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(A/n well I'm fucked up I don't know how to write oneshots but I'll try hope you like it)

Cross' POV
Why does nightmare keep giving me the easy job ,horror and dust get all the fun killing monsters and what nut WHILE IM STUCK IN A LIBRARY SEARCHING FOR FILES UGHHHH!!!! You know what fuck it I'm gonna talk to him

nightmare POV
I heard running on the hallway and the door to my room slammed open
"NIGHTMARE WE NEED TO TALK" ugh why now why can't he just leave me alone today don't he remember I hate to be disturb in this time of the year "WHY WONT YOU LET ME GO WITH HORROR AND DUST" so that's why he bothered me, he bothered me for just a stupid reason *sigh* "because I'm the boss now get out" and before he can reply I used my tentacles to push him and lock the doors

Cross' POV
"you know guys it's unfair you all got the fun while I'm stuck here" they just give me a smug smile "not our fault cross" dust said "yeah I know that's why I talk to Nightmare about it" they all turned to me shock and ask me "you talk to Nightmare today?" Said error "yeah why?" I said confused "cross don't you remember Nightmare said never disturb him or talk to him at this time of the year we don't know why but last time someone disturb him he got the beating of a lifetime" error said while dust just shivers oh no what have I done

Cross' POV
  I knock on Nightmare's door and opened it slightly "n-nightmare?" I stutter and look around "i-im sorry a-about earlier" I hear the door slammed shut and the candles lit up "so why did you disturb me again?" He ask which made me even more scared "i-im sorry f-for earlier"he stands up "are you not satisfied in your task?" He asked coldly "I a-am but I l-like horror a-and dust's job" I gulped " no I won't allow you" I'm scared but I couldn't stop my self from asking "why is it because I'm weak?"
No reply " is it because I'm the smallest?" Still no reply "is it because you don't trust me" I saw his hand twitch "ITS NOT THAT SO SHUT UP" if I said I was scared before erase that now I'm hella scared but me being the idiot still ask "t-then why?" I heard him slam his hand on the desk "ITS BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OK" it became silent until he realized what he just said "y-you love m-me?" He blushes "why did you think I put you to find me those files" I got confused "it's because I get to see you again and again when I need a work to be done" now I'm blushing so much and he went closer and closer to me "it's because you're the light in my darkness cross you're my everything" I was about to say something when I felt something on my lips HIS KISSING ME OH MY GOD

Nightmare's POV
His lips feels so soft and warm so warm that I want to keep doing this over and over again but do he love me I need to know so I pulled out and saw a blushing mess "cute" "so are we official?" He just nodded and hug me "well I guess now you know why I protect you"

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