Chapter Fourteen

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This chapter is dedicated to harlenequinnzel for reminding me that this book exists. Seriously, if you want an update, just fill my message board with demands until I do something about it. I'll be grateful.

I race back to my room and slam the door shut, locking it behind me. I collapse onto the soft queen-sized bed and bury my head in my hands, sobbing. How could I have been so stupid?

I should have pushed down my emotions sooner. I'll only ever get hurt.

There's a cautious knock at my door.
"Nico?" It's Will. I muffle my crying and sit silently, staring at the door. "Nico, please open the door. I-I'm sorry..." His voice is strained. I hear him sigh. "Please let me explain myself."

I close my eyes and will him to go away. I can't face seeing him right now. Or ever.

I hear muttering and then there's another knock at the door, sharper and louder.
"Nico, let me in." That's Bianca's voice. I consider ignoring her, then dismiss the thought. I know better than to say no to Bianca.

I open the door slightly and she pushes her way in. Before I close it again, I catch a glimpse of Will standing in the middle of the corridor, staring at me with a mix of sadness and confusion. Quickly, I close the door and lock it.

I turn around and Bianca immediately starts to question me.
"What's wrong? Did something happen between you and Will? Do I need to have a word with him?"
"He kissed me." I mutter, not meeting her eyes. Bianca falls silent.

I'm conscious that Will is probably standing right outside the door, listening to us. I'm tempted to tell him to leave, but if he isn't there I'll look stupid. Besides, it's his palace. I'm just a visitor; I can't make him leave.

After a few long seconds, I glance up at Bianca. She's staring at me with confusion written across her face. "What?" I ask, harsher then necessary.

"Isn't that good?" She asks tentatively. "I mean... I thought you had a crush on him."
"I do! I mean, I think I do... I did... I don't know!" I exclaim, kicking the wall then cursing as pain flares up my leg.

"Calm down..." Bianca puts her hands on my shoulders. "Take a few deep breaths and clear your head." I do as she says, relaxing slightly as she makes me sit down.
"Tell me what happened." She instructs, siting beside me.

I recount what happened, faltering when I get to Will kissing me. Or did I kiss him? I'm not so sure anymore...
"I don't know what to do." I sigh, putting my head in my hands.
"Talk to him?" Bianca suggests. I shake my head.
"No way. It'll be too awkward."
"You can't stay in this room until it's time for you to leave." Bianca tells me, folding her arms.

"Why not?" I argue defensively.
"You need to eat." She points out.
"You can bring me food.
"You'll be bored.
"I'm always bored." I retort. Bianca laughs slightly.

"I won't make you leave yet, but I advise that you come out soon." She gets to her feet and starts walking to the door. As I as an afterthought, she turns around and looks at me solemnly. "Will said he's sorry." She tells me. "He doesn't want things to be awkward between you two..." I nod, and she leaves.

After what feels like hours, but is probably only a few minutes, I get up and walk in a circle. The room is quite spacious, the bed is comfortable, and I have lots of unread books from the library. I could just stay here. I don't see why I shouldn't.

I rest my forehead against the cool door and sigh, closing my eyes. I just want to go home...

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