Chapter 13 We'll Kick Scottish Butt

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By now, I have just finished telling Snotlout, Ruff, Tuff and Fishlegs what just happened. We were at the Great Hall .

Good thing Hiccup needed to tend to his father's weapons.

"That Merida has to get her head cut off!" Fishlegs pounded the table.

"And her wild hair too!" Tuffnut added.

"Yeah! Like, have you ever heard of a brush?" Ruffnut said.

"It has a mind of it's own. It's so, alive" Snotlout gestured.

"Ugh stop talking about the hair and talk about what we are going to do" I said.

"We have to do some night watch, take turns every night" Fishlegs suggested.

"Why night?" I asked.

"Because, it's the time every villain strikes right?" He shrugged.

"Good point, alright, night watch" I approved.

"And we could just steal everyone's cups, that way, they won't be able to drink anything!" Tuffnut confidently said.

Ruffnut pushed Tuffnut off the chair.

"That's a stupid idea" She snapped.

"Well I think it's better than night watch" He grumbled.

"We can't just not let people drink" I replied.

"I'm sorry I got you into this guys. I think, I should just stay away from Hiccup. I guess it's the only way" I whispered.

"What? You're not even going to try to fight?" Snotlout half yelled half whispered.

"I don't want anyone hurt" I replied.

"Look, don't give up on Hiccup, Astrid. You guys are too in love to let anything happen to your relationship" Fishlegs said.

Oh Thor he sounds like a girl right now.

"Yeah! You're right! I promised him I'd fight for him. I'm never giving up on him. We will hunt down that wild-haired beast, and stop her once and for all" I said.

"That's the spirit! Yeah! Finally some bashing!" Snotlout put his fists in the air yelling.

Everybody looked at Snotlout.

"Sorry" He apologized and sat down.

"So, I'll take the first night watch guys" I volunteered.

"Alright, I'll take second" Snotlout said.

"We'll take last" Ruff and Tuff said together.

"Well I'm after Snot I guess" Fishlegs shrugged.

Snotlout threw a cup at Fishlegs.

"Don't call me that!" He growled.

"Face it, that's what I'm calling you from now on" Fishlegs stuck his tongue out.

"Put that tongue in your mouth before I cut it with Tuffnut's face" Snotlout threatened.

"Hey! Shut up Snotty!" Tuff pushed Snotlout off the seat.

"Ugh guys I'm not even..." I groaned and left the others there.


I came out of the Great Hall only to be picked up bridal style by Hiccup himself.

"Hello m'lady, was just looking for you" He spun me around. I giggled.

"And why were you looking for me?" I asked as he put me down and places his arms around my waist.

"Why? Can't I wonder where my favorite girl is?" He asked.

I smiled and studied his face. I placed my hands on his face. He had the most gorgeous eyes a boy could have. His cheeks always had these pink tints in them and his lips always looked so pink and plump no matter what he does with them.

If Merida really does poison everybody, she'll have this angel all to herself.

If I really have to stay away from this boy, I don't know what I can do. He's my everything, and I just can't bear not being with him,

"You're thinking deeply, m'lady. What are you thinking about?" He asked kissing my nose.

"Nothing much. Just how happy I am to have you back" I whispered and hugged him tight. He hugged me tighter and lifted me up.

"And I'm the happiest, Astrid" He whispered back. I teared up a little and we pulled away.

"Are you crying?" He asked.

"No, just happy I guess"

"Don't cry, beautiful" He said.

"Hm" I smiled back.

"Well, why don't we hang out tonight? Just you and me" He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Hiccup I would-"

I then remembered I'm first watch tonight.

"---but I can't. I'm sorry. I have to do something, but tomorrow for sure?" I asked. I hated turning him down but if it was for the safety of everybody, I will.

"That is fine m'lady" he kissed me.

"I'll see you tomorrow? Bright and early? Awake and beautiful?" He asked.

"Alright alright, just stop" I teased punching his shoulder.

"Goodbye Hiccup" I waved as he walked away.

"Goodbye beautiful!" He yelled and I watched him disappear.

I sighed and looked at the sun. It's almost sunset. I did a whistle that I made for me and Stormfly, and within seconds, she was right in front of me.

"Let's pull an all-nighter, babe" I kissed her cheek and she growled.

I mounted on her and we took off, taking watch on Hiccup's area first.


It's now probably midnight. I'm on a hill overlooking Berk and Stormfly is right beside me, getting some shut eye.

I scanned the dark roads of Berk, thinking of where Merida could be hiding.

I faintly heard the 'bah's of the sheep.

It has probably been like this for the rest of the night. And as soon as I saw the sun, I fell back into the soft grass, and closed my eyes.

"BAAAAAH" I heard a sound and I shot up breathing heavily.

"WHAT IN THOR WAS THAT?!" I panicked.

"A sheep" I looked to see Bucket with Mulch beside him.

"Oh, uhm sorry. I'll go" I quickly sat up and ran away. Where in Loki's name was Stormfly?!

I arrived at my house to go freshen up.

After I did, I came out, probably having dark eye bags.

"Oy Astrid" I heard someone call. I snapped my eyes open and I saw Snotlout.

"What?" I rudely said.

"I was thinking you didn't get some sleep lastnight" He smirked.

"Shut up, it'll be your turn soon" I spat.

"Woah cranky pants" He said putting his hands up in defense.

"HEELP HELP! My brother! Poisoned!" A random viking ran through the streets.

I had a very bad feeling now.

"Come on Snotlout" I said running to the guy.

"What happened?" I asked the viking.

"Me brother, he was fine before he slept but when he woke up, he was pale and he couldn't move!" He said to me.

I looked at Snotlout and he looked at me.

He pulled me away and we went to a quiet corner.

"I thought you kept watch!" He said.

"I did! There was no one there!" I replied.

"Then why is that guy's brother poisoned all of a sudden?!"

"I don't know! I don't know!" I replied punching the house right next to me.

There was silence. And the only sound were the people's chattering.

"This is my fault. Merida really wasn't kidding" I closed my eyes.

"Hey, we'll get through this, together. We will kick that Scottish butt" He put his hands on my shoulder.

I nodded.

Or I could just do what Merida wants, and no one will get hurt.


Guys complete dilemma here.

Can you think of ways on how the gang can beat Merida. I'm trying to think of a way but I don't think my ideas are good enough. I already have one in mind, but idk if its good enough :/

PLS INBOX ME OR SOMETHING! But you don't have to if you don't want :)

Comment what you think ;)

I love you guys


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