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As your stitches healed, you were able to Participate in Meggy's Splatsquad, unfortunately her other teammates abandoned her. So her new team is You, Beta and Tari, while you were training with the others, Beta accidentally shot you.

Meggy: Beta! What are you doing, he's on our team!!

Beta: it was a Misinput, misinput-

Tari: Why did you do that-

Beta aimed his splattershot at both of them.


Meggy: Whoa, Calm down-


Meggy and Tari:....


Tari: O-okay then..

You got back up and Shot Beta, he went flying into crates.

Y/N: OOF, Bullseye!!

Beta: Ouch..

Meggy: Nice shot!

Tari: Yeah, good one!

Y/N: Thanks you two.

Beta: I have to admit, you had me off guard, great job.

Y/N: Thanks Beta.

Beta: Anytime bud.

Meggy: We should get going, the splatfest should start soon.

Tari: Yeah, let's go!

Beta: Right behind you.

Y/N: We should be ready? Right guys?

Mario: Mario think you'll do great!

Y/N: Thanks Mario.

You hug Mario, he hugged back.

Mario: Good luck out there!

Mario sat down in the stadium with Luigi, Bob, Boopkins, Saiko, Bowser and SMG4, cheering you on.

Saiko: I wish you the best of luck!

As you, Meggy, Tari and Beta head out, The Squid Sisters come out and announce the round will be starting in 10 seconds!

Beta: I believe we can win this.

Tari: I hope so.

Meggy: Good luck out there handsome.

Y/N: Good luck to you to cutie.

You and her peck each other on the lips.

Meggy: Love you.

Y/N: Love you too.

Callie: The game starts in five!

Marie: four!

Callie: three!

Marie: two!

Callie: one!

Callie&Marie: GO!

The four of you rush at the other teams, While the battle was going on, you see Mark off in the distance.

Mark: Hello Meggy.

Meggy: Mark?!

Mark: Looks like your boyfriend isn't here to save you now-

You shot Mark, eliminating him.

Meggy: Thanks Y/N!

Y/N: You're welcome!

Meanwhile Tari was cornered by two inklings.

Tari: Help!

Inkling: Nobody is here to help you.

Beta: Oh really?

Beta whacked both of them with a paint brush, sending them flying.

Tari: Thanks!

Beta: Don't mention it.

While you and the others grouped together. Only Meggy's  and Desti's team remain.

Meggy: We got this, I can handle Desti, you guys go for her octolings.

Y/N: Sounds good. Be careful.

Meggy: I will, don't worry.

Beta: Let's go kick some octopus ass.

Tari: Good luck to all of us.

Meggy rushed out and Both Desti and her had a shootout, while You, Tari and Beta went to get the other octolings, You managed to snipe one of the octolings you were after. Tari was having trouble with her octoling, so you snipe hers too.

Tari: Thank you!

Y/N: You're welcome!

Beta managed to get the last octoling.

Beta: Damn girl, you run fast, but my ink is faster!

Squid Sisters: And Time!

Callie: and the winners are....

Marie: The Splatsquad!!

Meggy: YES! WE WON!

Tari: Wooo Hooo!

Beta: Hell Yeah!

Y/N: Good Game!

Desti: Yeah, you guys were pretty good out there. But we'll get you next time.

Desti smiled and winked before leaving.

Meggy ran up to you and leaped in your arms, you and her hug before kissing.

Marina: Here's your trophy! Good job out there!

Pearl: You four are great, keep it up!

They left and Meggy picked up the trophy.

Meggy: I can't believe it, we actually won.

Y/N: I can't believe it either.

Meggy: I couldn't have done it without you, any of you. Thank you.

Tari: I'm glad to help!

Beta: Anytime, I had fun!

Y/N: You know I love you too much to let you do this on your own.

Meggy blushed.

Meggy: Hehe..y-yeah..

Beta: Ooh, Y/N, you sly dog.

Beta chuckled.

Y/N & Meggy: BETA!

Beta: What? It's adorable.

Meggy: What won't be adorable is when I shove my splattershot up your ass!


Meggy: Come here..

Beta: Whoa..what?!

Meggy: You got a date with my splattershot!

Beta: Help!

Meggy: I've got ten pounds of ink!

Beta: Gotta run!

Meggy chased after Beta while both you and Tari were laughing.

Y/N: Get him Meggy!

When both Meggy and Beta got done messing around they came back to you land Tari.

Y/N: Shall we?

You held your hand out and Meggy took it in her hand.

Meggy: Let's go.

You and her walk out.

Tari: They make a cute couple, don't you think Beta?

Beta: I can't argue there, I'm happy for both of them.

Mark rises out of the pile of ink.

Mark: I swear that Y/N guy is the worst..

Beta smacked Mark and made him splat against a wall.

Beta: Sorry, how old are you again? Quit acting like a simp and move on, will ya?

Tari: Nevermind him, let's go.

Tari put her arm around Beta while they walked out.

Back at the Castle 🏰

Y/N: Home sweet home!

Beta: You could say that again. I'm beat, see ya in the morning Y/N.

Y/N: Good night Beta.

He went upstairs to sleep in his room.

Tari: I think I might play a little game of Call of Doodoo.

Y/N: I hear that game is good.

Tari: Oh, it is.

Meggy: Have fun with that, Me and Y/N are gonna watch some TV, is that ok with you?

Y/N: Of course it is. Let's go.

Meggy smiled and led you to the couch, everyone else was in bed, so only you, Meggy and Tari were awake.

Y/N: This is a nice show, isn't it?

Meggy: Yeah, I grew up watching this.

Y/N: Really?

Meggy: Yeah, I remember when my mom would let me watch this show.

Y/N: Wow, your mom sounds amazing.

Meggy: She is.

You eventually passed out in Meggy's lap, she played with your hair for a little bit, then kissed your cheek.

Meggy: Goodnight cutie.

She continues to play with your hair and she eventually fell asleep too.

(Cheers mate!)

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