Chapter 12 What To Do?

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"Huh" I groaned while waking up, feeling a throbbing pain on my head.

"Well hello Hofferson" Someone said and I snapped my eyes open. I tried to move but I couldn't. Someone tied my hands and legs to the chair.

"Who are you?! Come out before I slit your throat!" I threatened.

A figure stepped out of the shadows and I noticed the familiar untamed orange hair.

"Merida! I thought you were gone for good" I growled.

"You thought I was going to leave without what I want? " She smirked.

"And what DO you want?" I glared at her.

"Hiccup, Berk, the dragons" She smiled.

"Hmph, good luck wanting what you can't have" I scoffed.

She got pissed off and came closer to me.

"Look here, Hofferson. Unless you don't want anything to happen to Hiccup, Berk or the dragons, I suggest you stay away from Hiccup" She said.

I shook my head.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Easy. Hiccup loves you. He would do anything for you, in fact, EVERYBODY LOVES YOU" She growled.

"So when you're gone, I could be the one comforting Hiccup and maybe I'll spare Berk" She laughed mischievously.

"Never" I spat.

She placed her hands on her head and groaned.

"Fine let me cut to the chase here. If you won't stay away from Hiccup,I'll poison the people here. I'll put it in their drinks, one by one. Haha, you won't even know it" She smirked.

"And, I'll give the love potion to Hiccup again and poison Stoick" She smiled and nodded.

"But if you let me have him, Hiccup, everybody, I won't hurt any of them" She winked.

"Your choice" She smiled like a mad man.

I growled.

"I'm not staying away from Hiccup. He loves me!" I growled.

She scoffed.

"Don't forget what a little drop of potion can do" She smirked.

"Don't bring the townspeople in this matter"

"Oh but where's the fun? I know you're never surrendering Hiccup that easily. While I'm at it, I might pay a visit to that Stormfly of yours" She said.

"I will never let you do this!" I yelled trying my hardest to break free of the ropes.

"Fine Astrid! Don't listen to me! Hope you enjoy watching the people get poisoned one by one. And if I were you, I wouldn't tell a living soul about our conversation now, unless you want your dragon dead. I WILL do that Astrid"

I glared at her.

"I'm never surrendering Hiccup to you" I growled.

She approached me and untied the ropes with her arrow.

"Fine Astrid, I'm not forcing you. Looks like you want the townspeople dead" She said walking to the window.

"Well, I'll see ya. I'll be...... Around" She winked and with that, she disappeared.

I fell to the floor.


What do I do?!

If I don't stay away from Hiccup, she'll hurt everybody.

If I stay away, everybody will be safe, but it'll be me and my broken heart.

If I tell the others about this, they might not believe that Merida's back. But if they do, they might tell Hiccup and Hiccup wouldn't believe me because he sees Merida as a great girl.

I can't get out of this.

I might just tell the others, and have them not tell Hiccup. Then we can protect Berk, I don't know how the 5 of us can protect a town so big, but we'll do it.

I'll do that. I'm never staying away from Hiccup, I just got him back.

Somebody help me.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Astrid?! Babe?!" I heard Hiccup say and I ran to the door to open it.

I was engulfed in a big hug by Hiccup.

"Woah, what happened?" I asked hugging him back.

"Ruffnut told us you were picking up Stormfly's saddle and when we saw Stormfly alone, we knew something was up. And when we came here, the door was locked shut" He said.

"Uh yeah, I couldn't find the saddle" I lied.

He kissed me and hugged me, burying his face onto my neck.

"I'm just glad you're okay" He whispered.

"Don't worry about me" I whispered stroking his hair.

"I love you Astrid" He whispered.

"I love you too" I replied.

I love you too much to let you go.


Big plot twist.


I hope you guys still like the story. It was my plan to do this. If you guys don't like it, just tell me and I will change some parts.

I just want you guys to be happy :)

But I thought this twist would leave you cliffhanged so I did this.

Just tell me guys okay?

I love you!


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