Attack on Inkopolis

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You woke up, and go downstairs to get some breakfast, today felt off, as if it went sinister.

Axol: Hey, where's my inkweaver?

Y/N: You lost it?

Axol: No, I left it on my shelf in my apartment, then poof, it's gone.

Leo: What did happen to it?

Mario: Eh, I dunno.

Luigi: Maybe you misplaced it somewhere.

Axol: I specifically remember putting it on my shelf before going to bed.

Saiko: I hope nobody stole it.

Beta: Oh I bet someone did, Marky can't seem to keep his hands to himself.

Y/N: I don't think he knows about you yet.

Axol: He doesn't?

Axol soon realized that the two never met, he only heard about him from Meggy.

Axol: Wait, where is Meggy?

Y/N: She said she needed to talk to Desti about something..she said it was a..girl thing?

Saiko and Tari realized what you meant.

Tari: Oh..

Saiko: I see.

Beta: What's the thing?

Tari: N-nothing!

Saiko: Don't worry about it.

Beta: Uh..okay? now what?

Axol: I could try to look somewh-

All of a sudden your phone began to ring, it was Meggy, so you pick up.

Y/N: Meggy?

Meggy: Y/N?! Thank god! You gotta get everyone! Francis is on the loose! He's In Inkopolis!

Y/N: Shit..I'll be right there!

You immediately hung up.

SMG4: What was that all about?

Y/N: It's Meggy! She's in trouble with Francis!

Leo: Not my cousin!!

Beta: Shit! Come on, let's go!

You and the others ran down into the basement and dived into the warp pipe, once you all make it, you see anime characters everywhere, then you see Meggy cornered by a Sepiroth.


Meggy: Y/N!

You launched Sepiroth away and hugged Meggy.

Meggy: Thank god you all made it, we need to get rid of Francis!

Desti: Yeah, this asshole tried to get our ink! Sick fuck.

Leo: This Francis dude is gonna regret this.

Beta: Damn right he is.

All of a sudden you hear a familiar yell.

Beta: Go see who it is Y/N, we got it from here.

You nodded and run over to see what was it, then your eyes widened. It was Mark, being attacked by a Yandere.

Yandere: Senpai..

Mark: Get the fuck off of me!

You wanted to leave him at first. But he is a living person or inkling too, so you decided to save him, by slashing the Yandere in half, once it died and disappeared, Mark looked up at you in shock.

Y/N: Well, are you gonna sit there and stare or are you gonna get going?

Mark said nothing but got up, once you two made it, you see a bunch of Nekos, you and Mark look at each other and nod, he pulled out his Hero blaster and you drew your sword, you both began fighting the Nekos, meanwhile, back with Beta and everyone else, Beta was getting hits on Sepiroth with his Scythe, Leo was punching another Sepiroth, And everyone else was at work trying to get rid off the Sepiroth army.

Beta: You're not stabbing me with that, buddy..

Beta knocked his sword out of his hands and slashed Sepiroth, killing him.

Tari: Good job Beta!

Beta: Thanks!

Mario: Mama Mia. I hope they made lotsa Spaghetti!

Mario threw a plate of spaghetti at Sepiroth, he was blinded, Beta used this as an advantage to kill him, he swung and hit his spinal cord, killing him immediately.

Boopkins: This is too much for me..

Bob: ThIs Is EpIc.

Beta: Have fun in hell.

Back with you and Mark, you and him got done slaying the Nekos, after going through those, you rush back to the group, Mark following, a few people glared at Mark, he noticed and blasted a Sepiroth away.

Mark: Are you gonna keep staring or are you gonna fight?

They regain focus and listened to him, once the Sepiroth army was cleared, A chameleon appeared.

Francis: HAH! You thought that was it?! Goku!! Get them!

Mark: Holy carp, Whats with this guy?!

Axol: Hey! That's my inkweaver!

Francis: Mine now!

He drew Goku and it came to life, it flew up with Blue hair.

Axol: That's the most powerful Goku..LOOK OUT-

Goku rammed into the crowd, launching everyone and knocking them out.

Francis: Good job. Let's get everyone to..Anime Island.

The evil lizard got a hold of you, and your friends. Putting you all in a locked room.

(I know the answer to X. It's simple, the answer to X is, Pudding.)

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