Chapter 16

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Pandora could see the lights of Regalia ahead. Soon after, she heard shouts from down below.

"It is Nike!" one shouted.

"And the Overlander!" said another.

"Ho there!" One cried, trying to flag them down.

Hazard leaned over Nike's side and spoke to them urgently. "We must speak to Mareth immediately regarding Queen Luxa!"

Two scouts upon fliers swiftly flew beside them, matching Nike's pace. As they neared the Palace, they gained speed and landed before they did. They ran off, presumably to find Mareth. More guards were atop the Palace when they landed.

"Queen Luxa is in trouble," Hazard said loudly. "They need help! The cutters have them trapped in a cavern!"

The guards started to talk amongst themselves. Some ran inside, saying they were going to fetch Vikus.

In mere moments, Mareth was speedily approaching them. He looked at the three of them in turn and said tersely, "Where is the rest of your party?"

"Trapped," Hazard repeated. "They need your help!" Pandora felt the panicked and enraged feeling rising up in her once again, remembering the scene when she left her friends behind.

"Send for Perdita's unit," Mareth told the closest guard. "Tell them to prepare, and have Perdita meet us up here as soon as possible!" Mareth turned to Nike, holding up a hand to tell the guard to wait. "Where are they?"

"In a cavern several miles south of here," Nike answered hastily.

"Have Perdita's troops converge on the southern wall of the city," Mareth ordered the guard.

"Yes, sir," the guard said. He hopped onto a bat and flew off towards the arena.

"I can show you the way," Nike said.

"After flying all the way here, I do not think it is safe for you to make another trip," Mareth said.

"It does not matter to me what is safe," Nike replied. "Even if I knew I couldn't make the journey, I would still try. Howard is trapped there! I must go back!"

"And I assure you," Mareth continued. "We will bring him back safely for you. You need not endanger yourself once again. You are exhausted!"

"No, no!" Nike cried, dread creeping into her voice. "I must get back to Howard!"

Pandora reached into the pack she had brought and pulled out the Red Bull. Placing a hand on Nike's shoulder, she offered her the beverage. "Here, Nike. Drink this. It'll give you extra energy." She popped the lid for the bat, who grabbed onto it with both of her claws.

"Thank you," she said. She took a few gulps before pulling it away from her lips with a hiccup, surprised by the taste.

"I know it tastes sour, but trust me."

Nike smiled at Pandora before starting to drink the Red Bull once more. She seemed grateful that Pandora was on her side, helping her get back to Howard.

Vikus and Nerissa came onto the balcony. Hazard ran to Vikus and gave him a hug, almost toppling him over in the process. Both looked extremely worried and frightened.

"What has happened?" Vikus asked.

"The others are trapped in a cavern," Pandora said on the verge of tears, her voice becoming shrill. She could feel the prick of tears threatening to escape from the corners of her eyes. "The cutters are attacking them." Nerissa approached her and put a hand on her arm comfortingly.

"We are waiting on Perdita and her troops to converge," Mareth said. "They will immediately fly to the queen's aid."

With all the stress Pandora was under, it didn't surprise her that a tingling sensation rose and fell down her spine. She knelt where she stood, alarming Nerissa who took a step back. Resting her head on her knee, she pressed the palms of her hands into the floor a moment before a seizure overcame her senses. When it passed, she sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Send troops to the spinners," she said. She knew the group around her had heard. "The cutters are targeting them next. Once their mission to destroy the Regalian's queen fails, they will regroup and try to destroy the spinners."

"Why would they go after the spinners?" Vikus asked. "They always remain neutral."

"I don't know why," Pandora answered, standing up. "All I know is that's what they plan on doing."

Mareth, Vikus, Hazard, and Nike looked around nervously, keeping an eye out for Perdita and the soldiers in her command. Nerissa, however, looked at Pandora in awe, which made Pandora feel a bit uncomfortable. Considering how worried Pandora was about her new friends, she wondered why Nerissa didn't look more concerned for her own cousin.

"You truly have a gift, Pandora," she said. "You are psychic. Even more so than I am." Knowing she wasn't wrong, Pandora just shrugged.

Mareth ordered another guard to summon another batch of troops to meet him atop the Palace.

Two Regalians on fliers landed beside them. One was a large man in a tunic; the other was a woman in armor. The large man walked over to Mareth's side first.

"Sir, the stingers have just entered the arena. What shall we do?"

"The stingers are here peacefully," Mareth told the guard. "We are offering the arena as a refuge to them. As their hosts, we shall bring them food and water straight away." Mareth turned to look at Hazard. "Hazard, are you willing to come with me over to the arena to talk with the stingers?"

Hazard took a step towards him. "Yes, I will go. Passing the time in that manner will get my mind off Luxa's situation." Pandora felt like he believed her when she said that the cutter's plan to kill Luxa would fail. Although he looked shaken and worried, at least he wasn't upset that someone else close to him would die.

"My battalion is en route to the southern walls of the city," the woman in armor said, not getting off her flyer.

"Nike will lead you to the cavern. You must get there as soon as possible," Mareth answered. "Do all you can to get everyone back, especially the queen."

"Have I ever left anyone behind?" she answered. After a moment, she nodded at Nike and rose into the air. Nike gave the now-empty can of Red Bull back to Pandora before taking off and following Perdita. Pandora watched them glide over the city.

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