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Ayaan POV

Ello!! Ello!!!
Can you hear me as I scream your name
Ello!! Ello!!!!

I know u need me before I fade away
This is the place I call home....
To find what I've become.
Walk along the path unknown.
V live, V love, V Die

Deep in the dark I don't need the light
There's the ghost inside me
It all belong to my other side.
V live, V love, V die ......

Allan Walker...

Hey there waited for me.
Sorry to all my beautiful and gorgeous girls who waited for me.
I know everyone was curious to c me.
So here I come to win your heart.

My name is Syed Ayaan younger brother of Syed Rehaan.

I m 1 year younger to my brother.

I handle Business in Dubai as my brother handles in India.

I m not much smart as my brother but more clever than him 😏😏😏.
much look alike like my brother.

I m even kind



And more u girls can add.

I never liked India though it is my home country, bcoz I had bad memories with India so I hate it. I love my brother more like a father, and I have not seen him from years. So I have decided to give him a visit.

My brother is my right hand. I m not much able to handle big business, if i create any problem my brother helps me to butter up.

Apart from business I m also good in other private business as well...

I have many girlfriends. Hey don't misunderstand me. I mean ....


Hey girls I m only blessed with one heart which is only for my SOULMATE and only she has right to rule on my mischevious heart.

Don't worry if u have any problem pm me 😉😉😉any time I will be there for u all . But make sure don't tell my soul mate ok.

Allah knows when I m going to meet her . But INSHALLAH soon.

Now it's enough of me. Let's fly with me to India.

As usual I woke up late. My apartment was fully messed up. I m searching for my clothes which are shattered all around in my apartment. I even need to pack my stuff.

Dammit where is my bag. Yah I remembered it's in living room. Under the coach.

Ayaan apartment

I looked at time. Damn I m already late so I decided to eat on airport. I wanted to take shower but I was not having much time so I threw my body in swimming pool.

I changed myself in comfortable clothes. A white hoodie with black jeans underneath. Wore my watch . Took my iPad, iPhone and my iPod without which my journey is incomplete. Damn important my PASSPORT.

Hey lean (driver) get the car I will be there in 5 min..

I looked at my messy apartment which I like will be left alone. Don't worry I will tell the maid to clean u soon . Bye i will b back soon. I locked my door and hand over the keys to my personal manager.

I reached airport I passed all the procedure of airport.

While I was going to VIP gate.

Wait ......

I think i came on right time

May I help u miss. I asked the girl who was facing difficulty to put her luggage in trolley. Which seems heavy.

I looked at her. She gave a cute smile, from which I Understood that she said "Yes".

I put all her luggage in trolley. And then all of a sudden my shoulders felt heavy as if someone has put a big thing on it.

I looked at my side . I saw a bodybuilder man who's hand were around my shoulders.

Yes ...I asked him

"Thanks for helping my Girlfriend". He said .

I think i came on wrong time.

I removed his hand and make my shoulders erect.

Sorry, U both can carry on...I said and left...

Ohhhhhhh 😥😥😥😥😥 Damn, Good I didn't ended up on floor.

"Sharafat ki duniya ka kissa hi khatam hogaya hai."😥😥😥
(It's end of the story of the world of innocence).

I went inside the private plane. I was welcomed by Handsome Pilot and a beautiful Air hostess.

As always, Temperature of cities and safety Announcement was made by pilot. I said my travelling prayer. And the plane took off.

I unplugged my seatbelt and relaxed myself. Then lunch was served by Air hostess. After having my lunch I on y IPad and started watching
" Lord of the rings" movie. Which was enough for me to pass my time as it was 3 hr 15 min flight.

"Sir, it's half an hour left for us to land". I heard a soft voice of Air hostess. She waked me up.

I didn't realised when did i slept while I was watching movie. I saw my iPad was off and was kept on my lap.

Allhumdullilah I reached INDIA 🇮🇳🇮🇳

I was rushing to Arrival gate where my brother might be waiting for me.
I didn't saw the girl who was coming from my right side.

And I bumped with her. She was going to fall on the floor so I hold her waist.

I think my useless hand had touched her at wrong place 😒😒😒😒

I was still holding her. But then I look at her . Her face was covered with a vail only her eyes was visible. But She was not letting her eyes to meet mine.

MASHALLAH. I said looking at her eyes . They were so beautiful.

She slapped  me with her purse on my face. I left her waist and her butts touched the floor.

I rubbed my cheeks because it was hurting so badly. She stood and left me behind .

I looked at her . She did not even said "sorry" . Then I looked on floor . She left her phone which was continuously ringing.

I took her phone. But the call got ended. I went back to her to return her phone.

Hey, wait . She ignored

Excuse me. Again ignored

Hey girl listen to me, your phone. I shouted her this time and then she stopped and turned herself. But still not looking at me.

What do u want. Y are u following me ?? She asked in angry way.

Hey, i m not a stalker who will stalk u . Ok . Your phone. U left it behind. I said by passing her phone towards her.

She looked at her phone, but not me. I wanted her attention which she was ignoring.

She moved her hand to take her phone.
But do u think I will give her easily. I started playing with her.

I moved my hand right and left, up and down. She was trying hard to get her phone.

Aaaoouccchhhhh..Not again.

She stamped my right leg, because of which I kneeled on my left leg. And her phone slipped from my hand. Allhumdullilah, I managed with my other hand and her phone did not fall on floor.

It was enough of me. I think i should respect her. The way she was respecting her religion.

"Excuse me your phone". I said to her

I was still kneeling in front of her. I raised my hand, (instead of holding a ring), I was holding her phone then looked at her. She covered her face with both her hands, assuming that her phone has landed on floor. But it was not.

She removed her hand from her face. Took her phone from my hand and said ......

JERK.......and walked away

WHHHAAAT ??? I hate this.... But I liked her ......

She walked fast.

I liked her because the respect she was giving to our religion. (not looking at non mehram).

I will find her wherever she will be and make her mine....😎😎

Suddenly my phone started ringing. I saw it was my brother's call.

Dammit bcoz of her I forgot my brother .....

I ran towards the arrival gate where my brother was standing. From far I saw him standing with Hashim bhai. Both were searching me. I reached closed to them and hugged my brother tightly.

Asallaam u Alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh. I missed you so much brother. I whispered in Rehaan bhai ear.

Walaikum Asallaam Warahmatullahi wabarkatuh. I missed you 2. He whispered in my ear.

V both broke aur hug and then I hugged and greeted Salaam to Hashim bhai.

"Allhumdullilah, u look good man". Hashim bhai said

I don't think. Rehaan bhai said by looking at left side of my face which was fully red.

Ohh man, u really had great welcome in India😃😃😃. Hashim bhai teased .

Yeah, I will never forget...

Come let's leave bhai . I m tired 😒😒😒. I said to Rehaan bhai and v 3 head to apartment.


Sana POV

I was happy because my brother was coming today after 1 year. I prayed my fajr Salah with Sara. I went in the kitchen and started making breakfast for everyone.

Hey, "Jaani" serve me breakfast. Alina said

Stop it Alina. Don't call me Jaani. Only my brother has right to say that . I scolded her .

She and Sara started laughing. Alina took a sandwich and left for her Uni.

"Hey Sana let's get ready fast. First v both will go for shopping and then v will go to airport to pick up Faiz."
Sara said and I agreed.

As  Sara was leaving tomorrow for Dubai.  So she wanted to go for shopping.

"Come on Sara, Y r u taking so much hours to get ready." I said curiously to Sara.

Ya wait, I m done. Let's go.

V went to the mall, did some shopping for me, Alina and Sara. (Obviously V r girls And without shopping v cannot stay, agreed 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️) And then left for airport.

I and Sara was standing on Arrival gate. Waiting for my brother.

"Y is he taking so much time". I said to Sara in angry way.

Sana u know very well that it takes time. After flight lands there are procedures.  Have some SABR. Sara said in polite way.

Sara u want coffee.

No. U go and have it.

Fine, I will just come. I excused myself and went to have coffee. Sara was still standing on Arrival gate 

I was drinking when I got a text from Sara

He came.

I left my have drunk coffee. I rushed to arrival gate but I didn't realised the guy who was coming from my left.

I bumped with him and was damn surprised.

Eeedddiiooottt. How dare he touched my waist. I was damn angry .

I slapped him with my purse and rushed to arrival gate.

He was calling me from behind but I was just ignoring him. I know this kind of boys, they just wanted girls for fun.

Hey girl listen to me, your phone.
He shouted

Damn where is my phone. I always keep my phone in my hand. Dammit, I think i  dropped it .... 😣😣😣
First I m eagerly wanted to c my brother
And second this JERK

What do u want. Y are u following me ?? I asked in angry way.

Hey, i m not a stalker who will stalk u . Ok . Your phone. U left it behind. He said by passing my phone towards me .

I was going to take my phone from his hand, but this JERK he started playing with me. I really hate this kind of ppl😠😠😠😠

I stamped his leg. He kneeled on his one leg. My phone slipped from his hand and was going to end up in peices. I covered my face with both my hands.

Allah my phone is going to Dddiieee.. plz save him. 😢😢😢😢

Wait, Y there is Silence...

I removed my hand and saw that guy was in propose gesture. He was holding my phone in his hand. 

Allhumdullilah my phone got saved.

I took my phone from his hand and Said JERK to him, which he deserve and rushed to arrival gate.

I saw my brother, Mashallah he is looking so handsome. He and Sara was laughing looking at each other.

JAAN . I called him out. I looked at him and hugged him tightly.

Faiz, Sana's brother

"Jaani, I missed u so much". Faiz Bhai said in tears in his eyes.

He's is my rock,

I'm his inspiration,

He's is my balance,

I'm his support ,

He's is my wild ,

I'm his calm,

He's is my anchor,

I m his wings .

"Shhhhuuhhh, Don't cry i m back. Faiz Bhai said by caressing my back.

V broke our hug. I wiped my tears. Allhumdullilah , u r back. Let's go home fast there's surprise. I wrapped my hand on Faiz Bhai arm and head towards home.

V reached home. Everyone was happy to c my brother.  V cut the cake which was brought by Alina. V enjoyed the cake and then Faiz Bhai went to take rest.

I , Sara and Alina went in our room. Sara started packing her bag as she was leaving tomorrow for Dubai. I and Alina was helping to Sara to pack her bag.

Suddenly, my phone started bipping.  I was getting continues whatsapp text. I excused myself and went to c my phone.

Assaallaam u Allaikum


Who's is this??? Y is someone sending me creepy msg. 😠😠😠😠😠😠


Asallaam u Alaikum warahmatullah wabarkatuh

Khairiat. I hope ur fast was easy

I know this chp was little long. And boring .

My draft was already ready so I  thought to publish. Other chpts after Ramadan.  In sha Allah

Hope you like chemistry of
Ayaan and Sana 👫

Let me know. Plz vote and plz comment.

Take care khudahaphiz .

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