~*~ There May be Something there that Wasn't there Before. ~*~

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Rosa’s POV

I was so shocked. He actually woke up. I thought something went wrong or that this would take so much longer, but he was actually awake.

He gasped for air again. He gripped onto the edges of the coffin looking around the room. He glanced past me before snapping his view back to me. I could see the confusion in his eyes.

Before I knew it, he had me pinned against the wall. He had his hands either side of my head, as he looked down on me. His eyes were stern and his lips were pressed into a straight line.

“Rosalina?” He questioned.

“Hello Kol,” I smiled softly hoping he wasn’t mad at me.

That was my worst fear at the moment, that he would hate me and not love me anymore, because I still loved him more than anything in the world.

His expression softened, to a calm smile. One of his hands moved from the wall lightly caressing my cheek. His expression seemed loving and caring, and I hoped that meant he still loved me.

“Rosa, it’s really you. How can this be? Niklaus told me you died, what happened?” He whispered with a small smile.

“I’m so sorry Kol. I should have told you when it happened, but I was so scared, you’d be angry with me. You have every right to be really, I lied to you for so long, and then I just left because I couldn’t bear to tell you the full truth. I was a werewolf, and I didn’t tell you because of the age old hatred between our kinds, and to be honest I thought you’d realise before I told you,” I quietly told me with tears in my eyes.

“Don’t worry darling, I could never hate you for what you are. You loved me even though I am a vampire, and I can love you if you are a werewolf, I never loved anyone after you,” He smiled, “But why did you leave?”

“Your brother Niklaus turned me into a hybrid. I was sired to him, and I knew if I stayed with you, I’d be near him and he could use the sire bond against me to hurt me and you, and I couldn’t do that, so I just ran. I didn’t know what to tell you, I was so scared of losing you, and I lost you because of it. I’ve always loved you Kol, and I never wanted to hurt you,” I said softly.

His fingers gently moved across my cheek as he smiled down at me.

“It hurt losing you Rosa. But having you back here now is all I could ever wish for. I love you and I’ve waited over 500 years to do this,” He smiled softly pressing his lips against mine.

The kiss was short and sweet, but I had missed it so much from the 500 years we’d been apart. There was more than 500 years to make up for, that we hadn’t been together for that time.

“I’m so sorry for leaving you; I didn’t know what else I could do. If only I thought about it before, we could have been together all of this time,” I smiled softly wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head against his chest.

“It doesn’t matter now darling. We are back together and that is all that matters. What’s happened since you left?” He said hugging me in return.

“Not much. I have been travelling trying to distract myself from my life. Recently I began one of your brother’s minions, in return for you. Do you think your brother would just hand you over to me? I had to keep him alive and help him sort out the sacrifice again, seen as I was the one to reinstate the curse,” I shrugged, “how about you, I found you daggered in a box?”

He let out a soft chuckle pulling out of the hug, smiling down at me. The height difference was rather annoying but I didn’t mind.

“My brother doesn’t like people going against his ideals, or anything he wants, meaning that I pissed him off, so he stabbed me leaving me in a box for a hundred years. Did Nik make you do anything stupid or overly dangerous?” He questioned with a protective expression on his face.

“Everything he does is stupid and dangerous. Mainly I just had to convince people not to kill him, or screw up their plans so your brother didn’t die. And also so you know, I didn’t save his life because he’s your brother or because I had a change of heart. Everyone he turned, and anyone in his bloodline, so anyone they turned, which means I’d die as would lots of innocent people, so I didn’t want to kill people even if it meant Niklaus died,” I shrugged.

“Don’t worry about my brother. He will no longer hurt you in any way. He is going to be busy creating more hybrids. Are you still sired to him?” he asked calmly.

I knew he was angry with Niklaus for what he did, and the concept of me being sired to him. He easily got angry, but never at me, just at his brother, but everyone got angry with him.

“No. To break the sire bond, I had to stop being thankful to him for stopping the full moons making me turn into a wolf. So I had to repeatedly go through transitions until I was no longer sired to him,” I shrugged, “It hurt like hell, I swear to God I didn’t think I could do it, but at least now I never have to experience a full moon, nor be sired to your brother.”

“I’m glad, Nik can be horrible to people. And he would have used the sire bond to his advantage to destroy your life more so than usual,” He stated.

“Well Elijah has him under control. And he’ll be using his new found hybrid abilities for a while, so by the looks of it, we have his house for a few days,” I chuckled.

“Is the entire house this empty?” He frowned.

“Kind of. I’m guessing he only moved here recently, and the house is huge with minimal stuff in it, but there’s enough to live off of,” I stated.

“Then I guess for now it’ll do, until we find our own place,” he smirked kissing my nose.

I had missed Kol, and now I am so glad to have him back here with me. 

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