A Brief Intermission ~ In the Ruins

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Deep within the Ruins, two figures stood and stared upward. Far above was the entrance to the Underground, a dim golden light that let a small bed of golden flowers grow beneath.

The two longed for the surface. But, even if they could build high enough to reach that opening, they would never be able to leave through this hole. For it was the entrance, and none can exit through an entrance. Even were the exit barrier to be broken, still none would be able to leave this way.

They were not contemplating leaving, though. No, that was still a long way off. They had yet to conquer the Underground, and claim the seven Souls residing in New Home.

That is more akin to their topic of conversation.

"So then." One of them began. "It'll be ready soon. Just a day or two."

"Then it's time to set Simulum Admoenium into motion. Give the command as soon as you're ready."

The first nodded, and left.

The other looked once more up to the light, grinned, and slowly followed.



And, now, things will really start to happen. Lots of things. Lots of exciting things.

The Simulum Admoenium arc has Begun

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