Chapter 24

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Pandora moved her head to one side, starting to wake up and realizing how uncomfortable she was. Her stomach was in a lot of pain, but she was still too close to sleep to bring it upon herself to change position.

Her nose itched, and she tried to bring a hand up to scratch it, but it was wrapped up in a blanket so tightly that she couldn't get it free. She groaned.

"My nose..." she grumbled. Her voice came out hoarser than she expected.

"What's the matter, Pandora?" A soft voice said. Pandora smiled. It was Howard.

She turned her head and wiggled her nose. The itch was still bothering her. She opened her eyes and saw Howard sitting next to her. He looked strange, Pandora thought. But she couldn't put her finger on what was different.

"It's going away," Pandora answered.

"What's going away?"

"My nose," Pandora repeated. The itch started again and caused her head to twitch.

"Can you," Pandora tried to wiggle her arm free again. With no success. "Untie the rope?"

"What rope? There is no rope."

"No," Pandora said. Was she not being clear? Again? She felt fine! "My nose is gonna run away. I need your help."

"Here," came a voice on her other side. "I think this is what she means."

A familiar claw came across the bed and itched her nose for her. "Thank you, Pan," she said. Pan smiled at her.

"I'm getting another cold compress," Howard said. He stood up and went to the doorway. "I thought she was going to break this fever by now. Do you need anything?"

"No. I'm fine. Thank you," Pan said politely.

"I'm not water, you know," Pandora called to Howard. She wasn't being clear at all, and now she knew it.

"I know, Pandora," he said with a worried look. "I know."

Once Howard left the room, Pandora turned to Pan and looked at him for a moment or two, blinking slowly and trying to clear her mind. Howard mentioned she had a fever. Is that why they couldn't understand her? She replayed what she had said in her mind; it all sounded fine to her.

"I have a fever?" she asked Pan.

The bat nodded. "Yes. This is currently your third."

"That's three strikes," Pandora said matter-of-factly. "I hope I'm not out."

"I'm afraid you won't be out of the hospital for a while," Pan said disdainfully. "At least, that is what Howard explains. Your wound is very deep. It has brought a lot of complications..."

"... gets me frustrated," Pandora mumbled. "Life's like this."

"Sometimes, life can be like this," Pan nodded. "I am glad you made it past the surgery, Pandora. Truthfully... I am not sure how I could have handled any more bad news. You may have just gotten here to the Underland, but... Pandora... you are the closest person to me. After my brother died... I..."

"I know," Pandora cut him off. She gave him a small smile. "I can get through this," she said, filling up her chest with air and letting it out in a big huff. She winced a bit as it hurt her ribs, but she tried to hide the pain. "I've just gotta keep swimming," she started out serious, but slowly melted into a bubbly song. "Just keep swimming..." she repeated the simple verse a few more times.

Pan shrugged and laid a claw on Pandora's shoulder. "Pandora. I need you to focus," she stopped her little song. "You are going to break this fever. Your health will improve. And you will leave this hospital. Can you repeat that?"

Pandora nodded and looked steely into the bat's eyes. "I'm going to break this fever. It's a super stale breadstick. And I'm going to get better. Like Britney. And I'm gonna leave this awful place."

Pan smiled at her. "That is close enough," he laughed.

"When the spear hit," Pandora asked. "it hit my lung, right? Nothing hurt when it went in my side, but I was bleeding," she added.

"Yes, it hit your lung," Pan answered with a nod.

"That's why I couldn't breathe!" Pandora exclaimed.

"Yes. Blood and air filled your chest and made your lung collapse. Luckily, they were able to stop the bleeding in surgery, and your lung stabilized and -"

"Pan!" Called Howard, standing in the doorway with a wet towel in his hands. He looked appalled; his mouth held open in surprise.

"Howard, I..."

"I told you we should not be sharing any more details with Pandora. Especially not now," Howard said with a hint of anger.

"I know, but she asked and..."

"Howard, I wanted to know!" Pandora said. "Don't color Pan red, please don't."

Howard came over and gently placed the back of a hand on Pandora's forehead. He looked at Pan as he folded the cloth. "We should not be upsetting her. She needs rest and kind words."

"Kind words?" Pandora asked. "If that's the way you want to sugar-coat it, fine. But guess what? I never liked M&M's, so the joke is on you! Do you know what that means? It means your pants are on fire!"

"How is she supposed to be resting when you have stirred her up?" Howard accused.

Both of the men in the room looked angry, but Pan held his tongue.

"If you can't say anything nice," Pandora murmured, "don't say anything at all."

"I agree," Howard replied curtly. "If you have no kind words, Pan, then I suggest you leave. Pandora needs some peace and quiet."

"I don't want peace," Pandora spat. "I'm not a hippie. I don't need flower power. Let Pan stay."

"No, Pandora. You need tranquility. And keep the cloth on your head!" Howard leaned over and moved the cloth back onto her forehead, as it had slipped off near her right ear. Out of spite, Pandora shook her head to make the cloth slide back onto the pillow. "Pandora, stop! Pan," Howard warned, raising his eyebrows towards the bat.

The bat stared daggers at Howard, but then glanced at Pandora. She watched him with wide eyes, silently begging him to stay. His face softened and, possibly thinking her fever was more important than his fight with Howard, he left the room.

"Ugh!" Pandora yelled in frustration. "You can be... you can be such a Kim Jong-un! You're so bossy!"

"Pandora," Howard warned quietly. "Keep the cloth on your head. I'd like you to finish your glass of water as well. Your body needs fluids."

"I don't need a gatekeeper, you know. This isn't Ghostbusters. I'm not Gozer," Pandora continued to accuse.

Howard gave Pandora a weird look and leaned back in his chair, the hand holding the wet cloth dropped and rested near his knee. "Drink," he said, offering her some water with his opposite hand.

Pandora took a few sips. "Look," she said afterwards. "I know this is a roller coaster ride, but..."

Howard stood up from the chair and started pacing. "Pandora, could you please settle down? Your fever is very high. I'm having a hard time understanding you. I am trying to be patient..."

"You weren't with Pan," she accused. "We're pals. I like it when he's here. You need to respect him, like how Winnie and his friends respect Eeyore." Howard stopped mid-pace, facing the opposite wall. Pandora saw his shoulders droop in defeat. "He's the Scooby-Doo to my Shaggy, not the Odie to my Garfield."

"Please, Pandora," Howard pleaded, spinning around to face her. He brought a hand up to his eye and used the bottom of his palm to wipe it, tears from the other eye streaming down his face. Pandora now realized Howard wasn't angry at her. He was scared, sad, and concerned. "Please stop and get some rest. What you are saying... it makes no sense. Please!"

Folding his other arm up and propping his elbow on it, Howard pinched the bridge of his nose and openly wept, his shoulders shaking.

"Howard," Pandora said. "I..."

"I'll be right back," he said. "I promise. I am going to get my mother and bring her in here. I need a second medical opinion." Howard opened his watery eyes and looked at Pandora. "I think you are getting worse."

"No," Pandora said. "I'm getting better. Really! I drink my water. I keep the wet thing on my head... I can scratch my own nose!" Reaching up repeatedly with both hands, Pandora alternated which hand touched her nose, to show off her dexterity. "Don't worry," she said as she held a hand out towards Howard in an attempt to hold one of his. She reached as far as the aches in her side would let her. "Don't cry... don't cry."

Instead of taking a step towards Pandora, Howard took a few steps back. Pandora furrowed her brow. As far as she was aware, she was never left alone in her room. Howard was almost always there. How could he leave her in the boring room all by herself, when she didn't even have the strength to lift an arm above her head, let alone get up? She thought the act would make her angry towards Howard, but, much to her surprise, she only got scared.

"I'll be right back," he said again. "I promise." Howard backed out of the room, turned on a heel, and swiftly made his way down the corridor and out of Pandora's view.

Pandora waited for Howard to return. She waited and waited. Pandora couldn't seem to figure out whether she was more angry at Howard than she was concerned, or more concerned than she was angry. How could he boss everyone around, including her? How could he leave her here alone? Why didn't she have the strength to lift the water glass? The walls of the hospital room were so white... didn't they ever think about redecorating? How was she supposed to feel better when everything was so... predictable? Eat this, drink some water, listen to me talk. Doctors, doctors, doctors. Pandora wished she could at least have a view of the beautiful city. She longed for a tasty plate of fish with mushrooms, a pungent yet tasty dish she loved ever since she came to the Underland. She'd kill for even Ripred's favorite, shrimp in cream sauce!

Pandora's mind was going a mile a minute. What could she give up in order to have the ability to slow down and enjoy being awake? The only respite she got was when she was asleep!

After her first trip to the Underland, Pandora was elated that she didn't have to go to the doctor's anymore. She could control her epilepsy, to an extent. They didn't seem as dangerous or as harmful to her health as they once had. No more doctors, and no more pills.

Now, here she was again... confined to a hospital bed. At least there were no itchy bandages on her head, and she didn't need CT scans. But everything else was exactly the same, right down to the white walls and lumpy mattress.

Pandora was aware of how fast her mind was racing again... perhaps Howard was right. Maybe she was getting worse. The fevers were uncomfortable, to say the least. She was hot one minute, and then freezing cold the next. Sometimes, Pandora couldn't make up her mind.

Pandora soon got bored of her own thoughts, and her eyes started to get heavy. Howard wasn't back yet. Had he been gone so long before? She tried to stay awake until he returned, but she finally got so sleepy that she could no longer fight it. Maybe... he wasn't coming back at all...



"Hey Mareth," Gregor greeted. "It's good to see you here, instead of in the war room."

"Ah, Gregor," Mareth greeted after swallowing a bite of his food. He gestured for him to take a seat. "Yes, it is sweet relief to not need to seek council from that room."

"You must be sick of it, huh?"

"Well, Pandora gave it a bit of scenery change for a while there," Mareth joked. "But yes, I was not fond of being in there so often."

"Scenery?" Gregor asked, confused.

Mareth put another piece of steak in his mouth. "Oh, it's a story all its own," he dismissed a further explanation.

Gregor leaned forward and laid his forearms on his knees, intertwining his fingers in front of him. "Remember when we were talking, and you... uh... mentioned you were looking for some people to help rebuild the Fount?" He looked up to see Mareth had taken another bite of his food. He sure was eating heartily. "Oh, I'm sorry," he apologized. "I can come by later when you're done eating."

Mareth shook his head, chewed, and swallowed. "No, Gregor. I am quite excited at the prospect. I had hoped you showed some interest."

"Vikus told me about it. At first, I wasn't sure if I was gonna stay in the Underland," Gregor said. "But now... now I'm thinking I'm where I belong. And if I can steer clear of the warrior title, that would be a huge bonus."

Mareth nodded while cutting off another bite-sized piece of his meal. "I know you are not fond of Sandwich's choice of name. If he knew you better, I am sure he would have thought of something different," he said earnestly. "As far as an official position within the Regalian army is concerned, we are in need of someone with your experience, skill, and attitude."

"What position do you think would be best for me?" Gregor asked. He hoped Mareth wouldn't give him one which made him kill more. He was already a rager, a natural-born killer. He didn't want to fight if he could avoid it, but a position in the Regalian army? It sounded a lot like he would be expected to go to battle. Gregor had a feeling in the pit of his stomach, however, that told him to trust Mareth.

"As Vikus has said, we are planning on rebuilding the Fount. We have chosen to create a new title to spearhead the effort. How would you feel about being appointed to the position of Ambassador to the Fount's Defense?"

"Ambassador to what now?"

"It is a long name, I know. Perhaps we could shorten it over time."

"What would you have me do?" Gregor asked. "I mean... what are the responsibilities?"

"You would have the authority, direction, and control over the rebuilding project, and afterwards, would be responsible for the upkeep of the Fount's army and ensuring the Fount is defended and safe from any threats."

"That sounds a lot like York's job. Isn't he the leader of the Fount?"

"He is," Mareth nodded. He pushed the remaining bites of food into a pile on the middle of his plate and used his knife to help get it all onto his fork. "And he will remain as such. He has many responsibilities of his own and having someone he can trust who can help lighten his load, especially when the Fount is in need of help, would lift a great burden off his back."

"If I accepted, would that mean I would have to move the Fount? Could I still come to Regalia?"

"Oh, yes. Of course. You would be an ambassador, which means your position is formally with the Regalian army. You would need to be here at the palace frequently. You would need to report back to Queen Luxa on all developments and could also take advantage of council provided by Vikus and myself." When Gregor heard he would have to come to Regalia often and see Luxa, he knew Mareth saw he piqued his interest. Mareth gave a knowing smile. "I feel you are thinking you would be proud to be a part of this mission."

Gregor smiled back. "You're right. It sounds really great!"

Mareth moved his plate and utensils off his lap, grabbed his crutch, and stood from the couch. Gregor followed suit. "Well, Gregor. Do you accept the position?"

Gregor stood up just a little straighter, pleased with himself for getting to this point. All the decisions he had made throughout his time in the Underland... who knew it would have led him here? Every time he chose not to fight, he felt it took him one step closer to this. He had no idea it was a goal he wanted to accomplish in life, but at that moment, he knew it was something important and valuable. He hoped his parents would be proud!

Giving a curt nod, Gregor responded to Mareth confidently with a huge grin spread across his face. "Yes. I would be honored to be the Ambassador to the Fount's Defense."

By the time Gregor and Mareth had finished talking, the palace had grown silent. It was almost eerie, Gregor thought. He knew there were still so many people taking refuge inside. For them to all be sleeping, or just sitting quietly in their rooms, was strange.

Gregor couldn't possibly go back to his own room and sleep. He was too wound up. He had something to do... somewhere to be! He had a role in the Underland that didn't include holding a sword in his hand.

He walked down the nearest stairwell feeling rather optimistic. His feet led him to the hospital floor, which still had doctors and nurses bustling about.

When Gregor entered Pandora's room, Susannah was sitting next to her running a comb through Pandora's freshly washed hair. She opened her eyes and her smile grew wider when she saw Gregor standing at the foot of her bed.

"Hi," Gregor said to them both.

"Hello, Gregor," Susannah said warmly.

"How're you feeling?" Gregor asked Pandora.

"I'm ok," she sighed. "Susannah says the... the... what did you say?"

"The stitches are healing," the older woman said patiently.

"They're healing," Pandora said matter-of-factly.

"And the inflammation is going down."

"Hopefully my fever will too," Pandora finished.

"Well that's good," Gregor said with a nod.

"I hope it's soon. I scared Howard away with my words."

"You scared him away?"

"He didn't like how I was talking," Pandora said, the smile slowly fading until she was frowning. Her face had become so much bonier that Gregor grew concerned. It was more apparent when she wasn't smiling.

"It takes a lot to scare Howard," Gregor said. "He's one of the strongest guys I know. What did you say?"

"He doesn't like Scooby-Doo. Or Garfield."

"Howard doesn't know who Scooby-Doo is," Gregor told her.

Realization lit up Pandora's face. "You're right! I forgot. They don't get TV down here."

"Where's he now?"

"Solving a mystery right now, I guess," Pandora shrugged.

"No," Gregor said with a smile. "I meant Howard."

"Oh," Pandora said. She shook her head. "I get confused so easily."

"It is alright, Pandora. Your mind will start to clear itself with time," Susannah said gently. "Howard is sleeping. I made him leave the hospital to rest on a real bed, so I am caring for Pandora in his absence."

"And now I'm clean!" Pandora seemed to be much more comfortable. Sure, the nurses changed her sheets and clothes every time they changed her bandage, but Gregor understood Pandora's feeling of finally getting to take a bath.

"A nice, cold bath can do a lot of good," Susannah said as she put down the brush.

"Hopefully, when Howard gets back, he won't feel so scared."

"Here, Pandora, take some of this," Susannah directed, holding a small bottle up to her lips. She took a few sips without putting up a fuss, even though Gregor could tell it didn't taste very good. "Nerissa told me she was still having many dreams. Perhaps with this, she will get some better rest."

As they talked, Pandora's eyelids started to droop. "I wish Howard was here," she said dreamily. "He always holds my hand when I'm trying to sleep."

"I'm sure he misses you, too," Gregor said quietly. Knowing it was his cue to leave, he backed up towards the door.

"Yeah... I bet he does..."

"You love him, don't you?"

Pandora opened her eyes groggily and looked at Gregor. A drowsy smile appeared on her face, and then she softly started to sing. "I say I'll care forever, and I mean forever, if I have to hold up the sky... crazy he calls me... sure I'm crazy... crazy in love am I..." Pandora closed her eyes, Susannah stroked her hair, and Gregor could tell she had fallen asleep.

Gregor must have looked confused because Susannah said, "her fever may affect the words she chooses, but it cannot affect her feelings." She looked down and smiled at the woman she was caring for.

"Have a good night, Susannah," Gregor said with a smile and a nod. He swept out of the room and headed back up towards his own. He had a good feeling that when Pandora woke up, her fevers would be behind her.



"How is she?"

Pandora awoke to the sound of hushed voices in her room. That's right. She was still in the hospital. She wasn't even sure how long she had been there. All she knew was she wasn't better yet. In fact, most days she could hardly move. All her body could do was heal. Any other function was second priority.

Awakening felt like Deja-vu. Pandora had the same thoughts over and over again. Where was she? What happened? Why did she ache? Realization would come to her every time. And every time, she was disappointed.

Ripred had entered the room and was talking to Howard. He had remained diligently by her side, almost there all the time. He seemed to always be available when anyone had any questions. Oh yeah, Pandora remembered. She had seen him leave once. He had been gone for a while, at least that's what Pandora thought. But he was back now.

"Currently? Fine. She's resting," Howard answered. He seemed really tired, as if he had answered the same question a thousand times before. "The wound has left her very weak and prone to infection. She's had three bad fevers so far. She could develop another at any time, if the infection hasn't run its course yet."

She could hear Howard sit in the chair beside her. His warm fingers touched her hand. She liked when he intertwined his fingers with hers. It gave her some comfort, especially when she was too tired to even open her eyes.

Was she half-asleep? Or was she fully awake and cognizant of the conversation? She couldn't tell why she wasn't able to lift a finger. Either her body hadn't caught up to her brain yet, or she was too weak to even twitch a muscle.

At this point, she didn't really care. Howard was taking good care of her. She wasn't hungry or thirsty, albeit a little uncomfortable. Pandora put more blame on her injury than anything else. Howard tried his best to make her as comfy as he could, even if it meant a little white lie now and again.

Lies? Oh yes, Pandora thought. She knew Howard would do that often. He refused to bring up the truth, no matter how many questions Pandora asked. She remembered... he had left the room the last time Pandora saw him. He was upset, thinking she wasn't getting better. He said he was getting his mom. Had Susannah dosed her with something that made her so tired she could barely move?

"How many times has she been on Death's doorstep?" Ripred asked.

Howard was silent for a moment before answering in an even quieter tone. "Four."

"And you've been here the entire time, haven't you?"

"Yes. How could I just leave her? She needs me now more than ever."

"What she needs is advanced medical attention. Howard, has it crossed your mind that Pandora might stand the best chance if she were at a hospital in the Overland?"

"It has. And how, Ripred, would we transport her there?" Howard's tone grew more scathing as he continued to talk. "Look at her. She is in no condition to travel. And suppose we do get to an Overland hospital. What would we tell the doctors? Would we say the whole truth? Or would we stop after we mention she was stabbed with a spear?"

"Look at her, Howard. Wouldn't you want her to have the best chance to make it through this?"

"Of course, I do," Howard unclasped Pandora's hand and she could hear him stand up. "I haven't left her side to ensure she has the best chance."

"I could tell you haven't left this room from the moment I stepped foot on this floor. How are you supposed to take care of Pandora when you can't even take care of yourself? When have you bathed last?"

"None of that matters. Not right now. I need to be here no matter the consequences, and if you believe you can come in here and tell me what I should be doing without even taking my choices into consideration, then you must not know me very well." Pandora could hear Howard sit back down. The dark conversation wormed its way into Pandora's heart. How could they be such opposites? Who was right? Was there a right choice? Pandora didn't know. It seemed all she knew at the moment was sleeping. "I want you to leave."

"Take a good look at her Howard. Right now. Her complexion is almost as white as yours. Her eyes are sunken. Her muscle mass is dismal. When was the last time you've seen her awake and lucid?" Pandora couldn't even remember herself. Was she awake right now? Maybe this wasn't even reality. It could very well be another fever dream. "What color are her eyes? As vibrant as they once were, or are her hazel eyes turning grey? She is an Overlander, Howard. Her body craves the sun. Wouldn't her health improve with some fresh air? I've told you this before, and I'm reminding you now. If you truly love her Howard, you would let her go back."

Ripred's words both stung and resonated within Pandora. Did she really look that awful? She knew Ripred was always blunt and loved people by telling them what was on his mind rather than coddle them. Tears welled up underneath her eyelids, and she could feel a hot tear grow colder as it rolled its way out of her eye, over the bridge of her nose, and down towards her temple.

"Look what you are doing," Howard said. His words remained quiet but his tone wasn't short of scary. "I told you to leave. Look! You're upsetting her. How is she supposed to heal when you come in here and question the decisions of my care? Have you forgotten which one of us has studied medicine?"

"How do you know that tear was meant for my words?" Ripred replied softly. Howard didn't answer. "Which argument do you think Pandora agrees with?"

"Ummm..." came another voice. It sounded to be coming from the doorway. "Normally I wouldn't get involved in your affairs, but both of you need to leave," Pan said. "Do not make me repeat it. You would not like that."

"No problem," Ripred said. "We were both leaving."

"No. You are leaving," Howard said. "I must stay right here, thank you."

"This is actually perfect timing, Pan." Ripred said. "You can keep an eye on the girl while I take Smelly to someplace that is long overdue."

"Ripred," Howard warned. "No!"

Pandora heard a scuffle ensue; the sound of someone struggling moved towards the door. She could hear Howard arguing in hushed tones the entire time. After just a moment, the room was silent.

"Do not worry, Pandora," Pan said in a kind tone. In just an instant, Pandora stopped wondering what could have transpired in between Howard and Ripred that caused them both to leave the room. "Sleep sweet and gain some strength back."

Pandora's body relaxed. The pain in her stomach didn't seem to go away but was stifled by the sudden drowsiness that overcame her. Quickly, Pandora became perfectly comfortable.

Pan pulled her blanket up close to her chin and tucked it in slightly on both sides, careful to stop just under her shoulders to avoid her chest. "You will be better soon. I promise."

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