~*~ Regrets are for the Past ~*~

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Rosa’s POV

I left Damon there, letting him embrace the inevitable death he was going to experience.

Why was I thinking like that?

Before I became a hybrid I wasn’t like this. I wasn’t evil, and I wasn’t willing to kill people. I wouldn’t ever hurt anyone willingly; truthfully I was probably too nice. But when I became a hybrid I lost all of my innocence all of what was good about me. To be honest I don’t think it was becoming a hybrid that made me become evil, but losing Kol probably did.

He was the only person I loved more than my family. And losing them both in the same day would turn anyone into a psychopathic killer.

Not wanting to hang around to have Damon try and kill me for pretty much killing him, I made my way straight to Niklaus’ home. It didn’t take me too long mainly because I had hybrid speed. When I got there I unlocked the door trying to figure out which room I had to go to, to find Kol. I couldn’t really remember where in the house it had been but I began to wander upstairs, knowing it was on that floor.

I opened each door, none of which contained Kol, before I reached one which was locked. I guessed this was the right one seen as I had a key to unlock the room that Kol was in, and this was the only door that was locked.

Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door pushing it open to see the dark room with the vague shape of a rectangular box in the middle of the room. Switching on the light it showed the empty room other than the coffin that held my love in it.

Did I really want this? Could I explain to him why I left? Would he love me still? What if he loved someone else? What if I am being stupid? How could he love me after I ran away from him? I’m just the woman who left him there with no explanation.

I walked towards the coffin running my fingertips over the polished wood. This was my chance to be with him again, but there were too many things that could be wrong. I had no idea what was going to happen when he woke up; whether he had changed over these years we had been apart. I had no idea what had happen in his life since I left it.

I know I wasn’t anything like the Rosalina he knew; I was now Rosa the bitchy hybrid, instead of Rosalina the sweet human. He could be like a new person for all I knew.

Taking one last deep breath, I braced myself before opening the coffin’s lid. Kol was lying in the same position as he was when Niklaus brought me here a few days ago. I still couldn’t believe how peaceful he looked.

I leaned slightly into the coffin placing my hand around the dagger that was piercing his chest. I presumed Niklaus put the dagger into his brother, but Kol did make enemies very quickly so anyone could have done. I had no idea when it happened, it could have happened soon after I left or only a little while ago, but by his attire I guessed maybe a hundred or so years ago.

Still holding the dagger I pulled it out of his chest. He didn’t stir at all, but I guessed it took a while to take effect. I had never seen an original vampire daggered before, and I didn’t know how it worked with them at all seen as it was an odd concept to me.

I sighed taking a seat on the floor leaning against the stand that the coffin stood on placing the dagger on the floor next to me.

I hoped he’d wake up soon seen as this just seemed weird and awkward being sat in an empty house with his body next to me.

It did worry me about how he would react when he woke up. He would probably hate me for abandoning him for no reason. Well it wasn’t for no reason; I couldn’t tell him what I was. I didn’t want him to hate me, as I still loved him with all of my heart, but if he didn’t love me anymore I guess I’d have to respect there.

All I wanted was the best for him, and if it meant that I wasn’t in his life then I would have to live with it.

After a while of sitting on the floor, I stood up to see if he moved at all. I didn’t know whether this was a gradual process or if he’d lie there for a while before waking up. By the looks of it, it wasn’t gradual as he was still lying there in the same state I had left him in, other than the whole in his chest where the dagger was, had healed but I guessed that was because he was a vampire seen as he had increased healing abilities.

I rested my hand on the edge of the coffin whilst my other one lay on his hand. It pained me to see him like this as it was just a waiting game. 

Letting out a sigh I looked around the blank room before looking back at him. Could he hear me, or sense that I’m here? I didn’t know what he felt whilst in this state, it just seemed weird to me. He was neutralised, so it was as if he was dead but it could be switched off by removing the dagger, and he’d be back to being his normal vampire self.

It felt weird just staring at him, but what else was I supposed to do?

Waiting here I felt as if I should just leave as I didn’t really want to be here on my own waiting. He’d probably stay in town when he woke up so he’d find me.

I gave him one last smile before I made my way towards the door. I stopped in the doorway looking back at him.

Out of nowhere he shoot up, so he was sitting gasping for air, causing my jaw to drop.

I guess I wasn’t going to leave him again I finally had him back. I didn’t plan on leaving Kol once again, seen as I had spent too long finding him, and I was only going to leave him if that’s what he wanted.

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