The Rap Battle

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One day, you and Meggy were out during a date, it was peaceful, and pretty nice. For the most part. That is until..

You thought you never see this one individual again.

Bob: Yo WhAt Is Up BiTcHeS?

Y/N: Bob?!

Meggy: How'd you get back?! Zirax sent you away!

Bob: ThAt BiTcH cAnT gEt RiD oF a GoD!

Y/N: Uh..okay..good to have you back..I guess?

Bob: IvE mIsSeD oUt On My LeGeNdArY rApPiNg CaReEr! NoW iF yOuLl ExScUsE mE, i NeEd To GeT bAcK!

He wandered off.

Y/N: I can't believe he's actually back.

Meggy: that he's back..I wonder if he's changed.

Y/N: I don't know, I hope he's learned something while he was wherever.


Bob: WhO dArEs To ChAlLeNgE tHe AlMiGhTy BoB?!

He pointed to the crowd, that's when someone spoke up.

?: I will..

Skully raised his hand.

Bob: PfFt, YoU? wHaT aRe YoU gOnNa Do? CaCkLe AnD dO tRiCkS?

Skully: Better than watching you rap like Honey Boo Boo's mom.

Beta: Daaaaamnnn!

Y/N: When did Skully get like this?

Meggy: I guess he's reached his limits.

Skully: goes nothing.

Bob: GrAb YoUr MiC, dOlPhIn BoY.

Skully does so and turns it on. Then, a beat starts to play.

Bob: Yo Yo Yo iTs BoB iN tHe HoUsE! HeRe To RaP aGaInSt ThIs OlD mOuSe! OnCe Im DoNe WiTh YoU yOuRe GoNnA nEeD a BlOwSe! ThE OnLy ReAsOn YoUrE sTilL hErE iS bEcAuSe Of Me YoU dUmB pOuT!

Skully: Teh, typical.

He gets his mic close and began.

Skully: I'll make this one quick, listening to you rap just makes me sick, I've seen Jub Jub rap better than you, he can't even tick, go lick a brick you little prick.

Y/N: Oh my god! Skully has the bars!

Meggy: Damn!

Beta: Holy hell that was fire...

Saiko listened the whole time and seemed to like this.

Bob: UmM Uh! WaIt! IvE gOt ThIs!

He gets out a golf trophy and knocked him out with that.

Y/N: Ooof...

Meggy: Bob!

Saiko: You. Are. So. Dead.

Bob: FuNnIeSt ShIt EvEr!

Saiko launched Bob into space, where no one can hear you rap.

Bob: WeLl ThIs ShIt SuCkS.

Skully: What-

He gets up but stumbled again.

Skully: What happened? Where am I? Who are you?! Did you kidnap me?!!?

Skully then pinned you against the ground with his scythe.

Y/N: Skully!! Let go!

Skully: Who's Skully?!

Saiko: Oh no..

Beta: Hold on, I've got this.

Skully: What are you-

He threw a golf trophy at his head, making him fall again and for you to gasp for air.

Meggy: Y/N? Are you okay?..

Y/N: Yeah. What happened to Skully?

Beta: Amnesia.

Y/N: Oh shit. Is he gonna be ok?

Beta: Yep, let's see what that golf trophy did to him next.

Skully flipped back to his feet again.

Skully: Yo what's poppin homie.

Beta: Uh...

Y/N: That's not him..

Beth: Great, you turned him into a gangster.

Skully: Ayo, where's mah drip at? My beloved gold chain awaits for me-

Beta hits him again with the same trophy.

Skully: Bonjour, je m'appelle les Skully Ribbones, qu'en est-il de votre nom?

Saiko: Oooh~ I like this one.

Beta: Great, now he's French.

Y/N: Uh, why don't we try something that doesn't hurt his brain? Maybe something that he likes?

Beta: Like what?

Y/N: You're his brother, you should know what he likes and dislikes.

Beta: I know, but I live under the biggest rock in history and I'm too lazy to learn more about my brother.

Meggy: Just do it.

Beta: No.

Skully: Il fait chaud dehors aujourd'hui, mon Dieu, où puis-je trouver l'ombre la plus proche?

Meggy: Just please fix him..

Y/N: His voice is pretty dreamy, not gonna lie-

Meggy: Y/N!

Y/N: What? You can't deny it.

Meggy: have a point, but still, this isn't Skully.

Beta: Alrighty then..Saiko, quit drooling and come help me.

Saiko: Be quiet..

Beta: No, now come help me.

Saiko: With what?

Beta: Help me cure cancer...I need you to fucking hit him in the head.

Saiko: Uh, No! That could hurt him!

Beta: He's been hit with a trophy how many times now? I think he's completely fine.

Skully looked at his own tail and his eyes grew into puppy eyes. Then he got too busy fidgeting with his own tail, swatting at it as if it were a toy.

Beta: Okay, Skully you're starting to freak me out now..

He backhanded Skully.

Skully: Ow! What the hell Beta?!

Beta: Oh, is that really you Skully?

Skully: Uh. Yeah! It is, dumbass. Why'd you smack me?!

Beta: You we're acting like Meggy's cat.

Skully: I was?

Meggy: You kinda were..

Y/N: It was cute.

You knew you were only saying that to gain a reaction, all that did was make him uncomfortable.

Skully:....I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that...

He goes to walk away, But Beta had other plans.

Beta: Hey! You forgot something!

He chucked a golf trophy at him.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Skully.exe is not responding.

(Close Application or Wait for a Response)

(Beta, stop breaking your brother!)

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