Chapter 5

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"Oh! The journal! I need my journal," Pandora said, handing the bright yellow backpack to Howard and walking back to her bedroom. She picked up the book from her nightstand and then yanked a few pages off the wall, tape and all, and shoved them in between two pages of the journal.

Howard unzipped the main pouch of the bag and held it open for Pandora to put the book inside.

"You have flashlights, right?" Rose asked again, shuffling up to the front door and wringing her hands. Pandora couldn't tell if she was worried or just experiencing pain from her arthritis. Perhaps both.

"Yes, of course," Pandora said.

"And extra batteries?"

"Yep. I have those, too."

"What about some snacks? A bottle of water? Your pocketknife? Clean underwear?"

"Rose, I've got everything I need. Don't worry!" Pandora gave Rose a final hug, holding her close for several seconds before letting go.

"I love you, dear," Rose said in a tight voice. When Pandora pulled away, there were tears threatening to run down Rose's face.

"I love you, too. Now don't cry! You'll make me cry!" Pandora was already crying and she laughed through the tears.

"I know you're in good hands," Rose said, looking over at Howard. He smiled. "And I'll start writing ASAP!"

"I know Stanley will look after you," Pandora replied. "He's a wonderful man."

"Now you go! You've got important things to do! Heck, you have a civilization to save! Why are you still farting around with an old woman like me? Go!"

Smiling and wiping tears off her cheeks, Pandora walked out into the hall, followed by Howard. "Rose, if Damien ever comes back, I want you to call the cops. He's dangerous. I don't want him near you."

"Darling, don't worry. I can handle him. Go on now!" Rose waved for them to walk to the stairs. "Good luck!"

"Goodbye, Rose," Pandora said quietly. As she walked to the stairs, she looked down at the floor, wondering if that was the final time she would see the woman's smiling face. Rose was practically family; the only family Pandora had known for quite some time.

Howard and Pandora descended the first flight of stairs in silence. Pandora wiped her cheeks again with the back of her hand, taking deep breaths to stop the flow of tears.

On the next landing, Howard reached over and laced his fingers in between Pandora's. The gesture made her feel better. She was leaving Rose, but at least she would be with others that she knew loved her. He gave her a reassuring smile, and she smiled back. His thoughtfulness made Pandora calmer. His gentleness lessened her fear. She could go back to Regalia! She could do this!

As they walked into the basement, Howard spoke up. "I've been meaning to ask you. What are these?" He pointed at the rows of washing machines and dryers.

"They wash clothes. There's a hose underneath them that feeds the tub with water. You add the soap and it cleans everything. When you take the clothes out, you put them in these," Pandora gestured to the dryers. "They spin the clothes around really fast and dry them out."

"I cannot help but notice... the Overlanders obsess over saving time. A machine does this. Technology does that. Shall we take the subway? No, the taxi is faster."

Pandora smiled. Howard was a fast learner for someone who spent only one day in a new place. Technically, he had only experienced a small sliver of what the Overland had to offer. Although Pandora did take him out of the apartment and showed him a few things, they didn't go far and they didn't stay out too late.

Pandora and Howard had taken a taxi to Central Park and walked among the trees. Then they ate pizza and ice cream. After a short walk downtown to see all the flashing lights, they took the subway back to the nearest station to Pandora's apartment.

"Yeah, us Overlanders do obsess over time. When is the movie? We're running late! How long would it take my computer to get fixed? What time is it? But," Pandora paused as she proposed a counter-argument. "the Underlanders are also obsessed with time. Do you realize how often you talk about living in regards to time?"

Howard nodded. "You're right. I suppose it is one thing we both have in common. We have one life to live and want to spend as much time as possible where it counts."

"In the Overland, we would have just summed up what you said by saying 'YOLO.'"

"Saying what?"

"YOLO – you only live once," Pandora counted the words on her hand. "It's basically an excuse for going out and doing something reckless and wild."

"Reckless and wild," Howard said with a grin, "or memorable and invigorating?"

Pandora smiled. "You're starting to think like an Overland teenager. I'd stop while you're ahead!"

Pandora didn't realize how close they had gotten to the back of the basement. Her mood suddenly turned for the worse as she stared at the ominous air conditioning grate. Howard hurried forward and leaned down next to it.

"Nike?" he called down. Pandora got onto her hands and knees on the other side of the grate.

"I am here," a gentle voice answered somewhere in the darkness.

Howard turned to Pandora. "Ladies first." He gestured for her to climb through.

"No, you go first," she insisted. She was nervous about plunging into the pitch-black hole. The last time she was in it, she fell forever. It must have been the deepest pit in history.

"Nike is right there. If you get on first, I can sit behind you," Howard assured her.

"Okay," she said nervously. She slid over to the hole and sat with her feet dangling down into the blackness. "You sure?"

"One hundred percent," Howard said confidently. "Nike will not let you fall."

Pandora decided to stop hesitating and just go for it. She slid closer to the opening and then let go of the sides. Nike caught her almost immediately.

"Greetings!" the bat cried cheerfully.

"Hello, Nike. How are you?"

"I am doing wonderfully. However, I fear someone may have noticed my absence in Regalia. They have already noticed Howard's. We must get back as soon as possible."

"Don't worry. Howard will be down soon."

As soon as she finished her sentence, Howard plopped down behind her. He scooted forward and laced his arms around Pandora's waist. His touch sent shockwaves up Pandora's spine. She hoped he didn't feel her shiver.

"Without a moment's delay," Nike said pleasantly, commending Howard's speedy arrival. She immediately went into a dive, gently leveling out after a minute and then landing on the stone floor. After squeezing through a narrow hole in the side of the tunnel, they climbed back on Nike and began their journey back to Regalia.

As soon as the city's lights came into view, Howard asked, "Nike, are you able to go to the secret entrance?"

"They already know you are gone, Howard," Nike answered, in favor of landing in the more convenient High Hall.

"I know," Howard said. "However, I do not want to announce our arrival."

"Yeah," Pandora said dejectedly. "We might get some dirty looks once people see me."

"No, it is not that," Howard said reassuringly. "Nike and I might be in for mighty harsh consequences for running off."

"Princess of the Fliers running off without a single word? I'm in for a mouthful from my mother!" Nike exclaimed.

"And we all know Luxa's temper," Howard said.

Nike had already altered her course, flying low outside of Regalia's wall and landing in a secluded area next to a lake. Pandora was greeted by a giant, smiling turtle face. "Oh, I see. This is the entrance into the old nursery. The one Nerissa told me about."

"Yes," Howard affirmed. He touched a secret panel, making the mouth of the turtle open wider to reveal a narrow passage with steep stairs. "Let's start climbing." He didn't sound very enthusiastic. "I apologize in advance if I have to stop for several small breaks. I'm still recovering."

"You don't have to apologize," Pandora said with a smile, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I might be grateful for a few breaks!" Nike said merrily. "Little bat legs are not that adept at ascending many stairs."

Pandora quickly began to feel sorry for Howard, who was having the most difficulty climbing. She took the backpack from him, lightening his load. After about the third break, she opened one of the bottles of water she had carefully packed. Howard had refused it at first, but Pandora was able to coerce him into accepting a few sips. It helped.

After what had seemed to be half an hour of climbing, they came upon the second turtle head.

"Not a moment too soon," Nike huffed gratefully.

Howard opened the turtle's mouth and they entered the strange, abandoned nursery. After glancing at the children's rhymes carved into the wall and remembering Sandwich, Pandora made it to the opening that led to one of many hallways in the palace.

"The coast is clear," Pandora whispered, feeling like a spy in an adventure movie as she glanced out into the hall to make sure no one was there.

"Now to find Vikus," Howard said, stopping right next to her.

"Why Vikus?"

Howard shrugged and raised his eyebrows. "He is the most forgiving."

Pandora nodded her head. "That's true. Let's go."

"He would most likely be on the upper levels of the palace," Nike said, following behind them as they entered the hallway and into the first stairwell they saw.

"Wonderful," Howard said miserably. "More stairs."

"At least these are shorter," Nike said.

"Remember to keep an eye out for Luxa," Howard said.

"Yes," Nike replied. "We do not want her finding us first!"

They snaked their way through hallway after hallway. Many servants saw them, but they didn't say a thing. Most of them were too preoccupied with a task to care. Howard was right – the Underland was ablaze with activity since Gregor's arrival. Pandora lost count of how many times she heard someone say "the warrior."

They ascended one more level, now one away from the top. "He must be around here," Howard said.

"I think I hear Ripred behind us!" Nike said nervously. "Down the hallway on the right!"

They picked up the pace and turned a corner. Just as Pandora entered the new section of hallway, Howard gasped as he saw a group of Underlanders conversing up ahead. "Get back! Get back," he hissed. He turned about-face so fast his foot slid on the floor. He inadvertently pushed Pandora by her shoulders, and she back-pedaled.

"What? Is Luxa with them?" Pandora whispered.

"No," Howard said in a panicked voice. "Just..."

"Howard!" A boisterous voice boomed.

Howard winced, obviously hoping that whoever just called out to him didn't notice he was there. He painted a happy expression on his face and walked back out into the hallway, arms extended. "Father! I was not expecting to see you here!"

"But of course! You wouldn't expect your mother to come here alone, would you?"

Pandora peeked around the corner to see Howard approaching a very tall and muscular man. As they embraced, Pandora couldn't help but think how dwarfish Howard looked compared to his father.

"What are you doing on this level? I thought you were working down in the hospital."

"I was..." Howard started, reaching a hand back to scratch his neck. "but I... I uh..."

"And who is this?" Howard's father turned to look at Pandora, who had stepped out fully into the hallway.

"Oh, forgive me. I did not introduce you!" Howard seemed relieved that he didn't have to give an explanation why he wasn't in the hospital. "This is Pandora. Pandora, this is my father."

"York!" Howard's father said, extending a hand. Although his voice sounded cheerful, the look on his face was somewhere between disgusted and hostile.

"Nice to meet you, York," Pandora said with the biggest smile she could muster. Her cheeks became hot, and she knew her face would be a bright pink in a matter of moments. She shook his hand, forgetting how it felt when people heard her name and reacted negatively to it. At least now she knew why, and she knew Howard's dad York had most certainly become acquainted with Howard's old bond by the same name.

It made the greeting almost unbearable.

"Pan?" Pandora called, glancing down the hallway at a bat with a dark sandpaper coat. He turned around. "Pan!" After quickly, but politely, excusing herself from her previous, and agonizing, conversation with York, she ran over to greet him. Nike was right, Ripred was walking up the hallway with a group of others, including Pan, Mareth, and Perdita.

"You are here!" Pan exclaimed, a huge smile on his face. "I am so glad!" As far as Pandora could tell, he had healed from his injuries completely. There wasn't any lasting damage done to his ear or wing from the cutters, nor was his throat scratchy from the cries he had made.

"I missed you," Pandora said.

"And I you," Pan replied. "You know, I volunteered sometimes to deliver mail to you!"

"You did?" Pandora asked with a smile. Pan nodded vigorously.

"Overlander," Ripred greeted her with a nod. "You missed quite an ordeal yesterday."

"I've heard," Pandora said, giving him a small wave to return his greeting.

"Hello, Pandora," Mareth said with a friendly smile. Perdita also welcomed her.

"Are you coming?" Pan asked.

"Coming where?"

"To the war meeting," he responded.

Ripred answered for her. "Yes. Luxa will probably want a word with you."

Pandora shrugged. "Looks like I'm going."

Howard touched her on the shoulder. "My father and I are going to find Vikus."

"Okay," Pandora said. "I'll see you later. And thank you for bringing me back. I'm sorry you'll probably get in trouble for it!"

He gave her a small smile. "I had to do it." He crossed his fingers and made a face that seemed to say, "Hopefully Luxa isn't with Vikus. She's going to chew me out!"

Pandora walked with the group and it wasn't long before they entered the war room. It was a room Pandora remembered very well, although she had only been in it a few times. There was a huge map on one wall, newly repainted. There was also a long conference table, able to seat many people.

Two bats that Pandora had not seen before were already in the room. One came over as soon as they walked in. His eyes were locked onto Pan, and he had a mischievous smile on his face.

The bat was a beautiful rusty orange, with tan tufts of hair in his ears and on his belly. "Pan," he called. "I wasn't expecting to see you here!"

"Hello, Cleon," Pan said with little enthusiasm. Cleon was a head taller than Pan, with a wingspan much larger. "This is my friend, Pandora. Pandora, meet my brother, Cleon."

"Greetings, Overlander," Cleon said. His smile seemed too big for his face, as if he was keeping a huge, juicy secret to himself even though he wanted to scream it to the world.

"Hi, Cleon," Pandora said. "Pan never mentioned he had a brother."

"Never? Oh, I am hurt, Pan!" Cleon clutched his chest with one claw overdramatically. "And to think he has told me so much about you. What a shame." He shook his head and frowned, but instantly perked up as he changed the subject. "So, did you both come to see me in action?"

"What?" Pandora asked, unsure of what Cleon meant by 'action.'

"Are you attending the meeting to watch me work? You see, Pandora, I am General Eurymedon's apprentice," he clarified with a flourish. "He's asked me to start the meeting."

"Did he now?" Pan said, becoming intrigued. "What an honor."

"Oh, yes. Very honorable. Not bad for your younger brother, eh?"

"Not bad at all," Pan said with a small chuckle. "Tell me, Cleon... are you nervous?"

"Nervous? Why of course not! I am fully prepared. Eurymedon trained me well."

"How long have you been his apprentice again?" Pan asked.

"A year and a half, Pan. You should know!"

"Yes, I should. Considering it is all you talk about."

"That's not all I talk about. Remember when I won the tournament last year?"

"How could I forget that?"

"It's coming around again. I've been talking about that, too."

"That you have," Pan affirmed. "You have been practicing, haven't you?"

"Almost every night. Once training with Eurymedon has ended," Cleon said with a smile.

"My, my, brother! You certainly are busy!"

"Yes," Cleon said slowly. "But busy means success."

"I sure hope you aren't wearing yourself out."

"I... I am not..."

"I would hate to see you lose the tournament due to exhaustion. What a way to misplace your title!"

"Nonsense!" Cleon said with a chuckle, although he sounded unsure of himself. His large smile slowly turned into a frown. "I sleep well enough."

"I hear you talk in your sleep sometimes. You should talk to a doctor about some medicine to calm down," Pan said slowly and calmly, his voice thick with concern. Cleon started shuffling in place. "You incessantly repeat that you can't keep up with your training much longer. That your apprenticeship is becoming much harder than you thought."

"Stop it, Pan!" He cried. "I know what you are doing! I've told you not to do that to me! Just because it's your only talent doesn't mean you can use it on your brother! I'm sick of it."

"I'll stop," Pan said agreeably. He walked over to the table to sit down; Pandora followed him. "Good luck during the meeting, brother."

Cleon gave him a nasty look and said confidently, "I don't need luck. I've been trained by the best." As he walked away, however, he fluttered his wings nervously.

Pandora looked over to see Pan chuckling to himself. "Do you do that often?" Pandora asked. She couldn't help but smile, too. Cleon seemed very different from Pan. He was bigger, of course, but also much more sure of himself and a bit of a braggart.

"Quite often, since I discovered how. Sometimes he doesn't even know!"

"Well he's catching on now," Pandora warned.

"Don't worry. I've had my fun," he tried to hide his smile and adopted a more serious expression.


Gregor was with Luxa and Vikus when Howard and his father came up to them. By the look on York's face, Gregor didn't think he realized that Howard had left.

Luxa stomped up to him right away. Howard pulled up a hand to keep her at bay. "I want to talk to Vikus," he told her.

"How dare you!" Luxa yelled. "That was a most thoughtless action! I'd expect something like that from my other cousin, Howard, but not you!"

"Enough, Luxa," Vikus said. "Let him explain his whereabouts."

"Howard," York said in a dangerous tone. "What is this all about?" Vikus put a hand on his arm as a sign to calm down and let Howard talk.

"Regalia was in chaos yesterday. We needed someone else to restore the calm. Pandora can help. She has helped us before. We need her again, so I went up and asked her to return."

"Wait, wait, wait," Gregor chimed in. "You mean you actually climbed out of the Underland? Into New York City?"

"Yes," Howard nodded. Gregor rose his eyebrows, impressed by Howard's bravery. It must have been a culture shock to Howard, similar to how the Underland was to Gregor.

"You... You what?" York was so angry he had trouble forming a sentence. His face instantly got red and his large hands turned to fists at his sides. "You went up there?"

"What if someone saw you? An Overlander?" Luxa yelled, fuming. "Or worse! What if the cutters got word of this?"

York added to the barrage of chastisement aimed at Howard. "The cutters know so many of our moves as of late, it surprises me they haven't taken advantage of it yet!"

"How could you decide to do this?" Luxa added.

"Luxa," Howard said. "Can we please put this behind us? What's done is done. She is here. I wasn't spotted."

"They have most likely started the meeting without us," Vikus said quietly to Gregor.

"Meeting?" Gregor asked.

"War meeting," Vikus elaborated. Gregor inwardly groaned. He had enough talk about war! He didn't come here to fight! He wished the Underlanders could understand. Even the argument in front of him made Gregor stand on edge. He hated any kind of fighting.

As Luxa's, York's, and Howard's argument became more heated, Gregor intervened. "Okay! Howard, you shouldn't have done that. Just do what you're supposed to do from now on. Luxa, York, its water under the bridge. Let it go, just this once. Alright?" Howard and Luxa nodded, but York refused to accept Gregor's suggestions.

Vikus held up a hand and York went silent. "You should get back to the hospital," Vikus suggested to Howard. "Your mother has been looking for you."

"I shall see you all another time," Howard said as he left. "And Gregor, it is nice to see you again."

"Will we see you both in the meeting?" Vikus asked Luxa and York.

"Eventually," Luxa spat as she walked away. York's reply wasn't much nicer, but he agreed to be in the war room in a few minutes. Gregor and Vikus walked together.

As they approached the entrance to the war room, the pair discovered Luxa making her way over from the other side of the hallway. Gregor held the curtain aside so she and Vikus could enter.

At the sight of the queen, the rust and tan-colored bat at the front of the room paused and gave a little bow.

"Oh, your Highness," he said. "You are just in time."

Gregor scanned the room and saw Mareth, a couple bats, and an Overlander woman sitting at the table. They had all turned to see them enter, and the woman gave him a smile and a small wave. She must have been Pandora, the girl everyone was talking about.

He raised a hand in greeting and tried to give her a smile back, but it must've looked pretty weak. He just wasn't in the best of moods. They all sat at the far end of the table and the young bat continued with his introductions and opening statements. Gregor's eyes glazed over and he played with his hands in his lap, hoping the meeting wouldn't last long.

"Thank you all for agreeing to attend this last-minute conference," Luxa said as she stood and made her way to the front of the room. "And thank you Cleon for the opening remarks. Without further ado, General Eurymedon and I will go over our plan to defend Regalia."

The older bat Gregor did not know stood up and joined Luxa at the front of the room. He was obviously much older than the other two, his dark brown fur speckled with light gray hairs. General Eurymedon had an aura of professionalism, his wings pinned at his sides with military precision and his head held high.

"There are two main points of the city to defend, which are our weak points," Luxa stated. "The openings to the arena and the gates of the city in the farmlands."

"With the influx of allies at our disposal," Eurymedon added, "Luxa and I have developed a unique placement of ranks."

"Hang on," Gregor interrupted, raising a hand. What Eurymedon said really pushed Gregor's buttons and he just couldn't let the bat continue. Everyone averted their eyes from the front of the room to look at him.

The flyer general looked angered at the interruption. "What is it, Gregor?" Luxa asked.

"You make it seem like our allies don't matter," he said. "At your disposal? They're here to help you!" He took his raised hand and jabbed a finger towards Luxa. "They're defending your city for you!"

"Gregor, please..." Luxa started, but Gregor cut her off.

"And you're one to talk, general!" Gregor shouted, his fiery gaze drifting to the older bat. His outstretched finger moved to point at Eurymedon. "Aren't you also an ally of the Regalians? Why do you talk about the others like that? That kind of talk is what helped spark the last war!" His voice became gruff and his actions became aggressive. His hand dropped down in a fist and slammed against the table.

"Don't you talk to me that way, boy!" The general spat. His voice got so loud and harsh Gregor saw Pandora cringe. Gregor could feel how drastically different the mood in the room felt. "I was present for that war much longer than you were!"

Gregor shot out of his chair and it toppled over behind him. "Then why didn't you learn anything from it!" The younger bats' ears were pressed to the sides of their heads. They were cringing away from him as well.

"This type of disrespect will not be tolerated, Overlander!" Eurymedon continued in his very intimidating voice. Gregor gripped both hands on the table and closed his eyes tightly. It was happening again... his rager side was bubbling up. He hoped the tunneling vision would go away if he kept his eyes closed. He could hear the beating of his heart in his ears and it threw off his echolocation. How could he stop it? General Eurymedon was such a jerk! He deserved to be punched right in his stupid, high-strung jaw!

"Gregor," he could hear Vikus say calmly. The older man must have stood and walked closer to him. "Please sit down."

Gregor could feel something touch his shoulder close to his neck. Oh no, there was no way he was going to let anyone near that. He was so exposed! One little nick, and he could bleed out right there on the palace floor.

Gregor shrank back, turning sideways to distance himself away from his attacker. He swung his right hand straight up from the table, opened his eyes just in time to aim his open hand at his target, and didn't hold back.

Vikus staggered sideways as he tried to regain his balance, a hand coming up to hold the side of his head. Gregor could hear several people in the room cry out in horrified surprise.

Gregor took a step back, the shock pulling the rager sensation back from the front of his mind. He couldn't believe it. What had he just done?

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