red room

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Sonya felt herself being lifted up by one of the guards. She was having a hard time opening her eyes as she felt her head throbbed in pain. She was soon laid down on something as they started to move her somewhere.

Sonya and Yelena were sent to the medical rooms so they would have their chips put back into place so they could become widows again. Alexei and 'Natasha', which was really Melina, were in cells while 'Melina', which was really Natasha, went to go talk to Dreykov.

Sonya felt her eyes manage to finally open. She groaned as she tried to move but she couldn't. She had restraints on her whole body. She saw as the doctors started to prepare for the surgery so she pretended to be passed out still even though it was hard to stay awake.

She heard the machines being tested before she felt a marker being put on her face. They heard commotion in the other room making the doctors with sonya worried.

The door slid open to reveal Yelena. She knocked them out before she freed Sonya with her two inch blade. Another doctor went after her, but Sonya grabbed him by the lab coat and kicked him into the medical table, knocking him out.

"You alright?" Yelena asked as Sonya got up. She stumbled for a second before she started to move. "Dizzy from the electric shock, but managing" She told her as they exited the room.

"Where did he take the vials?" Yelena asked through the comms. Sonya checked to see if she had one but she didn't. She and Yelena grabbed a wet wipe and wiped off the black marker on their face.

"Yeah. Sure. Easy." Yelena replied. She looked at her confused. "We have to go to level 0 to get the vials to then free the widows." She explained. Sonya sighed and nodded as they saw a vent.

Yelena kicked the cover up and they both jumped up to get into it. "Hurry up" Sonya muttered as the crawled their way to the floor.

"Shut up, Sonya" Yelena muttered as she saw soldiers walking beneath her. Once they were gone, she carefully slip the vent cover off and she jumped down, doing the pose.

"Poser!" Sonya called as she quietly jumped down. Yelena looked at herself before standing up, grossed out. "That was disgusting." She commented.

They quietly walked to the wall to see a soldier guarding the place they needed to get into. Yelena jumped out and the soldier got a hold of her. Yelena gave a swift kick by the feet, causing him to hit his head, making him unconscious.

Sonya grabbed his arm and pulled him up to the scanner to open the door. It scans and let's them through. They walked in to see tons of things in freezers. They turned a corner to find the vials.

"Melina, I found the locations of the vials." Yelena told her through the comms as Sonya grabbed them.

"We need to get the widows." Yelena told her, showing the urgency. She nodded as started to run to where the widows were located.

As they were running, Melina had told her something. "Fantastic!" She sarcastically replied. Sonya looked to her confused.

"We're going to crash, Melina destroyed the engine." Sonya's eyes widened, "Oh shit." Yelena looked at her again with a 'really' face but Sonya just ignored it.

"We're heading to the widows now." Yelena added as we got too the training room. She opened the door to find nothing there.

"No." Yelena muttered. She grabbed one of their weapons as Sonya realized where they were.

"I know where they're going, come on!" She called to Yelena as she nodded and followed along with her. They ran to a side mirrored room and ran through it as it started to get harder to maintain their balance.

"Dreykov’s office. That's where we're going. That's where they are." Sonya told her as she started to lose balance over the red room starting to fall. Yelena nodded as she helped Sonya get her complete balance again before racing to get there.

They ran in to see the whole group of girls surrounding Natasha. Yelena chucked the device at them which started to beep. It exploded on them making the widows free from Dreykov’s control.

"Nice throw" Sonya told Yelena before they rushed over to help Natasha. They lifted her up and walked her away from the widows as they slowly realize they're free.

Yelena put Natasha's shoulder back into place which made her cry out. Yelena apologized as Sonya gently wiped the blood away from her nose. The widows watched in remorse for what they just did to an Avenger.

"What do we do now?" A widow asked in finnish. Sonya looked at them. They were just as lost and scared as she was when she was freed. She gave them a sympathetic smile as Natasha spoke to them.

"Get as far away from here as possible. You get to make your own choices now." She said before they heard more explosions. "We gotta get out of here." Natasha muttered.

Yelena turned to Natasha. "We need to find Dreykov. Are you coming?" She asked. Sonya nodded while natasha went to the computers. "I'm right behind you." She said as all of the widows began to run out of the room. They nodded and ran with them as well.

The widows watched in awe as they saw someone who was meant to kill her whole life, do something that was against Dreykov’s wishes. "Go, go, go!" She cried to them as they all started to run as fast as they could to the shuttle.

"What about you?" One of the widows asked Sonya in russian. She just gave her a smile and told, "To finish this part of my life. So I am able to start a new one. Like you all are going to as well."

She started to run with Yelena as the widows left on the shuttle. "That was big speech!" Yelena yelled to her. Sonya laughed as she shook her head.

They saw Dreykov on the final shuttle as Yelena used her grappling hook to move her way on top of it. "No!" Sonya told her, worried.

"Yelena don't!" Natasha cried out for her little sister. Yelena looked up to her as she connected her two sticks.

"This was fun!" Yelena yelled to her before she exploded the shuttle, killing the guards and Dreykov. Sonya and Natasha ran to her as she started to fall. She yanked Sonya as she put on the parachute. And they jumped together.

After moving through obstacles, Sonya was holding onto Yelena, as was Natasha. Natasha pulled the trigger on the parachute, causing them to glide while broken things of the red room fell beside them.

"Natasha?" Sonya asked as she saw her look at something. She jumped off of them as the taskmaster went to attack her. Yelena went to help her but Sonya stopped her.

"You clearly have a concussion, so you shouldn't fight. Plus, Natasha can handle herself." She added as they started to fight through the air.

Soon they made it to the ground. Yelena had passed out from her head while Sonya unstrapped herself from the parachute.

"Yelena! Sonya!" She heard Natasha call for them. "Over here!" She called back, hoping she would hear from where she yelled from. She checked on yelena right after when she saw Natasha running to them.

"Yelana.." She whispered to her. She opened her eyes to see her. She smiled, "We're both upside down." Yelena sat up as Natasha apologized to her in russian.

"You don't have to say that." Yelena said to her but Natasha stopped her. "It was real to me too." She told her. Yelena smiled before the two girls hugged tight.

Sonya watched and smiled before Natasha forced her to hug as well. She smiled as Natasha and yelena welcomed her into the hug. Natasha pulled back, seeing Alexei and Melina walking towards them. They stood up and met them halfway.

"Everybody good?" Natasha asked.

"I am clearly injured." Melina remarked.

Natasha looked at alexei. "You got something to say?" She asked. Alexei shook his head. "I'd just mess it up." He said before putting his hand in the middle.

Natasha grabbed his hand as she accepted his mental apology. Soon, they heard cars coming. "Here comes the cavalry." Natasha muttered.

"So, what's are plan?" Melina asked.

"You guys go. I'll stay." Alexei didn't like that idea. "That's insanity. We fight. We fight with you."

"I'll hold em' off" Natasha told them before they disagreed some more.

"Because if it can work out for the four of us, you know, there maybe some hope for the Avengers." Natasha explained to them.

Yelena began to unstrap her vest. "Well, if you're leaving, then I guess you should take this." Yelana told her, handing her vest to Natasha.

Sonya turned to see the shuttle of widows coming back for them. She smiled and ran towards them. Yelena followed

"You came back for us?" Yelena asked.

"We wouldn't leave you behind." Another widow spoke in russian. Sonya smiled as she held one of the widows she befriended's hand. They all got onto the shuttle, including alexei, Melina and Antonia, who was the taskmaster.

And they all traveled back to Melina's where they decided where they all should go.

"Where are you gonna go?" Yelena asked Sonya. She shrugged.

"I was thinking New York City."

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