The Adventure Arc. 1

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(Just a warning..this is going to get weird..)

For some weird reason, Everyone was sucked into some weird world, which did look like the regular old mushroom kingdom.

Boopkins: Are we in the new Anime game?!

Bob: It BeTtEr Be!

Beta: How about no..

Percy: Where are we?

Will: How should I know Croc man?

Peach: Looks like my kingdom, what do you mean "where are we?"

Percy: Nothing, it's feels fishy here.

Zirax: I caught the same vibes too.

SMG1 and 2 realized what's going on.

SMG1: Shoot..Zero must've sucked us into his little mind games again..

Y/N: What are you talking about?

SMG2: This is apparently the phase two, the first was the arena fight, back a year ago.

SMG1: So know his next game includes being in a cheesy adventure game. So only two teams of four can leave this castle..

Saiko: So what if we all leave at once?

SMG1: We'll be warped back in the castle.

Whisk: That seems practical.

Skully: Can't you just warp us out of here?

SMG1: We wish, but due to how powerful the barrier is, our teleportation powers are non existent here.

Skully: Damn..

Simon: So..who's going?

Everyone looks around, until four people stand up.

Y/N: I will.

Meggy: Me too.

SMG4: Count me in!

Axol: Let's rescue Melony..

Just then, four more stood up.

Mario: Imma ready to kick ass!

Beta: And chew bubblegum!

Mario&Beta: But we're all out of gum!

Desti: I'm ready for some ass kicking.

SMG3: Let's fuckin do this!

SMG1: Awesome, we wish the best of luck out there for you.

You eight wave goodbye to everyone, Tari grew concerned and grabbed Beta's arm, gaining his attention.

Tari: I-I don't know..what if you guys get hurt?!

Beta: Hey,'ll be ok..we'll manage.

Tari: Are you sure?..

Meggy: We'll be careful Tari, don't worry.

Tari let's go and sighed. Beta decides to kiss her, she kissed back, they soon break the kiss, she smiled.

Tari: Stay safe.

Beta: Always.

The eight leave to go and explore.

Y/N: Okay..there's the path, maybe it'll lead us to somewhere helpful.

You and the others go right ahead and find a shop stand.

Beta: Uh..hello?

Aziz then pokes up out of the shack.

Aziz: What the hell do you want?

Meggy: Relax.

Desti: We just need some upgrades to help us.

Aziz: You got any tokens?

You realized you didn't fight any enemies and have no XP or Tokens.


Aziz: Well, I can't help you, so fuck off.

You all leave, offended by him.

SMG3: That's not very mature of that fucker.

Mario: Eh..okie dokie, now what-a?

Y/N: I'd say we fight some enemies, maybe it will help us?

Meggy: I like that.

Axol: I'm alright with that.

SMG4: Okay, where do we find enemies?

Y/N: Well, what's that?

You point out the four piranha plants, and they challenge you to a battle. You use the mangle launcher to blow one of them up, Meggy uses her laser rifle to evaporate the other one. Mario, SMG4 rams the third with the death bus, and finally, Axol drew shaggy, then he uses his strength to attack the fourth, earning you all a flawless victory.

Y/N: Nice! What did we win?

As you said that, a text appears..

A new challenger is approaching!

Just then, a corrupted thing appears into combat?..

Meggy: Wait, is that..

Axol: Tari's Duck?..

It was, his eyes were glowing red, and his skin was pale.

Y/N: Archibald? How did he get here?

SMG4: I don't know, but we better defeat it, before it decides to defeat us!

The battle began, Archibald stuns Axol, preventing him from drawing things. SMG4 uses an energy explosion to zap Archibald, except it's a rubber duck..Archibald attacks back, squeaking at SMG4 at a high pitch, stunning him. Y/N uses the Readers Megashield to block his next attack, Meggy tosses an ink bomb, blinding him. Axol regains his focus after his stun, he finishes him off, he uses inkweaver and smacked the duck with the butt end of his inkweaver, vanquishing him.

After the battle, you earned XP.

Y/N: Well, Damn..didn't know that would exist.

Mario: That-a was coo coo crazy. Mario must be high.

Beta: This isn't no fever dream I've ever seen.

SMG3: Did you guys really just fight a rubber duck?...

SMG4: Yep..

Axol: Tari will be happy.

Beta: She sure will, she lost him a long time ago..

You have a new party member!

-Archibald's Abilities-
Squeak Stun
Duck Army
(Immune to electric shocks)

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