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It was Christmas eve. Sonya was currently was packing to help Clint and Kate. Jupiter watched anxiously as they were worried for her. They didn't want this to end badly.

"Are you sure you're going to be able to do this?" They asked. They didn't want Sonya to be triggered by her past. Sonya just gave her a gentle smile.

"I'll be fine. besides, I'm not going to be fighting. I'm going to be their camera gal. I'll be on the lookout watching the security cameras, watching for bad guys," Sonya explained. Jupiter was relieved but one thing still stuck to their mind.

"What about Yelena?" Sonya took a deep breath as she gathered her computer into her backpack. She turned back to her married partner crossing their arms at her.

"Clint has a plan that I think will work," She replied. She finished gathering her things and pecked Jupiter on their cheek.

"Stay inside," Sonya warned. Jupiter nodded as the doorbell rang. Sonya went to get it when she saw that Jupiter had used post mates to order food. Sonya rolled her eyes as she handed the bag of food to them. Sonya got a cab and they drove her over to the meeting place. It wasn't long, only fifteen minutes, but it felt longer for Sonya. She was worried her sister was going to do something.

When she arrived she had to climb a small fleet of stairs before she arrived at where she would be working for the evening. Kate had texted her the code to get into the house so that wouldn't be a bother to her.

She unlocked the door with the code '2283' and walked into the empty modern-day house. Then she saw a desk where she decided to work there. She watched as she managed to sneak into the cameras. It was go time.

Sonya's stomach rumbled so she walked into the kitchen. She found in the freezer a pack of frozen spring rolls. It had a note on it. Work hard kid, Natasha would be proud. -Clint.

Sonya smiled as she went to set up the oven to bake them. Once she finished baking them and settling herself into the chair she was ready. Sonya was the girl behind the counter and she was here for it.

She put in her earpiece and tested it as she looked through each security camera to make sure she had a good look at everything.

"Testing. Kate, Clint, Can you hear me?" Sonya asked. She currently saw the duo walking into the party.

"Loud and Clear," Clint replied.

Sonya turned the camera every time they exited and entered a different room. She liked it as she sort of felt she was with them. Soon, they were out of the elevator and into the party.

"I don't see my mom yet," Kate commented. Sonya could tell she was still a little bitter about the whole Kingpin issue. And the fact that she hired a widow to kill her friend.

"Why don't you tell us what you do see?" Clint questioned the girl, trying to divert her to make sure her head was ready for the mission.

"What are our assets? What are our threats? Sonya and I need to know," Sonya could feel that Kate was ready for this question.

"Mmm. Threats? That guy. That's Gary. He fired me from one of the only jobs I've ever had," Kate commented making Sonya chuckle.

"Alright, there's bad guy Gary, assets?" Sonya asked before biting and munching her spring rolls happily.

"Assets?" Kate spoke, staying out of plain sight, "Well we have those all over the party."
Sonya watched as she saw the looks the workers of the party gave, notifying the girl that they were with Kate and Clint.

"Alright Sonya, we'll say your name if we need you. For now, stay on the comms. And check our every move," Clint instructed. Sonya gave him a 'roger that' and went to look at the entrance again on the other set-up computer. You can never be too careful.

And that's where she saw Yelena walk in. Sonya shook her head in disbelief. Yes, she knew that it was her job but Clint was Sonya's friend now. And she doesn't like when her friends or family get hurt.

"Have you seen her?"  Sonya couldn't tell whether he was talking about Yelena or Eleanor.

"No, not yet," Kate replied.

"Yelena has entered the party, just a warning Clint," Sonya warned him. She saw Clint nod as he walked around the party. Soon Clint noticed the red dot and gunshot.

"Shit," Sonya muttered as they saw the people start to panic. She saw the lights go down and Kate walking forward. With Yelena a bit ahead.

"Kate, 2 o'clock," Sonya spoke into her comms. She couldn't see them but she knew that Kate saw her as she heard Kate curse to herself through the comms.

"Keep an eye on Barton, Sonya," Kate said worried for him. Sonya nodded in understanding and went to look for his location on the camera.

After a long time over 65 floors and outside, looking for each floor, she still hadn't found him.

"I'm in the tree," She heard Clint comment. Sonya went to the cam and turned the camera and zoomed in to see Clint literally in the Christmas tree.

Sonya then went to look through a different camera to see Kate's assets dressed as superheroes. Sonya watched them in confusion. But the scared people from the party seemed to listen to them better so she wouldn't question it just yet.

She heard Kate and Clint start to argue and listened intently. Before the cameras went out. She tried to get them to work, but they wouldn't. She felt horrible for not helping them but there was nothing she could do.

Natasha made her promise that she would have a normal life. So doing this was a big push. But she did it because it would be what was best for her. And Natasha would be proud of her.

"Clint the cameras aren't working," Sonya rambled to him.

"It's alright, get home, you've done your part. We can handle it from here," Clint replied.

Sonya smiled and nodded. She got up and packed her things. Not before she wrote her number down in case either of them needed her as the computer girl.

Sonya rushed back to her home. She opened the door and saw Jupiter asleep on the couch,  she kissed their forehead and lay on the floor. Their hand dangled so Sonya took it.

She slowly fell asleep as they were both satisfied.

The next day, Yelena had texted Sonya. 'I didn't kill him,'  was what she wrote. Sonya smiled, satisfied with the text. 2 days later was the twenty-sixth of December.

Sonya was currently working when Jupiter called her in.

"The statue of liberty's been destroyed," they told her. Sonya watched as they saw an electric man, a sandman, and some sort of lizard there. And some sort of green wizard was shown on the news.

"What the hell?"

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