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As Zirax got there, he looked around, seeing his dead buddies once more. Then, he spotted Mario, Luigi, Beth, Leo and Jack there, staring at him with shock.

Mario: It's the red porcupine!

Beth: Zirax?!

They go and hug him, he hugged back.

Zirax: Thank god you guys are ok..

Jack: We tried to find Desti..she ran too fast for us to catch up, did you see her by any chance?

Zirax looked at them with a sad glare.

Zirax: She didn't make it..I'm sorry..

Leo's eyes widen, first Meggy, now Desti.

Leo: No..that's not true! Please tell me it's not true!

Zirax hugged him close.

Zirax: I'm sorry, it is. Don't worry..I've got a plan to save your friends..

Luigi: What's that..

He lifted his gauntlet up.

Zirax: It's the only way..

Mario: The oven mit? Are you gonna bake us cookies?

Zirax: No. I'm gonna use this to power everything back to the way it used to be..

Luigi: I-is that safe?..

Zirax: No, not at all.

Mario: How did you find our asses again?

Zirax: My gauntlet picked up where you two were at, so I followed you on the tracker.

Luigi: Oh..

Zirax: And the reason why I didn't die with them is because that DMCA only works on Non Nintendo characters, but I know I'm not like one of you. But hackers do exist, and do indeed make the game a lot more strange in ways that can't be explained.

They process the information.

Leo: What happens now?..

Zirax: We save your friends.

He then looked out to see his dead friends once more.

Zirax: I'm so sorry for what happened to you all...I'll get you all back here no matter what, even if it kills me..

He looked at his gauntlet. Before sighing again.

Zirax: I'm gonna miss you and everyone else..

Luigi: Wait..what does that mean?..

Beth: ZIRAX NO!-

Zirax typed in one last command.

Zirax: /RegenerateEverything




System: Are you sure? Yes or No

Beth: Don't you dare press that, you're gonna hurt yourself!

He stared at Yes. He presses it, not afraid of what happens next.

Zirax: It's the only way..

System: Regenerating everything...

As the system says that, Zirax felt a shockwave of pain through his arm, he yelled as he punched his gauntlet into the ground, growing back the grass.

Zirax: M-MUST....GO....FURTHER!!!!

Beth, Mario, Luigi, Jack and Leo stare in shock and awe. Slowly but surely, The Mushroom Kingdom was turning back into the way it was before. Zirax was boiling in pain, his arm was starting to lose flesh.

Beth: Oh my cod!!


Then a giant green lighting bolt strikes down onto of him, causing the grey clouds to disappear.


Zirax's face was half burned, but he still wasn't gonna back down.

Zirax: NO..MORE...WAR!

A shockwave was sent, launching them backwards as Zirax fell unconscious.


As everything turned back to the way it used to be, the bright sunny days, the beautiful nights, there was only one thing missing, everyone else.


You slowly feel strength coming back to you, then you open your eyes when you feel the grass.

Y/N: I-I'm..not dead?..

He slowly sat up, looking around.

Y/N: Holy shit..

He looked around and saw everyone else getting up.

Percy: Whoa..I feel funny..

Simon and Percy then look at eachother.

Simon: Hey Percy..

Percy: Hey Simon..

Then they look away.




Simon: PERCY!

Percy: SIMON!

They hug.

Y/N: Hey guys!

They turn to see you, they're in shock for a moment before hugging you.

Simon&Percy: Y/N!!!!

Y/N: Haha! Good to see you two too!!

Beth: Huh?

She looks and saw Y/N, Percy and Simon.


You three see the little inkling skip over and lunge at all of you, hugging the three of you.

Beth: But how?! You were all dead!

Y/N: I'm not sure! It just..happened-

Beta: Can you keep it down?..I'm trying to sleep here on this nice..grassy grass...

Percy: BETA!

Beta: What?..


Beta: No shit..wait I am?...

He gets up and looks at himself.

Beta: Wow no cap..

SMG4: We're okay!!

Belle: YES!!


Beta: Huh?..

He turns around and saw Tari.

Beta: Tari?!-

He was tackled down and kissed all over.

Y/N: Careful Tari! Don't wanna kill him again!

You told her jokingly, she giggled.

Tari: I don't know Y/N. You might wanna watch out for Meggy~

Y/N: O-

Then you felt a pair of arms around you.

Meggy: She's right you know..

Y/N: Meggy?!

She lets you turn around.

Meggy: Come here you~

She brings you in for a heartwarming kiss, now you felt like you were actually in heaven.

Mark: Ouch..

SMG3: I will survive!!

Rob: My corn is alive!

Whimpu: I live on..but still no waifu...

Sherak: I can give you a pillow to fuck!


Sherak saw his brother hug him.

Sherak: Hi Troy!! Wanna make a sentry?!

Troy: *Laughs* Later green guy, for now, hug me!

Sherak: Alrighty then!!

Kaizo: I don't know who did this, but we get to live on!

Melony and Axol woke up.

Axol: Ugh...Melony? Where are you?

Melony hid behind him.

Axol: I can't find her anywhere..

He looks to his side and finds his inkweaver.

Axol: I found that, but that's not important..

Melony then tapped on his shoulder.

Axol: Melony?

Melony: Hi!

She pulled Axol up to kiss him.

Saiko wakes up and saw her friends alive again.

Saiko: Aw, this is touching..

She sheds a tear.

Whimpu: Are you crying?

Saiko: No- actually..yes, yes I am..

Whimpu: O_O

Skully: Heya Champ.

You saw Skully walking up to you, you hug him tightly.

Skully: Whoa! Hey there!

Y/N: You're alive!!

Skully: Yep, seems like it!

You and everyone else hears someone limping over to you all, you see it was your red spiky friend.

Y/N: Zirax? did he not die?!

Sherak: Good question.

Will hugged you and Meggy.

Will: It is great to see you again!

His grip was slowly crushing you and Meggy.

Meggy: Y-yeah..

Y/N: Don't worry big guy..we missed you t-too..

Will puts you down.

Will: Oh..sorry.

Meggy: It's okay Will.

You all see Zirax approach until he collapsed. You all rush to his side and see the brutal burn marks all over his body.

Zirax: I-I're..all alive..

He coughs.

Y/N: Did you do this?..

Zirax slowly nodded.

Zirax: I came back from the Multiverse to see you all again..I recreated your world...

SMG4: But how?..

Officer Monitor: That better have a license on it.

Belle elbows him.

Belle: Shut up..

Shroomy:'re god?

He shot a dumbfounded look at Shroomy.

Zirax: No..I'm no god..only a hacker...a rogue only meant to use what it takes to survive...

Skully then approached.

Skully: Hey..

He held his hand.

Skully: You're a hero, you know that? You just helped save the world.

Zirax smiled.

Zirax: That's an honor..coming from you..Skully..

He then noticed the eyepatch.

Zirax: H-how'd you get that?...

Skully: Boxing accident..

Zirax: Ah..ouch..*Cough*

He then saw Y/N's old modified sword.

Zirax: Y-Y/N..

Y/N: Yes Zirax?..

Zirax: You see that sword in my front pocket?...

You look and see it.

Y/N: Yeah..what about it?..

Zirax: Take was yours to begin with..

Y/N: I can't take your sword..

Zirax: Like I said, It is your sword..f-from some convention..

Your in shock as you thought that sword was gone. You slowly take it from his pocket, then you see it really was it, but modified to be be stronger than before.

Y/N: Thanks Zi..

Zirax: Don't thank me..thank know what..Nevermind..*Cough* *Cough*

Kaizo: Now what?...what happens to you?..

Zirax: I only have one thing left for you all to do..

Simon: And that is?..

Zirax: Keep living on...never stop doing your crazy adventures, train as hard as you can, Game on, keep hitting people with hammers..keep loving one another..for your sakes...

Whimpu: I-I...don't know what to say..

Kaizo: We promise spikey dude.

Y/N: We will, thank you for being with us Zirax to the very end..

Zirax: You're most welcome Y/N..keep your girl two are like two peas in one pod..

You and Meggy blush at this.

Meggy: We'll never forget you Zirax, your legacy will be remembered.

Y/N: Damn right.

Zirax: That's good to hear..*Cough*

He slowly closes his eyes with a warm smile on his face.

Zirax: Fare..well..

He slowly but surely, passed away.

Everyone mourned him, but they didn't forget his sacrifice.


A day after Zirax's death, Miyamoto and Lawyer Kong discovered what had happened and decided to take you all into court to settle this once and for all..

(Ooh, scary!)

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