carlisle cullen

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" i think carlisle likes you "

"Bella, are you sure you're okay? You almost got hit by a fucking van!" Annalise Swan shouted at her reckless, younger sister. The two had only been in Forks, Washington for a few weeks, and Annalise was already developing grey hairs from the worrying her sister put her through.

"Anna, I'm fine. I promise," Bella said, slightly annoyed at the prodding hands of her frazzled sister. She huffed, pushing Annalise's hands away from the cut at her hairline, "Can you please just let the doctor do that?"

A gentle knock sounded at the door, causing the Swan sisters to snap their heads towards the handsome man entering the room.

"Hello, Miss Swan. I'm Dr. Cullen; I'll be checking you over," the man said, a strained smile on his face as he glanced at Annalise before moving towards Bella. He avoided Annalise's gaze as he checked over her sister, his shoulders tense, "It seems you're very lucky. You could have been in very bad condition after an incident like that."

"It was lucky that Edward was there in time. He was all the way across the parking lot," Bella said, a look of determination in her eyes.

Dr. Cullen nodded hesitantly, briefly glancing at Annalise as he said, "Yes. I suppose that is lucky," he cleared his throat before placing a polite smile upon his face, "Well, it seems you're fine. Just get some rest and you'll be good as new."

Bella turned to her sister, "I told you," she muttered. Annalise stuck out her tongue at Bella before turning to the pale doctor, an easy smile on her features,

"Thanks so much, Dr. Cullen," she offered a hand to him, not expecting the coldness of his own as their hands met. She assumed it was from being in the hospital all day, as it wasn't the warmest of places.

He held her hand for, what seemed to Bella, an unnecessarily long time, "Please, call me Carlisle," he said, slightly smirking as he saw the blush rising to Annalise's cheeks, "And I'm only doing my job."

"Annalise," she said, slightly jumping back as she realized she was still gripping his hand in her own, "Oh! I'm sorry," she laughed, "That's kind of awkward."

"Oh, it's not a problem, Annalise. Are yo-"

"Carlisle, I need to talk to you." A gorgeous blonde woman entered the room, shooting a glare towards Bella and a halfhearted smile towards Annalise, muttering a quiet 'sorry' towards the eldest Swan.

"Excuse me, please," Carlisle said, quickly following after the blonde as she harshly whispered words that Annalise couldn't make out.

"Well, Bells, I guess we should get you home," Annalise said, helping Bella down from the examining table and leading the way towards the front desk area. She stopped, turning back when she realized that Bella had stopped. Annalise followed her sister's gaze to see Carlisle, the blonde, and a sour faced boy whispering among themselves, "Do you know those two teenagers, Bells? Do they go to your school?"

Bella only nodded, stare firmly locked onto the three, "I'm going to go talk to Edward," she mumbled, leaving a confused Annalise in the middle of the hallway,

"Hey! Bells!" she called, huffing in annoyance as her sister ignored her and continued interrupting the seemingly serious conversation. Annalise crossed her arms haughtily, "I'm going to leave you here!"

"I'm sure Edward wouldn't oppose giving her a ride if you really were to leave her," a smooth voice spoke from behind, interrupting her pouting and causing Annalise to jump, a slight shriek leaving her mouth. Carlisle grinned, "I apologize, I didn't mean to startle you."

Annalise was interrupted from her embarrassed reply as Bella stormed past, a frustrated look on her face as she grumbled, "Let's leave."

A bewildered look crossed Annalise's face as she watched Bella hurriedly exit the hospital. She turned back to Carlisle with a sheepish smile, jutting a thumb in the direction of the exit, "I'd, uh, better go after her before she gets hit by another van. It was nice to meet you," she grinned.

"It was nice meeting you, too," Carlisle said, "Perhaps we shall meet again."

"Perhaps," Annalise said, a goofy smile on her face as she playfully curtsied before turning and rushing out of the hospital after Bella, the smile not leaving her face until she saw her sister impatiently waiting in the car.


Annalise was sat on the small couch next to her father, her laptop resting on her pajama clad legs as a football game played on the TV.

"Where are you going?" She head Charlie ask, turning her gaze up to meet Bella's nicely dressed figure. Annalise rose a brow as she awaited her sister's answer, grabbing another handful of the popcorn her and her father had been sharing.

"I, um, have a date. With Edward," Bella stated awkwardly, sending a bland look towards Annalise who had began to wiggle her eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Dr. Cullen's boy? I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town," Charlie huffed.

Bella rubbed at her arm awkwardly, "Technically he doesn't live in Forks."

Annalise could sense the tension as she patted her Charlie's knee reassuringly, "C'mon, dad, don't be a buzzkill. Let the girl have some fun in this godforsaken town," she grinned.

Charlie scoffed, fighting a smile as he ignored Annalise and focused his attention on his youngest. "What time is he gonna be here?"

Bella awkwardly glanced towards the window, "Actually, he's here now . . . And he wants to meet you," she said, turning to Annalise with a pained look, "Both of you."

Annalise stretched, setting her laptop on the coffee table and standing excitedly, "I'll go get the gun, Dad!"

Bella blanched at the thought, grabbing Annalise in a firm grip and not allowing the older girl to leave the living room, "Ana, no! He's," she paused, "important. Don't scare him away. Please," she begged.

Annalise let out a laugh, ruffling her sister's hair lovingly, "Oh, Bella. Sweet, sweet, never-had-a-boyfriend Bella. If he can't handle your family then he's not the one," she said, a smirk on her face as she watched her dad set his gun and cleaning supplies on the dining room table.

She heard Bella groan as she skipped to the door and opened it, calling out to Edward who had been leaning against his silver Volvo, "Hey, Loverboy. Get in here."


It had been a blur for Annalise. An emotional blur which led to where she was now. Sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair in a cold, sterile room in Phoenix, Arizona waiting for her baby sister to wake up and tell her what the hell had happened. The truth, and not the lies that Edward Cullen had been spoon feeding her family.

"Ana," a soft voice called, snapping Annalise from her thoughts. She was quick to scoot her chair closer to the hospital bed, taking Bella's hand in her own.

"I'm here, Bells. You about gave me a heart attack! First you almost get hit by a van and now this, you're never allowed to leave my side again!" Annalise exclaimed, her voice wavering as she held back relieved tears.

Bella glanced around the room cautiously, "What happened?"

Annalise leaned back in her chair then, a calculating gleam in her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest, "You tell me," she said, crossing one leg over the other, "Your boyfriend says you fell through a window, and I know you're clumsy, Bells, but you're not that uncoordinated as to fall through a fucking window."

Bella was lost for words as she guiltily looked away from Annalise's accusing glare. She opened her mouth to respond as a knock sounded, the door opening soon after.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I heard voices and wanted to see if Bella was awake," Edward stated, a look on his face that told Annalise he had interrupted purposely.

"Oh, no big deal," Annalise said, hand waving dismissively as she stood and let out a yawn, "Go ahead and have your couple moment. Bella and I will continue our discussion later," she promised, a threatening glint in her eyes.

She headed to the door casually bumping Edward's shoulder as she went, "Oh, sorry," she said blandly, "See ya later, Bells," she waved lazily over her shoulder, "Keep out of trouble."


Annalise sat in her car, words of encouragement silently passing her lips as she looked towards the large house before her. She had decided to take Carlisle up on that whole "we shall meet again" thing. Though, she's sure that showing up randomly to his home to interrogate him about his family isn't exactly what he had had in mind, but she couldn't bring herself to care considering the danger they had put her sister in.

Annalise exited her car, tripping slightly on the floor mat before slamming the door and cringing at the sound it made. She made her way up to the door, jumping back in shock as it opened before she had the chance to knock.

"Hello, can I help you?" A kind looking woman asked. She was beautiful, dark brown hair cascading around her shoulders as her golden eyes met Annalise's frazzled appearance.

Annalise ran a clammy hand through her frizzed curls, the action pulling at her roots, but she ignored the pain, "Oh, uh, yeah. Is this Carlisle Cullen's house?"

The woman smiled, "Yes, it is. He's not here at the moment, but he'll be back shortly," she moved over, gesturing for Annalise to enter the house, "Please, come in, and make yourself at home."

The woman led Annalise to a beautifully decorated living room, allowing her to sit on the couch and offering her a drink to which she politely declined. "My name is Esme. I'm Carlisle's sister," she smiled, offering a hand to Annalise.

Annalise took her hand, shocked by the cold temperature but not commenting on it as she shook it gently, "I'm Annalise. I'm Bella's older sister," she said, dropping Esme's hand and shifting nervously in her seat.

"Oh, I've heard so much about you from Carlisle, Edward, and Bella," Esme said jovially, "You really are as beautiful as they said."

Annalise blushed lightly, "Thank you. I-"

She was cut off by the front door opening, shoes lightly scuffing on the welcome mat as a voice called out, "Esme? Who's car is that in the driveway?"

Annalise recognized his voice, and couldn't help but feel as though he already knew the answer to his question.

Esme smiled amusedly at Annalise, "Annalise Swan is here to speak with you, Brother."

Carlisle entered the living room, a smile on his face as his gaze met Annalise's inquisitive one. He turned to Esme, "Thank you for keeping her company," he held out a hand to Annalise, helping her stand once she placed her warm hand in his own, "We will speak in my study," she stated, a friendly lilt to his voice as he led Annalise by her hand to a room on the opposite side of the house.

He dropped her hand as he offered her a seat in one of the expensive looking leather chairs, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

Annalise cleared her throat, settling herself into the plush chair, "I have a few questions concerning the well-being of my sister," she stated bluntly, settling a serious expression upon her delicate features.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you are referring to? Is Bella okay?" The concern in his voice was genuine, and Annalise took notice of it as she leaned farther back in her chair.

"I don't know. Is she?" She pondered, letting her gaze drift around the room momentarily before snapping it back to meet Carlisle's inhumanly colored eyes, "I don't quite know what you and your family are . . . But I do know that what happened in Phoenix wasn't just Bella being clumsy, and surprise, surprise, your family happened to be there to save her. Just like how Edward was there to save her from that van . . ." Annalise let out a sigh, running her fingers through her hair gently, "Don't misunderstand, I am grateful that your family has protected her, but I can't help but feel as though your family is the cause of her needing to always be saved."

Carlisle sighed, an amused smile on his face as he took in Annalise's stubborn expression, "You Swan girls are certainly observant."



Bella looked up at Annalise, shocked over her outburst. The sisters had been sitting in silence for over an hour, Bella working on an English paper whilst Annalise bustled around the kitchen.

"Excuse me?" Bella questioned, slowly saving the document she had been working on and closing her laptop.

"You heard me," Annalise muttered, scoffing when Bella made a comment about half the town having heard her, "The Cullens are vampires, and you're dating one," she stated, looking at Bella in the way she used to when they were kids and she wanted Bella to admit to a secret.

Bella shifted, "How did you find out?"

"Carlisle told me. He said you knew since before you and Edward were dating. What the fuck, Bella," Annalise said, her expression incredulous as she watched her sister blush ashamedly.

"He's, uh," Bella began, looking away from her sister, "I'm his mate. So, uh, we're kind of . . . made for one another."

Annalise scoffed, "Figures. You would be the mate to a vampire. I just can't believe how little self preservation you have," she slumped into one of the kitchen chairs, Bella awkwardly patting her back as she leaned lazily against the table, "Honestly, Bella. Be a normal human for just a second."

"You're not exactly running for the hills now that you know," Bella said, a frown marring her features as she watched her sister's breaths deepen.

"Yeah, well, I can't exactly leave my baby sister alone in a town full of vampires," she sighed.

Bella opened her laptop then, eyes roaming the screen blankly, "I think Carlisle likes you," she stated.

"Wow, Bella. Subtle."


Carlisle had invited Annalise to dinner, and though she had been skeptical of his intentions, she agreed. She dressed semi casually in a forest green dress and a thick coat, not bothering with makeup as she had gone through the trouble of styling her hair into a braided updo.

Carlisle showed up in a sleek Mercedes, greeting Charlie warmly before escorting Annalise to his car and opening her door for her.

"What a gentleman," Annalise teased, a smirk on her face as he chuckled. She snuggled into the seat as he flicked on the heater, "Where are we going?"

He turned to her, a smile on his face as he took in her casual posture, "To a restaurant in Port Angeles," he stated.

Annalise sat up straighter as she studied his profile. She pursed her lips, "I asked Bella, and she said that vampires can't eat human food," she said, the question in her sentence being answered by a subtle nod from Carlisle, "So I ate before you picked me up," she grinned, "Lets do something we both can enjoy."

Carlisle chuckled, glancing at Annalise in disbelief, "While I am grateful for your consideration, I do wish you'd have told me earlier so I could have planned accordingly," he scolded playfully.

Annalise rolled her eyes, a grin still on her face as she gently tapped Carlisle's arm, "Well, it looks like we'll just have to improvise," she said, excitedly looking out the cars window at the night sky.

"I suppose you've left us no choice, Ana."


Annalise and Carlisle spent their date driving through the city of Port Angeles, conversing amiably and pulling over at the small shops that drew Annalise's attention.

Carlisle insisted on buying Annalise a small, opalescent ring that had caught her attention in one of the shops, claiming that it was the money he'd have spent on dinner being put to good use.

Annalise had scoffed, a smile on her face as she said he was too gentlemanly for his own good.

"Would you rather I be inattentive and ignore you?" He asked, quirking an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"You'd fit in more in this century," Annalise said, a smirk of her own tilting her lips.

Carlisle's gaze fell onto her lips, his smirk unwavering as he looked back into her mischief filled eyes, "Would you like for me to be more modern in my attempts to court you?"

Annalise noticed the distance between them closing, her eyes not leaving his as her hand rested lightly on his chest, "You're courting me?"

Carlisle smiled, grabbing her hand and lifting it to kiss her palm, "If you'll allow me, I'd be honored to court you," he said, hand intwining with her own.

Annalise smiled, pulling him down to her height and brushing her lips lightly over his, "I'll allow it."


"Bella! Alice! Hurry it up!" Annalise called up the stairs, an impatient expression on her face as she sat huffily on the couch. She had been sent downstairs to soothe the awkward tension between Edward and her father, but that was twenty minutes ago, and she was beginning to grow antsy.

Charlie chuckled from his position on the couch beside her, "Calm down, Ana. I'm sure Carlisle won't mind waiting," he took a swig if his beer, "The guy is head over heels for you."

Annalise huffed, her cheeks darkening treacherously, "Shut up, Dad," she mumbled causing Charlie and Edward to laugh at her.

"I'm glad my embarrassment is bringing you two closer together," she said sarcastically, grinning as she saw Bella and Alice making their way down the stairs. "Finally!" She exclaimed, laughing at the amazed look on Edward's face, "Bells, you look so good!"

Annalise took pictures of Bella; Bella and Edward; Bella and Charlie; Bella and Alice; Bella, Alice, and Edward; and finally, she had Alice take a picture of Bella and Annalise to finish out the photoshoot.

After pictures were taken, and Edward and Bella had left, Annalise grabbed her bag and gave her dad a hug before leaving with Alice to the Cullen house.

Alice pulled up in the driveway and Annalise exited the car, waving to Jasper as he took her place in the passenger seat and watched as they speed off to the school's dance. She hummed happily as she entered the Cullen home, greeting Esme with a hug on her way to Carlisle's study.

She entered the room, grinning at the sight of Carlisle reading one of his many medical journals. "Hello, my love! Pay attention to me," Annalise cheered, grinning goofily as she let her duffel bag drop from her shoulder and fell into Carlisle's awaiting arms.

Carlisle chuckled as he pushed the hair away from her face, "Hello, Darling. I take it Bella and Alice took a while to get ready," he says knowingly.

Annalise groaned, leaning more into Carlisle as she tells him about the awkward atmosphere that surrounded Edward and Charlie and how Alice had claimed "five more minutes" at least ten times. Carlisle listens intently, reacting accordingly and petting her hair the entire time, a loving smile on his face.

"-And then, Charlie decide to remind me of how infatuated you are with me," Annalise teased.

Carlisle hummed, "Your father knows me rather well, doesn't he?" Carlisle smirked.

"He just knows how irresistible I am," she flipped her hair dramatically, laughing loudly afterwards and missing the intense look Carlisle sent her.

"Hey, Ana," Carlisle called softly after she had calmed down.

Annalise looked at him, a smile on her face as she took in his handsome features, "Yeah?"

"Marry me," he said casually, a playful expression on his face.

Annalise felt the shock seep into her expression, her eyes widening slightly and the smile on her face faltering slightly before it picked up into a blinding grin.


word count: 3340

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