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Everyone sat in my living room. We were watching bachelor islands, why? The girls forced us to. My phone rang.
"Really Hiccup?" Snoutlout asked teasingly
"Shut up." I said throwing a pillow at him

He laughed.
I looked at my phone.
"Hey dad, why have you been gone so long?" I asked

Snoutlout sat up and looked at me. We've been worried about my dad. How long? It's almost winter break. Astrid still hasn't woken up. The project was due next week.
"Son... Sorry I've been gone so long. I...I uh, met someone. I'll be home with her in a few days. How's school?"
"Um...g-good? Who's she?"
"You'll meet her. Mildew? How's he been treating you?"

My face paled.
"Eye, Hiccup? You ok?" Merida asked.

The lights flickered.
"What was that?" My dad asked.

The power went off.
"Powers out." I said.
"Oh. Is your friend out the hospital?"
"What? Who told you?"
"You...might want to head over there. Isn't she on machines?"
"Oh Thor!!! Bye dad!" I said hanging up
"Hiccup?" Mala asked.

"Toothless! Stormfly!" I said putting on my shoes

The two pups ran to me.
"Hiccup what's going on?" Heather asked
"Powers out. Astird's still on machines." I said

Everyone's eyes went wide in realization

We ran to the hospital. We burst through the doors.
"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked
"Hofferson. Astrid Hofferson."
"Oh! Her? You...may want to sit down..."

We did
"We're having a bit of a.... Situation... With her...she hasn't woken up yet. But, she shouldn't have been in a comma in the first place. Stiched from the shark attack popped out and her foot shattered. She's completely fine now, but she went into a comma for an unknown reason. And... seeing she's on machines..."

Heather stared crying.
"Is she ok?" I asked.
"So- hold that thought. Yes?Oh...oh dear... Yes. I'll run by. You lot. Come with me. Hurry." She said

We ran to Astrid's room
"Stay out here."

She went in

After awhile​, she came out
"She's almost up. Who is Hiccup and Heather​?"

We stood.
"You two can come in."

We walked in. Stormfly hopped up on he bed and laied down next to Astrid, whining. I sat down and held her hand. Heather held the other. Windshear and Toothless laied on the side of the bed.
"Hiccup. She'll be fine. It's Astrid." Heather said.

I smiled and hugged her. We pulled away.
"Ugh... H-hiccup...h-heather..." Astrid groaned in her sleep.
"Sh.sh. it's ok...I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I whipered.
"H-hiccup? W-what?" She mumbled.
"Um...what's going on?" Heather asked
"I don't know​."
"NO!" Astrid screamed sitting up suddenly.

A doctor ran in and calmed her down
"Ms. Hofferson? Are you-"
"Yes...I'm...I'm fine..."

She nodded and left.
"Ash?" We asked

She turned and gasped.
"Hiccup! Heather!"

We laughed and hugged her. We sat on the bed.

We hugged. She didn't let.go for a long time.
"Are you ok?" She asked.

We pulled away
"What? Yes. Why? Your the one who's been in the hospital forever!"
"School. So much work!"
"It's ok. We took care of it. You have all As." Heather laughed.
"Really? Thanks you guys!" She said.

Stormfly stated barking and jumping on Astird.
"Stormfly!" She laughed.

(Time skip)
"Hiccup. You can put me down. I can walk." Astrid said
"Nope. You didn't want to use the wheel chair, so."
"Why can't I walk?"
"Doctors orders."
"Shut up."

I laughed. I set her down on the couch.
"Whoa. Nice house."
"Thank you M'lady."

She threw a pillow at me. I laughed. The power turned back on and so did Bachelor​ in Paradise.

The boys and I groaned.
"Um...ok...who's on?" Astrid asked.
"Amanda, Josí, Zoè, Hannah, Ella, Alva,and Rosie." Heather said

We laughed at Astrid's lack of enthusiasm

I sat down next to her and threw my arm over he sofa.
"Oh, her home. And with her friends I see." Mildew sneered as he walked in.

Snoutlout and I scowled. I placed my hand on Astrids shoulder, the boys did the same with different girls. The pups eyed Mildew.
"Ye got yer self a girlfriend. She dosent look like much. Well, compared to you, she's a winner."
"She's worth more than you'll ever be." I spat.

Mildew scowled. Gobber walked in
"Hey Hiccup. Home already?"

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