five | new years kiss

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The worst time of the year had fallen upon them: Thanksgiving.

At work, Zara forced a smile as she encouraged a happy atmosphere for her classroom. However, away from the children, she spent her time constantly moaning about the ridiculous holiday.

"Only $98.50 to go," Rachel mumbled behind them, trying her hardest to get enough money together for her holiday plans.

"Hey," said Monica, entering the coffee house as they all greeted their friend. "Ross, did you know that mom and dad are going to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving?"

"That sounds like my kind of holiday," said Zara.

"Amen to that," Chandler agreed, peering over her shoulder as he read the latest chapter Zara was working on.

"No, they're not," Ross replied to his sister.

"Yes, they are," Monica insisted. "The Blymans invited them."

"You're wrong," said Ross.

"I am not wrong."

"You're wrong."

"No," said Monica, agitated. "I just talked to them."

Ross closed his magazine. "I'm calling mom."

"I like Milo," Chandler laughed next to Zara. "He's funny."

Zara stopped typing, eyes sliding to Chandler as she didn't want to tell him that Milo was based on Chandler. In fact, all of Zara's friends had found their way into Zara's book — though, more middle-grade appropriate versions.

"Hey, hey," Joey then came in, greeting them.

"And this from the cry-for-help department," said Chandler, eyes falling on his friend. "Are you wearing makeup?"

"Yes, I am," he announced. "As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani actor slash model."

Zara's eyes snapped to Joey, noticing that he was wearing makeup. His cheeks had a rosy hue, eyelashes darker with mascara. "Aw, Joey, you look great."

"That's funny 'cause I was thinking you looked more like Joey Tribbiani, man slash woman," Chandler replied.

"What were you modelling for?" Phoebe asked.

"You know those posters for the city free clinic?"

"Wow!" Monica said. "So you'll be one of those healthy, healthy, healthy guys?"

"You know, the asthma guys really cute," Phoebe commented.

"Do you know which one you'll be?" Chandler asked Joey.

"No," Joey answered. "But I hear Lyme disease is open, so..."

"Good luck man," said Chandler. "I hope you get it."


"Well, you were right," Ross announced to Monica. "How can they do this to us? It's Thanksgiving."

"Okay, I tell you what," said Monica. "How about I cook dinner at my place? I'll make it just like mom's."

Ross glanced up, almost hopeful. "Will you make the mashed potatoes with the lumps?"

"You know they're not actually supposed to have..." Monica paused, seeing Ross' dramatic reaction. "I'll work on the lumps. Joey, you're going home, right?"

"Yeah," Joey answered.

"And I assume, Chandler, you're still boycotting all the pilgrim holidays," said Monica. "As are you, Zara."

"Yes," Chandler agreed. "Every single one of them."

Zara grinned. "And what are we doing instead, Bing?"

"Drinking beer and watching Baywatch," Chandler announced, where the two then shared a high-five, ecstatic for their plan. "We might even splash out and order a takeaway."

"You know what, let's do it," said Zara.

"What..." Joey's eyes fell on Chandler, betrayed.

"Phoebe, you'll be with your grandma?" Monica questioned.

"Yeah, and her boyfriend," the blonde answered. "But we're celebrating Thanksgiving in December 'cause he's lunar."

"So you're free Thursday, then?" Monica realised.

"Yeah!" Then she turned to face Monica. "Oh! Can I come?"

"Yes," said Monica, then she glanced behind her shoulder at Rachel. "Rach, are you still thinking you'll make it to Vail?"

"Absolutely," Rachel sounded confident, where she then did the ridiculous skiing movements. "Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Only $102 to go."

"I thought it was $98.50?" Chandler pointed out.

"Yeah, well, it was, but I broke a cup."

Zara couldn't believe it as she stood in Times Square, staring up at a poster of Joey. It turned out the health campaign was for sexually transmitted diseases, so Zara felt like it was sweet karma.

Then, for once, she put her talents of stealing to good use: Zara stole one of the subway posters for herself. On the evening before Thanksgiving, Zara had returned home, holding the poster for everyone to see.

Chandler laughed. "Of course you did."

"Monica, where can I put it?" Zara questioned.

"I'm not having it up in here," said Monica, but she was laughing too. "Joey will hate you."

Zara grinned. "That makes it even better then."

"I quite like it," Phoebe admitted. "I might steal one for myself."

The front door opened then with Zara not even having to turn to know it's Joey.

"Set another place for Thanksgiving," said Joey, sounding disheartened. "My entire family thinks I have V.D."

"Tonight, on a very special blossom."

Zara finally turned, facing Joey as she still held the poster for him to see. Despite the ends of the poster curling, you could still see what the poster was as Joey frowned.

"It's impressive work," Zara told him, holding the poster up higher. "Do you think it'll look good above my bed or in the bathroom?"

"Above the bed," answered Monica. "I'm not having that in my bathroom."

"Hang on now," Chandler studied the poster. "What about our bathroom, Zara? A nice reminder for Joey, as well as every guest we have over."

Joey pointed a picture, glaring at his work. "That poster is not coming into our apartment!" He cried. "It's ruining my life!"

The dreaded day came around as not even Joey's picture could cheer Zara up from the depressing day. Both herself and Chandler hovered at the door, debating at what point they were to leave for their own plan.

"Cider's mulling, turkey's turking, yams are yaming!" Monica declared, satisfied with herself, but then her eyes fell on her moping brother. "What?"

"I don't know," said Ross. "It's just not the same without mom in the kitchen."

"Right, that's it!" Monica snapped. "Get out of my way and stop annoying me."

"That's closer!"

"I got the tickets!" Rachel declared, appearing next to Zara. All six of them had chipped in for Rachel so that she could go. "Five hours from now... shoop, shoop, shoop."

"You must stop shooping," Chandler told her.

"I'm going to get my stuff," Rachel announced.

"Chandler, Zara, will you both just come in already?" Joey questioned.

"Oh, no thanks. I prefer to keep a safe distance from all this merriment."

"And," Zara added, tugging at Chandler's arm. "We should get going anyway."

"Look out," said Phoebe, temping them. "Incoming pumpkin pie."

She imitated the sound of a plane, happily steering the pie as if she was a pilot.

"Okay, we all laughed when you did it with the stuffing," said Chandler. "But that's not funny anymore. Come on, Zara."

The two leave, heading to Chandler's apartment. Chandler announced that he'll get the television on and the pizza ordered if Zara gets them a beer. Zara helped herself, reaching for two beers from the fridge.

"This is gonna be so great," said Chandler. "Hey, why haven't we done this before?"

"Because you're friends with Joey."

"We all are," Chandler pointed out.

Zara shrugged. "I guess you're different, Bing."

"Bing, really? Couldn't you go for something — I don't know — a little less Bing!"

"In my class," said Zara, grinning as she sat down in what she assumed was Joey's seat. "We have a class bear and guess what his name is."

Chandler frowned at her with the TV turning on behind him. "I'm not going to like this, am I?"

"Bing-Bong," Zara sniggered at Chandler's traumatised expression, enjoying teasing him. "I kept that quiet from the other's for your sake, Bing, but I could always tell them—"

"That stays between you and me, Zara," Chandler told her. "Bing-Bong? Who comes up with that?"

"A six-year-old child," answered Zara.

"The devil more like," muttered Chandler.

"Have I made thanksgiving more traumatic for you?"

"Oh, hang on," said Chandler, eyes falling on the TV screen. "Zara, look. I think today just got better."

Zara's attention moved from Chandler to the bulky television, witnessing the Underdog balloon float away from the Thanksgiving parade. The workers panicked, unknowing what to do as the crowd stared, watching the large balloon float upwards.

"Oh my God," Zara laughed.

The two hurried, darting back to Monica's apartment to share the news with their friends, knowing that they would find it just as incredible as the two. If they were quick, then they might catch the underdog balloon passing them on the roof.

"The most unbelievable thing has happened!" Chandler announced as all eyes fell on the two. "Underdog has gotten away!"

"The balloon?" Joey question.

"No, the actual cartoon character," said Chandler, sarcastically.

However, the four simply looked at the two.

"Oh my God," gasped Zara. "Come on, guys!"

"Of course the balloon," continued Chandler. "It's all over the news. Right before it reached Macey's, he broke free and was spotted over Washington Square Park. Zara and I are going to the roof. Who's with us?"

There was a commotion with everyone eager to follow Zara, who hung by at the door, very eager to see the balloon for herself. Rachel, however, claimed that she couldn't go that caused them all to pause.

"An eighty-foot inflatable dog loose over the city?" Chandler questioned.

"Are you insane, Rachel?" Zara added.

"How often does that happen?"

"Almost never," Phoebe answered.

The response prompted everyone to leave again with Rachel now joining them. Honestly, in Zara's opinion, it was worth running up the stairs. She might just admit that it had made her Thanksgiving, though she wasn't one to want any association to the day.

"I loved the giant dog shadow over the park," said Rachel as they headed back down.

"Can you imagine the reaction of those who didn't know," Zara laughed. "Just seeing this massive shadowing descending on them."

"Yeah, but did they have to shoot him down?" Phoebe questioned. "I mean, that was just mean."

"It was pretty cool though," Zara insisted.

"Okay," Monica appeared, all focused again. "Right about now, the turkey should be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside. Why are we standing here?"

"Good question," said Zara, fingers wrapping around Chandler's bicep as she tugged him towards his apartment. "Come on, Bing. Let's go!"

"We're waiting for you to open the door," Rachel told her. "You've got the keys."

"No, I don't," Monica replied with a hint of panic.

"Yes, you do," Rachel insisted. "When we left, you said, 'got the keys'."

"No, I didn't. I asked, 'got the ke-eys?'"

"No, no, no, you said 'got the ke-eys."

"Either of you have the ke-eys?" Chandler asked, joining in.

Monica's eyes fell on her friend. "Zar?"

"Don't look at me," Zara shook her head. "I don't have the keys."

"The oven is on!" Monica panicked.

"Oh, I've got to get my ticket!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Joey realised. "We have a copy of your key!"

"Well then get it! Get it!" Monica shouted.

"That tone won't make me go any faster," said Joey.

"Joey," Zara glared at him. "Get the key."

"That one will."

Then, Joey turned, quickly pulling out his apartment key as he hurried to get the spare key for them. Zara tried to hide her smug smile, enjoying it a little too much with how she got under Joey's skin so easily.

However, Joey and Chandler returned with a whole draw full of keys that caused Monica to boil even further. Zara leant against the wall with her arms crossed, but she wasn't really that bothered like the others were.

"Can you go any faster with that?" Monica demanded.

"Hey! I got one key hold and a zillion keys," said Joey. "You do the math."

"And one brain cell, don't forget," Zara added. "So we'll be here all night."

"Why do you guys have so many keys in there anyway?" Rachel questioned.

"For an emergency just like this," Chandler answered, smirking.

Rachel, however, didn't appreciate it as she grabbed his shirt. "All right, listen, smirky, if it wasn't for you and your stupid balloon, I would be on a plane watching a woman do this," she did the runway signals. "Right now. But I'm not."

"I swear you said you had the keys!" Monica exclaimed.

"No, I didn't!" Rachel shouted. "I wouldn't say that unless I had the keys. And I obviously did not have the keys."

"Okay, that's it!" Phoebe decided. "Enough with the keys. No one say 'keys'."

There was a silence that Zara appreciated.

"Why would I have the keys?" Monica couldn't resist.

"Aside from the fact that you said you had them?" Rachel questioned.

"But I didn't!"

"Well, you should have!"




"Because everything is my responsibility?" Monica questioned, truly spiralling in her anger. "Isn't it enough that I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for everyone? You know, everyone wants a different kind of potato. So I'm making different kinds of potatoes. You know, does anybody care what kind of potatoes I want? No! No! No! Just as long as Phoebe gets her peas and onions and Mario gets his tots." Monica broke, starting to cry. "It's my first Thanksgiving and it's all burned and..."

"Okay, Monica, only dogs can hear you now," said Chandler. "Look, the door's open."

One by one, they all hurried inside the smoky apartment with the dinner truly ruined. Zara actually felt a little bad, knowing how much this had meant to them all, especially to Monica after her little rant.

"Well, the turkey's burnt," Monica announced, taking it out of the oven. "Potatoes are ruined. Potatoes are ruined. Potatoes are ruined."

Behind Zara, Ross came in singing a song, completely oblivious to the scene that was unfolding around him. Seeing the smoke, he paused, staring back at Monica in shock.

"This doesn't smell like Mom's..."

"No, it doesn't, does it? But you wanted lumps, Ross?" Monica turned, holding up the burnt potatoes. "Well, here you go, Buddy. You got one."

"God, this is great!" Rachel announced. "The plane is gone so I guess I'm stuck here with you guys."

"Hey, we all had better plans," Joey reminded her. "This was nobody's first choice."

"Hang on now," Zara spoke up. "I don't know if this is normal for a Thanksgiving, but Monica's worked hard for you all."

"Thank you, Zara!" Monica exclaimed. "Yeah, so tell me why was I busting my ass to make this delicious dinner?"

"You call that delicious?"

Zara was fuming, wanting to defend her friend, but Chandler's hand caught her arm, pulling her back with a shake of his head over the commotion. "This is Thanksgiving, Zara. Consider me the Ruby in this situation."

Zara rose her eyebrows at him, smirking. "I don't need a hero, Chandler."

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

The two turned away from each other, eyes falling onto their fighting friends.

"Now," Chandler told them. "This feels like Thanksgiving."

And it got worse: the five ended up sitting in silence with Zara and Chandler joining them, exchanging exhausted silences. Zara now understood why he hated Thanksgiving so much as where was the joy when all it causes was selfishness and arguments?

"Ew!" Phoebe was the first to break the tension.

"What?" Rachel questioned.

"Ugly naked guy's taking his turkey out of the oven."

There was a chorus of half-hearted groans.

"Oh my God," said Phoebe. "He's not alone. Ugly naked guy is having Thanksgiving dinner with ugly naked girl."

That caused the friendship group to hurry over, wanting to see it for their own eyes. Instead of laughing at him, they all stared, somewhat happy that the ugly naked guy had someone.

"All right, ugly naked guy!" Joey cheered.

"Ugly naked dancing!" Monica said.

"It's nice that he has someone," Phoebe noticed.

The friends exchanged smiles, realising that they had each other.

In the end, Chandler and Zara ended up joining their friends for Thanksgiving. Though, it wasn't the standard kind that made it all the better for the two.

"Shall I carve?" Chandler suggested, holding two knives.

"By all means," said Rachel.

"All right."

Chandler felt proud as he cut the toast into slices. "Okay," he held up the plate. "Who wants light cheese? And who wants dark cheese?"

The plate was passed around with Zara helping herself to the light cheese option.

"I don't even want to know about the dark cheese," said Ross.

"Does anybody want to split this with me?" Monica questioned.

"Oh, I will," said Joey.

"You guys have to make a wish!" Phoebe told them.

"Make a wish?"

"Come on," said Phoebe. "You know —Thanksgiving."

Zara watched as Monica and Joey tore the grilled cheese in half with their eyes closed, likely making some ridiculous wish.

"Oh, you got the bigger half!" Phoebe told Joey. "What'd you wish for?"

"For the bigger half," answered Joey.

"All right," said Chandler, clanking his glass with the edge of a knife. "I'd like to propose a toast. Little toast here. I know this isn't exactly the Thanksgiving that all of you planned, but for me, this has been really great. You know? I think because it didn't involve divorce or projectile vomiting. Anyway, I was just thinking, if you had gone to Vail or if you guys had been with your family or if you didn't have Syphilis and stuff. We wouldn't be all together, you know? So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that, uh, I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgiving's sucked."

"I'm with Chandler," Zara continued, standing. "Honestly, it's been a joy seeing your plans go up in flames. But... this has been my first ever Thanksgiving, and I hope they're all as chaotic as this with you guys."

"You're both so sweet," their friends chimed.

Glasses were clinked as Zara smiled.

Secretly, she felt like she had a family for the first time.


"Guys, there's somebody I'd like you to meet!"

Zara twisted in the dining room chair, forgetting about the chapter she was working on as her eyes fell on Ross entering the apartment with a monkey on his shoulder. Seeing it, Zara's face brightened with a smile.

"Wait... wait," said Monica. "What is that?"

"That would be Marcel," Ross introduced his new friend. "Want to say hi?"

"Yes!" Zara stood a little too eagerly.

Monica retreated. "No, no — I don't."

"Oh, he is precious," Rachel said as Zara's hand rose, stroking Marcel's tiny head as the monkey seemed to like it. "Where did you get him?"

"My friend, Bethel rescued him from some lab," Ross explained.

"That is so cruel," said Phoebe. "Why? Why would a parent name their child Bethel?"

"Oh, I love him," Zara said, grinning. "He reminds me of Joey."

"Hey!" Joey protested.

"Hey, that monkey's got a Ross on his ass," Chandler commented.

"Ross, is he going to live with you?" Monica asked. "Like in your apartment?"

"Yeah," Ross answered. "It's been kind of quiet since Carol left, so..."

"Damn," Zara muttered. "I moved in with the wrong Geller."

"Zara, you wouldn't last five minutes with Ross," Rachel told her, laughing.

"That," said Chandler. "And Ross would end up crying."

"I would not," Ross protested, eyes falling on Zara as she shot him a wink. "Zara's not that scary."

"Why don't you just get a roommate?" Monica suggested to Ross.

"I don't know," Ross shrugged. "I think you reach a certain age, having a roommate is just kind of pathe—"

Zara crossed her arms, glaring at Ross as the rest of them simply stared at their friend, daring him to finish his sentence. Yes, maybe they were somewhat in their mid-twenties and still living with friends, but that certainly didn't make it pathetic.

"Uh, sorry," said Ross. "That's 'pathet', which is Sanskrit for 'really cool way to live'." His eyes fell on Zara and then his eyes darted quickly away, hurrying to leave. "Yeah, I couldn't live with Zara."

Zara shivered in her pink jumper, hating the cold. With winter came a moodier Zara, who constantly sought blankets and hot drinks. Like now, her hands cupped her cappuccino with her fingers nice and toasty.

"You guys, I'm doing all the new material tonight," Phoebe was telling them, sat on the edge of the sofa with her guitar rested on her lap. "I have twelve new songs about my mother's suicide and one about a snowman."

Zara reached up to pat Phoebe's knee.

"Might want to open with the snowman," Chandler suggested.

Joey came in then as they all greet him — Zara included, though she was still adamant that they weren't friends.

"So, how'd it go?" Monica questioned.

"Oh, yeah!" Zara grinned. "Am I getting a picture of you as Santa to go next to my VD poster?"

Joey groaned, shrugging off his coat as he sat down in one of the free chairs. "I didn't get the job," he told them, eyes falling on Zara with a frown. "You still have that poster?"

"I'm never getting rid of it," Zara answered. "I'm sorry about the job, though."

"How could you not get it?" Ross questioned. "You were Santa last year."

"I don't know," Joey admitted. "Some fat guy's sleeping with the store manager. He's not even jolly. It's all political."

"So, what are you going to be?" Monica asked.

"I'm going to be one of his helpers," said Joey. "But it's just such a slap in the face, you know?"

"Joey in tights!" Zara laughed. "That's even better than Santa!"

Chandler's face screwed up. "I don't know about that."

"Hey," Rachel joined them. "Do you guys know what you're doing for New Year's?"

Zara let out a huff, shooting Rachel an icy glare that matched the weather. Everyone had the same reaction as Zara (unsurprisingly).

"What? What is wrong with New Year's?" Rachel questioned, confused by their reaction.

"Nothing for you," Chandler stood. "You have Paolo. You don't have the pressures of this holiday. The desperate scramble to find anything with lips just so you can have somebody to kiss when the ball drops! Man, I'm talking loud!"

"Well, for your information, Paolo is going to be in Rome this New Year's, so I'll be just as pathetic as the rest of you."

"Yeah, you wish," said Phoebe.

"It's just that I am sick of being a victim to this Dick Clark holiday," Chandler continued. "I say this year, no dates. We make a pact — just the seven of us. Dinner."

"But... but..." Zara protested, hating that they were all agreeing.

"Come on, Zar," said Monica. "Get through the holiday's, then we'll get you that rebound."

Zara sighed, crossing her arms. "Fine."

"You know, I was hoping for a little enthusiasm," Chandler said.

They all cheered, clapping for the great joy of having no one to kiss at midnight. Zara's cheer sounded the most sarcastic as for once she was actually a little excited about the possibility of sharing something with someone.

"Phoebe, you're on," Rachel told their friend.

Phoebe stood as Zara's body twisted, smiling brightly in enthusiasm for Phoebe.

"Okay, hi," said Rachel into the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, back by popular demand Miss Phoebe Buffay."

Zara clapped, offering Phoebe a wolf-whistle in support.

"Hi. Thanks. Hi. Um... I want to start with a song that means a lot to me this time of year."

"Let's hope it's the snowman," whispered Zara as Phoebe picked up the bells, offering them a joyful smile.

"I made a man with eyes of coal and a smile so bewitching," Phoebe sung. "How was I supposed to know that my mom was dead in the kitchen?"

Zara's smile evaporated and it never returned as the act continued. For once, Zara was willing to admit that meeting her birth father would be less torturous than this. Yet, for Phoebe, Zara sat through it.

Zara hated Christmas just as much as Thanksgiving — and maybe it was because the foster home she grew up in was too busy for celebration so Zara had never celebrated, but she still hated the holidays. They were always so manic to the point that Zara found herself more frustrated then jolly. At school, it was constant with the nativity play and with all the classes that came with Christmas.

It meant Zara was hurrying home with her arms full of Christmas decorations that had been gifted by the children for Zara to have. Monica had wanted them, finding it sweet to have their apartment full with children's arts and crafts.

However, Zara never imagined almost tripping over. The box tipped, the contents spilling as Zara groaned. "The wind!" Zara cried out. "No — please."

"I'll help," a voice offered.

It was frantic as Zara didn't even have a moment to register who had offered. Whoever it was, Zara was thanking as she quickly gathered up all the decorations before they were ruined.

"These are adorable," the person spoke again. "I'm assuming you either have children or work with children?"

Zara looked up, startled by a pretty blonde girl.

"Uh..." Zara blinked. "Yeah, I work with children."

"How sweet," those bright green eyes sparkled with her smile. "I'm Lindsey."

"Zara," she introduced herself, standing as she smiled. "Thank you for the help."

"Don't worry about it," Lindsey replied.

Zara felt her mouth turning dry as her eyes met Lindsey's. The girl blushed, a look suggesting that she hoped for something but Zara felt numb. All she could think of was Derek and her broken heart.

And because of him, Zara lost the chance with an incredibly attractive woman.

Zara returned to the coffee house with a face of thunder as she slammed the box on the table. Everyone exchanged looks before they stared at Zara, almost afraid to ask. Instead, she sat down, arms folding across her chest as she thought about messing up asking pretty Lindsey out.

"Okay, here we go," said Rachel, oblivious to Zara's entrance.

"Oh, oh, oh, there's no room for milk," said Joey. "And, uh, Rach, maybe get something for Zara too. Cappuccino with extra-extra sprinkles."

Rachel sipped at Joey's drink. "There," she told him with her eyes falling on Zara. "I'll add some marshmallows for Zara too."

Joey nodded. "Good idea."

"Zar...?" Monica questioned, eyes wide with concern.

"I hate Derek," Zara simply said.

Ross frowned. "Please tell me you did not ask him out for New Year's?"

"What? No? I'd rather ask Joey than him," Zara said, scoffing. "I thought we agreed to a no-dates-pact?"

"Yeah, well, on our no-date evening," said Ross. "Three of us now have dates."

"Uh... four," Joey confessed as Rachel returned with Zara's drink.

Taking it while thanking Rachel, Zara's eyes darted to Joey in disbelief. "Four?"

Rachel rose her hand. "Five." Both Ross and Zara exchanged a look with Zara's mood souring further. "Sorry, Paolo's catching an earlier flight."

"Yeah and I met this really hot single mom at the store," added Joey. "What's an Elf to do?"

"Okay, so Zara are I are gonna be the only ones without a date?" Ross realised.

"You can have each other," Joey offered.

The two shared another horrified look. "Absolutely not."

"I could have had a date," Zara admitted, glaring at her coffee. "But I choked up, couldn't even utter a word to her, and managed to scare her away before she could. Another win for Derek."

"Oh, Zar," Monica sympathised, reaching over as her hand rested on Zara's knee. "I'm sorry. They'll be loads more opportunities."

"We'll have a big party and no one will know who's sitting with who."

"This is so not what I needed right now," Ross confessed.

"What's the matter?" Monica asked.

"Oh, it's Marcel," said Ross as Monica looked to Zara, who shrugged — she loved the monkey, he could do no wrong in Zara's eyes. "He keeps shutting me out, you know? He's walking around all the time dragging his hands."

"That's so weird," Chandler said. "Zara and I had such a blast with him the other night."


"Yeah, we played," Chandler sat down on the edge of the sofa, next to Zara. "We watched TV. That juggling thing is amazing."

"It's adorable, isn't it?" Zara agreed.

"What, uh... what juggling thing?"

"With the balled-up socks," said Chandler. "I figured you taught him that."

"No," Ross answered, unhappy.

"You know, it wasn't that big of a deal."

"Are you kidding me, Chandler?" Zara's hand gently slapped his arm. "Marcel was insane! His little hands holding these balled-up socks, juggling them... don't forget the melon, too! Marcel's incredible!"

Ross deflated but Zara's attention turned elsewhere as a man arrived for Phoebe. It was the friend of David (the guy who Phoebe was now seeing and bringing to New Year's).

"Hi Max," Phoebe greeted. "Do know everybody?"

"No," Max answered, uncaring. "Have you seen David?"

"No, no," Phoebe answered.

"Well, if you see him, tell him to pack his bags," Max informed Phoebe. "We are going to Minsk."

"Minsk?" Phoebe questioned.

"Minsk," Max confirmed. "It's in Russia."

"I know where Minsk is," said Phoebe.

"We got the grant," Max explained. "Three years. All expenses paid."

Zara's head turned, eyes falling on Phoebe in pity.

"So when, when do you leave?"

"January the first."

For New Year's Zara had gone out despite not having a date. The knee-length red dress she wore left her feeling vibrant, happy that she was going into a new year without a relationship — 1995 was going to be Zara's year.

The doorbell went as Zara went to get it with Monica following.

"Hi," the woman said. "I'm Sandy."

"Sandy, hi," Joey noticed her. "Come on in."

Zara smiled warmly, gesturing for Sandy to come on in as two kids followed behind. Both Monica and Zara shared an amused expression, knowing Joey hadn't planned on kids being invited.

"You brought your kids," Joey chuckled nervously.

"Yeah," said Sandy. "That's okay, right?"

"Of course, Joey loves kids!" Zara reassured the mother and then she knelt forward, smiling at the two children. "Don't you both look great all dressed up! That's such a pretty dress too. You know what, I might have some colouring for you guys. Would that be good with you, Mom? I'm a Kindergarten teacher, so I always have plenty of backups for children activities."

"A teacher?" Sandy smiled. "That would be great."

Zara introduced herself to the children, learning that they were Michelle and Luke. The two children loved Zara, excited as she brought out some colouring pens and paper for them to do, as well as some arts and crafts that Monica eyed warily.

"Zara, Zara, look!" Michelle held up her picture.

"Wow, Michelle," Zara smiled at the picture. "That's a cool Christmas tree."

Marcel came over then, jumping on Zara's shoulder as the kids face lit up like the Christmas tree in Michelle's picture. The monkey made a noise in greeting as Zara stroked his fur.

"Michelle, Luke, this is Marcel," Zara introduced them to the monkey. "He's nice but you have to be gentle with him, okay?"

The monkey jumped down from Zara's shoulder, landing on the table as the two children stroked the monkey, laughing amongst themselves. Zara couldn't help but tell the children facts about the monkey as they listened with eyes wide, unbelieving at how they were spending the night.

"Your friend is so good with them," Sandy told Joey. "I couldn't even stop them from arguing before coming."

"It's Zara," Joey shrugged but was smiling. "She's sweet when it comes to kids, but if you annoy her, then your best chance is running. Trust me, I know."

The front door opened then as Zara glanced over, mouth falling open at the sight of Rachel. Her once white coat now looked muddy (Zara hoped it wasn't blood) and her hair was a mess, but there was defiantly a bruise on her face and a cut lip. Both Monica and Zara hurried to the door.

"Rachel, Honey... are you okay?"

"Who did this?" Zara demanded, already hooking up her dress to go chasing.

But Rachel did answer as she limped into the apartment.

"Where's Paolo?"

"Rome," said Rachel. "Jerk missed his flight."

"And then your face exploded?" Phoebe questioned, joining them.

"No," Rachel answered, sitting down. "Okay. I was at the airport getting into a cab when this woman — this blonde planet with a pocketbook — starts yelling at me. Something about how it was her cab first and then the next thing I know, she just starts pulling out by my hair and so I'm blowing my attack whistle thingy. And—And three more cabs show up. So as I'm going to get into a cab, she tackles me! I hit my head on the curb. And I cut my lip on the whistle."

"This bitch," Zara gasped, angry. "Where is she now?"

Zara's fists clenched her dress, ready to leave again.

"Oh, don't worry, Zara," said Rachel before spotting the party. "Oh. Everybody having fun at the party?" Then she leant closer to Monica. "Are people eating my dip?"

Rachel left with Monica to get dressed and to make herself look as presentable as possible. Unknowing what to do, Zara's eyes travelled around the apartment, seeing Joey getting close to Sandy despite her kids being there. The kids themselves were sat on the sofa, colouring amongst themselves.

In the end, Zara pushed herself to sit in-between Chandler and Ross.

"Is this the single losers area?" Zara questioned.

"I have a date," Chandler pointed out.

"Really?" Zara rose an eyebrow. "Then, why are you avoiding Janice?"

"Look at him," said Ross, eyes on Marcel. "I'm not saying he has to spend the whole evening with me but at least check in."

"Aw, Ross," Zara patted his shoulder. "Marcel came straight to me when you arrived — I think he has a soft spot for me."

"Can you blame him with that dress?" Chandler questioned.

Both Ross and Zara looked over at him. Zara pressed her lips together, trying her best not to tease Chandler or to smirk at the words, but she couldn't help but feel amused. Realising his mistake, Chandler laughed awkwardly.

"There you are!"

The three jumped with Janice having crept up on them.

"You got away from me!"

"But you found me," Chandler forced a smile as Janice perched on the end of the chair.

"On that note!" Zara stood with Ross following, the two being eager to leave.

"Here, Ross, take our picture," said Janice, hands perching on Chandler's shoulders as Ross accepted the camera. "Smile. You're on Janice camera."

"Come on, Bing," Zara encouraged, teasingly. "Show us that dazzling smile."

"Kill me," joked Chandler, but meant it. "Kill me now."

He shot Zara a look but she simply gestured for him to smile.

"Everybody, it's Fun Bobby!" Monica called out.

Everyone was ecstatic at the news as they all looked over. However, Bobby didn't look very fun or even in the party mood from what Zara could see. The room ended up crowding him, finding out that Bobby's grandfather had died as he told them the funeral arrangements. Rachel kept passing him tissues, as well as needing a couple for herself.

Ross was still taking pictures of Chandler and Janice, but Zara had left them to it. Zara didn't mind Janice, but she could only manage small amounts of time with her before Zara was too overwhelmed with the need to say something.

When it came to midnight, though, the majority of them ended up single. Zara placed a blanket on the children with Joey close by to her.

"... please kiss me at midnight!"

Joey hushed Chandler. "You seen Sandy?"

"Uh... I don't know how to tell you this, but she's in Monica's bedroom getting it on with Max, that scientist geek," Chandler told his friend. "Whoa, look at that. I did know how to tell you."

"This is karma," Zara smiled at them both. "For breaking the pact."

The three headed towards the kitchen as Rachel mumbled something that no one could pick up with her bust-up lip.

"The ball is dropping!"

"In twenty seconds, it'll be midnight."

"And the moment of joy is upon us," said Chandler next to Zara.

"Looks like that non-date-pact thing worked out," Joey realised, looking at them all stood at the back completely single without a kiss.

"Everybody looks so happy," Phoebe noticed. "I hate that."

"Not everybody's happy," Monica corrected, eyes on Fun Bobby. "Hey, Bobby."

The man started crying again, but he still made the effort with a party hat.

"Happy New Year!"

"You know, I just thought I'll through this out there," said Chandler, turning to his friends. "I'm no math whiz, but I do believe there are four girls and three guys right here."

He made kissing noises, grinning slightly.

"Oh, I don't feel like kissing anyone tonight," said Phoebe.

"I can't kiss anyone," Rachel grunted out.

"So two girls and three guys?" Zara questioned. "That doesn't work."

"Monica can't kiss Ross," Joey pointed out.

"I'm not kissing Ross," Zara stood her ground. "And defiantly not Joey."

"Perfect," Ross exclaimed. "Now everybody's getting kissed but me."

"All right, somebody kiss me," Chandler requested but everyone just stared at him before protesting. "Somebody kiss me! It's midnight!"

Chandler became more desperate as Zara sighed, giving in. Reaching up, Zara's hands cupped Chandler's cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss as their lips crashed together. Surprised, Chandler froze, but then leant into the kiss as Zara pulled back with a teasing smirk.

However, once it had dawned on the two, they simply stared at each other in shock.

For Chandler, the kiss had caused his crush to explode. But, for Zara, she found herself startled, seeing Chandler in a new light from just a brief kiss.

It's starting!! You guys are going to love the next couple of chapters! I posted a story for Spencer Reid (criminal minds) lately if anyone was interested!

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