I Got Tagged

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Hi. Apparently Annabeth02 tagged me, and no, I didn't just tag her back, just saying who tagged me.

1. My nickname is, well, only one of my friends call me this, but it's the closest to a nickname. I'm kittymon.

2. My eyes are green.

3. My hair color is (unfortunately) redish brown with white highlights, not black.😢

4. I'm double jointed.

5. My favorite color is blue (go figure)

6. My favorite place is Key West.

7. My favorite celebrity is Tom Holland. I think. I like any Marvel actor.

8. My favorite animals are horses, dolphins, and dogs.

9. My favorite song of all time is Song of the Lonely Mountain, but almost no one knows what I'm talking about, so if you do, good for you!

10. Argh! Why favorite book! I love all books that are fiction. Although, I do want to tell you about this one book series that almost no one has heard of and it's AmaZhang, and a bit dark. The first one is called Silethiel, I probably spelled that wrong, and the second one is The Speaker. It's worth a look.

Sorry, now my tags:

I think that's the right amount, right? Anyway, you've been tagged! And I don't know if I did that right, but it's good enough.

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