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When I came to, I was tied beside Becca to a pole. Something didn't feel right though. It was an odd feeling, like I wasn't totally there. I tried to move, but for some reason I couldn't get my body to do what I wanted it to. A man, who I assumed was one of the black eyed demons, was at a table nearby, keeping watch. A few moments later, two others came in and joined him.

A sound came from outside the door in the hall, like punching. The first man went out to investigate and more attack noises were heard. The other two also went out and immediately after the third man closed the door, he was thrown back through it. Becca turned away, shielding her face as Dean entered, brandishing a knife as he attacked the men. Once they were dead, he pulled the knife out of one of them and approached us.

"Oh, Dean. Thank god," I heard myself say.

"Still gotta get you out of here," he said, cutting my bonds.

"Okay. Okay," he muttered as I stood and he moved to Becca.

Cutting her free as well, he started to lead her back toward the door.

"Alright, Becca, c'mon, let's go," he told her. "Let's go."

I watched myself grab Becca and the knife from Dean. I mentally screamed as I felt myself hold the knife to Becca's throat. This couldn't be happening.

"Brat's not going anywhere," the thing controlling me said. "And neither am I."

I saw the color drain from Dean's face as he stared at me in horror. My mind raced, trying to figure out what was happening, why I couldn't control what I was doing. Meanwhile, the thing continued to speak through me with Dean.

"Crowley thought you might come, so he had me jump this hot little piece of ass for insurance," it said and I realized I must be possessed by a demon. "Can't go losing our leverage can we?"

Dean took a step toward me and Becca, but the demon inside me stopped him.

"Ah. Another step. Free appendectomy," it threatened, pressing the blade further into my daughter's throat.

"You know, she's awake in here, your mom," it addressed her. "I can hear her thinking."

"Don't listen to her, Becca," Dean addressed our daughter.

The demon pretended to be offended as it spoke to Dean once more.

"What? I was just going to tell her her mommy is excited to slit her throat."

"You shut your mouth," Dean snarled.

"Oh, what, you're her white knight now? She wishes she never met you, Dean. You're the worst mistake she ever made," the demon looked down at my daughter. "Second worst, after keeping you."

I mentally screamed the word no. The demon was lying. I loved my daughter. Loved Dean. They were the best things to ever happen to me.

"It's not your mom, Becca. She's lying," Dean said, as if he could hear my true thoughts.

"Says the C-minus lay with 10 miles of daddy issues. Whatever gets you through the night, Tiny Tim."

Dean took another step toward us then.

"Uh uh. Back off, cowboy," the demon said before continuing to speak to Becca. "You know she's begging me to kill you. She says you hold her back. Never had a lick of fun since you were born."

If I was in control, I would be crying. I wanted to cry. None of what the demon was saying was true. I wanted nothing more than to put the knife down, hug my daughter and assure her that I loved her.

"Well, here goes nothing..."

A few things happened at once, and since I was still not in control, I barely comprehended it. The first thing that happened was Dean told Becca that everything would be okay. The next thing that happened was my hand moved quickly across my daughter's throat, slitting it open with the knife. Finally, something splashed my face and the demon inside me screamed and dropped the knife.

"Rebecca!" Dean shouted, rushing forward to grab our daughter.

The demon began to laugh as I watched Becca die in Dean's arms. He laid her down gently, hard gaze rising to glare at me. Standing up, he moved forward and pinned me against the wall, kicking the knife off to the side as he did so.

"What's the matter, Dean? Hit me! Oh, you don't wanna hurt poor Lexi."

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus," Dean began.

"Shut your mouth," the demon snarled, punching him in the face.

"Omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica," he continued as the demon inside me struggled to breathe, "ergo draco maledicte..."

The demon gripped Dean by the throat, trying to cut him off as it groaned.

"Ecclesiam," Dean managed to get out.

"Stop it."


"I'm warning you."

"You can go to hell, you black eyed bitch," Dean spat back.

The demon grabbed a straight razor off the table. It let go of Dean's neck and stepped away as he caught his breath.

"You sure about that?" it inquired, stabbing me in the stomach.

"No!" he yelled.

"Exorcise me now," the demon laughed. "She's just a dead meatsuit. Now what was it you wanted to say?"

Dean hesitated briefly, before his eyes hardened and he began reciting the Latin once more.

"Securi tibi facias libertate..."

Blood began to come out of my mouth and I felt the demon's hold on me weakening.

"...servire te rogamus, audi nos."

I screamed with the demon as it was expelled from my body and I fell to the ground.

"Lexi!" Dean cried, rushing to my side. "Lexi, here, put pressure on that okay?"

He gave me a cloth and put my hand over the wound as I moaned in pain.

"I know, honey, I know," he muttered, pulling out his phone and punched in some numbers. "That's it. It's okay."

"B-Becca," I gasped out.

"Shh. Don't speak, sweetie," he said before speaking into the phone. "Sam, where are you, dammit?"

He hung up and helped me put more pressure on the wound.

"We gotta get you out of here, honey," he muttered.

I only groaned as he lifted me into his arms. Out in the hall, he set me down gently as he shot at the demons that came toward us.

"Dean!" Sam's voice called from inside a room.


"I'm in here!"

Dean shot the lock off the door and Sam came out.

"Come on, we need to get to a hospital. Here's the gun, I have to carry her. We need a ride."

Sam took the gun from Dean and he picked me back up, following Sam out of the building as he shot the last few demons. I felt myself slowly slipping out of consciousness as we stood outside while Sam hijacked a car to drive us to the hospital.

"Baby, you gotta stay awake for me," Dean told me. "Please, honey, keep your eyes open, just a little while longer."

I fought to fulfill his request, trying to focus on those brilliant green eyes that matched our daughter's... our daughter. I had killed our daughter. Granted, it was technically the demon possessing me that had killed her, but it was my hand that had slashed the knife across her throat.

Dean had held her as the life drained from her emerald eyes that matched the ones that were shining with worry down at me from his face now as he continued to urge me to stay awake.

"Hey, hey. Stay with me. Sam, you gotta go faster, man! You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be just fine."


When I came to, I was in a hospital bed and it was dark. Looking over, I saw Dean sitting in a chair beside me.

"D-Dean," I croaked out.

He raised his head, emerald eyes meeting mine.

"Hey. How you feelin'?"

"W-why am I... I thought I was going to die."

"Y-you were. But, um, a friend of mine was here. He healed you."

"H-healed me?"

"Yeah, he, uh... he's an angel, so he can do stuff like that."


"Lexi, I'm so sorry."

"N-no. She's n-not. She can't b-be..."

I felt tears sliding down my cheeks as I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. Didn't want to believe it. My daughter was my life. My everything. There was no way she was gone. That she was dead. Any second she would walk in and join Dean and I in the hospital room. Dean just stared at me, mocking my pain with his facial features that matched Rebecca's. Same full lips, same freckles, same eyes... It was a cruel punishment.

"Listen, Lexi... my friend who healed you... the angel... there's something else he can do."


"He can make you forget. Forget what happened, forget me... You wouldn't have to worry about it any more."

"F-forget what happened? Does that mean I won't remember my daughter at all?"

"Y-yes, it would. He'd have to erase all your memories of her in order for it to be effective."

"N-no. I can't forget her. I refuse to forget her."

"Lexi, think rationally about this. If you forgot it all, you could have a normal life without me and the things I hunt threatening your safety."

"No, Dean. As much as a chance to go back to living a normal life sounds appealing, I can't. Not without my daughter."

"You wouldn't remember her. It wouldn't matter-"

"I said no, Dean, and I mean no. Becca meant everything to me, and erasing her from my memory would be a mockery to her. I've made up my mind. I'm sorry."

The man nodded his head in understanding, sighing as he stood up.

"Fine. I think it would be best if you forgot about me, though. Will you at least allow that?"

"No. No one is altering my memories, Dean. I'll pretend you don't exist, lose your number, but that's it."

"I guess I'll take it. If that's all I can convince you to do..."

"It's my final offer, Dean."

He nodded again, taking my hand in his and rubbing his thumb back and forth on the back of it. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to my temple before releasing his hold.

"Then I guess this is goodbye," he said.

"I guess it is," I agreed.

"Bye, Lexi. I really am sorry about everything."

"I know you are. Goodbye, Dean."

Giving me a pained smile, the Winchester walked out of the room, never to return.


I know you're wondering what happened next. After I was released from the hospital, I sold my house. I didn't bother finding a new place to live. For the next few years, I spent all my time on the road, living out of my car or old hotel rooms. I learned how to get false cards from Dean before he left me, so I didn't have to worry about that. I also knew how to hustle in pool, so I could also get money that way.

Basically, I became a full time hunter. I guess I was wrong. I did get into the life because a loved one died. My daughter. But it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't met Dean Winchester, so I wasn't completely wrong. Anyway, my life totally changed after that happened. True to my word, I lost Dean's number, pretended he didn't exist.

You're not very patient, you know that? I understand you want to know about that particular incident. But it's not that simple. No, it's not. Now, before we continue, I have to ask, are you comfortable? Need to take a bathroom break? Grab a snack? How 'bout a beer? Glass of wine? No? I guess you are technically "on the job", huh? Okay, then... Let's proceed...

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