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Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 1

Papyrus did what he tries but his 'first impression' was a bit 'EXPLOSING', i think Undyne didnt caught Papyrus fast enough.

And when you are in the city with one of the biggest Military Training Area in the whole country they sent mt. Ebott aka. mt. Erciyes a squad. But when they saw two humans with Dreemurrs, they calmed down .

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 2

Politicians came to Kayseri to meet The King Fluffybones himself.

They were pawn politicans but politicans.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 3 

Asgore showed power and kindness of the monsters.

I think we gained their focus.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 4  

I started tests with SOULs with KINDNESS SOUL in TRUE LAB.

I choosed KINDNESS first because he can heal himself with his magic.

And politicans went back to Capital.

I hope they will tell President good things.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 5 

I completed tests of GREEN SOUL. 

I and Alphys started construction of GREEN Android.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 6 

We sucseeded reconstructing GREEN's body. 

He can help us with his healling magic.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 7 

We choose VIOLET SOUL aka. PERSEVENCE to make her android body next.

She is smart, she can help Dreemurrs.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 8

Dreemurrs called us to visit the CORE.

CORE can withstand Lava and create electrical energy from its heat and magic.

Yes, mt Erciyes creates magic.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 9

This time a ROOK politican came. 

We showed him THE CORE.

He looked Amazed.

i wish you could see his face.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 10

Toriel opened a M.H. school to overworld

What is M.H.? its Monster-Humans school.

Toriel always wanted to be a teacher

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 11

It seems like ROOK impressed enough

Next time i will drink a Golden Flower tea with President himself

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 12

Too many good things happened. 

Toriel's school met first human students.

They found Monster kids great, i'm happy.

And I, Asgore and President drank tea together.

While talking politics : P

And we celebrated our First year of freedom.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 13

Three important thing happened.

First, Politicans decided to accept monsters like they are humans.

Second, They accepted Royal Guards as Monster Police Force.

And Third, we completed PERCEVENCEs Android body.

She can help Dreemurrs now.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 14

We started researching Justice's soul.

Integrity and Bravery asked why.

Because we will make him as a panic button for Royal Guard.

Direct Justice: If they die, they were guilty.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 15

Prime minister incoming.

We must act best because he is the master of puppets, he is THE KING i am worried about.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 16

Asgore, King of the Monsters, me, One of two heads of Royal scientist, Sans, Royal Judge, Primeminister and President was sitting on a table, drinking Golden Flower tea, talking on our future.

It went well. I think.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 17

We completed Justice Android.

We installed it with Karmic Blasters.

I think he is ready to test drive.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 18

Justice found almost all abilities in his new body. WOW.

He is one of a hell android.

And he became a nightmare if you are bad guy.

And our next project will be CORE upgrade. 

SOULs became sidequest.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 19

Kindness, Alphys and i are completed redesign CORE.

I hope person who made this wont be angry.

I said we would start a little model first.

But my real plan is Searching Him.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 20

Two important thing happened.

First is Toriel's school entered Summer holiday.

That means we have lots of kids, free in the streets for 2 months.

Second is... I found him.

Actually he found me.

haha like they said 'Bevare the man Who talks with hands'.

WingDings Gaster, Builder of the Orginal CORE.

I will going to help Sans i think.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 21


We bring Gaster back from VOID.

He and Sans agreed to help us.

Our Team grew up once more.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO:22

We finally redesigned CORE.

With this plan, CORE can create more energy compared to old plan.

I am feeling like an idiot.

btw we finished Bravery Android.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 23

CORE building continues,

Sans fell new CORE but this time we were prepared for this situation.

Sans is in one piece and gained a new ability from pressured magic of CORE.

I want to test his new ability.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 24

Toriel's school started again.

I am happy to see her students are happy to see Queen Fluffybones.

I and Sans tested his new ability.

I call it Shadowication.

He can become one of the shadows. No light needed.

He started wearing black t-shirt and black sneakers.

I think he became SHADOW!Sans in multiverse.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 25

CORE EX completed.

Humans found a monster who looks like Sans.

We are trying to heal him/her but we only stay him alive.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 26

Gaster wanted to test something.


But he awoke.

well i think this went well.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 27

This month was one of a HELL month.

First Ink!Sans told us who he is.

He is a Anti-VOID being.

He called himself spirit of creativity.

He helps Creators to create a au.

And he wanted to called Ink.

And another Sans came from multiverse.

ERROR!SANS, glitch-black skeleton with tons of errors, came to destroy us.

But He didn't calculated there were 4 OP being. 

We kicked his *ss so hard that i think he will not coming SHADOWTALE (ink called this universe that name) anymore.

For Ink we were newly created.

Everything is nice for me.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 28

Ink should go to a universe called UNDERSWAP if i remember correctly.

I wanna see the multiverse, there is lots of intresting stuff.

And we finished INTEGRITY Android.

There is only Patience left.


She could wait some more month.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 29

We checked CORE EX.

Everything is fine.

The Energy it creates is enough for half of the country.

The bigger Half maybe.

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 30


Well we ate our freedom cake yesterday .

I hope Toriel wont kill me.

Well She didnt kill me yet so im lucky, i guess

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 31

This universe is so peacefull

i dont want any accident that can make a reset

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 32

We finished some of Alphys' Anime collection

Alphys wanted to go Japan

Bad idea. Why? Never nuke a country TWICE

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 33

' It's summertiiiiime'

SAAAAAAANS!! That skeleton is one of the prankster

we upgraded all Androids, and schools are closed again

That means we can see Frisk after a long time

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 34


One of my worst nightmares happened

Alphys found the TRUE power of overworld network

But we need check up CORE EX

Wish me luck: (

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 35

We finished that check-up and posted Alphys with Undyne.

Then we trained our skills.

Gaster is interested in my abilities of dust

And Sans learned Shadowication needs lots of magic to stay active in long term and his soul was untouchable while he was a shadow and it seems like he has more stamina and magic for a longer fight

Shadow Kağan's Journey Entry NO: 36

After celebrating our 3. year of FREEDOM, science gang left Dreemurr gang and went to the Lab. 

And we sat Ink was here and he had a gift for me.

Ink gave me a TARDIS.

Like DOCTOR WHO TARDIS but while his TARDIS is specilized on defence systems, this one specilized on mobility.

And we lost Alphys .

He lost inside of depths of internet.

3 years ... wow

It went eventfull

Well i have a meeting with Dreemurs 

Wish me luck.


that was lond af geez

well this ended well too

i hope Shadow is ok


UNDERTALE and all of its characters belongs to TOBY_FOX aka annoying dog

ERROR!SANS belongs to Lover of Piggies ( i think)

INK!SANS belongs to Comyet (i think again)

SHADOWTALE and Shadow/Kağan belongs to me

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