Final chapter: Meaning of presence

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Your every movement... Your every action... Your every words... I've been carefully weaving them from here. Not only yours, mind you, but everyone's and everything's has been moving by my will. And I must say... I can now understand why you and Aizen seek such power with such vigor. It is... Exhilarating."

"So, to take your own words... 'Letting the fate of the world be decided by the rulers'... You are wrong. There is but one king here."

*Soul King, Y/n L/n*

"Now... As you should before your king... Kneel."

Yhwach: Hng... !! My eyes...

"Your almighty won't save you. In fact, no one will save you. You, who trampled over these hallowed halls, spilled the blood and attempted to take the throne... No, you who attempted to crush everything in creation... This, is judgement hour. Bakudô 100, Dokoni mo Tobira-... ..."

Yhwach: ... ... What is that... ?


*You have attained your limits, it would seem.*

"No... You're not... You don't have the right !!"

*You're the one who called it. Do not resist it. The more you fight it, the more it will hurt.*

"I... Am Absolute... You're nothing... Get... OUT OF MY HEAD !!"

*Very well... If you insist...*



Urahara: I have no idea... The Soul King... L/n... But to cause such waves of reiatsu... It seems like there's a third presence... No... That cannot be...

"Haa... Haa... Haa... Haa..."

???: Do not push yourself further. It is true that your power embodies the very concepts of "Absolute" and "Infinity" but your body can't stand such extreme conditions. So I took upon myself to lighten your burden. No need to thank me. Drifter.

"I... Fucking told you... To not call me that... Ever again..."

Yhwach: ... How... How is that even possible... I never foresaw any of that ! WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE ?!

???: My, my. What the loud guest we have here. But you are right, how impolite of me. Let me properly greet you then.

Aizen: I'd like to welcome you. To my Soul palace.

"Getting real' ahead of you right here Aizen. But letting apart the what and why, I'd like to know... How ?"

Aizen: How ? But, my dear king, you know it better than anyone else. I've never been gone.

Aizen: When you... Well, vanquished, would be the appropriate term there, so... When you vanquished me, what you destroyed was my spiritual body. The very essence of my soul, and by extension, my consciousness and my very being, survived that episode, and remained deep within your own.

Aizen: However, with how scarce your Reiatsu has become after your travels, there was absolutely no hope that I would be able to do anything... So I bid my time. After all, maybe this was supposed to be my jail, being eternally bound to your soul... That is, until you had that marvelous idea to take an 8 year-long trip through the Dangai once more.

Aizen: The Reiatsu you accumulated here, was unfathomable, even compared to our little quarrel back in the time. It gave me strength as well, strength that I needed... However, as strong as I became, it meant nothing at that time. I was still incapable of escaping. Until... You gave me the permission to do so.

"I... Never allowed... I didn't even know... !!"

Aizen: That is correct. It took me some time to figure that out, but the solution was in fact quite easy... I wasn't the only thing you absorbed. Alongside me, something else is now part of you... Something that finally recognized you as its master.

"... ... Hôgyoku... "

Aizen: Can you figure it out now ? You wished to keep the Soul King out of Yhwach's reach, it let you absorb him. You wished for the power to defeat Yhwach once and for all, it brought forth that "Tenkai". You wished for allies in that fight... It allowed me to get free.

"... So does that mean I'll have to deal with you once again ?"

Aizen: ... No. For I would not be stupid enough to face you as you are now... And for I would not need to. After all, I have reached my primary objective already, have I not ?

"It would seem to be the case... You are part of me now. You are part of the new Soul King."

Aizen: Plus, you made it quite clear to me, that your own power couldn't affect you. So even if you wished it, you couldn't get rid of m- Gurk !!

"Careful what you wish for, Aizen. It is true my Stand can't erase you anymore... But just because you're now part of it. You have become my Stand, Aizen."

*Stand user: Y/n "Soul King" L/n

Stand: Sosuke Aizen: Power S

Speed S

Range S

Persistence S

precision S

Potential S*

Aizen: I absolutely hate that...

"Get used to it. But don't worry, I will not need your help here. You said something about 'Lightening my burden' I believe ? How exactly were you planning on reducing an infinity of power ?"

Aizen: And, if you don't mind me asking... What about Kurosaki ?

"What about him. I've been called here to end this war. And this is exactly what I'm gonna do. To kill the thousand-headed hydra, with a single slash, its heart you must pierce."

Yhwach: ... GH !!


Aizen: He fled... Was that also what you wished for ?

"It seems that it slipped past me. How bothersome. I can now see what Ichibe said by that I could never achieve my complete potential... Because no matter how long and how hard you train, one cannot reach an infinity of power... Such paradox... Delicious."

Yhwach: Haa... Haa... Haa...

"It doesn't matter where you run. Where or when, now that I think about it. Your sentence has already been decided, and will follow you through time ans space, forever."

Yhwach: Haa... haa... My Almighty...

"Has been rendered inefficient. Can you feel it, Yhwach ? The futures, that you saw like an endless stream of sand, each and every grain, as clear as day... Can you see them all disappearing one after another ? Slowly closing into you, showing that... You have no future anymore."

Yhwach: Gh... 'My body... It's paralyzed... I can't move... is that... fear... ? Do I fear that power so much... ?'

"You are mistaken. This not fear. This is... My will. You who marched this earth, you who aspired to rule over all. Be rendered back to nothing, and quit the ceaseless void known as 'Existence'."

"True Void... Null."

Yhwach: A-

"It's over... After over a thousand years... This blood war... Has finally ended. This feels... Anticlimacti-"

Kyôraku: At last... Looks like all the clean-up work is finally wrapping up. Just one more block to pave and that'll be that... Can't believe it's been 10 years now... Time sure does fly by... Don't know how we managed... But were able to pick up the pieces after that near disaster.

Nanao: Captain-Commander !! We're out of time ! Please, pick up the pace !

Kyôraku: Man, oh man... Some people just can't appreciate the path at which I move. You could learn a thing or two from this old mountain man. I'll be back, and we can talk some more then... Ukitake.

Nanao: Captain-Commander !!

Kyôraku: Yeah, yeah. I heard you the first time.

Kurotsuchi: ... Hmph. So, the West 55th block is finally done. They sure took their sweet time finishing it... Now I can expand on my secret underground network. Let's see... We'll have to do a cursory overview of the on-site location. Come along ! Nemuri Hachigou !

Nemu: Right away ! Master Mayuri !

Kurotsuchi: I told you... You don't have to shout like that... I swear, how you wound up this way is a complete mystery...

Nemu: Ah ! My apologies, master Mayuri !

Shinigami: Captain Zaraki !! Do you require anything else, sir ? We are forever at your disposal !! Damn straight ! At your god damn disposal ! At your back and call, sir !! You say jump, we say how high, sir !! Anything you need, sir !! We are your dispos- !!


Shinigami: EEEEEEEK !! Ahh... That's not what we meant, sir !! As eloquent and articulate as always, captain Zaraki ! Ahead of his time !! He's like a poet !

Ikkaku: That reminds me, captain... the event today was supposed to be at the 1st squad's barracks, right ? So is it really okay for us to be dillydallying here ?

Kenpachi: Ehh ? What are you rambling on about ? It's for squad 13's captain, so obviously it's be at squad 13's barracks...

Ikkaku: ... It was supposed to be at squad 1's barracks, right ?

Yumichika: How the hell should I know ? You're the second in command... You should be the one telling me...

Kenpachi: Listen carefully, Ikkaku... the reason why my sense of direction was always so awful was because of Yachiru ! So now that Yachiru isn't around anymore, there's no way I can get lost !

Ikkaku: ... ... ...

Yumichika: What's that look for ?! i'm in total agreement with the captain here !

Kenpachi: Right then, if I've made myself clear, let's get going already ! Quit standing around with your thumbs up your ass and hurry up !

Soifon: You're late !! Explain yourself !!

Kenpachi: Mm ? I just busted my ass taking the scenic route through Seireitei to get here, and this is the thanks I get ?

Soifon: Tell someone who cares... I want to know why on this hallowed day... You've been taking your sweet-ass time jogging around Seireitei ?!

Nanao: ENOUGH ! We shall now proceed with the promotion ceremony for the new captain of the Gotei 13 ! Will the new captain please enter !

Renji: ... Aww, what's with the long face ? Don't worry, if your knees start to buckle and your legs give out, I'll be more than happy to give you a piggyback ride !

???: Sh... Shut it... !

Nanao: Captain of the thirteenth squad of the Gotei 13 ! Kuchiki Rukia !

Rukia: PRESENT !!

Ichigo: Yo !

Rukia: hey ! Oh-hoh, I see this place is just as popular as ever ! Why... Yup... I think I even hear some crickets inside !

Ichigo: This is an emergency clinic... So being empty is a good thing ! If you're done with the stand-up routine, feel free to come inside. Anyways, I guess almost everyone's here now... Safe for...

"Speak of the devil, and he might appear. Well, not exactly devil, but-"

Ichigo: Yeah, yeah, I get it, you're "God" now. Been repeating that for the past 10 years. What took your omnipotent ass so long to get there anyway ?

"I had to lose Ichibe first. Now that the Soul King is more than just some sealed entity, he's taking his mission... A bit too seriously."

Rukia: You mean, even more since that... Hmm ?

"For the last time, my marriage with Harribel was purely political !"

Ichigo: yeah, say that without you face as red as Renji's hair next time. Anyway, come in there.

"Oh, and I passed by urahara and co before coming here. they'll be following the whole thing as well."

Ichigo: I didn't wanted the guy here. It gets too hectic..."

"Heh. It's a good thing I can take these breaks from time to time... Aizen's been holding his own up there quite well."

Ichigo: You sure this is a good thing to let him deal with anything ?

"Why not ? He's got what he always wanted, why would he revolt ? And besides, that would mean rebelling against myself... Meaningless."

Rukia: if you say so...

Keigo: AHH ! Rukia ! A pleasure as always, Rukia !! Make yourself at home ! Next to me if you wa-

Tatsuki: Don't go gettin' overly familiar !

Mizuiro: Rukia, it's been a while ! Your hair's grown out... It really suits you !

Yuzu: Out of the way, comin' through !

Karin: the popcorn and soda has finally arrived ! Ah ! Rukia !! How've you been ?

Rukia: Wow, I haven't seen you guys in forever ! You've gotten so big !

"To think Chad's would end up the most famous out of all of us... Incredible... It's been 10 years already... Since the defeat of Yhwach..."

Ichigo: Yeah, to the hands of a walking Deus ex machina. But, the most surprising... is how you decided to stay and accepted your duties as the Soul King...

"Ichigo... Don't think I never had regrets about that. But, that's how things were supposed to turn out. It was an unavoidable future. But even so, I have no need to worry, for my past... Will remain unaltered."

And the award for "Shittiest ending of this entire website" goes to... THiS !!

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