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You need me to state my full name? Alexandra Grace Turner. Reason for doing that to... well, you know what I did? That's kind of a long story... Start at the beginning? Okie dokie...

Everyone has a reason for getting into the life. For some, it's because a loved one was killed. Others are born into it or just have the misfortune of being exposed to it from their first hunt. I have a different reason.


The first time I met him, we were both young. Seniors in high school. I was just another notch in his belt. From the moment he walked through the doors, he was aloof. He didn't bring a bag or anything for class. He said he wouldn't be around long enough for it to matter. His impossibly green eyes found mine when he said it to the teacher.

I somehow found myself in the janitor's closet with him. He had a technique, a specific way he would kiss girls. It would start slow, chaste. Then he would take your bottom lip between his teeth rather than ask permission with his tongue. When you parted your lips, gave him more room to work, that's when the tongue came into play. And all the while, your knees are getting weaker and your heart is fluttering in your chest, as you find yourself wanting more...

Sorry... You don't want to hear about that. You want to know my story. Why I did what I did. I promise it was for a good cause. It wasn't my fault he chose to occupy that particular vessel. Now where was I? Oh yes...

He left exactly two weeks later. But not without leaving a mark. I was a virgin. Before that night. I refused to be with another guy. Not because I didn't want to. I had another reason. I was pregnant and all my time was taken up by the baby. I tried to get a hold of him. I guess he got a different number.

The next time I saw him was a decade later in 2007. That's when I was really exposed to the truth. To the life. He and his brother were working a job...


The sound of children's laughter and screaming filled the air as kids ran and played in the backyard. I made my way to the door as the doorbell signaled the sound of someone else arriving. Opening it, I was met with the sight of a vaguely familiar man in his late 20s. He had cropped hair coming to a point and a strong jaw. He wore layers, all dark colors, and a strange medallion hung around his neck. His full lips pulled up in an awkward smile and his green eyes twinkled as he stared at me.

"Dean!" I greeted, shocked as it finally clicked.

"Lexi. How's it going?"

"Wow. So, how long has it been?" I asked him, avoiding the question.

"Nine, going on ten years now. Crazy right?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just- I was passing through, and, uh, I couldn't resist," he stuttered. "I remember that you love surprises."

"Yeah," I chuckled awkwardly. "Dean Winchester. Wow. Just... wow. I'm- I'm sorry. You kind of came at a bad time. We're having a party."

"A party? I love parties."

He flashed that awkward smile again, and I sighed, ushering him inside and through to the backyard.

"So, who's the party for?"

"Rebecca. My daughter."

"Oh. You have a-"

"Yep," I interrupted, gesturing across the yard. "That's her."

He followed my gaze to where a group of kids sat. In the center was my daughter, opening presents. Her oval-shaped facial structure and long auburn hair matched mine. However, her full lips, emerald green eyes and light freckles splattered across her nose were clear signs of her father. She was wearing faded blue jeans, a dark t-shirt and a jean jacket.

Dean and I watched as she opened the present in her hand to reveal a silver necklace in the shape of a star encircled by flames.

"Yes! You remembered!" she exclaimed, hugging the girl beside her.

"How old-" Dean started.

"Nine," I replied. "Oh, Dean, could you excuse me a minute?"

"Yeah, sure. Don't mind me."

I walked away to meet one of my friends that had just arrived with her daughter and gave her a hug. We headed inside while her daughter, Katie, stared around the backyard.

"So... how you holding up?" I asked her.

"Fine," she replied.


"Well, you know," she shrugged. "I just... nevermind."

"What?" I pressed.

"It's just... I'm worried about Katie. I think there might be something... wrong with her."

"Of course there is. The poor girl just lost her dad. She's devastated."

"No. That- that's not what I'm talking about. There is something really... wrong... with her," she paused, watching Katie for a moment. "I'm not sure that Katie is... Katie."

"What?" I inquired, brow furrowed.

"I'm not sure that's my daughter."

I grabbed her hand, drawing her attention back to me.

"I know you're grieving. But you can't talk like that," I said firmly. "Katie needs you right now."

"No, you don't understand-" she started again, pulling away.

"Seriously," I insisted. "We're going to get you help. It'll be okay."

She shook her head, hurrying back to the yard and grabbing Katie's hand.

"Katie? Come on, we're leaving," she said.

Just then, Dean walked back into the kitchen where I was still standing at the counter.

"Hey. So, I, uh, met Rebecca. Cool kid."

I nodded absentmindedly, glancing at him.

"Yeah," I muttered distractedly.

"Yeah... you know, I couldn't help notice that, uh, she's turning nine. You and me... you know?"

I laughed slightly, finally comprehending what he was saying.

"You're not... trying to ask me if she's yours?"

"No. Nah, of course not," we both chuckled awkwardly and a beat passed. "She's not, is she?"

"What?" I snapped, slamming the fridge shut where I had been taking out a pitcher of lemonade.

He raised his eyebrows, studying me as he stuttered out a response.

"It's just... her eyes... and she..."


Before I could complete the thought, Katie and her mother walked past and to the front door. Her mom barely glanced back at me on their way out.

"Something wrong with your friend?" Dean inquired.

"She's been through a lot. Her ex just died in this horrible accident."

"Oh, yeah. Didn't I just read about that? The, uh, power saw."

I nodded my head in confirmation.

"Yeah. Guess there's been a lot of bad luck in the neighborhood lately."

"What kind of bad luck?"

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