Chapter 11- The Swim meet

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Does anyone know how to treat opened blisters I got two huge ones on my foot while running a track meet yesterday and it hurts like hell. :(

Also I just finish reading another one of wingsandhunters amazing books. "In Another Life" which I never got around to reading till now and I was so impressed. It just made me feels things and it made me laugh and cry and it was just fantastic. Please I highly suggest checking out her books.

Ok well anyways besides that we are now on the 11th chapter of this book and I really hope y'all like the squeal. I mean it's not the most exhilarating one in the world but I promise it gets better.


Deans POV

"Hey idigit get up! You got your damn meet!" Bobby shouted from outside my door.

My eyes cracked open sleep still clear as day in them. I sat up in my bed and called back
"I'm up I'm up calm down old man!"

Bobby huffed from behind the door and I heard his footsteps walk away.

I moved a little and groaned slightly from my ass being sore from well...last night with Cas. Making love to each other is so much more fun on your birthday. Speaking of Cas...

I looked beside me to see no Cas but a note. I picked it up and read silently

Dear Dean
I didn't want to wake you but I had to leave early, my dad wants me home for something I gotta do. I'll make sure to be at your meet.

Love Castiel

I crumbled up the note, sighing and tossing it in the bin. This had been the fifth time hes done this to me this month. What could this boy possibly have so early in the  morning? I mean even mermen princes gotta sleep in once in a while right?

I walked over to my radio bare ass nude and turned it on to the classic rock station.

Break by Three Days Grace came on.

I bopped my head to the beat humming the words to myself as i finished packing the stuff I would need for the day. My swim uniform which was basically a speedo. Towels, Gatorade, water...what was I missing?
I looked over at my dresser and saw the goggles Cas had gotten me for Christmas. I walked over plucking them off the counter and put them in my bag.
I got out of my pjs and into a shirt with out team name on it "The Seraphims " written in green swirled letters, on a white t-shirt. Not the most nicest looking shirt but we were required to wear them on meet day. I pulled on a pair of black shorts and slipped on my sandals.

"DEEEEEAAAANNNNNN BOBBY SAYS IF YOU WANT A RIDE TO THE SCHOOL, HURRY YOUR ASS UP!!!!!!!!!!" Sam practically screamed from down stairs.

I groaned to myself


I sprinted down out my bed room door and too the kichen. I heard Bobby honking his truck from outside.


I grabbed an apple from a bowl and sprinted out the door. Bobby was in the drivers eat, Ellen in the passenger, and i hopped in the back with Sam. After a little scolding from Bobby about sleeping in we zoomed towards the high school.


*mean while*

Castiels pov

"Dad please there's gotta be some other way!"
I begged my father following around his room.

My brothers and friends were getting ready to go see Dean at his swim meet. A meet I couldn't go too. Megatron and my father picked today of all days to start fitting for outfits for me and my soon to be wife.
"Im sorry Castiel but you have to go to this. It interferes around the same time as the swim meet and I'm afraid the fitting is more important."

I made a classic Sam Winchester bitch face I've picked up since I've known the boy.
"Nothing is more important then seeing my boyfriends swim meet." I growled at him

My father held my stare for a moment before sighing, his old worn eyes boring into my young ones.
He approached me and put his hands on my shoulders
"Castiel. As much as it pains me to say this...I think it's time to-"
"N-no." I pulled back swallowing the lump in my throat knowing what he was going to say.

"Son this marriage has to happen. It's going to happen. If not we will have a war on our hands. It's time to let Dean go."

I shook my head
"Just give me time. Give me the time I have left with him....then if nothing changes I'll let him go..."
He sighed and nodded
"Look you still need to go to the fitting. If it ends early you can sneak out and go to Deans swim meet."
I nodded understanding before swimming to the tailor with him.

Balthazar's POV

"Im sure you'll look beautiful in your wedding dress." I said smiling at her leading her towards the royal tailor.

She sighed heavily and shrugged "I don't know... I really don't want to get married..."

We stopped

"What do you mean?"
She looked at me in the eyes "Don't get me wrong. Your brother is very handsome and very kind but...I don't have feelings for him..."

I already knew this but it was nice to hear her say them...

"Then who do you have feelings for?" I asked taking her small hands in mine

She blushed furiously and said "I-"

Our heads snapped in the direction of King Megatron. He charged towards us and ripped her hands from mine
"Your late for your fitting! Come now."

He sent me an annoyed glare before dragging the beautiful sweet princess away...
I felt my eyes get hot with tears knowing that she would never be my princess....

Lucifers POV

I groaned softly into Michaels lips as he furiously attacked them with his. I loved his soft comforting lips. They were salty from the ocean yet sweet at the same time.
I wrapped my legs around his waste, right where his tail met his human half. I knitted my fingers in his dark hair. I loved it. I loved him.
"I love you." I mumbled softly into our make out session
"I love you more." He whispered pulling back and resting his forehead on mine.
"I love you most."

There was a loud knock on the door.
"Mikey! Lucy! Come on we're gonna be late! Garth is waiting for us on shore!" Gabriel shouted from the other side.

Me and Michael sighed softly before get up. We haven't told our family about our relationship. Hell why would we? Who know what they would think. Dad wouldn't allow it. He'd probably have me sent off again which is my biggest fear... I never got along with the humans in my old school. Hell I got held back a year on purpose just so I can be a pain in the ass... I'm not looking forward to seeing them again.

We were about to open the door when Michael gave me a quick peak on the lips and a smile. I returned it and we open the door.

Balth and Gab were waiting outside along with Anna and Meg.
"Wow shocker lucifer is in your room." Balthazar said sarcastically.
It's become sorta a habit for me to be found in Michaels room.
Michael punched his arm causing him to yelp
"You guys are coming?" Asked Mikey
"Alfie said he'd watch the store while we go." Said Anna
"Well what are we waiting for? Where's Cas?"
Balthazar frowned
"With Hannah. I have no clue if he is coming or if he is meeting us there...."
"Wait what?" Asked Meg "Chuck wouldn't let him go?"
"It's not his choice. This wedding it's gotta happen or a war will start between the two kingdoms. Today's the fitting for his outfit and Megadouce won't let them rescedual." He explained
I sighed frustrated "This is all a bunch of bullshit!" I shouted
"Sssshhhh!!!! Keep your voice down! We don't want one of the guards to hear you talking trash about their king!" Scolded my boyfriend/brother.
"I don't friggin care if they hear! Let them maybe they'll realize how stupid it is too! I mean does the princess even want this ether?!"
"No." Answered Balthazar right away "she doesn't wish to get married to Cas."
Gabriel raised an eyebrow "And you know this how?"
Balthazar blushed and looked down "We talk..." He mumbled
We all smirked "Ooooooo Bathly gots a crush!" Exclaimed Gab
Balth punched his chest hard causing Gabriel to yelp like he did before.
"Shut up! No I don't. Besides she's getting married weather she wants to or not. Not like she likes me anyways..."

I sighed "This whole thing is a mess..."

"Agreed." We all said at once.

"But there's nothing we can do." Said Michael "Let's just go to the swim meet."


Deans POV

I heard the cheering people from outside the locker room, both our team and the others. We were versing another team that was located on the other side of the island. Most of the time other teams from other islands in the bahamas would take a boat to come verse us, or we would go to them. But most of the time it was almost always home meets for us. (No clue if this is true in real life but lets just go with it). 

I was a little late so i was till in the locker room alone getting changed into my speedo. It was a pain in the ass to get on but it helps me move in the water. Plus my ass looks awesome in it as ive heard from my merman boyfriend so many times. Hey he aint wrong. 

All of a sudden a heard a low whistle from behind me and whipped around to see my coach, Benny, looking me up and down with those perplexing blue eyes. I blushed brightly and my heart beats really fast every time i was around this guy. It wasnt love. I knew it wasnt. It was mosre lust then love it anything at all. 

"Looking good Winchester."

I gulped " U-Uh t-t-thanks." 

He walked closer to me, and i  froze unable to look away from him. I was entranced by his eyes. I felt his breath tickle my cheek. He was that closer. Honestly i didnt know what to do. Then he reached behind me and took somthing off the bench.

"Theres Garths clip board, i was looking everywhere for it ever since he said he'd be running late. Said he is picked up some friends. Welp lets get moving Winchester we got a meet to win."

Finally he turned away and left. 

I let out a shakey breath i had been holding and relaxed the best i could. I tried to think about Cas and how Garth was on his way now with him. Yeah Cas. My lucky charm.


"Wheres Cas?!" I asked frantically looking around past them. All the Novak brothers were here except mine. They all had gulity faces but Michael answered

"He is running late he said he'll try to be here as soon as he can."

"WINCHESTER COME ON!" Benny shouted. We were getting ready to race and Cas wasnt here. He promised...

Jo, who had just finshed the female races and was dripping wet, touched my shoulder gentlely "Its ok dean im sure he'll be here."

Garth grabbed my arm " Dean come on we got a meet to win. Just make sure you get a good time for me to record." Giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded my head before walking away with him towards the coach.


Castiels pov 

"Come on come on come on come on!" I shouted at myself to swim faster through the water. I was approaching the island and with no time wasted i flung myslef out of the water, quickly turning human.

The fitting took , longer then i expected. Megatron took forever decieding what colors or fabirc he wanted for "my future wifes" dress. For humans the custom is the male can not see the dress before the wedding but for mers the male come with you to pick out the dress and the suit. And i quickly learned that the Megatron Family is very picky when it comes to this sorta thing. Luckly i got out in time.

I took the clothing out from behind a rock including my tranch coat, i keep there just in case of emergiences, got dressed and sprinted towards Deans high school.


Deans pov

"Good job kid!" Benny exclaimed as i came out of the water drippping wet from my race. I was panting heavily. I came in first and set a new record. I was unbelievly proud. I looked in the stands to see Anna on Raphs shoulders, Sam on Gabriels, Lucifers on Micheals, and Jo on Charlie's. Meg, Ash and Lisa were next to them cheering with Bobby and Ellen. In fact they were all cheering. But my heart broke when i saw still no Cas. He missed my race...

Garth came over to me wacing his clip board

"Dude that was awesome you fucking kicked ass! Here." 

He handed me my first medal of the season. I didnt smiled but sighed putting it around my neck. 

We walked over to my family and they all congradulated me and hugged me

"You did great sweetie!" Exclaimed Ellen

"Thanks." I mumbled sadly. 

Just then i saw non other then my lying boyfriend swing open the doors and sprinted in. He stopped and frowned when he eyed me appearance and them my medal. I glared daggers at him. I was pissed. He said he would be here. He promised. 

He slowly walked over to us and everyone shut up when they noticed our stares. 

He stood before me looking down ashamed. 

"Dean i-im so-"

"Save it." I growled turning my back to him. I was about to walk away when he called out

"Wait Dean-"

I whipped around

"Where were you?!" I shputed my voice cracking a bit.

His faced paled and he bit his bottom lip nervously

"I was..."

I waited expectantly but he just sighed looking down

"I was no where..."

I scoffed and turned away walking towards my coach. 

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