mental breakdowns, reunions, and widows

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Budapest. 2016

(Warning: sonya has a slight mental breakdown)

Sonya and Yelena were currently waiting for natasha to send something. Yelena was currently questioning sonya about her sister, whom sonya didn't know, while they waited for her in her old apartment.

"Do you think she'll remember me? Will she like my vest? What if she comes?" Yelena was rambling.

"Yes, she'll remember you, yes, I think she will like your vest, and I don't know." Sonya mumbled the last part. Yelena stopped and looked at her.

She was currently lying down on the couch, fiddling with her knife. She seemed to be not fully listening to yelena, but was in deep with her thoughts.

"Are you okay?" Sonya looked at her dumbfounded and went into a sitting position on the couch.

  "We just left a place I've been stuck at since birth. I don't even know how long you've been there. We don't know how to do things other than attacking or killing. How am I supposed to feel," Sonya took a deep breathe before realizing, "I don't even know how to feel these feelings!"

Yelena crouched down to her and grabbed her knees so Sonya didn't.

"You'll be able to try new things now. I promise you, we're free. We can do anything we want now." Yelena whispered. Sonya smiled before frowning again.

  "What about the other girls?" Yelena looked down, before standing to sit next to her.

"We'll figure something out. Just take a breathe, okay? Go wash up."

Sonya didn't even realize she was starting to tear up. She nodded and walked into the bathroom.

She grabbed a rag and put it under the sink. She turned the faucet on and let the rag get completely soaked before turning the faucet off.

She put the rag and wiped her face with it, getting the small scars she had on her face and neck. Once she was done, she put the rag back into the sink and looked at herself in the mirror.

Her eyes had very noticeable bags under them. She felt exhausted. She saw the scars on her face. She felt she looked like a monster with them.

She felt like she is trouble.

Not the fun kind, but the one you'd be terrified of. Like when Ultron attacked Sokovia. Sonya feels like she didn't deserve a second chance after what she had done.

She knew that Dreykov had been controlling and forcing her to do things, but she still felt that disappointment in herself.

Why didn't she fight back?

She looked down before looking again at herself. She cried out as she smashed the mirror in anger and resentfulness against herself.

She never wanted this to be her life.

The glass shattered under her hand while she took a shaky breathes to regain herself. Once she mostly regained herself, she wiped her hands with the rag.

"I know you're out there." She heard Yelena say. She must've been talking to Natasha.

Shit. Sonya thought, looking at the broken glass. She looked around and saw a small trashcan filled with old arrows. Sonya was confused as to why there was but she wouldn't question it.

She heard commotion but she didn't have the effort to join. She knew Yelena could handle herself.

She used the wet rag and carefully moved the shards of glass in to the trashcan. Then she took a deep breathe before opening the door.

I mean, she was about to meet an avenger, she was bound to fan girl.

"передышка (truce)" Natasha spoke. They were both choking each other with the curtains as sonya quietly walked in.

They both stopped while yelena was catching her breathe, Natasha just stared at her now mature look.

"ты вырос. (you've grown)" Natasha commented. Sonya smiled when she saw Natasha. She already could tell that they were sisters.

"ты вырос (no shit)" yelena replied standing up. Natasha saw sonya and pulled a gun at her. Sonya's eyes widened as she put her hands in the air.

Yelena saw her Sister and Sonya's stand off. "No! No- She's friend. She's my friend. She's from the red room" Yelena explained as she pushed down Natasha's gun. Sonya lowered her hands.

Natasha stood up as yelena walked away. "You just had to come to budapest, didn't you." While yelena took out liquor. Sonya slowly followed.

"I came here because I thought you wouldn't," Yelena lied, "but since you're here, what bullet does that?"

Natasha and Sonya saw what Yelena pointed at.

"Not bullets. Arrows."

"Ah. Right." Yelena said, taking a shot.

"If you didn't want me here, why did you send me this?" Natasha said, showing the girls the vials and photos.

Sonya's eyes widened. "Oh no"

"You brought it back here?" Yelena asked stunned.

Natasha followed her, "I'm not trying to be your friend, but you need to tell me what that is."

Yelena explained while walking. "It's a synthetic gas. The counteragent to chemical subjugation. The gas immunizes the brain's neuropathways from external manipulation" She explained.

Natasha had no clue what she meant.

"Maybe in english next time?" She asked sarcastically.

"это противоядие от контроля над разумом (it's an antidote to control minds) yelena explained in russian.

"настоящая зрелая" Natasha replied. Sonya enjoyed their little sister bickering. She wished she had a sister.

Sonya decided to speak up, "why don't you take it to your scientist friends?"

"Yes, the super scientist friends. They can explain it to you. Tony stark, maybe" yelena added to her question. Sonya started to get tired of their sibling bickering and got distracted with packing her bag.

" --expecting to see captain america bringing down the red room." Catching Natasha's attention.

Sonya saw natasha exhale sharply. As if she did or tried to do something about that place. Sonya walked next to yelena as Natasha turned. 

"What?" The duo walked away, leaving natasha to ramble. "Taking down the red room? What are you talking about? It's been gone for years.

Yelena and Sonya started to grab weapons out of her weapon room while Natasha kept talking.

"Dreykov's dead. I killed him." Sonya looked at her confused. She had saw him 2 days ago. He wasn't dead. As much as she wanted him to be.

"You don't actually believe that, do you?" Yelena asked. Natasha didn't answer, already giving one to her.

"You really do believe it." Yelena muttered.

"Dreykov's dead. It took almost destroying the entire city just to get to him." Natasha told the girls.

"If you're so sure, then tell us what happened." Yelena asked. Sonya walked forward to close the circle they had made with their standing position.

"We rigged bombs-" Natasha started.

"Who's we?" Sonya asked.

"Clint Barton. Killing Dreykov was my final step in my defection to S.H.I.E.L.D." she answered.

Yelena looked at her, "simple as that?" She asked. Natasha had a look of guilt wash over her face.

"Yeah, sure, simple" Yelena said, starting to follow Natasha. Sonya felt awkward to follow, but she did anyways.

"That's what I'd call imploding a five story building and then shooting it out with the hungarian special forces." Natasha muttered.

"Took 10 days of hiding before we could even get out of budapest." Natasha added. Sonya, who was impressed, nodded at her attempt to kill dreykov.

"And you checked the body?" Sonya started.

Confirmed the kill?" Yelena finished. It was a maneuver they learned when being widows. They had to make sure the body was dead.

"There wasn't a body left to check." Natasha replied, annoyed of their questions.

"You're forgetting Dreykov's daughter." Yelena said making Natasha freeze in her place.

They heard muffled footsteps before part of the ceiling in the other room collapsed. They all ran, knowing who it was.

Dreykov's widows.

Sonya ran with yelena, who was carrying the vials. She put them in her bag before they ran to where Natasha was. Sonya pulled the lever, causing the candle lights to burst into flames, giving them a chance to fight the widows and escape the apartment.

When they got out, they were attacked by more widows with guns from the lower ground. They started to run as yelena threw an explosive at the widows from the ground.

"Where we trying to get" Natasha asked.

"Motorbike. East side of the building!" Yelena answered while making sure sonya didn't get hit. Sonya didn't like that she was being protected but she wasn't going to argue while they were being shot at.

They made it to the top as they started to move their way on the building as they exited a window sill. They slid down the side of the roof as they heard footsteps of another widow coming.

They grabbed on to metal structure, with yelena pulling out the thing that held it down, causing it to fall. They grabbed a hold of it and kicked it off the wall.

The widow jumped out and was going to fall, if not for natasha grabbing her hand.

"I got you!" She cried. The widow grabbed her knife and tried to stab Natasha and it worked. Natasha let go and the widow fell, causing her to scream as if she didn't want that to happen. The structure then hit the wall.

Yelena fell into the building, breaking the glass. Sonya fell into a bunch of trash, breaking her fall. Natasha hits 2 things of pipes, the trash can, then ground.

Sonya crawled out of the trashcan and walked behind Natasha to the widow.

"Hey. Don't move. You're hurt. Let me help you." Natasha calmly said to the widow. The widows arm weapon turned on, but it didn't to to Natasha.

It went to herself.

"No. Don't do it. Please." Sonya muttered, knowing he would hear it.

Natasha looked at the girl and realized she wasn't even close to 18 yet. She was a child. Natasha felt guilt wash over her as she realized the red room wasn't dead.

Dreykov wasn't dead.

"I don't wanna do this." The widow said, sobbing. Sonya covered her mouth as she held back her tears.

"What are you-"

"He's making her" sonya mumbled sadly.

Then it shot and the widow was dead. Leaving Sonya, Yelena, and Natasha the aftermath.

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