page 25 • slothkawa

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"You should have seen your face, [Name]-chan!" Oikawa wheezes, doubling over and clutching his stomach, he was laughing that hard. "That was priceless, you looked like a simp!"

You can almost sense the fumes coming out of your ear, you were so angry and so embarrassed, lifting yourself up and glaring at the stupid dumbass in front of you.

"You're such a jerk! Why would you do that after you complain about how I never show affection? You have zero decency!"

When you say that, Oikawa sighs, sitting back in his spot and continuing to make you angrier by grinning even harder.

"Now you know how it feels like when the person you like rejects a kiss you initiated!~" He has to say while he pats your hair, and the way it feels so delicate when he plays with the spiky ends of your short hair while sitting so close to you with a smile. It's hard to be mad when he does something like that and also says something that makes you guilty enough to decide he's right, for once.

Is this what they call character development?

"In your case, you know exactly how I feel about you, and you know I'm not going away because  I hate you and don't want to be kissed by you. You know perfectly well that I'm crazy about you, But... When I first kissed you, I had no idea what you thought about me."

You felt your heart drop at that. Even if he was such an idiot, Oikawa really must have been having such a hard time.

"And I was so scared but I couldn't help myself. I really couldn't help but kiss you, that day."

"Why you like me even though I'm like this is beyond me."

This makes Oikawa chuckle, nodding a little at you with a smile. "You've got at least one thing right even though you're super dense, [Name]-chan!~"

"No. I'm serious. I know you can be a shitbag sometimes and you deserve some of those mean ways I treat you, but you really seem to like me despite that... Even though you really could go ahead and date whoever you like."

This statement of yours earns an instant hug from Oikawa's side. He wraps his arms around you and keeps you close, patting your hair a little.

"Well, you're right about the last bit."

"Let me go."

Oikawa laughs in response, cooing out an 'I don't wanna~' and making his embrace even tighter.

"Actually, even though people do see a very good side of me, I'm really not all that, [Name]-chan. I'm really not that much of a selfless person and I am very petty. You know this well."

"Very petty."

Oikawa laughs and then holds your hand after he moves back and looks at you.

"I have a really high temper and I say a lot of mean things to people I feel are in my way. I know I have a terrible personality, and there are only a very few people who know me beyond my facade of a pretty, flamboyant setter."

"The fact that you call yourself pretty is so cringey, I could cry."

"[Name]-chan, don't interrupt my cute message!!" He pouts, not letting go when you try to tug your hand away from his.

"And you know that, and despite you disliking me because of that, you still fell in love with me. How can I not like you when you can see all of those flaws about me and still love me?"

"Then... Why did you keep annoying me about a stupid date, and then say you didn't love me when we were playing truth or dare that time?"

"That's another bit of my flaws. I just have to have things going my way. When you said you won't go on a date with me, I felt my confidence going down because you didn't know my terrible personality and yet you didn't want to go out with me."

"I mean, duh?! I would have thought you were super cool and even become a fan if you just apologized for breaking my nose and said nothing else!"

This makes Oikawa blink at you, tilting his head to a side.

"You mean... You wouldn't have that hate for me at all, if I didn't do that?"

When you nod, Oikawa grabs two chunks of his chocolate hair and lets out a low screech.


"I'm surprised to see that not only do you have a terrible personality, but your brain runs as fast as a sloth."

"The fact that you didn't say 'slothykawa' actually makes me happy." The two of you laugh together at that.

"It really doesn't matter. I was trying to prove to myself that I can take you out on a date, and when I saw you getting close to Tobio, I got even more impatient." He admits. "I think it was when you looked heartbroken when I said I didn't love you, that I realized that I was wrong."

"Very wrong."

Oikawa nods in agreement. "Very wrong, yes. Back then, I just said that as a joke to startle everyone, but when you cried... I hated myself for that. At times, I was thinking how similar you were with Iwa-chan, and that you'd get along. But I hated that idea, and I wanted you to show me the smiles you give your friends. I wanted us to be together even if we didn't get along in that way."

"Dummy. Oikawa-san, why would you want me to show you smiles I show my friends? The smiles I give you would be so different, so don't wish for something wasteful like that."

Your response makes him grin like a goof. "You're right. It's rare, but when it does happen, I feel like I won the lottery!"

This time, it's you who's smiling like crazy.


"Say Tooru-senpai, at least once?"


"Come on, we were getting fluffy, [Name]-chaaaaaan!~~~~~"


"Gah!" Oikawa clutches a handful of his shirt in front of his chest, pretending to act like your response had an actual effect on him. "I'll let the senpai part pass for now, since I had to deliver a speech to earn you calling my name once."

"It does feel weird to call you that. I don't hate you as much when I do."

"Then, at times when you feel like you really love me soooooooo much, call me Tooru." He suggests with a wink. "Let's make Oikawa the name you call me when you're pissed at me. Now, since you're looking at me like that, call me Tooru one more time!!"

"I love you, Tooru!"

"Gwah!!" Oikawa responds with gulp, the hand he has on his bed slipping and this time, it's the idiot himself, who falls onto the bed with a silly plop sound. It makes you laugh so much, watching the way Oikawa looks up at you at the irony, smiling just as wide and watching your actions.

"It's rare when I see you smile too, Tooru."

"That's weird. I smile a lot."

"Your real smiles, not the stupid ones you give to your opponents or your stupid fangirls. When you sincerely smile," you say, watching while he sits back up, "It reaches all the way to your ears."

A goofy grin is now on Oikawa's face, getting even wider when you say 'Just like that' and pointing at him. The two of you exchange smiles, a little bit of silence filling his room while you two awkwardly just look at each other, at the floor, back at each other, and smile again.

You decide to forgive him for what he did earlier, and he redeems it by actually leaning in himself and giving you a soft kiss.

The thought that he actually appreciated you for staying with him - just like he was, with you - makes you smile, wishing it wasn't already time to head back home.

Oikawa walks you to the bus stop, the two of you hand in hand and you feel less burdened by this kind of public displays of affection. Oikawa continues to talk about how he's gonna meet you every break he gets, before and after club, and that moving away is not going to stop him from bothering you.

The bus turns the corner of the road and comes to view, making you two stand up. You could tell that he looked a little disappointed, and so did you. In an attempt to cheer him up, you decide to give him a hug, which he instantly reciprocates and kisses your lips as if he was scared that he might never get the chance to.

Somewhere during the kiss, your hands had found its way around his neck, and he leans away and looks down at your face with a little hazy smile.

The bus comes to a halt at the stop, and while the two of you move away, Oikawa's fingers accidentally brush against your left boob, making you take three steps away and raising your arms up in a defensive fight mode.

Oikawa seems to have realized what he did as well, and he copies your action and moves a step back, looking at you with big eyes and raising both his arms up.

"I didn't do it on purpose! I swear! I'm totally innocent!"

"Innocent? You? I think not!"

"Aw, [Name]-chan, don't be such a slothball! You're still a minor, so don't worry! I won't do anything like that to you yet, hehehhh!" He chuckles, putting his arms back down when you do the same.

You sigh and head to get on the bus, but Oikawa has something else to say, as well.

"Not yet, but when you turn 18, you better watch out, [Name]-chan! I already stole your heart, so you don't know what I'll steal next!"

Before you can curse out at him, he gives you a big wink and then makes a run for it.

"You asswipe!!!!!!!!!!!"


a/n; hello y'all I'm hereeee

aren't you guys happy that updates are coming faster now yayyyyy been is back in action AYE

media is me @ oikawa ALWAYS

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