thirty-five | zara's choice

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Honestly, if she wasn't in so much shock, Zara could have laughed at the sight of Derek lingering in their doorway. Even with Zara outside, she could see Monica fold her arms across her chest, clearly not impressed that Derek was there.

"Do you want me to get rid of him?" Chandler offered.

"No," Zara told him. "I'm curious why he's here."

It was a curiosity as in Zara felt like her life had become a comedy show, finding it too amusing to ignore. Like, of course, her ex would turn up right now at the most vital point in her life. Zara had her suspicions, but she wanted to hear what lame excuse he came up with.

So, Zara headed back into the apartment, acting unbothered as Derek's eyes fell on her. Those dark irises glistened, lips quirking up into a smirk.

"There she is," Derek said.

"Zara, Derek was just leaving," Monica said.

"Actually," said Derek. "I was hoping to speak to you. Ideally, without your boyfriend or Monica around. You know, just us."

"Chandler's not my boyfriend anymore," Zara told him.

Derek's smile widened. "Perfect."

Chandler frowned. "I don't think we got the chance to meet properly last time. David, was it?"

"No, we didn't," said Derek. "There's no point now, is there?"

"Derek, don't be rude," Zara snapped at him.

"Can we talk?" Derek asked again.

Even though Zara was wondering what could possibly bring Derek here after all this time to talk, she wasn't quite ready to give in to her curiosity. It was troubling — Zara was no fool — but she wasn't one that could ignore it.

But, of course, she could feel Chandler's eyes burning into her.

"You have five minutes," Zara told him. "And it better be worth my time, Derek."

"Oh, I think it will be," Derek said.

Stepping into the flat, Monica sighed before closing the front door again. The irises were placed on the table for Zara to deal with later, though she was torn about keeping them. Then, Zara ignored the warning look Monica gave her as she led Derek out to the balcony, knowing it was the only private place to speak. Zara would leave the apartment to talk to him, but she didn't quite trust herself without Monica around.

"Should I be concerned about this?" Chandler asked Monica.

"That depends," said Monica. "On what Derek has to say and what you two spoke about out there. I just hope Zara's not about to make a foolish mistake."

But, outside, Zara was ignoring Derek's smug look as he took in the view from the apartment.

"It's quite the place you have here," Derek commented.

"It's not mine," said Zara. "But I love it here. Feels like home."

"You used to call my place home," Derek pointed out.

"Why are you here?" Zara demanded.

"Because of your book," said Derek. "I saw the name and just knew it was you. You know, it's been almost three years since we broke up."

"Thanks for the reminder," Zara said.

"You look good, Zara," Derek told her.

"I know," Zara grinned, though it was more sarcastic. "You still haven't answered my question."

"I saw your name on that book and I just realised that everything I'm missing, I had," Derek said. "My mom was right: you were the one I was supposed to marry, but it was too much at the time, so I broke up with you."

"No, you got bored, Derek," Zara told him. "Things got too serious and you didn't like that I didn't need you to depend on anymore. You weren't getting anything out of the relationship that you wanted. You dumped me and moved in a new girl before I'd even moved out everything!"

"I'm not dating her anymore," Derek said.

"Oh, that's wonderful!" Zara responded, not sure how else to react. "I kind of figured that out when you were alone in that bar, Derek. You didn't like it then that I had moved on from you — that I was happy."

"I was jealous, but I left you alone."

"How sweet of you," Zara told him. "And now?"

"I told you, I saw your name—"

"And realised everything you were missing," Zara laughed at the words. "You're only here because I'm this exciting, new Zara with a book coming out, so you want to make your claim while you can."

"I bought you flowers," Derek said. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I've changed now, Zara. I want to be the man you wanted me to be."

Zara scoffed, shaking her head. "Yeah, I guess flowers prove that."

"Then what will?" Derek demanded.

"Nothing, Derek," Zara shouted at him. "Not even if you brought me the whole world, I still wouldn't take you back."

But Zara knew what Derek was like; it was a challenge he couldn't back down from now.

The front door opened a second time, and Monica and Chandler both turned to see Joey with an anxious smile as he held a fresh bouquet of blue irises.

"Oh, Joey," said Monica.

"Is Zara here?" Joey questioned. "I kind of want to talk to her."

Both Chandler and Monica exchanged a look before their eyes landed on the balcony again. Joey's eyes followed, spotting the dark-haired man with hair longer than Joey's that curled.

"Who's that?" Joey asked, fearing the answer.

"Derek," Chandler mumbled.

"Oh," said Joey, unknowing how to feel, but the flowers he held started to lower. "But I bought Zara flowers."

But, Zara was coming back in anyway, where she paused upon seeing Joey with the flowers. There was an apprehensive look on Zara's face, feeling her heart expand, but she was too overwhelmed right now.

"Looks like I'm not the only man coming by in the hope to win you back," Derek said with a laugh, especially as his eyes landed on Chandler. "Guess you didn't get the memo about the flowers." Then, Derek patted Joey on the back, receiving a glare. "Nice try, but you're a little too late."

"Derek, leave," Zara ordered.

"Yes, please go," Monica encouraged, more than happy to see Zara's ex out of the apartment.

At the door, Derek's eyes fell on Zara again. "You know this isn't the end."

But Monica was practically pushing him out with the door slamming shut behind him.

"Ugh," said Monica. "I hate that man."

"Joey, you bought me flowers?" Zara questioned, where her eyes were stuck on him.

Zara was dumbfounded, having not expected something so sweet. Now, her heart pounded, wondering if there was a reason for the flowers.

As crazy as the day had been, Zara hoped there was a reason

"I..." said Joey, practically floundering. "Well, uh, your book is being published tomorrow, so I wanted to get you something."

"Oh, you're so sweet," Zara told him, accepting the flowers.

Though, from Joey's face, she knew there had been more. It was a little disappointing, but it was for the best; Zara's heart couldn't handle a third round in one day.

Even though Zara could feel both Joey and Chandler staring at her, Zara tried to ignore what had just happened. Already, her head was scrambled simply because of the two of them, but now she had Derek popping up again, asking for trouble.

But, right now, Zara needed to focus on her book.

That would at least keep her from screwing anything up. Right?

Come to the day of her book launch, Zara had banned any talk about the three from Monica. It was something that Zara was burying deep, unable to even process what had happened.

Yet, she felt like a ticking time bomb about to blow from everything. But, right now, she was too caught up in a dream.

Zara was officially a published author.

It was a realisation she faced alone — needing to start the day by herself, just like had always once done. While she was grateful to her friends for helping her get to this point, Zara still needed a moment of reality to absorb it all in.

Tears spilt down Zara's cheeks as she found the display of her books in the local bookshop, where she quickly wiped the evidence away before she was caught. At the display, there was even a pop-up cut out of the cartoon drawing of Ruby that made Zara smile, feeling like it was all very real now.

A young girl joined Zara in the area as she picked up the book, reading the blurb on the back as Zara's heart stilled.

"Hi," said Zara. "That's my book."

"Oh, sorry," the girl apologised, handing it over.

"No, I mean I wrote it," Zara told her.

"Really?" The girl questioned. "That's cool! Is Ruby really a superhero?"

"Well, she's got to finish school first," Zara explains. "Right now, she's an apprentice."

"Hey, my name is Joanna like Ruby's friend!" The girl realised, becoming excited.

Zara smiled. "It's a pretty name."

"Is the book in the library?" Joanna asked.

"I... I don't know," Zara realised.

"Oh," said Joanna, smiling falling. "I want to read it, but I can't pay for it."

"Wait, where are your parents?" Zara's eyebrows furrowed, searching the shop for an adult figure, who should be with the child. Joanna was probably about ten, but she was still young to be in the city alone.

"I don't know," Joanna said, shrugging as if she didn't care, but Zara could still see through the act of it. "They kind off ditched me when I was born."

"Mine did too," Zara confessed. "Let me buy the book for you. I'll even personalise it for you."

Joanna's face perked up a that. "Really?"

"Yeah," said Zara. "I think you'll love Ruby too."

Joanna smiled down at the book, already finding comfort in the story before she had even started.

For Zara, maybe she saw herself in Joanna, thinking back to when she had been alone to face the city as a young girl, looking in shops without having the money to buy. If Joanna was anything like Zara, then she knew the kid would try swiping the book once Zara was gone.

But, it felt right, that the first person Zara saw buy her book was someone like Joanna. Zara was smiling, hoping that her book was enough to make a small difference in someone's life.

When she returned home, Zara was surprised to find all her friends were there with a surprise banner and cake for Zara's big day. They all had a bag too, having picked up their pre-ordered copies from the bookshop, which had made Zara laugh.

"You won't believe it," said Chandler. "But they came signed!"

"That's cause you pre-ordered them," Zara reminded him.

"Where'd you go anyway?" Monica asked.

"I went to see my book myself," said Zara. "Bought my book for a girl who reminded me of myself when I was ten, so I saved the shop from a shop-lifter."

"Does that mean you saved yourself or lost yourself money since you paid for it?" Chandler questioned.

"It means I have one girl reading my book right now," Zara replied with a smile. "So, that's a win to me."

Maybe people weren't rushing to the shops to get Zara's book, but it was a positive start. Zara knew that word of mouth about her book would spread once people started to read it, and already, she had spotted a few people purchasing her book or even picking up their preorders.

So, Zara was celebrating — she had every reason to be.

Which was why that night, she had a champagne glass constantly in hand at her book launch party. Zara wore a long black, silvery dress that was enough for Zara to shine under the spotlight.

The toast came with everyone cheering Zara's name in unison.

Smiling brightly, Zara spotted the two of many, who had raised their glasses towards her. They were both smiling, practically dazzling in their suits as Zara was speechless.

Zara loved them both, but she wasn't sure who she could let herself fall into.

"You did it," said Chandler, finding Zara a little later that night.

"I did," Zara agreed. "I'm a published author now."

"You know, you deserve all this," Chandler told her.

"A whole party just for me?" Zara questioned. "It seems a bit too much still."

"Yeah, well, is that so surprising when you don't like celebrating your birthday?" Chandler reminded her. "For someone who loves attention, you hate it."

"I never like to do anything easy," said Zara. "You should know that by now."

"Oh, I do," Chandler said with a hint of a smile. "I, uh, wanted to tell you that you look really beautiful tonight. Like, seriously, Zara. Even if this wasn't your party, all eyes would be on you."

"Thanks," Zara smiled at that. "You know, you look pretty good too now that you've gotten rid of that beard."

Chandler let out a small laugh, shoving his hands in his pocket. "I guess I shaved it off for you."

"I know," said Zara. "And it's appreciated."

But, Zara couldn't say the words Chandler was hoping to hear. It was too much when she didn't know what she wanted. Instead, she took another glass of champagne, heading back of the bookshop, where the outside part of the cafe was.

"Hey, are you okay?" Joey asked.

Zara smothered her sigh as she took a swig of champagne. "I'm fine."

It was impossible to avoid her heart when everywhere she went, either Joey or Chandler was there. All she wanted was to celebrate her book, but all she could think about was her spiralling out-of-control love life.

"You sure?" Joey questioned.

"Yeah, positive," said Zara. "Just a lot going on right now, but I'm having a good night."

"I'm glad," Joey said. "You deserve it. Shall I get you another drink?"

"Joey?" Zara suddenly turned to face him. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, sure," said Joey.

"Why did you really buy me those flowers?" Zara asked.

Zara knew how Chandler felt, and she was certain Joey felt the same too, but she couldn't quite confirm it. Plus, it was annoying her: Zara didn't want to get her hopes up, but she wanted to be right.

"I thought you didn't want to talk about any of that today," Joey reminded her. "That's what you told Monica."

"I don't," said Zara. "But I'm impatient and I need to know."

"I brought them as I..." Joey paused, suddenly terrified as he stepped closer to Zara as she held onto his stare, fearing the words that would follow too. "I wanted to tell you that I'm... that I love you."

Zara gasped, still startled by the truth despite knowing. Downing the rest of the contents in her glass, Zara placed it on the table outside, unknowing what she was supposed to say or do now.

Chandler still loved Zara.

Joey was in love with Zara.

Derek wanted to get back together with Zara too.

And Zara? Well...

"Joey, I don't know—"

"Hey, I get it," said Joey as if he was accepting a rejection. "I'm just Joey, so it's okay."

"What?" Zara caught his hand, stopping him from leaving. "What do you mean you're just Joey?"

"Well, I always get the girl, but never the girl, you know?" Joey told her. "I've never fallen in love before, so I don't have a clue what I'm doing. You and Chandler have a past, so I don't have that. And now Derek too."

"But you're still you," Zara reassured him. "Do you know why those flowers annoyed me so much that I needed to know?"

"Why?" Joey questioned.

"Because I wanted to be right," said Zara. "I wanted you to tell me that you were in love with me."

"You did?"

"Of course I did," Zara told him.

Not needing to hear anything else, Joey stepped closer to Zara as her breathing came to a halt. The chill of the spring air crept at them, but Joey didn't waste a second before his arms were sliding around Zara's waist, fingers pulling her towards him for a kiss.

It was magical with that spark awakening and Zara needing more. Her hands lopped around his neck, fingers tugging at the short strands of his hair.

Choosing Joey could be easy.

Zara did love him.

But it terrified her too.

So, Zara pulled away. "I'm sorry. I just... I don't know, Joey. I really don't know."

"I know," Joey was sad as he placed a kiss on the top of her forehead. "I get it, Zara."

"There's just a lot going on," Zara explained. "And I'm just, so confused."

"Hey, it's okay," Joey reassured her. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I feel like I've waited all this time anyway, so I can wait a little more until you figure things out."

That didn't make Zara feel any better. It was shameful, Zara knew that. But how could Zara pick between them?

Joey pulled away from Zara with the warmth leaving as she felt heavy, completely clueless about what to do — who to choose.

Zara could have everything, but she could easily mess everything up.


"There she is," Monica said the next morning as Zara came into the coffee house, still all giddy from the previous night. "Our shining star."

"Morning, Zara," Rachel grinned from the counter with Monica and Joey.

Seeing that grin, Zara's eyes flickered to Joey, noticing that Monica seemed a little too thrilled too. Apparently, Joey had shared their kiss with them, and he was now a little shy to face Zara again, where she still hadn't made a decision.

But, waking up that morning, she felt as if her head was a little less scrambled to figure out her heart.

On the sofa, Chandler and Ross were sitting together, but Bonnie (the girl Ross was now seeing) was with them too. Zara had met the girl briefly last night during the haze of her night, so she wasn't too sure about Bonnie yet.

Hearing Rachel and Monica greet Zara, the three turn to her with a warm smile.

"You almost packed for your book tour?" Monica asked.

"Almost," said Zara. "I just got a call too, they're extending the book tour as sales are already dramatically increasing. There's a chance I'm going to make the New York Times bestseller list, but it's early days, of course."

There was a chorus of replies to that, all positive and excited for Zara, who was still a little bit immune from the news. Zara didn't want to get her hopes up, so she was going to wait to see what happened.

But, right now, her cheeks were bright red from all the love.

"Watch out, Zara Ellison's blushing," Chandler teased.

"It's just warm in here," Zara insisted, walking up to the counter to stand next to Joey as she ordered a cappuccino to go.

"To go?" Joey questioned.

"I've got to finish packing," said Zara. "And then I've got a meeting to go over the tour before I start."

"Look at you all busy," Joey said.

"I know, it's all crazy," Zara said with a smile, where she dared herself to meet his gaze, knowing the questions that were swirling within his irises. "Maybe we can talk before I go. You know, about last night. I've woken up with a clearer head, so I've figured a few things out."

That caused Joey to smile. "That sounds like good news."

"It's good news," Zara promised him.

And it felt right; Zara felt lighter, happier. But, there was still that shaky feeling of fear with Zara worried that she was making a mistake.

"I can't wait then," Joey said.

Monica leaned closer to them, grinning brightly. "You guys are so cute."

"Monica, stop," Zara whispered to her.

"Is that woman capable of talking about anything else but sex?" Rachel questioned, focused on Bonnie.

"Yeah, sure," said Joey, seeming happier as he moved away from Zara, already knowing that things were going to be perhaps as bright as his red shirt. "Well, you know, earlier, she was talking about Geography."

"Joey, she was listing the countries she's done it in," Monica told him.

"Well, I think we all learned something," Joey said.

"Hey, you guys," said Phoebe, coming into the coffee house rather quickly as she was holding something to show them all. "Look what I found. Look at this — that's my mom's writing. Look."

It was Chandler who took the picture as they all crammed around closer to see.

"Me and Frank and Phoebe, graduation, 1965," Chandler read.

"Do you know what that means?" Phoebe questioned.

"That you're actually fifty?" Joey guessed.

"No, no," said Phoebe. "That's not me. That's her pal Phoebe. According to her high school yearbook they were like, BFF. Best friends forever."

"Oh," they all realised, but they knew.

"That's great," said Monica.

"That's so cool," Rachel told her, looking.

"I know," Phoebe agreed. "So this woman probably like has all kinds of stories about my parents and she might even know where my dad is. So I looked her up and she lives out by the beach. So maybe this weekend, we could go to the beach."

"Yeah," everyone agreed. "We can."

"Oh, Phoebe, I wish I could go," Zara said.

"No, you Miss Author, have a book tour to go on," said Phoebe. "The world is calling for you!"

"Not exactly the world," Zara said. "Just a few states."

"America today, but the world tomorrow," Chandler told her.

"Shoot, I can't go," said Bonnie. "I have to work."

"That's too bad," Ross said.

"Aww, big fat bummer," Rachel replied.

"So, great," said Phoebe. "Okay. Tomorrow we'll drive out to Montauk."

"Hey, Bonnie had sex there," Joey said before he saw Rachel's face, where he grabbed her arm, instantly feeling bad.

While everyone was hanging at their trip, Zara headed home to start packing as she was leaving for her book tour tomorrow. It was going to start and end in New York, where Zara was stopping at a few states across the country that Zara was excited about.

Though, as she came home, she found Derek at the doorstep. The man was there holding a globe and Zara's book, which didn't quite match the smirk on his face. Confused, Zara was hesitant as she approached him.

"This isn't staying away from me," Zara told him.

Derek held up the globe. "I bought you the world."

"And I said if you did that, then I still wouldn't take you back."

"You say that now," said Derek. "But you know I can change your mind."

Zara sighed, leaning against the doorframe. Of course, she could go inside, but she didn't want the satisfaction of letting Derek in.

"And my book?" Zara questioned. "What's that for?"

"I was hoping you'd sign it," Derek confessed. "Maybe write a little love note for me too."

"You don't deserve one," Zara told him.

"Maybe I could earn one," said Derek, edging closer to her as Zara's head tilted upwards so she could see him. "If you give me a chance."

"I don't have time," Zara said, hating how her heartbeat sped up. "I'm about to go on tour."

"That sounds lonely without someone," Derek told her. "I could be your groupie."

Zara's lip curled upwards. "My groupie?"

"I'll bring you coffee during the day," said Derek, lowering his head so he was closer to Zara, knowing that he was getting into her head, corrupting her. "Then at night, I can do more than just keep your bed warm."

"Derek, I can't," Zara told him.

"You can," Derek's hand rose with the back of his knuckles brushing against her cheek. "I know you miss what we had. We were good, Zara, don't you want that again? Getting back with me is the easiest choice you could make."

"Don't say that," Zara whispered.

"Why not?" Derek questioned. "Because it's true, Zara."

Zara felt the thickness swell in her throat as she struggled to swallow the growing emotions inside of her. All she could think about was the two she loved, who she had sworn to not let herself fall in love with. While Zara was afraid of being in love, she was more scared to lose her two best friends.

Worst of all, Zara had thought she had made her choice.

And now Derek was here — again. The sirens were wailing, and the lights were flashing red, but Derek was right: being with him was easy.

If it failed, then Zara had nothing to lose.

So, Zara gave in as she kissed Derek, hating herself for choosing him.

But, of course, Zara had a way of letting her fears ruin everything.

Zara felt awful the following day. After her kiss with Derek, she had shamefully avoided Joey, knowing she had promised that they would talk, but now all Zara had was just broken promises.

Shame kept Zara away from her friends, but worst of all, Zara was too much of a coward to confess the truth. But, she couldn't let them leave for the weekend without saying goodbye.

Zara's plan was that once the book tour was done, then she would come back and everything would be forgotten. Joey and Chandler would move on, and then Zara would be comfortable in her new relationship.

"Oh, Zara," said Joey, spotting her outside the coffee house. "Can we talk before we go?"

"Uh, why don't we talk when I'm back?" Zara suggested.

"Oh," Joey's face dropped. "It's still good news, right?"

But Zara couldn't bring herself to answer that. Fortunately, a horn tooted as the yellow cab came around the corner, meaning it was almost time for them to go.

And Zara was determined to have them gone before the news about Derek came out.

"I am having the best karma this week," said Phoebe as Ross opened the boot, starting to put the luggage in the back. "First, I find this woman who knew my parents and then my client with the fuzzy back gives me a beach house! Oh, plus you, Zara! You're famous now!"

Zara laughed at that. "I'm not famous."

"What about that bike messenger you hit?" Ross questioned.

"Oh, I wasn't talking about his karma," Phoebe explained.

"Hey," said Rachel, joining them with her suitcases and a large straw hat on her head.

"Hey, check out the hat," Joey said.

"Wait a minute," Chandler pointed at Rachel. "I know that hat. I was taken abroad that had. They did experiments on me. I can't have children!"

"Seriously, where did you get the hat?" Monica questioned.

"Ross gave it to me," Rachel said.

"I think she looks good," said Ross.

"Oh, thank you!"

"He buy it for you or... or win it for you?"

"Well, excuse me, my fashion-impaired friends," Rachel said. "I'm here to tell you that hats were back."

"And this time they've ganged up for one giant superhat," Phoebe said.

"Honey, are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Monica asked her, pulling Zara away from the group as they were getting ready to leave. "I can still stay."

"There's no need, I'm going tonight anyway," Zara reminded her. "I have my first signing session this evening."

"And what about Joey?" Monica whispered. "I thought you were gonna tell him how you feel?"

Zara flinched at the words, unable to meet Monica's stare.

"Zara?" Monica questioned, sensing something.

"Run, Zara, run," said Chandler, quickly. "Derek's coming."

Zara's eyes widened at that, where she had told Derek to stay away until her friends had gone. Now Derek was strolling over, who was already acting ridiculously arrogant about having Zara back in his life again.

"No..." Monica realised. "Zara, please tell me you're not getting back together with Derek."

"You wanted me to find someone who was enough to help me get over them," Zara reminded her. "Derek's the perfect distraction."

"Oh, Zara," said Monica, sighing. "I didn't want this. You're just choosing Derek because you're scared about what you're feeling."

"I'm not scared," Zara argued.

"Honey, you are," Monica sympathised. "It's okay, you know. Being in love is supposed to come with a little bit of fear. Just because it's there, doesn't mean you're gonna be left."

Zara had nothing to say; maybe deep down, she knew she had been so close to having something real, but she had panicked and chosen the easiest option.

But, if Zara had given in and chosen Joey, then she could have lost Chandler.

So, as Derek came over, with his arm sliding around Zara's shoulders, and his lips briefly pressing against her cheek, Zara felt like maybe it wasn't the easiest choice at all.

And when she turned, catching Joey's expression, she knew she had broken his heart.

Even Chandler was stunned to silence, trying to hide the fact that his heart was crumbling too.

"I'm sorry," Zara told them.

It was cowardly, but it was the choice Zara had made. 

And maybe it was the wrong choice as when it came to goodbye, neither Chandler nor Joey could bring themselves to look at Zara.

So, Zara's heart cracked too, wondering if she had lost them anyway.

Being on tour had been a welcome distraction for Zara as she had started. It was a dream come true as Zara met so many readers (all of them of various ages too) that were so happy to meet her and were already gushing about how much they loved the book.

Zara's smile was honest with her heart golden, but the glow was tainted.

As happy as she was, all she could think about was how she had lost Chandler and Joey anyway in the end. It was typical of Zara, who had ruined everything in the naive belief that she was sparing them all from this.

And now it was supposed to be the happiest time of her life, but all she felt was misery.

But, Zara wouldn't let it completely destroy her tour. While Derek was a distraction that was enough to ease the heartbreak slightly, Zara was determined to focus on her own achievements like she had always promised herself.

Zara might have screwed up, but she was not about to risk her dream too.

"Who should I make this book out to?" Zara asked, opening her book to the page so that she could sign a new copy for a fan.

"Tobias Malone," the man replied. "Your brother."

At that, Zara's eyes darted upwards, mouth falling open in shock.


Oopsie, Zara made the wrong choice and is causing drama! I really don't like Derek, but he's definitely causing a storm. I need a fc for Zara's brother (Derek doesn't deserve one). So far I'm thinking Jon Krasinski! So, so excited for season 4!!!

Updates will slow down now as I've been neglecting my other stories way too much!

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