guessed. In dancing, there weren't any real right or wrong moves. You could make things work the way you wanted them to, as long as you grooved to the beat of your drum and totally owned it when you did.

Suddenly, the lights in the area dimmed to a soft, ambient glow and the music that was playing changed into something slow and soothing. Clay knew exactly what time of the reception this was. And he already knew what words were going to come out of the sentient Cloud creature who had gone out of his way to announce it for everybody.

"All right, it's time for the bride and groom to get on out and have their first dance together. Come on, Dumpy Diapers, you know you wanna!"

Cloud Guy pointed a finger at Branch, who was scowling grumpily at him over the nickname (which was now much more of a nuisance than ever, ever since the clouded fellow had learned about the blue Troll's costume when performing as a part of BroZone). But Branch's annoyance disappeared into thin air when Poppy approached him, gently grabbing him by the hand and making the blue Troll blush in turn. A smile graced his face when she grabbed his other hand and the two smoothly glided over the dance floor, assuming the natural position of waltzers and lovingly gazing into each other's eyes.

A collective awww was heard among the guests, and, when the invitation was extended for others to join the couple of the night, more pairs began to make their way out. King Quincy and Queen Essence. Smidge and Milton Moss. Clay could even spot Spruce and his wife. Peeking over next to him, Clay saw how enraptured Viva was with the unfolding scene. Her hands were clasped and there was a certain twinkle in her eye that he recognized. So, in a gentlemanly fashion that he was still getting adjusted to, he extended a hand to her.

"Dance with me?" he asked.

Viva giggled, grabbing his hand and responding with a chirpy "Heck yeah!" before she yanked him out. It was only when the two of them were actually standing there facing each other and about to commence that Clay realized the conundrum that he was in, with Viva realizing it not too long after him either. It seemed to him that both of them only registered the fact that this was to be another dance, and failed to miss exactly what kind of dance it was. He and Viva danced very well together - when it came to breakdancing or freestyle moves - but neither one of them really knew how to do anything as fancy as a waltz. For starters, Clay could only remember a handful of times where he had actually paid attention when Spruce had shown him how to slow things down in dance as teens. And those few times that he had paid attention, he'd always poked fun afterwards.

Well, the joke's on me now!

Clay glanced at Viva sheepishly. "Do you... um...?"

The Putt Putt Queen, also seeming as lost as Clay at what to do next, shrugged her petite shoulders and giggled. "Heheh... beats me!"

Clay gave an awkward little laugh and flicked his gaze away from her for a moment, taking in the sight of the other dancers. How they moved elegantly, noting what each step was, and where their feet led them. The ease with which they matched each other's movements as they wove through, and what tempo to keep.

His eyes caught Viva's again, and this time he began to take action.

"Here," he said, placing his left hand in hers, and gently guiding her other to be placed at his shoulder. His right hand went to her waist, and in a move as smooth as silk, he pulled her close, so that she was flush against him. She was a little smaller next to him, though Clay knew it would probably be difficult for anyone to really tell with how big her gorgeous golden hairdo was. And the proximity was just enough to bring that intoxicating warmth again rushing through him. He swallowed, willing the pounding in his chest to go down. He wasn't used to this sort of physical closeness with women, especially with someone as stunningly beautiful as Viva. This close, he could see every little detail of her carefully administered eyeshadow, every golden fleck and pink highlight. He could see the way her eyelashes curled slightly at the ends, and how truly hypnotizing her bright, fuchsia eyes really were. His own eyes widened when he spotted her glossed lips, and a sudden desire swept through him, to lean in and kiss them...

He shook himself mentally and cleared his throat. Not now.

Then he looked back at her and found Viva's expression mirroring his own uncertainty and nervousness. "So... what now?" she asked innocently.

Clay blinked. Good question. He stole another glance at the dancers, and soon had his answer for her. "Well, um... I guess we just kinda do a box-step? Here, er... like this." Something Clay had learned about dancing over the years is that it was better to just do the dance instead of trying to explain it word for word. Tugging her along softly, the two fell into step, peering down at their feet as he instructed their moves aloud. It was surprisingly easy to do, seeing as they were both agile and fast learners, a combination that was great when it came to dance.

Forward, side, backward, side. Forward, side, backward, side.

Pretty soon, Clay didn't even need to repeat the instructions to himself anymore, which meant that he could return his gaze back into Viva's eyes, finding his confidence building as he did so.

She smiled up at him, the corner of her lips upturned in a grin so radiant that he could've sworn it would blind all who gazed upon it. She then looked over to their intertwined hands, giving his a gentle squeeze of appreciation and sending a pleasant charge through his veins.

"You're pretty good at this," she complimented, keeping her voice hushed but still cheery.

He grinned back at her. "Not as good as you."

Viva blushed at that, batting her lashes playfully at him, and then suddenly leaning in even closer so that Clay could feel the warm puff of her breath against his cheeks. The sensation made him completely disregard the dance for a few moments, as if it was completely irrelevant. His eyes closed of their own accord, as if on instinct, and he dipped towards her with anticipatory intent. When all of a sudden...



He and Viva tumbled to the ground in a heap, a misstep having caused him to step right on her toes and taking her completely off guard. She let out a squeak of surprise, Clay's gasp sounding just as startled, and soon both stared wide-eyed at each other, the lime-green-haired Troll atop her. There was complete silence between them for several heartbeats after that, but the second they recovered, laughter burst right out.

"Are you okay?" Clay asked once he'd had himself under control, and quickly made to scramble up and off the golden-curled Troll.

Viva nodded in assurance. "Yeah, I'm good. But maaaybe we need a little more practice," she giggled.

"I agree," Clay chuckled, giving his hand out once more. "Shall we?" he offered.

Viva accepted without hesitation. "You know it!"


A/N: IF they end up showing a Broppy wedding, I don't think Dreamworks will go as far as showing a reception... but still, I think this idea was too cute to pass up on 🥰

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