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*Caller No ID*

*call accepted*

Hesitantly, I put the phone to my ear

"There are two people, choose one that you want to get rid of"
"Wait, what are you insane?"
"Calm down, it's just a game"
"What kind of game does this!?"
"All you need to say is one names"

Okay so it is just a really messed up game

"The guy"
"His name?"
"Yoo Jin woo"
"Would you like to proceed?"

*Jeon Jungkook has joined the server*

Park Ye eun: Hey where have you been?
Jeon Jungkook: It must have been a lag, it kicked me off
Yoo Jin woo: You sure you got scared and went off?
Jeon Jungkook: No...
Yoo Jin woo: You sound like one of those guys who would run away from everything

"I really wish he would just die"

Jeon Jungkook: What do you know?

Jeon Jungkook has proceeded with killing one of you...
And that is...

Yoo Jin woo

Yoo Jin woo: Ah crap look what you did!
Park Ye eun: Yes, thank you so much
Jeon Jungkook: The game ended too quick, I wish I could have spent more time with you

*1 died 2 more to go*

Yoo Jin woo: **** ****?
Yoo Jin woo: ********* ** ** ** *****
Yoo Jin woo: ****!
Park Ye eun: It is censored for some odd reason
Jeon Jungkook: Obviously because he's out

The game between the last two

Park Ye eun: Huh I thought the game ended and it was just us two

Hide and Seek Alone

Jeon Jungkook: What, how does this work?

You first turn off all the lights in your house and hide in a closet. Then ask if something wants to take you into the darkness. Once you hear something, light a match and run away! But there is a high risk of catching yourself on fire in the process of lighting a match as you are hiding in the closet.
You lose when the demon you summoned catches you and takes you to eternal darkness forever. Even if you light a match and run away, the demon will not stop chasing you until one of you die.

REMEMBER: Once you hear a sound, you must run away.

Park Ye eun: Ooo creepy
Jeon Jungkook: Yeah but I don't know if I want to try this
Park Ye eun: Come on it will be fun

Let the game commence in...


Author's Note: 

"Hide and Seek Alone" is actually a real game. It was a really popular game in Japan and Korea (some parts of Asia) but it originated from Japan. From someone who does not believe in ghosts, I must warn you not to try to play this game since it can mentally disturb you or scare you to the point where you make mistakes which then can hurt you. Ghosts might not be real but the fear for them is. This is not the original way to play this, this is actually a much nicer way compared to the original since that one requires a doll and some guts. But I would say it's a fun game if you don't get too scared or if you don't exactly follow the steps, who knows what would happen. If you would like to know to fill your curiosity I will mention it at the end of the book along with some other games in the future. If you want to know right now you can search it up.

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