No promises

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Hope was five now, Astrid was as beautiful as ever and my parents had moved in.

I smiled as I looked at our wedding picture, that day was perfect... until Viggo Grimborn showed up. He was a man I met in the military who always tried to kill me, and every time he failed. He thereatend my family and friends. He constantly had his gang attack us.

I've gotten sick of it. Astrid almost died last week because of him. I scowled remembering.

"Ah! Viggo leave her alone!" I raged as two of his associates restrained me.

Everyone was tied up and the dogs were locked up. Hope was crying behind me as Mom held her.

Astrid grunted in pain as a hunter yanked her back. Viggo cupped her face and got in close.

My eyes narrowed.
Take your Thor damned hands off my wife. I thought.
"Yes, she will do nicely." He laughed running a hand over her upper arm.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" I screamed seeing how scared she was.
"Why would I intend to do that if I won't do anything to her. My boss needs an heir doesn't me. Look how beautiful your daughter is, I think we'll take her too."
"NO!" Astrid and I screamed.

Ryker grabbed her and turned her back to him, holding a gun to her head.
"NO!" I pleaded.
"Make your choice Hiccup. Astrid and Hope come with me, or Astrid dies." Viggo warned.

My heart started beating faster. Tears were falling down my face and Astrid's.

She looked at me and shook her head.
"Ok,ok, Hope, come here." I said.
"Hiccup, no!" Astrid cried.
"Ash, it's ok..." I said as Hope let me pick her up.

"Daddy?" She whispered.
"It's ok baby, they won't take you. Just jump and run when I tell you to."

She nodded and grabbed a fist full of my shirt and turned away from Viggo.

"Well? Give her to me."
"Hiccup, stop." Dad spoke.
"Shut it old man!" Ryker yelled.
"Lower the gun first." I snapped.

Viggo nodded to Ryker who lowered the gun.
"Now." I whispered.

Hope jumped down and ran.
"Hope!" I called.
"Stop her!" Viggo ordered.

I drew the gun from his holster and pointed it at him.
"" I warned through gritted teeth. I pointed the gun at Ryker.
"Let my wife go."
"Fat chance. You won't shoot, you don't want risk hurting this...diven beauty. Do you?"

I shot his shoulder. He dropped Astrid, and cried out in pain.

She fell to the ground.
"Get him out of here! Go!" Viggo ordered his men

They all ran
"This isn't over Haddock!" He called.

I put the gun down and ran to Astrid.
"Astrid! Thank Thor!"

I held her as she shook. Hope, mom, and dad came over and joined the hug. I kissed Hope's head and then kissed Astrid.

I'm going to get you Viggo.

I snapped out of my flash back as Astrid entered the room.
"Hey... thanks again, for yesterday." She said softly, giving me her one in million smile.
"I love you, of course I did that." I sighed holding her. A tear fell as I remembered how I could have lost her. My best friend, the love of my life.

"Hiccup, what's wrong, whats the bag for?" She asked suddenly.
"Oh! to tell you!" I fibbed quickly.
"Tell me?"
" asked me to head over seeing Minds out of town! Yeah, sorry."
"Mm..." She said.

She hugged me again. We didn't let go.
"Your hiding something from me. Your not going to Snoutlout's... are you?" She asked.

I sighed.
"Your going after Viggo..."

And this is the part where you tell me not to go, won't let me go alone or, slap me.  I thought.
"Your not going to tell me when, and take off when I least expect it."

She pulled away and pressed our heads together.
"Your not even listening are you?" She sighed.

We were both blushing alittle. My arms were on her waist as hers snaked around my neck.
"Ash..." I whispered.
"Hiccup, I'm not going to tell you not to go. I'm asking you..." She sighed.

I kissed her. We both let tears fall.
"I love you." I said.

She sighed and placed her head on my chest.
"I love you too. Whenever you go... please come back to me..."

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