Chapter 10 Loki Slap Me

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"Ugh" I groaned as I still felt pain from my waist.

I slowly got up.

I went out holding my waist, and was greeted by Stormfly as she licked my cheek.

"Good morning girl, can you fly me to the great hall?" I asked and she already leaned down for me to get on her slowly.

I opened the gigantic wooden doors to the Great Hall with a bit of struggle.

I groaned as I was done pushing it.

"Astrid!" I heard someone yell.

"Yeah give me a minute" As I waited for the pain to wash away.

"Let me help you" I breathed in the familiar scent of someone I love dearly, yes. Hiccup.

He placed his arm around my waist gently and placed my arm around his shoulder.

"Thanks you" I thanked him.

"Anytime" He smiled and guided me to where the others were. We sat down.

"Morning guys" I greeted the others.

"Heard what happened to you, Hiccup here told us" Snotlout said.

"Really? You don't even know what happened" I snapped remembering that Hiccup didn't even believe what really happened to me and Merida. But nooo he always has to take the bad guy's side.

"We do, Merida did that to you" Ruffnut shrugged.

"NO! Don't listen to him because he doesn't believe that Merida actuall--wait what?" I was shocked.

"Hiccup told us that Merida did this to you" Tuffnut said.

I looked over at Hiccup.

"I thought you said that she would never do anything like that?" I asked him.

"I realized that I'd trust the girl I knew my entire life, than a girl I only met five years ago" He smiled and I smiled too. I also noticed that his arm hasn't left my waist from earlier.

Who's complaining? Definitely not me.

"I'm hungry" I groaned.

"Got it!" Hiccup stood up and walked away.

"Dude have you kissed him yet?!" Fishlegs asked dumbfounded that Hiccup was suddenly acting this way. Don't worry, I was too.

"No, I don't know why he's acting this way" I replied.

"Maybe he's starting to like you again!" Ruffnut clapped.

"I don't know, that seems impossible don't you think?" I asked them.

"Why impossible? The feelings were originally for you, not Merida. Maybe his feelings are beginning to find their way back to you again. He's been having visions right?"

I nodded. I guess Snotlout's right. Maybe he's finally coming back to me.

"I guess you're right Snot" I said.

"Don't call me that! Darn you make me sound so gross" Snotlout groaned.

"You ARE gross" Tuffnut chuckled.

"Shut up, you're disgusting" Snotlout slapped Tuffnut's shoulder.

"Guys stop" Ruffnut groaned.

"And you're annoying" Snotlout smirked at Ruffnut.

"And you're irritating!" Ruff yelled back.

"Hey! You're irritating!" Tuff yelled at Ruff.

"Who you calling irritating, you filthy pig!?" Ruff said to Tuff.

I like to see these fights.

"Hey got your food" Hiccup whispered as he sat down and noticed the three fighting.

"Gosh thanks Hiccup! I love you! I'm starving like a--" I widened my eyes as soon as I realized what I just said.

He chuckled and placed his arm back around my waist. I blushed furiously. What's happening right now?!

"You Snotty are gay!" Tuff chuckled.

"You're a laaady" Snotlout replied to Tuff.

"You're a wimp!" Ruff fought with Snotlout.

"You guys are annoying" Fishlegs said.

"And you're fat!" They all said.

"At least I can roll over you guys" He smirked.

"Not if I place needles on the ground" Tuff smirked.

"You wouldn't survive holding a needle" Snotlout said to Tuff.

"You'll probably deflate when you touch a needle" Ruff smirked as she said to Snotlout.

"Hey! At least I'm not a gigantic pin cushion!" Snotlout gestured to Fishlegs.

"Hey! Why you picking on me you sticks!" Fishlegs yelled.

"We're not sticks, we are poles thank you very much" Tuffnut replied.

"Yeah Tuffnut but not very 'tuff' poles" Ruffnut giggled.

"Shut before I spit on your eye"

"Shut up before I spit on your grave after I kill you" Ruffnut said.

Me and Hiccup were just literally there, watching the 4 argue.

"Wanna get out of here?" Hiccup whispered.

"Yes, before it gets graphic" I whispered back and grabbed the chicken leg Hiccup gave me.


"Why aren't you with Merida so much?" I asked him.

"She just left the day you got hurt, said she had to attend to important matters back at home" He said.

So Merida's gone?! Yes! Oh my gosh.

"I'm sorry Hiccup, this must be hard. You're girlfriend leaving you and--"

I got cut off.

Hiccup is kissing me. On the lips people.

I widened my eyes to see Hiccup's closed.


It didn't take me that long to kiss back and hold him tight as he poured all his emotions from the past years he was gone. He was so gentle and passionate with it, he took his time too.

After seconds, I pulled away.

"Hi-Hiccup what-why-how---"

"Shhh" He pecked my lips.

"How" I asked him.

He chuckled and hugged me around my waist, his face burying into my neck.

"I have visions whenever I'm with you Astrid. And whenever I'm with you, I feel so strong. So very, strong. And I remember all the things we used to do together. I'm very thankful that I had these memories Astrid, or I wouldn't have come back to you. It's all because of you, you helped me. Thank you" He said, I felt a tear on my neck running down.

I hugged him very tight. I had tears of pure joy too.

"I-I can't believe it" I whispered.

"Looks like I loved you more than anything. And I still do. I knew Merida wasn't the one, everything just felt off. But when I'm with you, I feel like I'm home" He said kissing my neck.

"I feel the same way Hiccup, no matter what happens, I'll always be by your side. Fighting for you" I whispered and he chuckled.

"I'll fight harder" He said, still not letting go of me.

"And Astrid?" He asked.

"Yes Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III?" I replied.

"I forgot to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I love you too"




I'm crying.

And don't worry, story doesn't end there ;)

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P.S. I love you guys.


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