The Major Circuit

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After a good day of training, you were ready to take on the next set of challengers, everyone cheers you on from the audience. Then a Japanese man was shown meditating.

Y/N: Who might you be?

Piston Hondo: Omae wa mō shinde iru.

Y/N: What?..

Boopkins: Oh! Maybe he knows anime!

Axol: Maybe he might know manga!

Bob: MaYbE hE kNoWs AbOuT tItTiEs!

Saiko rolled her eyes and pinched the ridge of her nose.

Saiko: *Sigh* It's people like Fishy and Bob who give anime a bad reputation...

Beta: I don't even watch Anime and I hate it.

Meggy: You and me both..

Saiko, Beta and Meggy sat back, enjoying their bottles of Squid-Fizzies, a new popular inkling soda.

Beta: Hmm, this is pretty good.

Saiko: Yeah! It had a nice tangy flavor to it.

Meggy: You think so? I just got these.

Simon: Hush! The fights about to start!!

They pay attention and he was right, you and Hondo approach eachother.

Skully: You've got this champ!

You put your gloves up, ready to kick his ass.


Piston Hondo raised his eyebrow, you see this as a distraction and punch him, making him stumble. He frowns and goes to swing at you, but you dodge easily.

Piston Hondo: Kaminari o kanjiru junbi o shite kudasai!!

He tricked you out by faking a punch, you accidentally dodge as he swung and hit you down.

Crowd: Oof...

Ref: One! Two! Three-

You get up and shake it off.

Ref: FIGHT!!

You see him fake a punch again, you didn't flinch and swiftly punch him in the face. He retaliated and hit you in the nose.

Y/N: Alright then..take this!!

You punch him in the side, making him jump. Then you charged up for a three star, and just like that, he was knocked out.



Mario: Woooooo! Yeah baby! That's what I've been waiting for, that's what it's all about!

Tari: Yay!!!

Meggy: Congrats Y/N!!

Y/N: Thank you!

Skully: Well done! Are you ready for the next challenger?

Y/N: The real question is, are they ready for me?

Skully: Ooh hoh..I like that, let's do this!!


Next up was a fat guy in overalls, he reminded you of Mario a little bit, but Canadian.

Bear Hugger: Careful now, I'm a hugger.

Y/N: You'll be hugging the hospital bed when I'm done with you.

The two of you get ready to fight.


Bear Hugger taunts you by sticking his tongue out, you punch him. He shakes it off and goes to punch you to which you dodge and jab at him. He then proceeded to open his arms out.

Bear Hugger: NEED A HUG?!

You try dodging but he grabbed you and threw you to the ropes.

Beta: Is that even an infraction?

Skully: How is he not disqualified?

Meggy: I have no idea..

Tari: I don't think beards are allowed either.

You get up and punch him, he blocked it. He then tried to bear hug you again, but he missed you. You two star punch him down.

Bear Hugger: TIMBER!!

Ref: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six!

Bear Hugger gets up.

Ref: Okay, FIGHT!

Bear Hugger: NEED A HUG-

He leaned back to give you another bear hug, while he was leaning back, you threw a powerful punch that sent him into the ropes and onto the floor.


Y/N: Try hugging me now bitch!

Belle: I'm jealous now, Meggy, you are a lucky lady.

Meggy: Hehe..

Beta: Perhaps maybe a harem I sense?

Skully: Remind me to not wear a punching bag costume this Halloween.

He says jokingly.

Y/N: Noted, so who's the next fighter?

Skully: We shall see..


A new challenger has teleported into the ring.

Great Tiger: Aap aap isake lie taiyaar hain?

Y/N: I still don't understand what they're saying..

He stops levitating and puts up his fists.

Ref: FIGHT!!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

You struggle to land a hit on him as he's teleporting away from your hits.


You get punched to the ground by him.

Great Tiger: Bahut aasaan.

Ref: One! Two! Three! Four! Five!-

You leap up and stare at him.

Ref: FIGHT!!

He tries to trick you with a clone, you could easily tell one was transparent while the other was real. You punch the real one, making them fall.

Ref: One! Two! Three! Four-

Great Tiger gets up again.

Ref: Come on now, FIGHT!

Great Tiger smiled as he used his magic again, he teleported into the crowd and launched himself straight towards you, you smile confidently and punch him straight into the face, making him teleport out of control until he fell to the ground, finished.


Y/N: How's this even allowed?

Percy: You can use magic in the ring?..

Simon: By the rules, it never says any of that.

Mario: Why not-a?

Beta: Cause magicians don't fucking fight.

Skully: But that one did! You got em Y/N!

Y/N: Thanks for the support Skully! So..who's next?


A guy from Spain steps into the ring, sniffing a rose.

Don Flamenco: Olay!!

He tossed the rose off to the side and makes sure you're a worthy opponent.

Don Flamenco: ¡Esto será fácil!

The bell sounds.


You wait for him to make a move, then he taunts you.

Don Flamenco: ¡Vamos! ¡Vamos!

You three star punch him.

Don Flamenco: AYE NO NO NO-

He then became dizzy as you combo him, the last hit sent him to the ground.

Ref: One! Two! Three! Four! Five-

He gets up.

Don Flamenco: Ay, eso realmente dolió...

He shakes it off and gets back into his stance.


He tries hitting you, you block his blow and knock him into the ropes, when he bounced back, you punch him hard enough to knock him down again.

Ref: One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight! Nine!-

He gets up onto his feet.


Don Flamenco: Esto va a terminar mal para mi..

He attempted to try and knock you out, but failed as you swiftly punch him down.



You held the belt into the air, happy that you won the title.

Skully: Oh yeah!! You got em!!

Everyone else cheered for you.

Boopkins: YAY! He got the belt!!

Bob: NoW hE cAn GeT aLl ThE bItChEs!

Whimpu: That was amazing!

Jack: Definitely a badass moment right there!

Meggy got up into the ring and kissed you on the lips, causing the crowd to stare in awe.

Percy: cute..

Tari: I know right?'s heartwarming!

Sherak: Get a room!

Then a boxing glove hits him on the head, knocking him down.

Sherak: Owch.


Skully: You my student, are fire!! Fire I tell ya! Say, are you ready to take on the World Circuit?

You smile confidently.

Y/N: Heh, hell yeah I am..

Skully: That's what I like to hear, not afraid of anything. Now, after you take a rest, we'll train tomorrow morning, is that cool with you?

Y/N: Yeah, sounds good. See ya Skully.

Skully: Alright, rest up champ, tomorrow is a big day.

You leave to go take a rest, before that, you place the Major belt next to the Minor belt.

Y/N: Perfect.

Someone knocked on the door.

Y/N: It's open.

You saw Luigi come in.

Luigi: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hi Luigi, what's up?

Luigi: Nothing much, I just wanted to congratulate you for winning the Major Circuit! That was awesome!

Y/N: Aw thanks Luigi, you're a good friend, you know that?

Luigi: Aw,'re just saying that.

Y/N: No really, you are a true friend!

Luigi: Well thank-a you so much! So, I came in here to tell you that The World Circuit is well..Erm..

Y/N: What's wrong?

Luigi: I don't want to see my best friend get hurt-a..those fighters in that ring are capable of putting even Saiko in the hospital!

Y/N: Are they that strong?

Luigi: Possibly! I don't know if you should do it or not-a..

Y/N: Luigi..

You place a hand on his shoulder, he looked at you with a worried look.

Y/N: I'll be fine, you saw me beat those other four competitors up with ease, what could possibly go wrong?

Luigi then nodded hesitantly.

Luigi: O-okay..just making sure..

He opens the door to leave the room.

Luigi: Be careful, okie?

Y/N: Okay Luigi, thanks.

Luigi: No problem, good-a luck.

He leaves after he closed the door. Meggy went back to her apartment for the night.


Meggy: The World Circuit? I hope Y/N is able to beat them without getting too hurt..

She puts on her PJ's and goes into bed, slowly closing her eyes, she drifts off to sleep.

While she was sleeping, someone was watching her.

?: OKAY!

Meggy: What the?!

He grabbed her and jumped from building to building.

Meggy: HELP!

(Ah, shit, here we go again.)

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