The UNO game

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You get out a deck of cards and start shuffling them.

Adam: What are you doing?..

Y/N: Playing a game of UNO, and you're playing.

Adam: Do I have much choice?

Y/N: No, not really.

Adam: Groovy..

Beta: Lighten'll be fun..

Adam: Yes..okay, if you say so..

Beth: Are we playing UNO?

Y/N: Yep.

Adam stared at Beth for a long period of time before looking away.

Skully: Well, let's go right ahead and play us a game.

Y/N: Okay, who's playing?

Saiko: I'll play.

You look over at Saiko and saw her new look.

Saiko: What?

Y/N: Oh! Uh, nothing you just look different.

Skully Yeah, still beautiful.

Saiko: Skully!

She blushed.

Skully: Oops...Uh...

Saiko: I-it's ok..thank you..

Skully: Uh huh.

Saiko: right?

Y/N: Yeah, here you go.

You gave her five cards, and everyone else.

SMG4: Get ready to lose losers!

SMG3: Why am I even here again?

Meggy: Lose? Hah! In your dreams Glitchy!

Desti: Oh, it's on asshole!

Jack: Alright, who goes first?

Percy: Well, let's spin the wheel.

Leo: Wheel? What wheel?

Percy: Oh you know. The wheel, of, NAMES!

He pulls out a colorful wheel with everyone's names on it, Percy spun it around and around, until it landed..

Boopkins: Ooh! My turn!

Percy: We'll be working our way down the wheel and back to Boopkins. So you go Fishy.

Boopkins: Okay!

He places his first card down, which was a red seven.

Sherak: What's that?

Troy: That's a red seven Sherak..

Sherak: Alrighty then!

Skully: My turn?

Beta: Yes, go.

Skully placed down a blue seven.

Skully: Let's spice things up.

Percy went next and placed down a blue five.

Tinker: How do I play this kinky ass game again?

Bowser: A what game?!

Y/N: You place a card down with that color.

Tinker: Oh shit, well I don't have that color..

He takes some from the pile and gets a blue, he placed it in.

Tari went next, she places down a blue nine.

Adam: Kill me..

-Nine Hours Later-

Adam was slowly losing his sanity..

Adam: The game..I-it never ends..

Beta: By the way, you get to walk on legos.

Adam: WHAT?!

Beta: Yeah! Come along!

He brought him into a room full of Lego pieces.

Adam: No way in hell I'm walking on that!!

Beta grabbed a gun and pointed at his head.

Beta: Do it, or I'm blowing your head off.

Adam: You're bluffing!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Beta: Am I?

Adam starts to sweat like a bat out of hell, he had no other choice but to do it. Each step was like a tiny rat trap on his feet. Eventually he had enough and collapsed.

Adam: P-please! I don't wanna do this anymore!

Beta: I don't give a flying fuck of what you do and don't want to do! Five more laps!

Adam: No! Y-you're crazy!!

He sobbed out.

Beta: No, I'm Beta Ribbones.

Adam looked up in confusion.

Beta: What? Two seeds in one Melon? Crazy in Love? I know you know it!

Adam: But that isn't fair! My feet hurt! And I need to rest!

Beta: Nah nah nah, ain't got time for that! You got shit to do man!

Adam: You're fucking crazy!!


Adam kept going, crying and grunting in pain. Once he made the final lap, his feet were covered in blood.

Beta: Hey you did it!

Adam: C-can I go home now?..

Beta: Pppfffft, No! Of course not! You still tried to kill us! So now you get to spend 13 nights in Tinker's house! Can you survive? Who knows.

Adam: I am not doing that with a tin can!

Tinker: What did you call me?

Beta: He called you a Tin Can.

Tinker: Oh, now you're really going. I was gonna drop that whole 13 nights thing, but now it's on.

Tinker picked up Adam and took him to his old hellspawn house.

Y/N: Well that was pretty fun, Mario won.

Beta: How?

Meggy: He cheated by eating his cards.

Beta: That must mean that Mario and his golf ball nose are two fat fucks.

Mario: It's not my fault! It was a bug in the game!

Simon: No Mario, it's not a bug in the games's a bug in your moral code.


He brings out a chainsaw and chases Simon.

Meggy: MARIO NO-

Y/N: FU-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Skully: When's the last time you've heard that one? Eh?

(Skully, I'm responsible for the outro message! Not you!)

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