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When Steve first stepped foot on land, he knew very well the consequences of being caught. He was naked on a beach, but was far from cold, despite the sun going down, the harsh wind, and the cold waves crashing against his ankles.

He had stolen clothes from a clothesline someone forgot to bring in in time for dinner. He was dressed in loose and long khakis, but it was really because he was so small and frail. It was his first time wearing clothes and it was uncomfortable, but he understood why humans didn't go around naked.

"Young man," an old lady called.

He turned around, caught in the act of just having stolen clothes and wearing them.

"It isn't safe for a young Selkie to be out here. Come on, boy, let's get you inside. I got a little house on the edge near the ocean."

He froze. Only minutes after coming on land, he was caught. The old lady turned around, hobbling on a cane.

"Are you coming or what? How is an old lady supposed to take your damn pelt? Get your ass over here."

He followed her after her, tucking his pelt behind him inside his pants and shirt. He caught up to the old lady easily and she huffed at that but said nothing as she led him to her house. She opened the door and walked in, forcing him to sit down.

"Your first time on land?" she asked, moving to the kitchen to brew something on the stove.

"Yes," he answered.

"Oh - you do speak."

She came back with a cup of steaming liquid and handed it to him. He grabbed it but looked at it, hesitating.

"You drink it," she said. "It's some simple brew. Herbs, all that crap."

He hesitantly brought up to his lips and sipped it.

"You know, if I weren't such a good person, I could have poisoned you." Seeing the look on his face, she laughed. "But I didn't. My daughter is spending time with her friends at their house. She would have liked you."

"How did you know I was..."

"A Selkie? Boy, I'm a Witch. Nothing gets past me," she retorted. "Why are you on land?"

"I heard of a war coming to the oceans. I wanted to help," he explained.

"Your folks know you're here?"

"My dad died long ago. My mom died just last week," he murmured.

"Small boy like you ain't gonna survive the war," she pointed out.

"I want to help," he declared.

She stared at him for a moment. "I'm sure you'll help someone. You should find a good place to hide your pelt. Don't want no one owning you now."

Steve was happy the old lady was the first human he ever met. Days after, with help from her, he went out to help in the war, eventually becoming a test subject for a serum. It made him strong and he felt proud that he was able to protect his people and his own pelt better.

Before he was sent out on the Valkyrie with his best friend, Bucky, he went out to visit the old lady once more. When he knocked on the door, the old lady opened it, smiled, and nodded in appreciation.

"You've grown, boy."

He smiled at her. "I did."

He hid his pelt outside her house underneath the dirt in a box with bushes hiding on top. He never made it back from his mission. Seventy years later, he was rescued from the ice in a new world. After the attack on New York, he visited the little house again, except when he knocked, a younger woman came to the door.

"Oh - my grandma told me about you, Captain Rogers," she said. "And so did my great-grandma. She'd tell stories about you, but never who you were." She winced. "I just knew. I'm afraid you didn't come back in time. The funeral was held years ago."

Steve could feel the tears blooming. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." She looked down at her legs where a child was hugging her legs, looking up at Steve."I have someone to keep me good company."

And once Steve looked down at the child, finally noticing her, he knew he was in trouble because he had imprinted on her. His whole life, he had been waiting for that moment - the person he would imprint on, even though he knew it was simply instinct.

"What's her name?" he asked.

The woman smiled. "Florence."

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