the 3 widow escape

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Natasha walked forward to get a better look at the widow while so sonya stood back. She felt her whole body tense. Seeing another dead body scared her from this life. Why can't she just live a normal life?

Yelena ran out to try and help the widow with the vial in her hand, but it was too late. She put it back with the others.

"You believe us now?" Yelena asked while Natasha looked at Sonya, who's arms were crossed. She could tell that Sonya was uncomfortable with the power dreykov had over the widows.

"How many others?" Natasha asked.

"Enough" yelena said before walking into the building she fell into. Sonya and Natasha followed. "Too much" sonya added.

They started to run to where the motorbikes were. "Which one's yours?" Natasha asked.

"Black one. Brown seat." Yelena said before looking for something, where are my keys?" Sonya turned to see Natasha holding them. She chuckled a little while yelena cursed at her in russian.

Sonya hopped on behind her. They then saw a car fly past them. "Any day now yelena?!" Natasha snapped at yelena as she made her way on. Then a army vehicle started to chase them. It was the taskmaster.

"What the hell?" Sonya commented as she saw the vehicle. Yelena grabbed the girl tighter, incase of any bullets that come at them. Sonya thought it was for comfort.

A van then pulled out of them, blocking their way of moving forward. Luckily, natasha stopped and found a secret tunnel the army vehicle couldn't go through, and started to drive through there. The van was hit and crushed by the army vehicle.

Once they made it another widow, who was also a motorbike, started to chase them through the cars. While natasha was slick about going around the cars, the other widow jumped on top of them.

"Shit." sonya muttered, as she lost balance for a second.

A trolley started to drive by. Natasha drove down the stairs and drove right past it before they were hit by a railing and they fell onto a car. The man immediately went out and asked if they were okay, but yelena pulled a gun at him.

"фантастикс (fantastic)" yelena as she got into the man's car. Sonya looked at her as if she was crazy.

"You can't just steal a guy's car" Natasha scolded. They all made their way into the car.

"So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?" Yelena sarcastically replied.

"Guys! Less chatty. More get away from killers." Sonya spoke up, getting them to focus. Natasha went in reverse to get out of the traffic, but hit a car.

"Okay, any time now" yelena mimicked her sister.

"Shut up!" Natasha replied, annoyed. They started to get shot at again as the trio grunted in annoyance. Natasha pressed the gas pedal as they drove away with the widow chasing after them.

"This is terrifying.." sonya muttered to herself. She saw the widow jump off the stairs and were now right behind them.

Natasha drive a hard right but the widow kept following us. She was able to steer around incoming cars and tailgate them. Yelena turned to check on sonya before the widow started to shoot the car. They ducked and covered their face, besides Natasha who was driving.

"Okay, you got a plan, or shall sonya and I just duck and cover." Yelena sarcastically asked. "My plan was to drive us away." Natasha replied back to her.

"Well, I guess this plan isn't working the way you wanted it too." Sonya quietly spoke, trying not to touch the tiny glass pieces that was in her hair.

"That's a shit plan." Yelena retorted. She then turned the wheel, causing whole car to flip around. She opened her car door right before a bus sign hit it and it flew right off, causing it to hit the widow off her motorbike and hit the ground.

Natasha turned the car right back around. "You're welcome." Yelena spoke confidently. Natasha then turned to where lots of people were driving. Sonya took a deep breath thinking they were safe until they saw the taskmaster come back into view.

"Oh shit, he's back" yelena muttered. Sonya groaned in annoyance. "Damn it." She said. Yelena looked at her shocked.

"Watch your mouth" She said.

The taskmaster then came out on the top of the vehicle. Their weapon turned into a bow and arrow, alerting Natasha.

"Put your seat belts on" She said. She looked nervous so sonya did what she said immediately. "You're such a mom" yelena replied.

The arrow then hit the car the girls were in causing it to explode. They hit a few cars and then it fell into the subway.

Luckily for them, being a widow also came with healing faster. And with the super serum also running in their veins they can also handle a lot more dangerous attacks than most.

Natasha crawled out first, with sonya crawling after her slowly. Natasha grabbed the young girl's hand and helped her out as a crowd started to gather around them.

"Natasha.. No, I'm bleeding" yelena said as she helped her out. Sonya grabbed the cloth out of yelena's hand as she tried to wrap it but Natasha stopped the girl.

"No! Not now, trust me." Natasha said to her as she pulled yelena up. Sonya followed after the girls as they ran away. They went to the escalator, and instead of descending on the escalator, they slid down the path in between them. Once they were down Natasha led them to vents. Sonya took deep breathes as she handed yelena the cloth so she could wrap her arm around.

Natasha put her hand on the girl to help calm her down. Sonya looked at her and smiled. Natasha smiled at the girl before she checked on yelena.

"You okay?"

Yelena, even though she was injured, felt the need for sarcasm. "Yeah. Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death." Sonya and yelena took a second to take in the vents around them. There was trash and things on the wall like tic tac toe or hangman.

"This is cozy" yelena commented. Sonya felt the need to ask questions. "Did you know about this place?"

Natasha nodded. "Barton and I spent 2 days hiding out up here." Sonya nodded.

"That had must have been fun" yelena commented. Natasha felt confusion wash over her. "Who the hell was that guy?"

Yelena didn't look at her as sonya tensed.

"Dreykov's special project. He can mimic anyone he's ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions." Yelena explained.

"Not as exciting as I thought for him to think we're high priority." Sonya replied sarcastically.

"That doesn't make any sense." Natasha commented.

"Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details." Yelena said to Natasha's comment. The girls both turn to her confused.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Natasha asked offended. Sonya wasn't exactly sure herself.

"You didn't say one word about Dreykov's daughter. You killed her." Sonya's eyes widened in horror. Not because of her killing Dreykov's daughter, but because he had one.

Dreykov has a daughter?" Sonya asked. She was younger than the girls by a lot so it made sense that she didn't know her.

"Yes and I had to. I needed her to lead me to Dreykov." Natasha answered both girl's questions. After awhile, the girls traveled through the vents and made their way outside to find somewhere to get some supplies.

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