Hanging out with Bowser

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Today, you, Your girlfriend Meggy, Mario, Luigi, Boopkins, Beta and SMG4 went over to Bowsers castle for today, as he invited you seven over, while you and the rest were walking there, Meggy held hands with you, you both smile at each other and look off into the distance.

Meggy: That must be his castle.

Y/N: Looks like it.

Mario: Mario can't wait to meet gay bow- I mean Boswer.

Y/N: Ummm..okay Mario..heh.

You knock on Bower's door and he soon answers.

Bowser: Who is it?

Y/N: It's the pizza man, who else do you think it is?

Meggy snickered at your sarcasm.

Bowser: I don't remember hiring a comedian here but I'll let you in!

Bowser opens up the gates and the you all give him a hug.

Bowser: It's great to finally meet you guys!

SMG4: Yeah, it's also good you turned a new leaf!

Bowser: I'm glad I did, it feels great to not be the bad guy for once.

Y/N: I bet.

Bowser let's you and the others in.

Mario: Oooh. Nice place you got here, can I have it?

Bowser: No Mario, you already have a castle of your own to live in.

Boopkins: Ooh! A TV! Can we watch some anime?!

Beta: Who wants to play a game, it's called...

Beta got closer to Boopkins.

Boopkins: What?...


Boopkins got flung across the room.

Meggy: Beta! Be nice! Sure anime is something we all hate, but that doesn't mean you gotta fling Boopkins.

Beta: Right..

Beta went over and picked up Boopkins and set him down.

Beta: I'm sorry, I just don't like Anime, and I don't think anyone else does besides you and Bob.

Y/N: He has a point.

Bowser: Yeah, if you want to watch anime, you can always to that later with Bob.

Boopkins: Aw..okay.

Bowser: So, Mario, Luigi and SMG4, I challenge you three to a duel in poker!

Mario: Mario's gonna kick your ass.

Luigi: Oh no..

SMG4: Oh it's on asshole!

Once they got set up for a card game, you, Meggy, Boopkins and Beta decided to watch some Stranger Things.

Y/N: Surprisingly, I find the creature to be badass.

Meggy: I know right? It's weird looking but it knows how to kick ass!

Boopkins: I don't like this show..

Beta: What a coincidence, and we say we don't like the shows you like.

Boopkins: Beta, I'm serious, this show is gonna give me PTSD's

Beta: Fine, go and see what the plumbers are up to.

Boopkins: Okay..

Boopkins left and hung out with The Plumbers and Bowser, leaving only you, Meggy and Beta, you thought of an idea and leaned in and kissed Meggy behind her ear, she giggled, Beta slowly glanced over and saw that and turned back.

Beta: I'm uncomfortable.

Beta slowly got up and left to join the game of poker.

Y/N: I guess it's just you and me then.

Meggy: Seems like it.

You hear the door open behind you and it was Bob.

Bob: Yo WhAtS uP bItChEs.

SMG4: Okay, who told Bob about the party?!

Meggy: I may have accidentally texted him that..heh, sorry..

Beta: Didn't you block him?

Meggy: I thought I did.

Beta: Weird.

Y/N: This should be fun..

Mario's belly grumbled.

Mario: Say, I'm hungry, have you got any food?

Y/N: We could order a pizza.

The others liked your idea and agreed to order.

Bowser: Toppings anyone?

Mario: Spaghetti!!

Meggy: Vegetarian!!

Y/N: Pepperoni!!

Beta: Boneless!!

SMG4: Pineapple!!

You and the gang look at SMG4.

SMG4: what?

Beta: You disgust me.

Bowser: So. one Spaghetti, one Vegetarian, one Pepperoni, one Boneless and one..pineapple, please? No the pineapple isn't for me, and yes he does have a disability...ok, thanks.

Bowser hung up.

Bowser: the pizza should arrive here soon!

Beta: Great, what should we do while we wait?

Bob: WeLl I'm GoNnA gEt SoMetHiNg To DrInK.

Bob chugs a barrel of liquid.

Y/N: Hey Bowser?

Bowser: Yeah?

Y/N: What is he drinking?

Bowser: You really wanna know?

Y/N: uhhhh, nevermind...

Mario was getting impatient so he tossed a spaghetti bomb on the table and it blew up.



Y/N: Bowser wait, we can help you clean it up!

Bob: BrO, wHaT tHe HeLl iS tHiS bUlLsHiT?! I dIdNt EvEn Do AnYtHiNg!

Meggy smacked Bob.

Bob: Ow My OvArIes.

Meggy: Don't listen to him Bowser, we can clean up the mess in no time.

Bowser: Really?

Y/N: Of course! We are friends after all!

Bowser: Thank you guys so much!

Y/N: anytime buddy!

As you and Meggy helped pick up the wood, you decided to summon the TF2 Engineer.

Engineer: Engineer gaming.

The Engineer hit the pile of rubble and it was built back up to a normal table.

Engineer: The engineer is engine.

The Engineer then disappeared.

Beta: What was that?

Luigi: It was the Engineer. The god of solving problems.

The door knocked and Mario ran at the door.

Kermit: Hi Ho!, Kermit the frog here! Here's your pizza!

Mario took the pizzas, he inhaled all of them.

Beta: That fat bastard..

Beta pulled out his scythe, and was about to attack Mario.

SMG4: Beta, don't, he's not worth it.

Beta: I think we can make an exception.

Bowser: Just put the blade down. Please?

Beta sighed and made it vanish.

Mario: Ooh...Mario doesn't feel so good..

Beta: That's because you ate five pies, You obese waste, not only that, you also ate the boxes with it too, what are you fucking Kirby's pregnant son?!

Y/N: Pffft-

You and Meggy held your laughter in.

(Beta, grab a Kit Kat bar and take a break! Sheesh!)

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