Chapter 34. Confrontation

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Audrey's POV

Trigger warnings: Brief mentions of SA/rape

I suddenly jolted to consciousness as a loud bang made my eyes fly open. A painful pounding filled my head as I strained to see through the pitch blackness blocking my vision. The burning sensation of a coarse rope appeared on my wrists as I attempted to move my hands. I whimpered quietly at the pain as I shifted in my seat. My panic rose when I realized that my vision was blocked by a narrow strip of cloth. The bitter taste of iron lingered on my tongue as I strained against the restraints.

Light abruptly hit my eyes as the cloth was roughly yanked off my head. I blinked several times as my sight adjusted to the sudden brightness. In front of me stood a figure, and when my vision finally cleared enough, I recognized them. Shock traveled through my body as my heart raced faster than a bullet train.

"Glad to see you're awake," Andrew smirked as he flung the blindfold to the other side of the room.

"You?" I struggled a little with my bounds. "What the f-"

"Did you really think you were going to leave me so easily? Without consequences? Huh?"

I couldn't sound out any words as my breathing rapidly escalated, the thunder of my heart almost deafening in my ears. Pangs of pain appeared in my chest as it violently heaved up and down.

I darted my eyes around the dimly lit room. It seemed as if we were in some sort of warehouse near the ocean as the scent of salty air drifted through my nose. Tall, ominous windows adorned the walls. It must have been evening since it was still quite light outside. A few faded sunlight rays shone through the windows, barely illuminating the dim room. The faint sound of a ship's horn blared in the distance as I returned my attention towards Andrew.

"So you don't care about the consequences? For what you're doing right now?" I glared at him.

He laughed. "You think I haven't thought about it? I don't give a fuck. And that bitch's threats no longer mean shit to me."

"Don't you fucking dare call her a bitch," I seethed.

"I will call her whatever fucking name I want to. Bitch. Whore. Slut. Which I'm sure you know she is one. I mean, she has slept with half the city. Which makes you a fucking whore as well," he snickered.

"Why are you doing this? Why can't you just live your own life and leave us alone?" I whispered. I tried to hold back the tears which threatened to spill out my eyes. The burning pain of the tightly wound ropes chaffed my skin, my raw skin feeling as if it's being sliced open with every small movement I made.

"Why?" Andrew grinned. "Because it's long due for that bitch to know who she's dealing with. And... it's time for me to take away the one thing she treasures the most. And apparently, it's your stupid ass."

"Have you... ever thought that maybe you deserved to be beaten like a weak bastard?" I bluntly asked. He didn't appear to show the slightest change in emotions as he took several steps towards me.

"Deserve it? For what? For wanting something, and not getting it? Why should I be punished for being denied a simple thing?"

"It's called rape," I answered as I stared into his satanic eyes.

"That's a harsh word," he tutted as bent down to look at me at eye level. "I suppose she told you, huh?"

"She did."

Andrew cocked his head to the side and curled his lips into an evil smile which spread from ear to ear. The very sight of it sent chills down my spine as it made him look like one of those possessed people from the movie 'Smile'. The next thing I knew, a stinging blow landed on my face as Andrew smacked me. It hurt as if a blowtorch had lit up on my skin. A trickle of blood began sliding down my left cheek when a ringing appeared in my ears as my face went numb for a brief moment. The taste of iron lathered my tongue as I spit out the blood.

"What's exactly your plan here?" I glared at him as he paced a few steps back and forth before me. He stopped abruptly when I spoke and sharply whirled around to face me again.

"Oh, my plan is very simple, princess. Your bitch is already on her way. I'm tracking her through her phone. And when she comes in through that door..." He pointed towards the dark metallic door a few hundred feet away. "She'll endure pain she has never felt before. Killing you is a two birds one stone situation for me."

He bared his teeth in an evil grin which again spread from ear to ear. "Your death will not only ruin her, it will bring me joy because you will deserve it for leaving me."

I grunted in pain as I strained against the restraints once again.

"You men are so fucking pathetic with your fucking egos." I spat in his face, blood splattering on his skin. "You can't stand a woman leaving you or rejecting you. I can't believe I ever liked you."

He wiped the blood stains with the back of his hand. "Don't worry, darling. I don't give a single fuck about your little female things. You bitches don't deserve shit in this world."

He resumed pacing from one side of the room to the other as I sat there weak from the pain which still throbbed in my face. A memory from last night sprang into my mind as I stared straight ahead, my body slumped defeatedly in the chair. Pain stabbed my bound wrists, but my mind barely registered it as I drifted off.

I sobbed quietly against Scarlett's warm chest, my arms wrapped tightly around her as she gently brushed my hair. I could hear her heart pounding in a beautiful rhythm as I pressed my face against her skin, the sound sending a slight calm to my post-nightmare crying fit.

"Shhh," Scarlet whispered as she placed a kiss on the top of head and embraced me reassuringly with her other arm. "I'm right here, baby. I got you."

She rocked me back and forth as my shoulders convulsed in sync with my sobs. Her gentle, symphonic voice reached my mind like a calming drug as the tears gradually diminished and my body ceased shaking. I sniffled as I lifted my head up to look at her. She brushed a wet tear-smudged hair strand away from my face and smiled at me before placing a kiss on my lips.

"Oh my god," I gasped as I noticed that her entire bra was moist from my tears. "I'm... I'm so sorry."

She raised her eyebrows at me in confusion before following my gaze to her wet bosom. She locked her eyes on me as I worriedly bit my lip. Suddenly, she grabbed my waist with both her arms before roughly rolling over, ending with her on top of me. My hair spilled over the pillow as I breathlessly looked at her eyes which burned with a sternness I've rarely ever seen.

"How many times have I told you to stop apologizing for nothing?" she demanded in her husky voice.

"M-many." I swallowed thickly as I gnawed on the inside of my mouth. "Many times."

Scarlett placed her hand on my cheek and brushed my lower lip with her thumb.

"That's right. Many times. And this time, you'll be punished for it."

My body shivered with heat at those words as I slightly squirmed underneath her. She abruptly grabbed both my hands and pulled them above my head as she gazed intently into my eyes, holding me in a trance. It was as if I was under her spell as she leaned towards me, her hot breath tickling my ear. Her body pinned me to the bed as I inhaled deeply to draw in enough breath.

Scarlett kissed the dried salt on my face before she released her grasp on my wrists and her hands slowly moved downwards towards my hips. She hooked her finger around the hem of my underwear and gingerly pulled them off me.

Keeping her gaze locked on my face, she scooped up both my legs behind the knees and placed them wide apart and on either side of her body. She gently kissed a line across the inside of my thighs, each touch of her lips feeling like a burning fire as she made her way towards my core.

"You'll... you'll always be there for me, right Scar?" I suddenly blurted out for no reason.

She lifted her head up and brought her face to mine as she brushed her fingertips over my cheek. She leaned in and briefly grazed my lower lip with her teeth as she lightly bit me before releasing it.

"Always, babygirl."

A loud metallic bang resounded from the direction of the door, prompting me to return to the present. Andrew had stopped pacing and was eagerly facing the front. A dark figure appeared in the dimly lit doorway, whose body shape and walk I could immediately recognize. They slowly approached us until they reached the center of the room.

"Ah, the bitch has finally arrived!" Andrew declared loudly. "Hold up, are you unarmed?"

"As if I need any weapons to take you down, you fucking trash," Scarlett's familiar growl reached my ears.

Andrew rushed behind me and wrapped his arm around my neck as the cold metal feel of the gun's barrel pressed against my skull. I could barely whimper as his hold restricted my air pathway.

"Okay, okay." Scarlett quickly put her hands in the air in surrender. "I'm unarmed. I promise. Please, don't hurt her."

"The begging Scarlett. I'm loving this already." Andrew dug the gun deeper into my skin. "Come here. Let's talk, shall we?"

Scarlett slowly approached while still holding her hands up. Her face was stricken with worry while her eyes held the steel look of a person who is in control. When she was twenty feet away, I caught the momentary glance of panic in her eyes when she looked at me, but it quickly disappeared behind the iron gaze.

"Stop. That's enough," Andrew barked. She immediately did as he told and slowly lowered her hands. She tilted her head to the side and gazed intently at us.

"You don't have to do this, Andy," she softly whispered.

"Why shouldn't I, huh?" A maniacal laugh escaped Andrew's lips. "Not only are you a crazy bitch who thinks her psychopathic ass can threaten me, I was dumped by two fucking lesbian whores. Do you know how humiliating that is for me? And guess what? I'm done! And I won't let a bitch like you hold what I did over my head!"

"Oh? So I'm the psycho, huh? As If you weren't the one who used steroids and harassed girls if they didn't do what you wanted?"

"They all deserved it," Andrew scoffed.

"I should have exposed you back then." Scarlett replied.

"Yeah. Could have. But your greed to hold power over someone's reputation prevented you from doing it." Andrew laughed and tightened his grip on me. A tiny whimper escaped my lips, and Scarlett moved an inch at the sound.

"Don't you dare fucking move, or I'll blow her fucking head off," Andrew growled as she gritted her teeth in frustration. Her fists clenched and unclenched as her chest heaved up and down. The look of uncontrollable rage, something which I could recognize by this point in a second, appeared on her face.

"I hope you fucking rot in hell," Scarlett spat.

Andrew snorted. "I don't give a fuck. But hey, enough chit-chat. Let me break down what's gonna happen next. You will watch as I blow your little girlfriend's brains all over the floor before I have my way with yo-"

His words were abruptly cut off into a blood-curdling yell as he was suddenly yanked backwards. But not before the deafening sound of a gunshot rang through the air, and a searing pain ripped through my scalp as my chair toppled over on its side. I dimly heard a struggle a few feet behind me as several other gunshots echoed throughout the building. I struggled against the ropes as I felt someone untie the restraints and lay me on my back.

I couldn't breathe. The cold, icy ground pressed into my back as I felt the heavy pressure on my chest. It seemed as if there were bees buzzing loudly inside my ears as an uncomfortable ringing appeared in my head, deafening the frantic voices around me. My scalp felt as if someone was pressing a burning hot metal rod against my skin. My head felt sticky and wet as barely recognizable faces darted in and out of my vision, including... Vivian's? The dim sounds of screaming reached my ears, but whether or not it was me, I couldn't comprehend.

This was it. I was going to die. My body couldn't stop shaking as I tried to inhale oxygen, but it was as if my lungs were paralyzed. The darkness threatened to swallow me inside it forever before a strangely familiar and long unheard voice seeped into my brain. Even in my dying state, I recognized it. It was as if an angel was speaking to me.

"Julia?" I barely whispered before I finally let go and allowed the darkness to consume my mind as I slowly slipped into a world where pain and suffering didn't exist anymore.

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