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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Rather poor welcome, comparing to the last two..."

Ichigo: No one's here ?

Renji: Looks that way.

Kon: HEY !! Since when did I become the designated landing cushion for your travels !!

Ichigo: Shut it. You're the one who tagged along.. Beggars can't be choosers.

Kon: What the hell... ?! I told you to leave me behind at that last palace, but... You guys were the ones who forcibly-


"What the... ?!"


Renji: My fuggin' ear drums !!

Ichigo: What's with the volume ?!



"... Is this guy for real ?"

Oetsu: I am the number one Zanpakutô creator... Nimaiya Oetsu !! YOROSHIKU (Nice to meet you) !! ZANPAKUTÔ... LOVE IT !!

Girls: WELCOME !!

'... Things are moving way to fast for me to process them...'

Girls: KYAAA !! They're showing so much skin ! That's so hot~ !! They look so delicious ! Which one's Ichigo ?! It got to be the orange one, silly ! The red one's Renji, right ? Then the jacked one's "That one punk" ? The pleasure's all ours~ !!

"Excuse me, what was that last... What does he have against me... ?"

Renji: Wha... The hell... Is this... ?


Ichigo: Don't let your guard down... There's gotta be a catch...They're all probably rockin' beans if you catch my drift...

"You know... Somehow, I think you ain't exactly wrong..."


"Give it a rest, Kon."

Oetsu: YO~ !! Kurosaki, Abarai ! And you there... Stuffed animal ! Did that meet and greet get your juices flowin' ?!

"... Okay, I was told it would be better if you were the one to explain it, so why are you like that with me ?"

Oetsu: Later, later, kiddo. I'm in a better mood right now, so don't worry.

*Zero Division, Tôshin (God of the sword) Nimaiya Oetsu*

Oetsu: You're lookin' at the man himself ! The owner of the Phoenix Palace, Nimai Oetsu !

Ichigo: 'Awkward... Tag in Renji... This guy is not my speed...'

Renji: 'Dumbass, like things'll go more smoothly with me.'

Oetsu: Hmm, the vibe's a bit off... You're not quit feelin' it, I dig. You can... Always go back ?

Ichigo: EH ?! 'I guess... That actually is an option... We'll be shit out of luck if he sends us back...'

Renji: 'I doubt he'd really turn us away...'

Ichigo: 'I wouldn't be so sure... This guy's not playing with a full deck...' Okay... We won't be going back !

Renji: The pleasure's all on this side !!

Oetsu: NON NON NON NON !! Damn, you guys are corny !! A formal request in the Phoenix palace, is done... LIKE SO ! PLEASE !!

Ichigo: OVER MY DEAD BODY... !

Renji: Breathe, Ichigo ! We don't have a choice !!

Ichigo: Damn it... PLEASE !!

Oetsu: SICK POSE !!

Oetsu: Hey shorties, check it out !!

Girls: OMG, that is so yum !! he looks like a banana, so cute~ !! Kyahahahaha !!

Renji/Ichigo: 'D.I.E.'


Oetsu: What was that for, Mera-Chan ?!

Mera: This'll go on forever if master has his way !! Douchebags, follow me !

*Phoenix Palace*

"The contrast is... Stunning."

Mera: This is the real Phoenix palace ! He couldn't accept the fact that he lived in this shithole, so he built that gaudy eyesore to compensate. Now, get in !


Ichigo: Do you ever stop...

Oetsu: Ya' took the words right outta my mouth, mysterious plushie ! We're like Soul brothers !!

"... ... Mmmmaaaybe you should put up a sign ? You know, something by the lines of 'Watch your step' ?"

Mera: We don't get a lot of visitors.

Ichigo: That hurt...

Renji: Hey !! For once, I agree with the guy ! A heads up would'a be nice !!

Oetsu: Yeah, yeah~. Kurosaki, Abarai, have ya noticed ? That since you're arrival, you haven't met a single shinigami, other than me ? All those dime pieces you saw back there, were Zanpakutô.

Ichigo: ... Zanpakutô ?!

Oetsu: Oh ? That is weird, weird that is. You can't distinguish between a zanpakutô and a shinigami... Even though you're the latter ? That ain't right. It's because you have no love for them that your zanpakutô end up like this. You didn't even notice until now, did you ?

Renji: Bastard, when did you- !!


Oetsu: Ahlalala~... A zanpakutô that's not receiving any love, breaks so easily, doesn't it ? Surrounding you, is the zanpakutô's rage.

Oetsu: If you get out of that alive, I don't mind reforging your zanpakutô for you, yo~

Ichigo: WHA...

Oetsu: Clean the wax outta your ears ! I am the number one Zanpakuto creator ! 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5... And down to 3... It's Nimaiya Oetsu ! A blade crafted by me, can't be held by wack ass shinigami.

Ichigo: You bastard... !

Oetsu: Shikuyoro~.

Oetsu: Something is getting restless... And there are quite a few of them...

"... Why do I have the feeling of seeing empty canvas... What are these things..."

Oetsu: And the non-shinigami brat is more versed than the two of you !! But no need to wet yourselves, yo ! Check it... You should be quite familiar with them... They are the strongest Zanpakutô... Who are capable of becoming absolutely anything...

"... Asauchi..."

*Asauchi. There are over 6000 members in the Gotei 13. All of them, are given an unnamed Zanpakutô upon first entering the academy. All Shinigami must spend every waking moment with their zanpakutô, and as they progress in their training, they slowly and methodically imprint the essence of their soul into their Asauchi. It is in this manner that they guide and mold "Their own zanpakutô".*

Oetsu: And the boss in charge of making those bad boys ? You guessed it... The sexy bastard right here !! Blade God, Nimaiya Oetsu, ya dig ?

Ichigo: Yeah, yeah, I get it !! So these guys are the physical manifestation of those Asauchi, right ?! What does that have to do with these guys attacking us ?!

Oetsu: SO CLOSE !! Manifestation... So close, so close... It's actually somewhat different... But that'll do for now... All you really need to know is, that they hate your guts right now...

Ichigo: They hate us ?! WHY ?!

Oetsu: 'Cause of how you use your zanpakutô, know what I'm sayin' ? Ya don't dig ? It's not that hard... How you fight ? How you swing it ? Wack, wack, wack ! What's wack ? It's all wack ! Using them as a tool ? Using them as a subordinate ? Use them as a partner ? Your family ? Your friends ? Your senior ? Your junior ? Your pet ? Your acquaintance ? Your girlfriend ? Your lover ? STOP DICKING AROUND !!

(Every Bleach story with a female Zanpakutô: *Profuse sweating*)

Oetsu: Y'all fail to see it from their point of view... That's what fundamentally different. Time to decide who's king of the hill, yo !

Oetsu: And now we kick back. Plushie, mind going back to heaven ?

Kon: YES, SIR !!

"Maybe now you can tell me why the hell you hate me even though we never met before ?"

Mera: pretty sure you can figure that one out by yourself. Retrace your every action, and try to tell when and where you offended the "Number one Zanpakutô creator".

"My actions..."

Mera: He takes a good chunk of pride in it. And also in having created "Every single zanpakutô there is".

"... With one single exception..."

Mera: You start getting to the point.

"Is... Is that it ? For real ?!"

Oetsu: ... I suppose the title of "Number two zanpakutô creator" is available...

"He's like a kid throwing a tantrum because he didn't get all the candy !!"

Mera: Spot on.

Oetsu: A God of Blade accepts no rival !! But, if you insist, I suppose I can take you as my apprentice !

"... Whatever. I'll just wait until these two are done down there."

Oetsu: Sorry dude, you ain't got no time for that. You've got places to be, and people to see.

"Huh ?"




"... ... ... You guys really don't have any other means of transportation ?"

Ichibe: We don't get that much visitors, so we never really thought about it. You seem fine though.

"I'm having trouble feeling my nose... Without the cush-Kon, both my ends are starting to feel sore. Should'a dragged him from the Phoenix Palace..."

Ichibe: Oh, so you met Oetsu ?

"Yes... Now I know how utterly stupid is his grudge..."

Ichibe: ... It's not exactly only him... Follow me.

Ichibe: Welcome to the inner sanctum... Where you'll be training along your friends, once their recovery is complete.

"Yeah, just... Give me one sec... Catch my breath... Feel like I'm underwater here..."

Ichibe: It can't be helped. The Reishi density here is so high, even a Division captain would be down to their knees by coming in here unprepared. But you're taking it well... Or rather, you've already adapted to it. But now we can get started on polishing your power.

"Polishing it even further ? Is that even possible ?"

Ichibe: I've been told you just spent years in the Dangai, accumulating Reiatsu.


Ichibe: Then congratulation, you've completed step 1 by yourself. Now we'll have to bring out your real abilities.

"I.. I'm sorry, but... I don't think I can progress much more than this... I've never been more powerful than this..."

Ichibe: Then what will you do the next time Yhwach attack ? Keep using that pointless Bankai of yours ? Or that underwhelming Shikai ? Gather as many reiatsu as you want, it won't matter. You will never, ever win like that. It's not even a question of power, Yhwach is just another type of opponent.

"... So ? What do I do now ?"

Ichibe: This is why you're here. Right now, you're like a rough diamond, just waiting to be cut and polished. You possess immense reiatsu, yes, but you have no idea how to properly use it. And that is the problem with your ability.

"What... ?"

Ichibe: It's unique. In fact, way too unique. Because no one can teach you how to properly wield it, you're stuck by your own view, condemned to copy what you see from others.

"I haven't copied-"

Ichibe: Think about it. It all comes from your past experiences. Haven't you noticed ? How similar your way of fighting was to Kurosaki's ?

"... ... ... So how are we going to proceed from there ? How much potential do I have left ?"

Ichibe: You do not even realize that yourself... You possess healing techniques Tenjirou never heard of... Can absorb other's Reiatsu with a power unknown to Kirio... Break through any barrier without Senjumaru making you an Hakushô... created your own Zanpakutô unknowingly of Oetsu... And named it all by yourself. Your ability... Is something terrifying, transcending even everything the Zero Division has ever done... Without you realizing it.

"If that's it... You better not go easy on me. You say you can help me reach my true potential, I'm curious to see that."

Ichibe: I never said anything about your true potential. And frankly speaking... I don't think you will ever reach it.

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