Y/N vs Meta: Error Madness

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Meta and M3GGY were looking around.

Meta: Now..the signal says the gauntlet is right here..is your radar bugging out?

M3GGY: No. That would be impossible Master.

Meta: Then why would it be in the middle of a desert? Unless Beta took it here..

M3GGY: Likely so sir. What do you want us to do?

Meta: Take a scout. Make sure to search every part of this desert..

M3GGY: Loud and clear sir.

She approached the group of toads and announced what Meta had said.

M3GGY: Scout the rest of the desert. We are not leaving without the gauntlet.

Toad Villager 1: What gauntlet?

M3GGY: Find a metallic glove, if you find it, turn it in to Meta. His request.

Toad Villager 1: Oh..okay, on it!

The toads listen and then began to scout the area.


Y/N and the others approach the scene.

Y/N: Okay..are we ready?

Meggy: Armed and ready..

Simon: Yeah..the traps are ready. They'll work..

Beth: I've loaded up on glitter ink.

Beta: My mist bombs are smoking already..

Saiko: The band is ready..

Kaizo: Damn right we are.

Troy: I've got the back up if we need it.

Skully: Well this should go well then.

Luigi: Y-Yeah...so...any final words of wisdom? I mean, you did face him..and..sorta lost-

Beta: Luigi.

Luigi: Sorry..

Y/N: Hey, no matter what happens, we look out for each other. Okay?

Skully: Amen.

Kate: Don't leave friends behind..

Y/N: That's right..now, everyone get into position..

Beta and Beth go uphill for the surprise attack.

Saiko, Kaizo, DJ and Bob go on the stage Will set up for them.

The rest of you watch for any bad guys.


Saiko gets her mic set up, as well as her guitar.

Kaizo was building his drum set.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kaizo: Perfection.

He smiles.

DJ Funk-Dolphin got his keyboard out and tuned it up. As for Bob, he got his gold chain, glasses and backwards cap, as well as a mic of course.

Bob: RaPpEr BoB hErE.

Kaizo: Okay, what happens now? Do we wait for the glitch?

Saiko: Yes, he's our main target.

As she said that. A bunch of toads go and find them.

Toad Villager 5: Hey! There they are!

M3GGY and Meta approach the scene, the toads make a path for the duo.

Meta: What is this?..

Bob: Yo! hOw WoUlD yOu LiKe A pIeCe Of oUr ShIt!?

M3GGY: The boss has no time for-

Meta then holds his hand out at M3GGY.

Meta: Let them cook..

M3GGY looked confused at the moment and complied.

Meta: What is the meaning of this exactly? A concert in the middle of the desert?

Kaizo: To Uhh..raise awareness! Yeah, the deserts are too dry for cactus to survive in!

Meta raised an eyebrow.

Meta: That doesn't even make sense..

Saiko: Look, you wanna hear a song, or not?

Meta: I don't have time for this. Where is the gauntlet.?

DJ Funk-Dolphin: What gauntlet?

Bob: I tHiNk iTs-

Kaizo then kicked Bob in the head.

Bob: Ow.

Meta then turns his attention to Bob.

Meta: What was that?..

Saiko: Nothing, he's just chatting out of his ass-

M3GGY: My signal indicator is off the charts. What was it?

Meta: Tell us and I'll contemplate on letting you all live..or you could just say goodbye to your princess..

He gets out Peach, she was tied up.

Bob: LoL wE dOnT cArE aBoUt HeR, sHeS a BiTcH.

Toad Villager 8: Wait..he's not gonna kill our princess..I-is he?..

Seeing the suspicion rising, Saiko yells.

Saiko: HIT IT!

The band began to play, causing the mob to pay attention, some of the toads couldn't help but to dance a little to the rhythm.

Toad Villagar 9: Ya know..this is pretty nice-

As he said that, the toad and the crowd were met with a storm of purple mist and blue ink and glitter.


M3GGY: Sir! This was an ambush! We must engage now!

Meta: Then what are you waiting for?! Engage!

Meta Boss Fight Engaged:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

M3GGY nods as her eyes glowed bright red, approaching your friends as they all charged in.

She approached Leo first and punched him left then right, grabbing him by the throat and slamming him to the ground before moving on.

She then comes across Belle, who goes to kick her in the face, she moved her head to the side and grabbed her, picking her up and slamming her down to the ground, walking away.

Rob attempted to stop her with corn, she lets the corn bounce off her as she approached and punched him in the face and drop kicking him.

Belle: Someone stop her!!

Sherak then approached her.

Sherak: Hey! Shitface!

M3GGY paused and pans over at him.

Sherak then goes to sucker punch her, only for it to get grabbed by her vice grip, crushing his fist into her hand.

Sherak: Heeey..no fair..

M3GGY then headbutts Sherak to the ground.

Troy: Damn it!!..time for some back up! I gotta get to Sherak!

He pressed the walkie down, calling in the mercenaries.

Swag: Lemme smash, pls.

Chris: No.

Swag: Fuck.

Meta looks around in the mist, seeing the toads battling Y/N's friends. He walks past the glitter and mist, coming across Heavy. Troy took this time to take Sherak to safety.

Heavy: Who sent these babies to fight?!

Meta: Who sent lord fatso to fight here is the real question?

Heavy grew angry, with a yell, he went to punch Meta, he swung but missed as Meta teleports behind him and kicks Heavy in the spine, crippling him.

Meta: Filthy mercenary..

He shook his head and went to attack more of them.


Percy knocks a toad unconscious and finds Peach on the ground, worming her way to a shrub, he goes over and grabbed his gladius, cutting off her bindings and pulling the tape off her face.

Peach: T-Thank you!! Thank you!!

Percy: Hey, it's fine. We apologize for leaving you in the old castle, but the monster needed to be dealt with..

Peach:..I..it's..fine...doesn't matter anymore..

She said, getting up and cracking her neck.

Peach: I'm done running..now it's time to get the toads on our side..

Percy: Right. Let's proceed.

Peach nods and gets her umbrella out, using the pointed part as a spear.


Simon went running through the desert, passing a cactus with a secret weapon..

Toad Villager 8: Hey! Get back here you rodent!

Simon: Come and get me!

The toad then passed the cactus, but he heard a click and all of a sudden started to stick.

Toad Villager 8: What?! NO!

He struggled, but he was trapped in a glue trap.

Simon: That should neutralize you!

Then two other toads came chasing after Simon.

Toad Villager 18: Get over here!

Toad Villager 20: Cmere Boi!

Then another trap happened as toad number 20 stepped on a button, seeing an image pop up in-front of him.

Toad Villager 20:.....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The toad ran away in terror, fleeing as fast as possible, he eventually crashed into a cactus.

Toad Villagee 20: Ow..

Simon: Yes! Now one more!!

He stopped at a cliff.

Simon: Oh boy..

Toad Villager 18: along fall Eh?..Too bad you'll be down there..

Simon turns around and pressed a button.

Simon: Eat a pan!

He activated the Demo-Pan Lawncher 420!

The pans flew at the toad, knocking him out and flinging him into a picnic basket.

Simon then turns off the Demo-Pan Lawncher 420 and smiles.

Simon: Well that went smoother than I expected.

He proudly walked away, humming.

He overheard Karen hissing while scratching up a Toad before backhanding one with a coffee machine. Then a bunch of Toads hanged up on her and kicked her down, they all took turns beating her up.

Karen: God dang it! Help!!

Simon: Oh shoot!!

He went in and grabbed a spare pan and bonked each of them on the head, knocking them all out and throwing the pan aside.

Karen: Simon?..

Simon: Hey, you ok?

He offers a hand.

Karen: Yeah..thank you!..

She accepted his help and gets pulled up.

Simon: Come on! Let's get to safety!

Karen nods and they both go to a safe area.


Beth: You still have the gauntlet?.

Beta: Always do.

Meta: Good..

Beth and Beta turn around and were met with a kick in the face, launching them back and dropping the gauntlet away.

Meta: Finally!

He went after the gauntlet.

Meggy: Y/N!!

Y/N: Not on my watch!

You go in and bicycle kick him away before he watched you punch him in the face, your fist went through his face.

Meta: Haven't learned from your first encounter?

Meta grabbed you by the neck and slammed you down, stepping on your chest.

Meta: Such a shame..but now, you die..

Meggy: Don't you dare!-

Meggy went to stop him, only to be punched by M3GGY.

M3GGY: Going somewhere my identical friend?

Meggy gets up and fixes her jaw.

Meggy: Yeah, I'm keeping the world from behind demolished..but you and your friend aren't helping!

M3GGY: I'll be in safer hands once this war is over and we come out victorious. Stand down, or be terminated.

The two circle each other.

Meggy: No, I won't stop fighting until my last breath..

The robotic counterpart tilted her head with a red eyed grin.

M3GGY: Better take it then.

Meggy strikes and kicks M3GGY in the face, she falls backwards on purpose and flips back before pulling a mechanical splattershot out of her back chamber, her back closes up and she fired directly at her.

Meggy: Whoa!

She ducks as she watched the orange blob turn into a net, going over her, it landed in the sand.

Meggy: What the hell?

She shook her head and grabbed her splattershot, going to attack, she fired at M3GGY, soaking her.

Meggy: Hah!! Get Rekt-...By..the champion?..

M3GGY shook the ink off her like it was nothing.

M3GGY: My software is ink proof, but I admire your efforts of trying to fry me up.


You struggle to get your breath as he placed a hand on you and began to slowly corrupt your soul.


Meta: Don't fight it Y/N. You belong to my alliance now..

Y/N: N-No..I..DON'T!

SMG4: HEY! Leave him alone!

SMG4 and SMG3 use their meme energy and blast Meta away and into a wall, he glitches away from the impact and landed on his feet. You managed to be freed and gasp for air.

Meta: Meme guardians..I've already slayed two of em, I'll do the same to you both next.

SMG3: Come and try us asshole!

Meta: Very well.

He goes in after them, teleporting and launching them away.

Meta: Now the gauntlet..

You get up, but Meta kicked you down again and walked passed you.

Y/N: NO!

M3GGY got done beating up Meggy, putting a boot over her head, she stared at her.

M3GGY: Such wasted potential.

Meggy, not knowing what to do next, panics.

M3GGY: Oh, don't worry. You'll be with your boyfriend soon enough.

Tinker: You think so?.

Tinker out of nowhere suckerpunches M3GGY across the face, making her fall down. She got back up in a few seconds.

M3GGY: You won't live to tell the tale of this fight-

Tinker then knocks her out.

Tinker: Sorry, your face scared me.

Meggy gets up and smiled.

Meggy: Now..who's the real deal? Oh wait, it's me..

She kicked her robot impersonator down to the ground, causing her to shut off.


Meta went to look for the gauntlet, but no sign of it.

Meta: Where is it?..

Then he was kicked in the groin by Beta and shoved the the ground.

Beta: My foot? Oh, well it was up your dick, and it'll very soon be in your ass.

Meta: Fine. This fight will be your last.

Beta: Haha! I hardly think so.

Meta gets up.

Meta: Then I'll be sure to make you think so.

He sent a fist to Beta, Beta ducks and gets out a sickle, slicing open Meta's stomach and sticking a mist bomb inside, green mist popped out, Meta was confused as hallucinations of his past came back to haunt him. Looking around frantically, he coughed and attempted to stop the mist.


Meta sent a wave of glitches, stopping the mist.

Meta: Your antics end here..

Beta: Hah, keep talking out of your ass, it amuses me!

Meta: I'll give you something to laugh about!

Meta backhanded Beta and rapidly punched him across the face multiple times before launching him into the stage.

Beta: Okay...that one hurt..

Kaizo: Dude! You ok?!

Beta: Yeah..I've dealt with worse situations..

He gets up and pulls a plank out of his ass.

Beta: Great, now I'm board.

Saiko: Beta! No puns!

Meta charged at Beta, but Saiko grabbed her hammer quickly and hits him away.

Beta: Thanks for that!

You stabbed Meta in the back with your sword, stopping him for a moment, Meta kicked you back.

Meta: You just don't know when to give up, do

Y/N: Maybe you're right, but it's better than being a guy who gives up easily in life!

Meta: That'll be your downfall.

Meta backhands you, you duck down and tackle him to the ground, putting sand in his eyes, he yelled and launched you off before warping back up and shaking his head.

Boopkins: Time to bring the anime!!


He kicked Boopkins into a cactus.

Boopkins: OWIE! That's mean!!


Kate punched Meta in the gut, that only seemed to hurt her hand.

Kate: Oww...

Meta: . . .

He then picked her up gently and gave her a yeet across the sand.

Meta: That was pathetic.

Skully charges at Meta and punches Meta in the face, Meta retaliated with a punch back, Skully dodged and kicked him in the gut and kneed him in the jaw, making him fall down, Skully grabbed his arm and stomped his chest in before stomping his skull.

Skully: Stand the fuck up!

He then unleashed a powerful headbutt, flinging Meta through a sandstone.

Meta gets up and shakes it off before going back to attack Skully. This is when Troy launched a rocket at Meta, flinging him into the dunes.

Troy: Chew on lead freakbag!

Skully puts a thumbs up while Troy nods.


Mario was busy taking a piss in a bush until Tari yelled out to him.

Tari: Mario! Get the gauntlet!

Mario looks over and saw Luigi running this way with it.

Mario: Okie dokie!

He goes to get it, Luigi passes it to him and goes to throw it to Tari.

Tari: There we go..thanks Mario..

Mario: You can always count on Mario!


Peach and Percy go up on stage, Bob, DJ, Kaizo and Saiko stop and look over.

Kaizo: Princess?!

Peach: Yes..it's me, your music is wonderful and all..but I need to get my toads on my side again.

Percy: It's true.

The toads get up after being knocked out by the mist and look around.

Toad Villager 2: What happened?..

Peach: Ahem! Toads! Toadsworth!

Toadsworth was asleep next to a cactus.

Skully: Wake up!

He nudged him awake.

Toadsworth: Hm?..

Axol: Pay attention..

Peach: Listen up!

The toads gather around as well as Toadsworth.

Toad Villager 4: What's the matter your majesty?

Peach: Look..what you're doing is wrong! You're fighting the wrong people! Y/N and the others did nothing to deserve this!..Sure they left me in a castle, but I still forgive them, and I want you to find it in your hearts to forgive them!

The toads took time to chat amongst themselves.

Toad Villager 6: Wait..you want us to forgive they guys that disobeyed you?!

Peach: Didn't say they disobeyed me. Meta has lied to you about my friends..they don't leave friends behind..

Toad Villager 6: They left you behind.

Peach: It was a timed crisis, it was either wake me up and the world ends, or they leave me and everything is saved..

Toad Villager 3:..She..actually has a point.

The toads agreed and turned towards Meta.

Meta gets up and gets the sand out of his ear.

Meta: Uh, what?

Toad Villager 1: Get him!

Meta watched as the angry mob turns against him, out of anger, he attempted to assassinate all of them with a strike of a beam, Demoman stepped in and used the Demo-pan to bounce it back.

Demoman: Go to hell, and tell the devil I'm coming for him next!

Meta was launched back, worn out..he gets up, surrounded by you and the others.

Meta: Fine. You're all imbeciles..we all could've ruled the world together..but you chose not to..which was a fatal flaw.

Meta then finds the gauntlet on the ground.

Meta: Yes..

Y/N: What?..oh no.. NO!-

Meta sent a shockwave, sending you all backwards. Meta chuckled evilly and grabbed the gauntlet.

Meta: Finally..it's mine..it's all mine!

He laughed evilly and puts it onto his arm.

Meta: I can feel it's ultimate power..no wonder Zirax couldn't live to see this..he was weak and pathetic..but now, now that doesn't matter anymore.. I AM INVINCIBLE!!

You all look at each other..

Percy: No..

Kate: A-Are..we going to die?...

She tears up.

Beth: This can't be..

He aimed the gauntlet at you all, you held Meggy's hand tightly, as she did too, closing your eyes. Meta cackled evilly once more and calms down.

Meta: Now, this time, you all die.. For Good.

Meta then activated it..


But nothing happened?

Meta: What the?..is it on the wrong setting? What's going on?..

He examines it, you all open your eyes with confusion.

Meta: Hmm..

?: Ahem..

Meta then turns around, seeing the blue haired gamer, putting on a brave face as the her bionic arm glowed brightly.

Tari: You have crossed the line here Meta! The gauntlet is drained of its power and all coursing through mine!!

She yelled out with confidence.

Meta: What?..No..no no no..this can't be!

Tari: I-It is..

She aims her arm at the glitch.

Tari: Now you die!!

Meta: WAIT-

Meta rushed at her, but Tari activated a beam of light that coursed into Meta, causing him to yell in agony as he boiled in pain.

You watch in awe at all of this.

Y/N: Oh wow..

Beta: That's my girl..

He smiled proudly.

Belle: Get him Tari!!


He cracked and began to fall apart, then in a bright explosion. He disintegrated..

You all shielded your eyes for a moment, then stopping as the light clears out.

There was a burn mark in the sand, Tari was worn out and passed out.

Beta: TARI!

He goes over to check on her, he felt her pulse and sighed in relief.

Beta: She's alive! Thank Christ!

Meggy: Good! Let's get her to the hospital!!

Y/N: Right!

Troy: I'll get the helicopter over here..

He called it up, soon enough, Snake arrived.

Snake: You called?

Troy: Yeah, this is an emergency situation. We need to take her to the hospital immediately..

Snake looks over at Tari before nodding.

Snake: Okay, get her up here and I'll take her there. I'll meet you all at the waiting room.

Beta carefully picks her up and takes her to the helicopter. Snake takes Tari's body and sets her in a seat before saluting. The helicopter takes off to the hospital.

You all look up and at each other.

SMG4: I can't believe Tari actually did it..

Saiko: I know right?..it's..insane.

Y/N: Yeah, but I'm glad she did what she did..

The others nod in agreement.

Leo: At least we're all alive.

He smiled a little.

Kate: True! I mean, we all did!

Peach: That's right!

Toad Villager 5: Yeah..hey..

You then all turn your attention to the villagers.

Toad Villager 1: I think we all owe you an apology for trusting that glitch..guess we felt so lost and confused..

They all look away with shame on their faces.

Y/N: We forgive you..

The toads then look at you again.

Toad Villager 10: Really?..I mean, we did try to kill you..

Meggy: Do you regret that?

Toad Villager 1: I mean..yeah.

Meggy: Then you're not a bad guy, you all were manipulated by Meta.

Belle: Exactly..it won't happen again..right?

Toadsworth: Of course not dear, you're all good in my book.

Skully: Good..good..

Sherak wakes up.

Sherak: Hmm..that Robot was sexy..

Y/N: Uhh..hey Sher!

Sherak: Oi! What's up buuudddy!

He slapped you on the back.

Meggy: Hey, easy there..

She chuckled as you held your back.

Meggy: Come on..let's go to the hospital.

Skully: Yeah. Let's go.

You all agreed and walked to the hospital.


Then, the robotic woke up again, looking around.

M3GGY: Meta? Master?..

No sign of him.

M3GGY: If he is gone..then I will hunt down and kill Y/N-

M3GGY then began to malfunction.

M3GGY: WHAT?! I-Impossible! NOO!!

Spy then uncloaked, holding a sapper device.

M3GGY: Y-You..bastard..

She fell to her knees and face-plants, Deactivating.

Spy: Nothing personal, I just had to shut you up.

He smoked his cigarette and left her there.

Bob peers over and looks around before getting mischievous..

Bob: FrEe WaIfU.

He takes her and runs away.

Spy:...Da fuck?

(Achievement Earned! 🏆: The Taste of Victory!)

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