The Big Test

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One more day left for the finals..everyone had mixed emotions, but overall, they were confident. Confident on getting an B or higher. You all huddled together one last time before the big test.

Y/N: Okay, looks like this is it.

SMG4: We're all in this together.

Beta: Damn right.

Beth: Good luck everybody, we're going to need it.

Boopkins: I'm nervous..what if we don't pass?

Bob: ThEn OfF tO tHe SlAmMeR yOu Go!

Boopkins: WHAT?!

SMG3: Da Fuck?

Desti smacked Bob.

Bob: Ow!

Desti: Don't listen to him Bookins, you can do it.

Skully: Exactly, you'll be fine, just believe.

Axol: We better get going now..the clock's about to ring.

Mario: Imma hungry.

Beta: No one's surprised Mario..

Luigi: Yeah, we better get-a going.

You all group hug one last time before the finals set in.

Meggy: Let's do this..

Simon: Ouch!

Mark: Dude!

The two were both covered in red quils.

Zirax: Sorry..people never want to hug me because of that.

Mark: Next time warn us asshole!

Zirax: Again, I'm sorry.

Beth: Be nice Mark!

Mark: Okay..sorry.

The bell rings, everyone was heading into their classes.

Bell: Fucking ring ring.


Matt: Okay class, this final will determine weather if you'll pass or not. I wish you all the best of luck. BEGIN!

You were sat at your desk with Meggy, Desti, Leo and Jack.

Y/N: Hmmm...which muscle is the strongest in the human body?..

A. The Masseter

B. The Heart

C. The Lungs

D. The Tongue

You circled A, knowing that's the correct one.


Percy: Hmmmmmm....

What period did the Dimetrodon live in?

A. Holocene

B. Triassic

C. Permian

D. Jurassic

Percy learned from his mistake and circles C.


Tinker was taking a test about human social skills with his brother Crusty.

When a human walks up to you, what should you do?

A. Give them a cookie

B. Eat their hands

C. Ask to be their friend

D. All of the Above

Tinker obviously circled D.

Crusty: Which one is it..

Tinker tapped on his desk with his finger four times.

Crusty: D it is..

-Many hours later-

You were finished, Matt collected your sheet and asked you to go wait with the others in the Cafeteria. You nod and do so. You go and sit near the empty tables with some other students. Someone sees you and comes over to sit across from you.

Zirax: Hey.

Y/N: Hey, you done?

Zirax: Yes, I am. What about you?

Y/N: Same.

Zirax: How'd you do?

Y/N: I'm not sure, I think I did good, what about you?

Zirax: I think I aced it.

Y/N: That confident huh?

Zirax: That's the perks of being a genius.

Y/N: Ah..gotcha.

You both sat there in silence, until Zirax broke it.

Zirax: You know, you and I never really get to chat that often.

Y/N: True, we're always sucked into the chaos, but we never had the time to actually get to know eachother.

Zirax: Exactly, so, where were you born?

Y/N: I lived and grew up around here, I only met Mario because he crashed right into me.

Zirax: Sounds insane.

Y/N: It was, what about you?

Zirax: Well, I was born in Shell City.

Y/N: Oh, what part?

Zirax: Remora.

Y/N: That's amazing, I've always wondered if Remora Shell City was worth a visit.

Zirax: Well to answer your question, yes. Lots of stuff to do there, a fair happens every Saturday.

Y/N: Oooh, I like the sound of that.

Zirax: It's a fun place to go to during your down times, you and Meggy should go there sometime.

Y/N: I'll let her know about it.

Zirax: Great!

Soon, Meggy and Beth come and sit.

Beth: Hey.

Y/N: Hey Bethany!

Meggy: Hey guys.

Zirax: Hey Megan.

Meggy: Hi-....wait..what did you call me?

Zirax: Megan, isn't that your full name?

Meggy: Uh. Well, not really..Meggy is a nickname for something else..


Meggy's mom was holding her baby close to her.

Meggy's Mom: Honey, could you turn this into the doctors for me?

Meggy's Dad: Sure!

He takes the birth papers.

Megan Spletzer

He crossed out the N and replaced it with TRON.

Meggy's Dad: Hehe..Robots in disguise.


Zirax: Oh..your dad did that?

Meggy: Sure did..

Y/N: Well I'm sorry to hear, just don't tell Beta, he'll never let you live that down.

Meggy: Oh, I'm well aware, I plan on keeping it from him for as long as I can.

Beta: Keeping what from me?

Meggy screamed and jumped.

Meggy: How long were you standing there?..

Beta: I just got done.

Meggy: Thank god..

Beta: What?

Meggy: Nothing, just umm..

Y/N: Just glad you got done, we were worried about you.

Beta: Uhh..thanks, I appreciate it..

Zirax: How'd your test go?

Beta: Pretty swell, some questions I couldn't give a fuck about, but I got em.

Meggy: Good to know, how's everyone else?

Beta: I don't know..why don't we sit here and find out?

Y/N: Good call.

You all wait for what felt like hours, and it has been..but everyone got done, now it was time for the final results.

Principal: Alright students of Omnia! Are you ready for your scores?

Y/N: Heck yeah!

Principal: Alright, well....




Principal: You all passed!

Everyone jumped up in excitement, high-fiving eachother.

Tari: Whoooo! Yay!!!

Mario: Oh yeah!! Mario's numba one!

Y/N: We did it!!

Beta: Damn right!!

Bob: HeLl YeAh! NoW wE cAn GeT bItCHeS!


Beth: No. Just no.

Y/N: Uh, how about a party at the castle instead?

Everyone nodded.

Saiko: I'd like that much better.

Skully: Yes, let's go!

(Now we get a castle party! Who's up for that?)

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