No Idea Who They're Talking About

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Luxa POV

That was interesting and all, but why would they suddenly tell us? And what was that note? Annabeth told me nothing.

"Guys! We're having another meeting!" Thalia called. She sat down as people trickled over and formed a circle.

"Not as good as the ping pong table and cheese whiz," Annabeth whispered to Percy. I am totally confused now. What's a ping pong table and cheese whiz?

"Where are we going, anyway?" Hazel asked. She was playing with her emerald, her golden eyes looking over the green jem.

"We're heading to the Dead Lands, that's where all the baddies have been before," I replied. I know "baddies" is out of character for me, but Gregor taught me some words that I plan on using more often. Gregor gasps, and Ripred looks up, finally interested in what is going on. The other Overlanders look confused.

"What's in the Dead Lands?" Percy inquires, only to be hit over the head by the ever gracious Annabeth. "What?" Percy whined, rubbing his head.

"Isn't it obvious? Dead Lands? As in, Dead? I have a feeling that isn't because of... Her dying," Annabeth voice lowered as she uttered "her". Huh. They have some odd acquaintances.

"Well? Are we leaving or not?" Ripred, the ever patient rat, said.

"We're going, come on Aurora," I yell the last part, all the bats had flown off to hunt. When she got back, I climbed on, checked to make sure everyone was on their various rides, and flew off.

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