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Y/N, Meggy, Mario, Leo, Desti and Beta decided to hang out, not train, but just to hang out.

Meggy: Glad we could all hang out today, it's a nice day, so we can go to the beach, play volleyball, or maybe even challenge eachother in another game of truth or dare.

Y/N: Sounds like fun, where to start?

Desti: I'd say we could start with volleyball.

You all began to play Volleyball on the beach, hours later, You scored the final blow and won the game for you, Meggy and Mario.

Beta: Damn.

Leo: We were so close!

Desti: It's fine, they got lucky.

Y/N: So, loser buys ice cream?

Beta: I guess so..

You all laugh and head down to the ice cream cart, while on your way there, someone interrupts you.

???: Déjà vu.

You all turn around, remembering the voice.

Y/N: Jackson?!

Jackson: That's right bitch, I'm not done with you.

He loaded a paintball gun, sets the pressure at high and aims it at you.

Jackson: Goodnight Y/N.

He was then jumped by your croc friend Percy who saw the commotion, Jackson fires at someone else.

Y/N: NO!

Meggy stumbled a bit and looked at you. Her eye was completely gone..

Meggy: Y/N?

She fainted, Jackson elbowed Percy in the gut and ran off. Everyone groups around Meggy.

Y/N: No no no..Meggy..god damn it, someone help!

Beta: Get her to the hospital, I'll contact the others!

Desti: Oh my god..

Mario: Meggy?!

Leo: That son of a bitch!

Leo wanted to chase him down, but he was already gone.

You all get Meggy to a hospital. The doctor takes her to the room and gets everything he needs to start helping her.

Nurse: You'll all have to wait in the waiting room.

Y/N: B-but..Me-

Nurse: We'll do the best we can sir, go wait please.

Y/N: O-okay..

Percy puts a hand on your shoulder.

Percy: I'm..truly sorry Y/N..

He walks you to the waiting room. You sit down, and wait.

Y/N: You tried to help..I don't blame you Percy.

-Few hours later-

You and your friends get up as the doctor opens the door.

Y/N: How is she?..

Doctor: I don't know Mr L/N, we've done everything we can, it's all up to her now.

You were dumbfounded, You, Desti, Leo, Percy and Mario head into her room. Seeing her eye was covered with a patch. You sat close to her, Percy, Desti, Leo and Mario sat with you, waiting for her to wake up, you hold her hand.

Y/N: Meggy, please wake up.

As a few minutes pass, the beeping got quicker, and quicker, you look up at the panel and saw her heart rate. Then..

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Flatline, you panic and call someone.

Y/N: Someone help!

Percy: Oh my god, Meggy, Meggy??

Leo: No no! Meggy!!

Mario: Shet!

Desti: Meggy! Speak to us! Don't go!

You get a nurse and they come speed walking in.

Percy: What's going on? What's happening to her?!

She quickly checked her pulse and calls a doctor.

Nurse: We have a code blue in room 19!

She then escorts you and your friends out.

Nurse: I'm sorry, but you're all going to have to wait outside.

Y/N: Is she going to be ok?!

Nurse: The doctors will do everything they can, but I need you all to go and wait.

You were all outside the door, the Doctor walks in.

Doctor: What's the status?

Nurse: She was stable a minute ago, now she's unresponsive. Now she's not breathing and no pulse.

Doctor: Okay, we need compressions, innovate and give her a milligram of epinephrine.

The door closed in front of you. You all head to the lobby again. Worried for her.

-2 hours later-

You were waiting impatiently, Percy and Desti were worried about you and Meggy. Leo was angry at Jackson. Mario was too lost right now. Just then, the doctor walks in, you jump up. The doctor looks sad..

Doctor: I'm sorry..she didn't make it.

Y/N: W-what...?

Your eyes were about to shed tears. Same with everyone else.

Desti: Meggy...

Doctor: If you'd like, you can go in..and say your goodbyes.

All of you were broken, the doctor leaves, so you all head over to Meggy's room and see her, a bandage covered her eye, and blood smeared on her bandage.

Y/N: M-Meggy..

You kiss her forehead.

Leo: Cousin...

Y/N: *Sniff* Meggy...I love you, with all of my heart...but, the only problem is...

Your almost broke down and weakly say this.

Y/N: I-I..I don't know how my life works without you..

You broke down, Percy hugged you and comforted you.

Percy: I know...I know...

He patted you on the back, feeling guilty.

-With Beta-

Beta texted Leo what's happening.

Leo replied with Meggy didn't make it. Leaving Beta emotional. Out of rage, he yelled out this.

Beta: Jackson..I'll get you..YOU HEAR ME YOU BASTARD?!

He takes out his scythe.


He swings his scythe and destroyed a few crates, slicing them to tiny pieces, yelling and grunting at each swing. Out of breath he throws his scythe at a wall and looks out in the distance.


Back with you, you walk down the streets, devastated.

Y/N: Fucking Jackson..

You hear someone behind you and look over to see a sniper slithering like a snake, running into a wall and finally makes it to you.

Sniper: Good eye!

Y/N: Yes?...

Sniper: I'm piss cake hole!

Y/N: What? Are you gonna carve me?..

Piss Cakehole: How bout somethin better mate.

Y/N: Like what? My girlfriend is gone! Fucking gone!

Piss Cakehole: Megic.

He opens up a video of a 3D Animated Minecraft Alex.

Y/N: What the..?

Alex: Hey~ Wanna see something neat?~

As she said that, you began to move her shirt, you look away but it turns out, it was a mankie. (I fucking hate Mankies, they scare the shit out of me.)

Mankie: Gimma dat juicy ass.

Y/N: What the fuck?..

Piss Cakehole: You best start running, bushman's rules.

The Mankie grabbed a banana hammer and launched you into the abyss.


You jolt back and forth before waking up, sweating and looking around, hyperventilating.

Y/N: Wh-wha?! Where?!

Meggy wakes up and saw you.

Meggy: Y/N? What's wrong?..

You said nothing but hug Meggy tightly. Softly crying on her shoulder, she figured you had a bad dream, she comforted you and played with your hair.

Meggy: Shhhh, it's okay, calm down, everything is going to be okay, it was just a bad dream..

You calm down a bit, calming your breathing.

Y/N: S-sorry..

Meggy: Don't be sorry, whatever dream you had, it's completely fictional, but do tell me, what happened, if you don't mind.

Y/N: O-okay..well..

You explain what happened in this dream, she nodded and felt sympathy for you.

Meggy: W-wow..that sounds scary, I'm so sorry you had a that bad of a there anything I could do to make you feel better?..

Y/N: Like what?

Meggy: Maybe I could tell you about my dreams, not nightmares obviously.

Y/N: O-okay..

Meggy: So, there was this one time I dream about me blasting through enemies, giving them a good beating, then I would also dream about you and I pulling pranks on Beta, he'd get annoyed with that.

You smile at the fact that she dreams about that kind of stuff.

Y/N: Sounds fun, we could pull a prank on him sometime..

Meggy: Oh, I have plenty of those up my sleeve.

Y/N: We'll have to share them in the morning.

Meggy agrees and kisses you, you gladly kiss back, putting your love into it. Soon, you both fall asleep again, cuddling close.

Meggy: Rest well, my love..

She kissed you one last time before dozing off.

(Probably one of the most emotional things I've made..)

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