twenty-three | just friends

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Zara and Monica were inseparable, facing their heartbreak together. While Monica was more emotional and hardly sleeping, Zara was just miserable and bitter, falling into a pit of regret.

Of course, life went on, and Zara refused to stop because of heartbreak. So, Zara had worn the brightest dress she could find with dotted flowers all over it.

"There she is," said Rachel with a fake smile. "Morning, Zara."

"Oh, I love your dress!" Phoebe tried.

"It matches the frown on your face," Ross commented.

Zara simply glared at Ross, reaching past him for the orange juice as she helped herself to a glass.

"Please don't kill me," Ross pleaded.

"Oh, honey," Rachel sympathised. "I hate seeing you upset."

"I'm not upset," Zara insisted. "I'm just mad."

"At Chandler?" Phoebe questioned.

"At myself," Zara explained. "For ruining everything."

"You didn't ruin—"

"I'm too late, so it's over," said Zara, slamming down the jug of juice as the contents sploshed. "It's for the best anyway."

While Janice was not the kind of woman she could see Chandler spending his life with, he still deserved anyone who wasn't Zara, so that was that. All Zara needed was to get drunk a few more times, and then maybe she'd find a way to get over him for good.

"Oh, God," said Monica, coming out of the bathroom with her voice all hysterical. "Look what I found in the drain."

In her hand, she held a ball of hair with Zara no longer wanting her orange juice.

"What?" Rachel questioned.

"It's some of Richard's hair," Monica told them. "What do I do with this?"

"Getting it away from me would be job one," Ross suggested, who was eating his breakfast.

"It's weird, but you know what, I don't want to throw this away," Monica said. "I mean, this is like all I have left of him — gross... drain hair."

Realising that, Monica threw the hair as it landed on Ross' cereal. Both Phoebe and Zara peered over Ross' shoulder, noses screwing upwards as the hair floated.

"Cool," said Phoebe. "Oh, it looks like a tiny little person drowning in your cereal."

Ross abruptly stood, done with his breakfast as he headed to the sink.

"God, what is wrong with me?" Monica questioned.

"You need to get some sleep," Ross suggested.

"I need to get some Richard," Monica insisted.

"This was a summary of our night last night," said Zara. "I wanted to sleep, Monica wanted Richard." But Zara wanted Chandler too.

"Monica, you broke up with him for a reason," Rachel reminded her.

"I know, I know," Monica said, moving to where Ross was sitting as she helped herself to the cartoon of orange juice. "I'm just so tired of missing him. I'm tired of wondering why he hasn't called. Why hasn't he called?"

Zara had taken the seat opposite Monica as she helped herself to a spare muffin before she left for work. Right now, she didn't want to talk about Chandler — if anything, Zara was going to ignore the whole situation.

"Maybe 'cause you told him not to?" Phoebe guessed.

"What are you, the memory woman?" Monica asked.

The front door opened then to reveal Joey in his stripy shirt as all eyes fell on him.

"Sorry, Zara," said Joey, coming to join them in the kitchen area. "But they're not breaking up. Chandler and Janice — they're not breaking up. He didn't blink or anything."

"I don't care," Zara shrugged, not looking at anyone. "Chandler can do what he wants."

"Well, you know, I'm not surprised," Rachel said. "I mean, have you seen them together? They're really cute. Plus, Chandler's been really sad lately, so it's nice to see him happy. Sorry, Zara."

"I don't care," Zara reminded her, picking at the blueberry muffin.

"Cute?" Joey questioned, horrified. "This is Janice! You remember Janice?"

"Yes, Joey, I remember," Rachel replied. "She's annoying, but you know what? She's his girlfriend now. What can we do?"

"There you go," said Joey. "That's the spirit I'm looking for. What can we do? Huh? All right, who's first? Huh? Ross?"

"Well, I'm thinking that if Zara's not going to confess how she feels to Chandler," said Ross as Zara scowled at him. "Then, Chandler's our friend and Janice makes him happy. So I say we all just be an adult about it and accept her."

"Yeah," Joey said. "We'll call that plan B, all right?"

Then, his eyes landed on Zara as she sighed. "I'm not gonna talk to him, Joey."

"Oh, come on," Joey complained. "The two of you were so close to getting back together!"

"Yeah, but I was too late," Zara became agitated. "I'm not going to get my hopes up again just to end up hurt again."

That night, Zara ended up sleeping alone as Phoebe planned on helping Monica relax. Alone at night, Zara gave in to her denial, knowing that she did care — Zara cared to the point that she removed almost everything that reminded her of Chandler.

The ballerina jewellery box was now in her wardrobe, though she kept the mood ring on. Zara had hidden all the little memories she had kept from their time together in the box, not wanting to be reminded. A picture frame with the two had also been thrown to the back, buried under her scarves.

Work was a distraction for Zara as the kids in her class were oblivious to Zara's emotions. But, there was also her book as Zara opened the front door the following morning, accepting a signed bulky envelope from her publishing house.

Chandler left his apartment as the two locked eyes, having not spoken or been alone in a long time.

"Hey," said Chandler.

"Hey," Zara replied.

"That's a fancy delivery," Chandler noticed the large envelope with confidential writing on it. "Something from your publishers?"

"Concept art for the cover," said Zara. "And my draft with editing notes."

"Wow," Chandler said, completely surprised. "It's all happening really quickly then."

"They want it finished by Christmas to start the marketing for a spring release," Zara confessed, still shocked too with everything that was happening. "It's still ages away."

"But it'll go fast," Chandler reassured her.

"Yeah," Zara kept the parcel close to her chest, hoping to hide how her heart was responding to seeing Chandler smiling at her again. "I should go..."

"Right, yeah, work," Chandler remembered. "I, uh... wanted to talk to you, but maybe I can see you tonight?"

A spark of hope ignited, but Zara recalled that she already had plans.

"I'm going out with Joey later," Zara told him. "Maybe then, we can?"

"I'm with Janice..." Chandler said as the hope shattered. It became awkward with Chandler's hand cupping the back of his head, most likely hating this strained relationship they now had. "I, guess, I kinda wanted to apologise."

"Apologise?" Zara questioned.

"For everything that's happened between us lately," said Chandler. "I'm so sorry, Zara."

"I'm sorry too," Zara apologised. "I hate us arguing."

"I hated us not being friends," Chandler added. "Can we go back to how things were? Back when we were just friends."

"Oh," Zara realised, knowing this was it — this was final. "Chandler... we'll always be friends, nothing can break that between us."

"Really?" Chandler's eyes were soft, so innocent with his fear. "God, I was so scared that I had lost you for good."

"I'm still here," Zara promised. "I'm not going anywhere."

Chandler was grinning, opening his arms for a hug as Zara found herself unable to stop it from happening. With her head against his chest, and her arms wrapped around him too, Zara found those two words ringing in her head that only made the ache deep inside her heart throb more.

Just friends.

Zara still had not opened the envelope when it came to the evening. It had been a busy day at work with another academic year coming to an end, so Zara had not found the time.

When she came home, she found Monica in an old flannel shirt and under a blanket, where she was still struggling with her breakup.

"Hey, Mon," Zara joined her on the sofa, leaving her bag on the floor for a moment. "You know, you could come join Joey and me tonight. He did insist on taking us both out."

"I'm not ready for the whole going out step," Monica said as she spoke so sadly. "I don't know how you do it."

"Do what?" Zara asked.

"You don't let anyone see you break," said Monica. "And for you... Chandler's always around, so it seems impossible."

"I guess I'm just good at hiding my emotions," Zara said with a shrug. "I've had a lot of practice, I suppose. But... I actually spoke to Chandler."

"You did?" Monica questioned, surprised.

"Yeah," said Zara, starting to sink back on the sofa with the sadness creeping at her. "We're just friends."

"Oh, honey," Monica sympathised.

"I knew us getting back together was a long shot, but I just kind of hoped that Chandler would realise that being with Janice was a mistake," Zara confessed. "That, you know, he'll realise that no one could be me."

"No one could be you," Monica told her. "And Chandler's going to spend every relationship comparing who he's with to you."

"But it still won't be me," Zara said, hating it. "I can accept that, I suppose — I mean, I've pushed us away so much, so it's like I've pushed him directly into Janice's arms, but... I'm not ready to see him move on."

Monica moved the blanket, putting it around Zara too.

"I can't even think about Richard moving on," Monica admitted. "Let alone sit and watch him be with another woman. Zara, you should know that it's okay to give in to your emotions. I'm happy enough to share my heartbreak with you."

Zara smiled at her friend. "I hate seeing you upset, but I'm glad we can share this together."

Monica leant over, resting her head on Zara's shoulder as she reached up, patting the head of her dark-haired friend. Even though it hurt, the two would survive.

"You know," said Monica after a moment. "You left that envelope on the table with the confidential big and red... it's been tempting."

Zara laughed at that. "That's why I didn't take it to work, but it's nothing that special. It's just a copy of my book with notes to work on and then some design concepts. If I open it with you, can you please shower?"

"Deal," Monica decided, sitting up.

Rolling her eyes, Zara reached for the envelope as she found herself smiling. Opening up the envelope, Zara pulled out a copy of her first draft, knowing it was going to be a long process of going through it to make necessary changes. But, right now, Zara was excited to see the design concepts.

"So, does your book have a name?" Monica asked.

"It does," Zara confessed. "I haven't told anyone yet."

Monica perked up at that. "I'm first! What is it?"

"Ruby Hart and the School of Heroes," Zara announced, feeling her own heart glow with her book sounding more realistic.

"Oh, I like it," Monica said. "Does that mean for the sequel..."

"Yeah, it'll be Ruby Hart and the School of Villians."

"I still hate you for banishing Ruby."

Zara shrugged, enjoying everyone's reactions to the end of her book. While it was harsh to send a twelve-year-old to her villain of a dad, forced to attend their school, Zara was excited about the creative freedom she had with it.

"You'll love me again once we see these designs," Zara reminded her friend.

Again, Monica perked up as Zara opened the pack from the selected artists that worked for the publishing house. When they had discussed it, Zara wanted it to be fun with Ruby, Carlos and Joanna on the front.

Now, Zara was looking through the designs with her eyes pinpricking with tears. There was Ruby with her bright blue eyes that were piercing with her bravery, but her heart-shaped face too made her seem sweet. Then there was Carlos with his long hair that had adorable curls to it and Joanna with her dark locks hanging straight down her back.

It was the first time Zara could physically see her characters.

But there was also the school in the background and then the uniforms (all colour coded by year groups until graduation, where they would then claim their own hero costume). Zara felt her heart was full, seeing the book she had always dreamed about writing since she was a child.

"Oh," said Zara, unknowing how to summarise it. "I love them all, Mon. How will I ever choose?"

"Do you have to pick so soon?" Monica questioned.

"No," Zara answered. "But they want to know which artists' designs I like, so I can sit down with them to discuss the main cover. I've got a deadline with the edits, though."

"Maybe wait until your edits," Monica suggested. "As you're reading and writing, you might find what artist fits best."

Zara smiled at that, liking the thought of it.

Though, as the evening grew later, Zara headed over to Joey's to see when they were going out. It was strange for it to be just the two of them, but Joey thought food and alcohol would fix how they were feeling about their love lives (Zara agreed).

"Joey, you ready to go?" Zara questioned as she opened the door to their apartment.

Zara came to a stop, spotting Chandler and Janice sharing a kiss as the brief moment of happiness she had been feeling vanished. It was crushing to see, but the two had heard Zara, pulling apart as she forced a smile on her face.

"Let me get my jacket," Joey told Zara, rushing towards his bedroom.

"Zara," Janice greeted.

"Janice," Zara bit out her name.

"I was just leaving," Jannice confessed.

"Oh, so soon?" Zara questioned. "That's a shame."

"I was actually hoping I would bump into you," Janice announced with it being words that neither Chandler nor Zara wanted to hear.

"Uh... you were?"

"Yeah, of course," said Janice. "I wanted to reassure you that I'm not bothered at all about you and my Bing-a-Ling being friends."

"Oh, wonderful," Zara said, unable to look at either of them (or cringe at the nickname — just Bing was so much better).

"I did warn Chandler that you would break his heart," Janice told her with a smirk as Zara gritted her teeth together. "But I suppose I ought to thank you for making Chandler realise he belongs with me."

"You're welcome then," Zara said, knowing she sounded so bitter.

"Maybe I should thank you for that night too," Janice said with a laugh. "I can't believe you two still don't know!"

"Joey!" Zara shouted desperately. "Joey! Let's go!"

"I'm going, I'm going," Janice reassured, heading past Zara and towards the door. "So, I'll see you later, sweetheart." Then, she turned to face the two again, holding onto the bear. "You too Chandler."

That echoing laugh pierced Zara's ears as she was quick to close the door after Janice.

"Since we're friends," said Zara. "Why Janice?"

"Why Hannah?" Chandler questioned.

"We're not together anymore," Zara told him.

"Oh," Chandler said.

Joey appeared then. "Is Janice gone?"

"Yes, she's gone," Chandler reassured him. "You still can't stand her, can you?"

"I'm sorry, man," said Joey. "I tried. I really did."

"Well, you know, I appreciate you giving it a shot," Chandler said.

"But, hey, look, you know, the good thing is, is that we spent the whole day together and I survived," Joey told them. "And what's even more amazing, so did she. I mean, it was bat day at Shea Stadium."

"Yeah, I guess... I guess that's something."

"Oh, man. That's huge. Now I know I can stand to be around her, which means I get to hang out with you, which is kind of the whole point anyway."

"Okay," Chandler slapped his arm. "You two have fun."

"Why don't you come?" Zara blurted out. "You said you were with Janice, but she's gone, so join us. I'm buying Joey's dinner anyway, so I can get yours."

"Okay," Chandler decided with a smile, appreciative. "I'll come, but you're not paying. I'll go get my coat."

As Chandler left, Joey's eyebrows rose at Zara.

"What?" Zara questioned.

"This was you supposed to be you getting over Chandler, not inviting him out!" Joey whispered loudly to her. "I was gonna help you find a rebound."

"Joey, we can still go to the strip club," Zara offered, knowing the stages of getting over the breakups that the guys in the group seemed to have. "Chandler's moved on, so why can't I?"

Joey scoffed. "The two of you will end up sleeping together again."

"Nope," Zara decided. "It's over between us, so I gotta accept that."

"Really?" Joey challenged.

"Really," Zara confirmed.

Though Zara was far from accepting the truth, but she would fake it until it was a reality.


Ross had an important event with his work that they were all invited to. While Zara was set on being friends with just Chandler, she didn't want to pass up on an opportunity of reminding him of what he had missed out on.

Maybe it was foolish, but Zara thought that it would be easier to stop loving him once she knew that he regretted ever moving on from her. How that worked, Zara wasn't so sure.

Zara's plan included a maroon dress that wrapped nicely around her body which was certainly enough to capture anyone's attention; the dress was long too, but the wrap provided a slit that offered a peek at Zara's long legs. Then, her straight hair had been replaced with larger waves, making it seem shorter, but Zara liked it. Finally, her make up was a little eyeliner and then her lips were a similar shade to her dress.

The golden earrings were the last to be added before Zara was reaching for her black heels, hoping she wasn't overdressed.

"Okay, I'm ready to go," Zara announced, leaving her bedroom with her black clutch bag.

"Oh, Zara," said Ross. "Thank you. Thank you. You look wonderful."

Joey turned in his seat, eyes popping wide. "Woah."

"You're wearing that?" Chandler asked.

Zara smirked, eager to dare him to say something. "What's wrong with this?"

"Uh... no–nothing," Chandler said. "Nothing at all. Zara, you look—"

"No, no," Ross cut in, tapping his watch. "We don't have time for that."

Chandler had to force himself to look away from Zara, who was a little satisfied with his reaction, knowing what Chandler was like. There was always a scramble for words with Chandler completely awestruck, likely becoming self-aware too with his confidence crumbling.

"Has somebody been drinking my fat?" Monica questioned, holding up a glass with floaty bits inside.

"You guys," said Rachel, opening the door as she held up an outfit choice. "Does this look like something of the girlfriend of a palaeontologist would wear?"

"I don't know, you might be the first one," Phoebe replied.

That received a few laughs, though Ross' reaction seemed sarcastic.

"Rach, Zara, did either of you check the machine?" Monica asked them.

"Nope," Zara announced.

"Uh, no," said Rachel. "But, you know what, this is the outfit that makes my calves look fat. Never mind."

Rachel disappeared back into the bedroom as Monica clicked the answer phone. Zara sat down on the sofa next to Phoebe as the blonde started to laugh, noticing Chandler and Joey's expressions.

"What?" Zara questioned.

"Nothing," Phoebe insisted. "I just have a talent for noticing everything."

"Like what?" Zara prodded.

"If I told you then it would ruin the fun," said Phoebe. "Plus, I'm not messing with fate."

Zara's eyebrows furrowed, studying her friend. "Okay...?"

"Well, Joey," Chandler started, moving on. "I wrote a little song today. It's called get up."

"All right," Joey replied. "You can have the chair?"


"Oh, my..." Joey's hand rose, revealing that his fingers were crossed. "Would you look at that?"

"You're fighting over a chair?" Zara questioned over the laughter.

"It was my chair first," Chandler insisted.

And Zara was sat here wanting this man to be in pieces over her.

All Zara could do was laugh.

Then the beep went on the phone. "Hi, it's me. I'm coming over now. Hey, what if I'm already there when you're playing this message?"

"Is that too spooky?" Phoebe questioned after.

The beep went again. "Hi, Rach, are you there? It's me. Pick up. Rachel? Rach?"

"What?" Rachel demanded, coming out of the bedroom.

"Never mind," Ross said.

Another beep echoed. "Monica, it's Richard. Call me."

That caused everyone to freeze as all eyes fell on Monica, unknowing of how she would react. If it was Zara, she would already be diving for the phone.

"I-is, is that message old or new?" Monica asked them, but there was only silence. "Old or new! Old or new!"

"It's old, it's definitely old," Ross was quick to calm her down. "Didn't you hear the double beep?"

"What if it's new?" Monica questioned. "I mean, we agreed not to talk. He could have something really important to say. Shouldn't I call him back?"

"Honey, you did call him back, 'cause it's really old," Chandler told her.

"Yeah, see," Ross moved closer to his sister. "Mon, listen, listen. When Carol and I broke up, I went through the same thing. And you know what I did?"

"Huh?" Monica waited.

"I got dressed," Ross finished, guiding Monica towards the bedroom. "Really, really, quickly, okay? There we go. There we go."

Ross was also pushing Rachel towards the bedroom, where he was clearly on a tight schedule.

"You know what?" Chandler started again. "Okay, fine. Don't get up. You just sit right there. I just hope you don't mind, you know, my hand right here." On his knees, Chandler's hand was directly in Joey's face. "Oh, not touching. Can't get mad. Not touching. Can't get mad. Not touching. Can't get mad."

Zara sighed. "My ex, everybody."

However, it got out of control as Joey's hummus ended up being thrown onto Phoebe's dress.

"Oh my God!" Phoebe cried out, standing. "You... rotten boys!"

"Sorry, Phoebe."

"I'm sorry."

"What am I going to do?" Phoebe demanded.

"No, no, don't rub!" Ross guided. "What gets out hummus? What gets out hummus?"

"Monica, Monica!" Phoebe called out. "You know, what gets out hummus?"

"If it is a new message what is he calling to say?" Monica demanded instead.

"Okay, thanks, yeah, I'll try that."

"You three help Monica," Zara instructed. "But be adults about it. Understand?"

"Got it," the three replied.

"Come on, Phoebe," said Zara, guiding her friend towards the toilet to see if there was anything they could do.

In the bathroom, Zara had dabbed a wet sponge at the dress, hoping a little soap and warm water would be enough to remove it without staining.

"So, revenge dress, huh?" Phoebe questioned.

"Not a revenge dress," said Zara. "But..."

"You want Chandler to notice," Phoebe guessed.

Zara grinned. "He did, didn't he?"

"Oh, he definitely did," said Phoebe. "I just don't get why you won't tell him. So what if he's with Janice? That means nothing compared to what you guys had."

"Phoebe, you're the one that believes in fate," Zara reminded her. "I kept pushing Chandler away, and then, when I finally accept that I love him, there's Janice again. What if it's fate for it to not work out for us? What if we're supposed to be just friends?"

"I don't believe that," Phoebe told her.

"Well, that's what I believe."

Unfortunately, they couldn't get the stain out so they returned to the living area, trying to come up with an alternative. Rachel was out with them again, still not dressed.

"Pheebs, what happened?" Rachel questioned.

"Hummus," said Phoebe. "I got the hummus."

"Oh... honey, well we'll find you something," Rachel offered. "Do you want to wear my black jacket?"

"It won't go with this dress, though," Phoebe complained.

"You're right," said Rachel. "Well, let's just get you out of that."

"No, no, no," Ross kept repeating. "Not out of that. Not out of clothes."

"Monica, can Phoebe borrow your green dress?" Rachel questioned as Monica had come out of her bedroom still not ready. "Or, Zara, surely you have something?"

"I called him," Monica announced.

They all gasped in response.

"I told you guys to help Monica!" Zara shouted.

"What were we supposed to do? Watch her change?" Ross shouted back.

Zara sighed at that.

"Yes, well it happened," said Monica. "Well, I got his machine and I left a message. But, it's okay, it's okay, because, you know, it was, like, a casual, breezy message. It was breezy. Oh, God. What if it wasn't breezy?"

"Well, how could it not be breezy?" Phoebe questioned. "No, 'cause you're in such a breezy place."

"You know, I got it," Monica decided. "I will play my message for you guys and you can tell me if it's breezy enough."

"But, Monica, how are you going to do that?" Joey asked.

Monica had picked up their home phone. "I know the code to his answering machine."

"Okay, Mon, I really don't think this is the..." Ross tried. "Okay, you're dialling. You're dialling."

As Monica dialled the number, the front door opened to Chandler appearing in his suit with a waistcoat. Zara forgot about Monica's troubles for a moment, realising she was the one struck by him now.

But, Joey was no longer sitting in his chair, so there was a scramble as to who would be sitting again. Of course, Joey won as he dived into the seat with Chandler trying to act casual after.

"Hi, this is Richard. Please leave a message after the tone."

"You have two new messages."

"Wow, what a cool job," Joey realised before he started imitating the machine's message. "Please pass the pie."

There was a beep from the machine. "Hi, it's Monica. I'm just checking in because I got this message from you and I didn't know if it was old or new or what so, I'm just checking. So, let me know. Or don't. Whatever. I'm breezy."

Hearing that, Zara cringed knowing the end made it a disaster.

"Hey, you can't say you're breezy," Joey pointed out. "That totally negates the breezy."

Another beep echoed. "Hola. It's me. Yesterday was really fun. Call me about this weekend, okay?"

"Oh, Mon," Zara sympathised, knowing what that was like.

"Now, she sounded breezy," Joey said.

There was a long moment of Monica's silence, trying to process everything. They were all waiting as Zara noticed the bow tie hanging loosely around Chandler's neck that caused a small smile, knowing he couldn't do it.

"Chandler, do you want me to do your tie for you?" Zara offered.

"What?" Chandler questioned before looking down. "Oh, yeah. You always do it just how I like it — smart, but breezy." That caused everyone to frown at him. "Too soon?"

Zara was still smiling, though. The hint of a joke was enough encouragement as Zara walked towards him, hands reaching up to sort the bow tie. Around them, everyone tried to ignore the two, focusing on supporting Monica.

"I wanted to say it early, but you look incredible, Zara," Chandler told her. "I think I forgot my name when you walked out earlier."

That was certainly something you didn't say to a friend.

There was a blush on Zara's cheeks. "You look good too, Chandler. Thanks to me, of course."

"Well, I'd be hopeless and lost without you," Chandler admitted. "I did learn a thing or two from you."

"Just not how to do your own tie," Zara reminded him.

"Like I said, you always do a better job at it."

Zara met his gaze, feeling her heart come to a stop. Her fingers had paused, lingering on the completed bow tie, realising that she was forgetful now too.

"He's seeing someone," Monica blurted out, causing Zara to break free of her spell. "I can't believe he's seeing someone."

Patting Chandler's chest, Zara let go. "You're all good, B — Chandler."

Then, Zara turned away, letting out a long breath as she faced Monica again, having forgotten that everyone was in the room with her. Rachel had an eyebrow raised at Zara before she returned her attention to Monica too.

"Monica, you don't know that," Phoebe tried to help.

"Well, whose voice was that?" Monica demanded.

"Maybe it was his sister's, you know," Chandler suggest, moving to stand on the other side of the sofa and away from Zara. "Maybe it was his daughter's."

"Michelle, of course!" Monica exclaimed, wanting to believe that. "It was Michelle! Did it sound like her?"

"Yeah," they all agreed.

"Oh, great," said Ross. "It's starting to rain. That'll make it easier to get a cab."

"It was Michelle," Rachel reassured Monica.

"It was definitely Michelle."

"Pheebs, you go with Monica," Rachel instructed. "Try on her green dress. Zara maybe go find something too. If nothing works, you're wearing my grey silk one." Then she paused. "Unless I wear it."

"You don't know what you're wearing?" Ross questioned.

"I'm just trying to look nice for your big night," Rachel told him.

"Yeah, which we have to leave for in exactly twelve minutes," Ross panicked. "Look, come on. I'll just pick something out for you."

Before Chandler and Joey could even get into it again about the chair, Zara vanished to her room for a moment to find something for Phoebe. Knowing Phoebe's style, Zara's daytime dresses for work were more her friend's style, but nothing was fancy for tonight.

Zara left her bedroom as she held a long, flowery dress, but she was surprised to find Phoebe with a large Christmas decoration stuck to her dress.

"Pheobe, I got you a dress," Zara offered.

"I don't need it anymore, thanks," Phoebe decided. "But Rachel had this Christmas ribbon, and I thought, all right, fine. I'll be political."

"What are you supporting?" Chandler questioned.

"Duh," said Phoebe. "Christmas."

"I guess I'll put this back then."

For a second time, Zara disappeared back into the bedroom to put the dress back. However, she found her long black dress with a hint of glitter. Torn between the two dresses, Zara pressed her lips together, unknowing which one made her look better.

"Should I change into this dress?" Zara questioned, heading back out to the living room.

"Zara, what are you doing?" Ross looked fed up. "You're ready. It's too late to change."

"But my boobs look better in this one," Zara argued.

"Don't change," Chandler told her as the phone started to ring with Phoebe offering to pick it up.

"See," Ross insisted.

"Hi. Monica, Zara, and Rachel's."

"The maroon is the dress, Zara," Monica told her, walking towards her bedroom.

"Yeah. Just a second. Can I ask who's calling?" Phoebe questioned before she covered the speaker, turning to the room. "Oh, it's Michelle. Oh!"

"Why is Michelle calling now?" Zara questioned.

Monica's hand covered her mouth.

"She must have that caller ID thing," Phoebe said. "You should get that."

Zara's eyes fell on Monica. "You called her?"

Monica was speechless as she took the phone, struggling to figure out what to say. "Uh... Michelle? Yeah, that was me. Uh, I dialled your number by mistake. Oh, you're so sweet! Yeah, we were a great couple. I know, I really miss him. Well, you know how it is. It's just..."

"You know what's weird?" Chandler questioned as Monica and Ross disappeared with Monica staying on the phone and her brother eager for her to hang up. "Donald Duck never wore pants. But whenever he's getting out of the shower. He always puts a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?"

"Do I change dresses?" Zara questioned again, ignoring Chandler's words.

"No," Phoebe and Chandler told her.

"Michelle, I only beeped in," Monica came back, starting to panic. "So I could hear my own message. I mean, that's allowed. Yeah huh! You know what? I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell your dad about... what do you mean? You don't feel comfortable with this? Come on, we're friends." The line disconnected with Monica staring at the phone. "That bitch always hated me. I'm calling her back—"

"No," Ross protested, stopping Monica.

The word was repeated before he start ticking like a clock, reminding them that they were running out of time. Monica was quick to give in with Zara sighing, knowing she had a phone in there.

"She got a phone in there, right?" Chandler guessed.

"Okay, we're on it, we're on it."

Phoebe and Chandler were quick to stop Monica with Zara disappearing back to her bedroom to put another dress back in her wardrobe again. Then, knowing they would need help, Zara hurried over to Monica's room, needing to get her friend changed and stop her from doing anything else stupid.

Though, it became difficult with Monica being too stubborn.

"Get away from the phone!" Phoebe shouted.

"Ow!" Monica cried out.

The phone had been snatched from her hand with the cable coming away from the connector. Satisfied with herself, Phoebe left the bedroom with even Zara a little impressed.

"Now, get dressed," Zara told her friend. "Chandler leave."

"Yes, Ma'am," Chandler agreed, leaving the room a little wide-eyed.

Zara could see that Monica was struggling, so she tried supporting her as best as she could. While Monica put on her dress, Zara quickly helped scoop her hair back, trying to ease Monica out of the Richard situation.

"So, from now on," Zara finished. "We're just gonna have a good night, okay? You're gonna let it go—"

"I can't let it go."

Zara sighed as Monica fled from her bedroom with her jacket and bag. Following her, she heard the mention of a cab before Monica was heading towards the phone.

"What are you doing?" Phoebe demanded. "No, Monica, no!"

"You're just going to make it worse," Zara warned.

The phone rang with Richard's answer phone playing again. Monica dialled a number, where the three messages were announced.

"Not anymore," Monica said, grinning in triumph.

"Message erased," the phone spoke before Monica started pressing buttons. "To record your message, begin speaking at the tone."

Monica reached for the phone, ready to try again. "Hi, uh, Richard. It's Monica. Listen, I did something kind of crazy tonight. Maybe I'm getting my period or something, I don't know. Anyway, uh, I... I beeped into your machine and I heard this message that freaked me out and... you know what? Michelle will tell you the rest. I'm sorry, okay? I hope that we can just forget the whole thing. Okay. Bye."

The phone beeped. "Your outgoing message has now been changed."

Zara's mouth parted in shock, thinking that Monica might have saved herself from the humiliation. Now, however, it was a lot worse.

"Outgoing?" Monica questioned, spiralling out of control. "Did that say outgoing? Not outgoing!"

Again, Monica dialled the number to the answer machine with Richard's machine appearing. This time there was no Richard, but Monica's voice was clearly there. Hearing it, Monica's hand cupped her mouth in shock before she screamed at the phone.

"No!" Monica cried out.

"How did you do that?" Phoebe questioned.

"How do you get rid of it?" Zara added.

"I don't know!" Monica exclaimed, pressing buttons again.

"Monica, you're gonna make it worse," Zara told her again.


"No!" Monica screamed.

"Okay," Ross appeared. "Okay, I've got two cabs and no people. Go! Go! Go!"

"Maybe we could call the phone company. Maybe they could change the message. Maybe they could change his number."

"I think after this, he'll be doing that himself," Phoebe said.

"Honey," Zara said, guiding her friend towards the door. "All we can do now is get you drunk enough to forget tonight."

Monica gave in, knowing she would need a few drinks.

And, honestly, so would Zara to get through the night.

Zara and Chandler fail so much at being friends lol but I'm excited for bitter, jealous Zara! There won't be a new chapter for a week and a half as I'm going to New York myself on Wednesday! I've literally been counting down this trip for years and I can't believe I'm finally going!😭

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